ECS NFORCE4-A939 mini review


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999

Very inexpensive as a Fry's bundle and works exactly as it should. This board is a reasonable value for the price. For being "free" with CPU makes it a worthwhile board. Limit of 250MHz system clock.


The point of this "mini review" is to give people an idea of what they can expect when purchasing one of these since most reviewers tend to ignore "bottom feeder" motherboards such as this one. I went to Fry's Electronics on Black Friday to pick up this deal - AMD Athlon 64 x2 3800+ retail box with ECS NFORCE4-A939 motherboard for $279.99 plus tax. Considering the CPU by itself runs $322 at Newegg without a motherboard makes this a hot deal. Most boards perform like any other board with the same chipset so I'm not going to do any benchmarks or anything since you won't learn anything new. Also, the x2 3800+ CPU is just that. Plenty of benchmarks to be found elsewhere.


Nforce4 chipset
1X PCIe 16X
2X PCIe 1X
5.1 Audio
Coaxial SPDIF output
10/100/1000 NIC
3 sets of USB headers plus 4 ports in rear, total 10 ports.
Phoenix/Award BIOS v1.0C

The board is a bit above basic. No firewire, no 7.1 audio, but most other things people need/want.


This is my first socket 939 board and my first board using the Nforce4 chipset so I don't know how standard it is, but this board has more USB ports than just about any other board. I'm accustomed to having 4 on the rear ATX ports plus 4 more (two sets of headers) somewhere on the board. This board has three sets of headers, plus they're right at the bottom of the board - better than some boards with the headers somewhere in the middle.

Overall the layout of the board is pretty nice with the exception (if anybody still uses it) of the FDD port at the bottom below the last PCI slot. The power and IDE connectors are in the "proper" place on the right edge of the board. The SATA connectors are below the IDE connectors, between the CMOS battery and the chipset. The ATX 12v 4pin connector is right behind the PS/2 ports and right on the edge of the motherboard meaning no cables stretching over the CPU.

The chipset fan is pretty noisy and spins at 6000RPM. The good news is that it just clears the PCIe 16x slot so if your video card doesn't have anything sticking out the back of it, you can replace the HSF with a large passive heatsink. Note that this heatsink is held on by wire hooks like those found on some Pentium 4 boards that look like the end of a paper clip sticking through the board. I want to mention this because it seems as if most of the chipset heatsinks are held on by push pins with springs and this one is different.

The CPU socket is far enough away from the top edge of the board and away from the chipset HSF (with PCIe 16x slot below the chipset HSF). This makes for a lot of room to fit large HSFs. I still have a Zalman 7700AlCu cooler that I never used because I couldn't fit it on my other boards. This board looks as if there's plenty of room.

The board can be used with a 20 pin ATX power supply. Indeed there's a sticker over the extra 4 pins that has to be removed to use a "proper" 24 pin power supply.


The BIOS is the typical Phoenix/Award type that many boards use. It has all the "typical" settings and doesn't explicitly try to hide settings like some boards I've seen. I thought the previous ECS board I used, the NFORCE3-A had a lot of "enthusiast" options for an ECS but this one has even better voltage settings. Too bad it is too limited in FSB to make use of those settings.

- clock speed from 200-250MHz in 1MHz increments
- HT Frequency from 1-5x (default 4X)
- Memclock settings of 100/133/166/200MHz
- NO 1T/2T timing setting, manual states will be automatic 1T if only one pair DIMMs in dual channel
- CAS latency 2/2.5/3
- CPU voltage from default to +375mV in 25mV increments
- DDR voltage defaults to 2.63v and goes from 2.55v to 3.11v

Yes you read this right. The Vcore will go to 0.375v above default in small increments, meaning a 1.35v CPU can be pushed to 1.725v!!! Not something you'd want to do on an everyday basis. Somewhat more useful is memory voltage to 3.11v, good for running RAM at full 1:1 speeds and low latencies on an overclock.

