Economy: America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People


Jun 23, 2004
America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People
In a new book, The Vanishing Middle Class: Prejudice and Power in a Dual Economy, Peter Temin, Professor Emeritus of Economics at MIT, draws a portrait of the new reality in a way that is frighteningly, indelibly clear: America is not one country anymore. It is becoming two, each with vastly different resources, expectations, and fates.​

Here is an article that is accurately, in my view, providing context towards the status of the American economy, and the resultant voting blocs and election upsets rising from it. Many partisan people want to play up racism of their opponents for the 2016 upset, while ignoring the plight of the downtrodden. If you think the American people live in a blissful paradise, you haven't been paying attention.

Economic dog whistles on China, Trade, and Jobs played a major role in 2016, and if you don't understand that people are suffering in the first place, then congratulations on being the upper 20%... now let me show you the rest of America, pain and all.
And far as economics goes, it's not just America with devastating labor trends.
While Capitalism is best for the free market flow of goods and services, it's also beset by feast and famine. Now, America prided itself GREATLY on the Post-War economic boom. A generation grew up drunk on the wealth and power that rose from having a strong middle class. Americans felt they had mobility, they had the American dream. They feel that no longer.

Efficiency. It is the simple nature of Capitalism to concentrate wealth and hire only the cheapest labor possible. Once thriving economies built on good paying jobs, are now hollow shells of their former selves. Prices, the cost of living, rises every year... wages have not kept pace in over 40 years. Productivity Rises, Wages do not. One of countless examples, my father was a Machinist and sees jobs advertised for the same hourly wage they had 30 years ago.

This is predatory, but it's also perfectly natural for our system. What it requires is consumer protection. Today what we have is little to none. What we do have is entirely ineffectual. We spent a lot of tax payer dollars to tread water, and to slowly sink into the abyss of income inequality. Where the poor get poorer. Where the Middle Class is eliminated. And the rich get richer.

When someone speaks of Income Inequality, what they really want is a return to the America of old, where people could make a decent living and find economic security. However, the path to achieve that in today's world is going to look different than in the 1950s and 60s. We cannot rely on an industry that dropped its labor, or shipped overseas. American productivity is higher than ever, but is divesting itself from labor, from its consumers.

This is a disease afflicting Capitalism, where people are left behind. What we need is to patch it up, to fix it by saving it from itself. To keep our consumers, our people, strong and healthy. The only solution I know is to create a strong economic safety net. Wealth will never trickle down, what we need to do is raise taxes and send our money from production straight back into our people. Return to them the value they once enjoyed, when people said America was great.

If you want to Make America Great Again, start by fixing the economy. Start by giving people more. Start with basic income.


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
I would like to see a relatively simple solution, like a law that says that if you sell maybe $5M or more of your products in the U.S. that at least half of your manufacturing must be based here. Some "foreign" car companies have located manufacturing here for various reasons with positive results, endearing them to domestic consumers. Why not "American" companies like Apple, Microsoft, Frigidaire, etc.?
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
I would like to see a relatively simple solution, like a law that says that if you sell maybe $5M or more of your products in the U.S. that at least half of your manufacturing must be based here. Some "foreign" car companies have located manufacturing here for various reasons with positive results, endearing them to domestic consumers. Why not "American" companies like Apple, Microsoft, Frigidaire, etc.?

Because the labour is to expensive. Which in turn cuts into profits. Which isn't very capitalistic. Also which car companies have moved manufacturing to the US? Also is it a token thing or large scale manufacturing?

The last major car manufacturer in Australia shut down a couple of weeks ago. Now we don't have any. In a way it's a good thing because the taxpayer was subsidising the car industry here for years.

It's a lot cheaper and more profitable to move manufacturing to Asia. Which is what they (GM, Ford and toyota) did.

Most democratic governments don't interfere in what multi national corporations do. In fact they will turn a blind eye to certain shenanigans, cut taxes etc. The government isn't going to do jack shit about companies offshoring to sweat shops in Asia. To increase their profits. Forcing multi nationals to decrease their profits is the antithesis of capitalism.


Jun 19, 2000
Leftists make numerous attempts to destroy capitalism, lament that capitalism is not working and then attempt to fix it by applying socialistic/communist principles.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists hate capitalism when it makes their political enemies successful but love capitalism when it makes their political heroes successful. Because their enemies are enjoying success, they have an overpowering need to tinker with the system under the guise of fairness. When everything turns to shit, they blame the entire system rather than admit they fucked it up.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want open borders. Leftists want masses of unskilled labor to enter the nation. Leftists then lament that wages are falling. Scarcity raises prices. Abundance lowers prices. What would be the result of too much labor? Why won't leftists admit they fucked this up?

