[Edge] 1st reports of difference in ps4/xbone performance


Nov 27, 2001
I ran across that article the other day, but when I read it the first time, I missed this part:

Both platform holders are, of course, encouraging developers to take advantage of each console’s unique features (the DualShock 4’s touch pad and Kinect, for example) but there’s little enthusiasm for either among the developers we spoke to. “They really want us to make use of platform specific stuff to give their version a leg up over the other,” said one source. “But unless there’s a good design reason or incentive we rarely do.”

It's always good to see that (some) developers aren't willing to shoehorn in platform-specific features that aren't worthwhile. Seems like they'd just end up being a waste of development time!


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
It's always good to see that (some) developers aren't willing to shoehorn in platform-specific features that aren't worthwhile. Seems like they'd just end up being a waste of development time!

Which is precisely the problem for Nintendo with the Wii U.

If developers aren't making an effort to do something with the tablet gimmick, the version of whatever game is almost certain to always be inferior to its PS4/XB1 counterparts.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010

~50% lead on memory reads.
~50% lead on ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)'s.

....without optimisation for either console:

PS4 1920x1080 ~30fps
Xb1 1600x900 ~20 fps

“Xbox One is weaker and it’s a pain to use its ESRAM,”
"Another described Xbox One’s graphics drivers less charitably as “horrible”."
Somehow I think at first the differnce between the 2 will be large in favor of PS4...

MS will have to lower the prices of their consol to be closer to the PS4 for sales.
The fact that your paying more for something that performs less, is gonna be a turnoff for alot of people.
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Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2007

~50% lead on memory reads.
~50% lead on ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)'s.

....without optimisation for either console:

PS4 1920x1080 ~30fps
Xb1 1600x900 ~20 fps

Somehow I think at first the differnce between the 2 will be large in favor of PS4...

MS will have to lower the prices of their consol to be closer to the PS4 for sales.
The fact that your paying more for something that performs less, is gonna be a turnoff for alot of people.

the real question will be just how different or how much worse the xbone will look or play for the same game. admittedly the article only sourced two developers for possible outcomes:
A: one platform just looks way better for the same title.
B: they deoptimize the better system version for least common denominator performance so they dont have to listen to the complaints from the players.

i havent used consoles in ages, so is there really going to be a backlash if xbox games arent 1080p? is anyone really demanding/expecting 1080@30 or 60 hz?
Oct 19, 2000
i havent used consoles in ages, so is there really going to be a backlash if xbox games arent 1080p? is anyone really demanding/expecting 1080@30 or 60 hz?

If you read a couple of internet gaming forums you would think there will be major backlash but outside of those few hundred people, nobody really cares. The vast majority of people will gloss over when you tell them what resolution and frame rate a game runs at. If it's GTA or Madden or Call of Duty, they don't care, they're just going to play the game.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
i havent used consoles in ages, so is there really going to be a backlash if xbox games arent 1080p? is anyone really demanding/expecting 1080@30 or 60 hz?

possibily but only in the part of the userbase that even know what the difference is. people assumed next gen would be able to render 1080/60 and will be mad if thats not the case. TBH 720/60 is fine and better vs 1080/30
Oct 19, 2000
possibily but only in the part of the userbase that even know what the difference is. people assumed next gen would be able to render 1080/60 and will be mad if thats not the case. TBH 720/60 is fine and better vs 1080/30

I think what a lot of people don't understand is that every next-gen game can be 1080p/60 if the developer wanted to, we just have to deal with what compromises that developer wants to make (or doesn't want to make, as it were). There is also the variable of skill of a development team and time to make their code as sleek as possible.

This is why I don't put much stock into what the resolution is or how much it's being upscaled or what the frame rate is. If the graphics look good to me, then I don't care what resolution it is. If the game doesn't stutter and controls are spot on, then I don't care what the frame rate is. Some people are more sensitive to frame rate issues and I respect that, I understand frame rate complaints more than I do all this 900p hoopla.


Sep 23, 2003
Althought not directly stated but implied from other statements, they should focus on 60hz over the resolution. I'm fine with 360 games still as far as looks.

That said, I'll still buy any single player game available on PC over console counterparts because they run a lot smoother and faster.


Sep 20, 2007
I don't think there's going to be any noticeable difference between the two, at least not at first. Most early games will be direct ports. So far, it seems developers do prefer the PS4. However, that doesn't matter. What does is how much of a carrot Microsoft and Sony are willing to offer to make their console the primary development platform. If MS is simply offering more funding, the Xbox One will suddenly become the greatest thing since sliced bread. Sony has a pretty big stable of in house developers, so they're not as reliant on third parties. The same can't be said for Microsoft. You can bet that they're they're sending cupcakes, beer, and sacks of cash to every publisher on the planet to convince them to go green.

That said, the difference between the Xbox One and PS4 is cut and dry, unlike the last generation. Yes, the PS3 had a faster CPU than the 360, and arguably a slightly faster GPU. However, nobody knew how to optimize for its exotic hardware. This time both systems use an identical platform. The Xbox One has a faster CPU but the PS4 has a faster GPU and significantly faster memory. There's also nothing really stopping Sony from bumping up the CPU clocks to match the Xbone. Seems all MS did was just overclock them instead of replacing the chip entirely.
Oct 19, 2000
There's also nothing really stopping Sony from bumping up the CPU clocks to match the Xbone. Seems all MS did was just overclock them instead of replacing the chip entirely.

From what I understand, the CPU that MS is using is capable of 2GHz, so they weren't actually overclocking them per se, they were seeing good yields and figured they could easily cool them, so they bumped up the speed, still under what they're capable of.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that is the case.