Something else of note is that the BIOS rev 1.0C did not properly recognize the CPU. Not the first time I've gotten a combo at Fry's that didn't "match." There are newer BIOS revisions that properly names the CPU. I don't know if it makes a difference since UBCD utilities worked fine. The processor string at POST says:

AMD Hammer Family processor - Model Unknown


I was easily able to get 2.5GHz using the highest 250MHz system bus setting and reducing the memory down to the 166MHz setting. With those two changes alone the CPU was able to run Prime for a few hours, plus the memory will pass Memtest+ (both from UBCD). This makes for an unbelievable bargain at under $300.

The retail box CPU fan ran at 3100RPM. It is the same identical heatsink that came with my Sempron 2600+ but with a different fan. It isn't very quiet, yet also not super noisy. Even after a few hours of Prime the heatsink was just warm to the touch and not even close to being hot. BIOS reported 49ºC after the bout with Prime.


Very inexpensive as a Fry's bundle and works exactly as it should. This board is a reasonable value for the price. For being "free" with CPU makes it a worthwhile board. Limit of 250MHz system clock still allows for 2.5GHz.

With this low of a system clock limit, reaching 2.5GHz with a willing 2GHz CPU was as easy as lowering RAM to 5/6 ratio (166MHz) and raising the system clock to the 250MHz limit.

Unless you are an extreme overclocker, this board is a reasonable choice. For quiet freaks the placement of the Nforce4 chipset allows for easy replacement using a large passive heatsink.

If you are wanting a budget Nforce4 motherboard and do not need frills, this is a great choice.

NOTE: Two people have reported problems with their system locking up randomly using this board and CPU combination. I haven't verified the problem but just beware that it may exist.

12/01/05 UPDATE:

vDIMM in increments of 0.08v (as earlier, just not mentioned)

Finally got in my PCIe 6600GT and am testing with it, plus my new G.Skill 2GB CAS 2 dual channel RAM.

BIOS updated to 1.1a
CPU is now recognized
FSB up to 400MHz 1MHz increments
FSB between 201-210MHz have 0.5MHz increments
Memclock adds 216/233/250Mhz (between 133-166 would be more useful IMO)
Now allows manual adjustments to 1T/2T Memory Timing

My combo will POST at 270MHz but not at 275MHz system bus, even with +75mV and I'm not going to risk more at this point. So, my CPU is running 2.7GHz, RAM at 360MHz dual channel CAS 2 (133MHz setting, HT at 4X, vcore at +50mV and Windows booted right up. I forgot to set it to boot from CD after the last time I cleared BIOS. Memory won't run 450MHz at CAS 2 at any voltage but will run that speed with CAS 2.5 at default voltage. Hmmm, bandwidth or tight latencies??? Well, CPU wasn't Prime stable even though it could boot WinXP. Prime errors immediately unless vcore set to +100mV, then it just takes a minute or two to error instead of immediately. 2.6GHz works at +50mV and memory set to 166 CAS 2.5. Set back down to 2.5GHz and CPU works at default voltage, RAM works at CAS 2 166. Back where I started, except with 2GB RAM at CAS 2. Though 251MHz and up do work, they don't work well. Perhaps I'm limited by my CPU and RAM or perhaps it's the board. I do know that the BIOS doesn't have settings to boost chipset voltage, perhaps a contributing factor. In a few days I shall receive my Abit K8N and 3200+ and perhaps narrow down the problem.

NOTE: Now three people have reported problems with their system locking up randomly using this board and CPU combination. It's an ongoing process, but latest indications are that somehow the board will cause lockups if USB 2.0 devices (external HDD, flash drives) are plugged in. Lockups don't happen immediately but only after anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.


Apr 20, 2000
I got this combo, but haven't fired it up yet. I expect nothing less than the results that you got. :beer:!


Nov 28, 2005
I got the same deal at Fry's. Still trying to decide if I want to build a new system with this MB or not.
While picking up this MB, I noticed there were a lot of returns (ones with the sticker), hope mine is not a dud.
I guess 2.5GHz is not bad. I will probably get a new MB eventually.