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want everybody to own a home. Leftists change laws such that people that shouldn't qualify for mortgages suddenly do. Eventually the house of cards collapses taking the economy down with it. Leftists, unable to admit they fucked it up, blame their enemies.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, either unwilling or unable to face reality, come up with rationalizations explaining why they are not to blame and write books about it. Other leftists, eager to shift blame elsewhere, read these books and within them find justification for their actions blaming the chaos on everyone but themselves. The cycle perpetuates itself.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, seeing an imperfect system attempt to make it perfect and in the process, fuck it all up.

There's no sense going any further because it will just fall on deaf ears.


Oct 18, 2005
Leftists make numerous attempts to destroy capitalism, lament that capitalism is not working and then attempt to fix it by applying socialistic/communist principles.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists hate capitalism when it makes their political enemies successful but love capitalism when it makes their political heroes successful. Because their enemies are enjoying success, they have an overpowering need to tinker with the system under the guise of fairness. When everything turns to shit, they blame the entire system rather than admit they fucked it up.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want open borders. Leftists want masses of unskilled labor to enter the nation. Leftists then lament that wages are falling. Scarcity raises prices. Abundance lowers prices. What would be the result of too much labor? Why won't leftists admit they fucked this up?

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want everybody to own a home. Leftists change laws such that people that shouldn't qualify for mortgages suddenly do. Eventually the house of cards collapses taking the economy down with it. Leftists, unable to admit they fucked it up, blame their enemies.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, either unwilling or unable to face reality, come up with rationalizations explaining why they are not to blame and write books about it. Other leftists, eager to shift blame elsewhere, read these books and within them find justification for their actions blaming the chaos on everyone but themselves. The cycle perpetuates itself.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, seeing an imperfect system attempt to make it perfect and in the process, fuck it all up.

There's no sense going any further because it will just fall on deaf ears.

I would LOL if the delusion in your post wasn't so sad.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Thats what happens when you spend 600 billion on defense and fiddy bucks on education.

this is the real problem. we spend trillions of dollars on wars and then complain when our shit at home falls apart.

We deserve what we get, and a lot worse actually. America is a menace to the wellbeing of the world as whole... mostly because America is run by warmongering conservatives like OP.
Reactions: dank69


Feb 5, 2006
Conservatives now want to drag down America's middle class to give tax cuts to the rich.


Mar 25, 2001
this is the real problem. we spend trillions of dollars on wars and then complain when our shit at home falls apart.

We deserve what we get, and a lot worse actually. America is a menace to the wellbeing of the world as whole... mostly because America is run by warmongering conservatives like OP.

I completely agree we spend far too much on the military and our damned adventures, it’s very naive to blame it on the right (or left) though. The MIC has infiltrated everything, it crosses party lines and constantly needs to be fed. Was there ever a day Barry wasn’t at war?
Reactions: disappoint


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
Leftists make numerous attempts to destroy capitalism, lament that capitalism is not working and then attempt to fix it by applying socialistic/communist principles.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists hate capitalism when it makes their political enemies successful but love capitalism when it makes their political heroes successful. Because their enemies are enjoying success, they have an overpowering need to tinker with the system under the guise of fairness. When everything turns to shit, they blame the entire system rather than admit they fucked it up.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want open borders. Leftists want masses of unskilled labor to enter the nation. Leftists then lament that wages are falling. Scarcity raises prices. Abundance lowers prices. What would be the result of too much labor? Why won't leftists admit they fucked this up?

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want everybody to own a home. Leftists change laws such that people that shouldn't qualify for mortgages suddenly do. Eventually the house of cards collapses taking the economy down with it. Leftists, unable to admit they fucked it up, blame their enemies.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, either unwilling or unable to face reality, come up with rationalizations explaining why they are not to blame and write books about it. Other leftists, eager to shift blame elsewhere, read these books and within them find justification for their actions blaming the chaos on everyone but themselves. The cycle perpetuates itself.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, seeing an imperfect system attempt to make it perfect and in the process, fuck it all up.

There's no sense going any further because it will just fall on deaf ears.

Oh, I get it: what you really want is a one-party dictatorship where political differences are illegal. Because screw democracy if it means people disagree with you, right?