Apr 20, 2000
Originally posted by: yukit
I got the same deal at Fry's. Still trying to decide if I want to build a new system with this MB or not.
While picking up this MB, I noticed there were a lot of returns (ones with the sticker), hope mine is not a dud.
I guess 2.5GHz is not bad. I will probably get a new MB eventually.

Just go around looking in other aisles. They usually have brand new ones stacked high in adjacent aisles.

Also debating whether to keep this mobo for use or not... Zap, you think with your gem you'd be satisfied with 'just' 2.5ghz?


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: AkumaX
Also debating whether to keep this mobo for use or not... Zap, you think with your gem you'd be satisfied with 'just' 2.5ghz?

Shhhh, not so loud. :shiftyeyes; < there should be an emoticon for that

The standard Clockgen type software should, ahem, rectify that situation. Still... I ordered a 3200+ and Abit K8N board and plan to test out both CPUs in the Abit board. Unless the 3200+ hits some ungodly speeds and the x2 3800+ was topping out at 2.5GHz, my plan is to put the 3200+ with this ECS board in my wife's computer at maximum 2.5GHz (both chips are 10x multiplier) and run it near silent. Already have plans for replacing stock chipset coolers on both boards with passive units. I also have a Zalman 7700AlCu and a Scythe Ninja... will sort itself out somehow. Funny thing is that though I'll probably try for max overclock, I'll probably run at slower speeds. My A64 2800+ Newcastle will POST at 2.7GHz and run stable somewhere between 2.5-2.6GHz, but I'm running it at 2.4GHz now just to keep stuff quiet. Guess I'm mellowing with age.


Nov 28, 2005
You can update the BIOS with version 1.1a.
Not only the MB will recognize the CPU correctly, you can go up to 400 in clock speed.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: yukit
You can update the BIOS with version 1.1a.
Not only the MB will recognize the CPU correctly, you can go up to 400 in clock speed.


Didn't care about the CPU being recognized because I was gonna put in a 3200+ and put the x2 in an Abit K8N, but higher system bus speeds... I'm there!!! Don't know if I'll have time today, but soon... I'll report back here.


Apr 20, 2000
*sniff* its beautiful...

i just fired it up at 10 x 240 (so i can keep my cheap @$$ Corsair VS in spec) it makes me want to cry..

and yes, it does go up to 400fsb w/ 1.1a! i never tried it until i read yukit's post. i'll bump it up higher once i transition my Sonic Tower over

edit: my core's a toledo (1/2 the cache disabled) yours?

edit again: according to stepping code, my father is (i was derived from) an Opteron 170 :shocked:


Junior Member
Dec 1, 2005
There also seems to be some question about whether USB 2.0 works reliably on this board at least under Windows XP. My brother & I had two of these motherboards that both freeze with heavy USB 2.0 use. Unclear if bad batch, or ECS issue, or even an Nforce 4 issue (this has been reported with other non-ECS boards apparently). Forcing to USB 1.1 made the problem go away, but requires the use of a separate USB 2.0 PCI card then.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Review updated for new BIOS revision and some further overclocking experiments.


Apr 20, 2000
nice update. i just had core 1 fail prime after a couple of hours back down to 2.3ghz in the time being.

they definitely needed something in the middle between 133 and 166, probably 150 would have helped. then you could try 267 cpu @ 3:4, giving ram 200.

i hope increasing vcore will help. but i won't be doing anything more until my Sonic Tower gets on the saddle. YEE HAW!!!

i hope everyone took a picture of their cpu before they stuck it in the board! what kind of steppings do you guys have? here's mine, a Toledo E6:



Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Mine works fine at up to 2.5GHz with the former maximum 250MHz clock. Anything above that needs voltage and 260MHz is highest, with 265 erroring on Prime and 275 not POSTing.

Right now I'm trying to test for general stability in Windows. Got near 4 hours uptime and have a Madonna video playing on repeat off a USB 2.0 flash drive. Clocked at 2.5GHz default voltage, memory at 166 (5/6) for around DDR416 CAS 2 default voltage. Very strange that raising voltage on memory doesn't help - it just stops POSTing after a certain speed at CAS 2, but will keep going at 2.5. Raising vDIMM all the way to 3.11 didn't help so either the memory is just like that or the vDIMM setting doesn't really do anything. Vcore does work because the system health reports higher voltage, plus I get higher clocks, though not much more. Anxiously awaiting my Abit K8N board...


Junior Member
Dec 2, 2005
i set up my mobo n threw in my hd from this comp n windows wont load up!! :Q A blue screen flashes n it reboots right when the windows load screen appears.. anyone have a clue how to fix it?! i hope.. :light:


Oct 30, 2003
Originally posted by: mestisom
i set up my mobo n threw in my hd from this comp n windows wont load up!! :Q A blue screen flashes n it reboots right when the windows load screen appears.. anyone have a clue how to fix it?! i hope.. :light:

Exactly same thing here, one of my friends recomended a fresh install of XP. Only prob is i have lots of data on this drive still.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
nice review Zap and awesome price.. What was it like $276 with a $323 processor? now made into better than 4800+ performance? Wow! happy you got a good chip too BTW - fortuanatly or unfortuantly when that happens you need a real mobo to really stretch it's legs.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Thank you Zebo. It was a Fry's BF sale for $279.99 plus tax (no rebate) for a retail box (aren't they all?) 3800+ and the ECS board. Even if the board turned out to be DOA and I couldn't make the 3 hour round trip to return it, the CPU would still have been a deal. If a vendor suddenly started selling the CPU only for $280, it would be all over the Hot Deals forum.

As for a motherboard that can stretch it's legs... yesterday received an Abit KN8 (I keep saying K8N... dunno why). I'll play with that and report with another mini review. ChiPCGuy did a mini review of the KN8 Ultra and there has been interest in the Ultra and SLI versions, but nobody's mentioned the bottom feeder one.


Senior member
Oct 31, 2000
Just fired up my Fry's special - (ecsa939&x23800) w w2k and it only recognizes 1 processor. I'm assuming I need a bios upgrade,
Can I do that without floppy?


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Yes you can but floppy is easiest. What I did was use an old small hard drive that boots up directly into DOS. Hooked it up on my main computer using a USB adaptor and copied the new BIOS file plus flash utility over, then used it to boot up and flash the new motherboard. There are instructions on the net for using a bootable CDROM or even a USB flash drive - just do a search. The easiest methods, however, are using a HDD or FDD.

BTW, even without recognizing the CPU properly everything still seemed to work fine.


Apr 20, 2000
Originally posted by: kof
Just fired up my Fry's special - (ecsa939&x23800) w w2k and it only recognizes 1 processor. I'm assuming I need a bios upgrade,
Can I do that without floppy?

I installed it when it still said Hammer Unknown, installed windows and used Winflash to flash to 1.1A. Lucky!


Senior member
Oct 31, 2000
Yup - winflash worked - even though the readme with the file said to only do it thru DOS.
Mmmmm 4Ghz folding for the Horde!
By the way - W2K DID NOT recognize 2 CPU's without the flash.


Apr 20, 2000
Originally posted by: kof
Yup - winflash worked - even though the readme with the file said to only do it thru DOS.
Mmmmm 4Ghz folding for the Horde!
By the way - W2K DID NOT recognize 2 CPU's without the flash.

Same for XP, but it still ran (with one cpu recognized)



Mar 31, 2003

anyone wanna post some benchmarks (pcmark05, 3dmark05, pcpitstop, etc)

(asked this in the other ecs thread also)...

still seem low: score - 1980
3dmark05 - 3616 (way low IMO)...
pcmark05 - 4495



Junior Member
Dec 20, 2001
i got the ECS/x2 3800 deal also. I got this cause i was tired of sweating and deaf when using my P4 550 rig. Now it's cool and quiet when i'm using my computer.

anyways i'm running two instances of prime 95 and in speedfan 4.27 does not show which is the processor temp. I have a feeling it's the highest one named "remote". Just want to clarify that it is.

I'm using a Thermaltake tower112 with a 90mm fan in a antec lanboy case with 2-120mm fans (1 in and 1 out).

Is this running a bit hot?

Heres a pic of speedfan

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