It's frankly pathetic how determined you are to scapegoat the entire left and treat politics like a childish game.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
Leftists make numerous attempts to destroy capitalism, lament that capitalism is not working and then attempt to fix it by applying socialistic/communist principles.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists hate capitalism when it makes their political enemies successful but love capitalism when it makes their political heroes successful. Because their enemies are enjoying success, they have an overpowering need to tinker with the system under the guise of fairness. When everything turns to shit, they blame the entire system rather than admit they fucked it up.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want open borders. Leftists want masses of unskilled labor to enter the nation. Leftists then lament that wages are falling. Scarcity raises prices. Abundance lowers prices. What would be the result of too much labor? Why won't leftists admit they fucked this up?

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want everybody to own a home. Leftists change laws such that people that shouldn't qualify for mortgages suddenly do. Eventually the house of cards collapses taking the economy down with it. Leftists, unable to admit they fucked it up, blame their enemies.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, either unwilling or unable to face reality, come up with rationalizations explaining why they are not to blame and write books about it. Other leftists, eager to shift blame elsewhere, read these books and within them find justification for their actions blaming the chaos on everyone but themselves. The cycle perpetuates itself.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, seeing an imperfect system attempt to make it perfect and in the process, fuck it all up.

There's no sense going any further because it will just fall on deaf ears.

There are leftists all over the entire world, not just America. Leftists do not care about lower wages, they care about people. Republicans are bitching about dirty Mexicans stealing their money, not Democrats due to lazy Americans not wanting to work but crying the stupid Dems stole all their money.

Typical Republican lying thru the teeth.

This is a globalist vs nationalist war, not right vs left. Your comrades get it. The white nationalists are forging global ties with white supremacy groups in other countries to formalize a global white alliance. The left realizes the coming of the Fourth Reich and we are taking actions; evidently you cannot see the forest through the trees.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
Because the labour is to expensive. Which in turn cuts into profits. Which isn't very capitalistic. Also which car companies have moved manufacturing to the US? Also is it a token thing or large scale manufacturing?

The last major car manufacturer in Australia shut down a couple of weeks ago. Now we don't have any. In a way it's a good thing because the taxpayer was subsidising the car industry here for years.

It's a lot cheaper and more profitable to move manufacturing to Asia. Which is what they (GM, Ford and toyota) did.

Most democratic governments don't interfere in what multi national corporations do. In fact they will turn a blind eye to certain shenanigans, cut taxes etc. The government isn't going to do jack shit about companies offshoring to sweat shops in Asia. To increase their profits. Forcing multi nationals to decrease their profits is the antithesis of capitalism.

It's not so much the costs of labor as the availability and flexibility of it.

If Apple needs to step up production of the latest iPhone to meet demand, for example, it has an easy time doing that in China. Need 3,000 factory workers? No problem; there are tons of them with just the right level of qualifications, and they'll be ready to start in a week or two.

In the US, however, you may have trouble finding anywhere close to that number of workers, and it'll probably take months to get them all up and running. Those who are qualified at all tend to be overqualified and aren't going to settle for factory jobs. To 'fix' this situation would require a dramatic shift back to that '50s-'60s emphasis on trades over higher education, and that's not going to happen. Trump is certainly too short-sighted and ignorant to consider that: his solution is to blame brown people.

And then there's the inevitable rise of automation. Oh, companies will gladly stop offshoring large chunks of their manufacturing... as soon as they can get robots to do nearly everything. Chinese companies are starting to do it, too. So the notion that the US can revive the middle class based on manufacturing is silly -- at best, it'd be a temporary shift before many of those people lost their jobs. Any recovery has to involve giving the middle-class more sustainable career paths, and making sure their money stretches further.


Nov 11, 1999
Maybe Boomerang can explain how the divergent fortunes of the investor class & working people are because of leftists rather than the economic practice of trickle down economics...


Jun 19, 2006
Leftists make numerous attempts to destroy capitalism, lament that capitalism is not working and then attempt to fix it by applying socialistic/communist principles.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists hate capitalism when it makes their political enemies successful but love capitalism when it makes their political heroes successful. Because their enemies are enjoying success, they have an overpowering need to tinker with the system under the guise of fairness. When everything turns to shit, they blame the entire system rather than admit they fucked it up.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want open borders. Leftists want masses of unskilled labor to enter the nation. Leftists then lament that wages are falling. Scarcity raises prices. Abundance lowers prices. What would be the result of too much labor? Why won't leftists admit they fucked this up?

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists want everybody to own a home. Leftists change laws such that people that shouldn't qualify for mortgages suddenly do. Eventually the house of cards collapses taking the economy down with it. Leftists, unable to admit they fucked it up, blame their enemies.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, either unwilling or unable to face reality, come up with rationalizations explaining why they are not to blame and write books about it. Other leftists, eager to shift blame elsewhere, read these books and within them find justification for their actions blaming the chaos on everyone but themselves. The cycle perpetuates itself.

The root cause of the problem is leftists.

Leftists, seeing an imperfect system attempt to make it perfect and in the process, fuck it all up.

There's no sense going any further because it will just fall on deaf ears.

The correct version.

Righty tighties make numerous attempts to destroy our planet, lament the good old days when men were mean and its not working and then attempt to fix it by applying narcissistic psycho principles.

The root cause of the problem is Righty tighties.

Righty tighties hate justice when it makes their political enemies successful but love justice when it makes their political heroes successful. Because their enemies are enjoying success, they have an overpowering need to tinker with the system under the guise of fairness. When everything turns to shit, they blame the entire system rather than admit they fucked it up.

The root cause of the problem is Righty tighties.

Righty tighties want closed borders. Righty tighties want masses of unskilled labor to mow their lawns. Righty tighties lament having to pay them. Scarcity raises prices. Abundance lowers prices. What would be the result of too much labor? Why won't Righty tighties admit they fucked this up?

The root cause of the problem is Righty tighties.

Righty tighties want everybody to rent homes from them. Righty tighties change laws such that people won't qualify for mortgages. Eventually the house of Righty tighties collapses taking the economy down with it. Righty tighties, unable to admit they fucked it up, blame their enemies.

The root cause of the problem is Righty tighties.

Righty tighties , either unwilling or unable to face reality, come up with rationalizations explaining why they are not to blame and write books about it. Other Righty tighties, eager to shift blame elsewhere, read these books and within them find justification for their actions blaming the chaos on everyone but themselves. The cycle perpetuates itself.

The root cause of the problem is Righty tighties.

Leftists, seeing an imperfect system attempt to make it perfect and in the process Righty tighties fuck it all up.

There's no sense going any further because Righty tighties....


Aug 31, 2002
All you gotta do is open your eyes and see the world in front of you.

I see white dudes in their 20-30's as bums now who look like they were raised middle class. Unnerving.

The opiate epidemic... people have given up on life and can't meet societal expectations so they turn to drugs for refuge.

Dating... is a clusterfuck, and the current dating scene is very reminiscent of 2nd world countries. More cheating, divorce, children out of wedlock, teen pregnancy etc. all on the rise in areas that have been hit hard economically.
Jul 9, 2009
So let's allow another few million untrained, uneducated, unvaccinated, unvetted illegal aliens into this country unfettered by any bounds of decency to make things worse. Oh noes, we can't have all those potential Democrats be stopped!


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Leftists haven't held power in the US since Reagan took power and Boomerang blames the left for the ills of modern America? What a moron.


Nov 11, 1999
So let's allow another few million untrained, uneducated, unvaccinated, unvetted illegal aliens into this country unfettered by any bounds of decency to make things worse. Oh noes, we can't have all those potential Democrats be stopped!

It's remarkable that a Trumpster of the fuck your feelings persuasion would have the gall to even mention decency.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
So let's allow another few million untrained, uneducated, unvaccinated, unvetted illegal aliens into this country unfettered by any bounds of decency to make things worse. Oh noes, we can't have all those potential Democrats be stopped!

You found a dickish way to say it but basically I agree.
Illegal aliens are NOT helping working class Americans. They help increase profit margins for the 1 percenters.
Reactions: VirtualLarry


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Illegal aliens are NOT helping working class Americans. They help increase profit margins for the 1 percenters.
Oh come on. Import the third word... then complain when you live in the third world. Get the with the program.

I'd tell you to stop complaining, but you're supposed to complain. And help the rich import more illegal workforces. And figure out how to give more that you do manage to earn to a wasteful government. That'll have you on easy street (somehow) in no time... well... in a few decades. Possibly. Maybe. Just keep complaining in the meantime.


May 11, 2002
So let's allow another few million untrained, uneducated, unvaccinated, unvetted illegal aliens into this country unfettered by any bounds of decency to make things worse. Oh noes, we can't have all those potential Democrats be stopped!

LMAO you ever apply for an overseas visa? If you ever looked at a US visa form you'd know your entire argument was baseless.

I on the other hand have for my spouse. And I have 5 binders of stuff I needed to present to the embassy and the government to get the "yes" and it included list of vaccinations, medical history, education records, job history, recommendations, income, bank accounts, entire history of relationship and they took a year to vet it all before they said yes ok they qualify for the visa.

But it didn't take you any research to make up shit out of your ass like you usually do. Fake argument, Fake news, Fake propoganda. Guess what it makes you look like an untrained, uneducated, unvaccinated idiot who talks shit without vetting it.
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