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2000
From what I understand, the CPU that MS is using is capable of 2GHz, so they weren't actually overclocking them per se, they were seeing good yields and figured they could easily cool them, so they bumped up the speed, still under what they're capable of.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that is the case.

Both consoles' CPUs are rated at 2Ghz, running them at less is due to thermal restrictions. Since Sony hasn't officially announced a CPU speed (Microsoft hadn't either when they said the 1.75Ghz speed was an 'upclock', so take that as you will). The only reason it was ever assumed that the console CPUs were running at 1.6Ghz was due to a slide from a Killzone: Shadow Fall presentation that, among other things, showed a CPU speed of 1.6Ghz. That information is pretty old at this point though, and could be outdated and incorrect. No one knows.

The slides also had some memory usage information that has since changed, so like any console development cycle, until Sony either announces final information or we get the systems home (and probably not even really then), most of that information will remain speculation based on glimpses of older documentation.

I believe this slideshow from April is where the data was pulled from. http://www.guerrilla-games.com/publications/
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Dec 12, 2001
If you read a couple of internet gaming forums you would think there will be major backlash but outside of those few hundred people, nobody really cares. The vast majority of people will gloss over when you tell them what resolution and frame rate a game runs at. If it's GTA or Madden or Call of Duty, they don't care, they're just going to play the game.

When looking at games side by side and one at 1080p and one at say 720p it will be noticeably sharper on 1080p. Not that 720p will look bad, but the crispness is ever so slightly not there.

I don't think there's going to be any noticeable difference between the two, at least not at first. Most early games will be direct ports. So far, it seems developers do prefer the PS4. However, that doesn't matter. What does is how much of a carrot Microsoft and Sony are willing to offer to make their console the primary development platform. If MS is simply offering more funding, the Xbox One will suddenly become the greatest thing since sliced bread. Sony has a pretty big stable of in house developers, so they're not as reliant on third parties. The same can't be said for Microsoft. You can bet that they're they're sending cupcakes, beer, and sacks of cash to every publisher on the planet to convince them to go green.

That said, the difference between the Xbox One and PS4 is cut and dry, unlike the last generation. Yes, the PS3 had a faster CPU than the 360, and arguably a slightly faster GPU. However, nobody knew how to optimize for its exotic hardware. This time both systems use an identical platform. The Xbox One has a faster CPU but the PS4 has a faster GPU and significantly faster memory. There's also nothing really stopping Sony from bumping up the CPU clocks to match the Xbone. Seems all MS did was just overclock them instead of replacing the chip entirely.

What you say is true in the first paragraph but thus far every developer interviewed says that Sony is doing it right and made sure the tools, hardware, and software were designed with developers in mind. I've read reports and watched video interviews and they all seem to indicate that it's really easy to work with Sony for the PS4. So if this continues and Sony keeps offering top tier support, there could be a number of teams that work on the PS4 first because if your support sucks and you can't get things working what's the point of taking the cash if it will end up costing you development time in the end? There is work to be done for both platforms anyway, neither is locked in with the development software.

As for the second paragraph, nobody has said the PS4 CPU is slower...in fact everything seems to indicate it is in fact faster too because the CPU and GPU are on one APU. Nobody overclocked, they are running them below their proposed specifications from AMD. If you took that CPU and put it in a PC it would be at a higher clock speed than the consoles are running.
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Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
Interesting how this is panning out. The PR battle was already in Sony's favor back in July, not really sure if this news will sway many other buyers. The reality is that we will be stuck with the hardware for the next 8 years and hopefully Sony can take advantage of the hardware for their exclusive games. Hopefully the trickle-up to PC will also help the PS4 gain some additional fidelity in cross-platform games.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
i havent used consoles in ages, so is there really going to be a backlash if xbox games arent 1080p? is anyone really demanding/expecting 1080@30 or 60 hz?

I think it looks real bad if Microsoft's new console still can't handle full HD.
Oct 19, 2000
When looking at games side by side and one at 1080p and one at say 720p it will be noticeably sharper on 1080p. Not that 720p will look bad, but the crispness is ever so slightly not there.

I agree, but I'll never be looking at them side by side. I'll be looking at one picture if it looks good, I'm fine with it. I'm not bothered by what could have been.

I think it looks real bad if Microsoft's new console still can't handle full HD.

720p is still HD.


Dec 12, 2001
I think it looks real bad if Microsoft's new console still can't handle full HD.

Full HD? It's either HD resolution or SD resolution. There are different HD resolutions. 1280x720 and 1920x1080 are both HD. There is UHD coming with 4k which is 3840 × 2160

There is no such thing as full HD. That was a made up marketing term to sell 1080p. I think it's kind of sad that we still can't get 1080p on consoles 100% of the time when 1080p is standard, but I do understand that with the chosen hardware it isn't possible for every title. I said it before, they won't compete with a PC but of course unless you're not paying attention they don't have to compete with the PC on specs and numbers.
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Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
There is no such thing as full HD. That was a made up marketing term to sell 1080p.

Full HD = 1080p. You "marketing term" argument is pointless since all these terms are made to push units.

Why do you think people starting tagging "HD" to everything?

"HD", "Full HD", "Ultra HD", "4k display"...these are all ways to market to consumers. I agree that using numbers is always better.

That said, it is pretty sad if the next gen can't do 1080p. 720p is looking pretty haggard these days.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
When looking at games side by side and one at 1080p and one at say 720p it will be noticeably sharper on 1080p. Not that 720p will look bad, but the crispness is ever so slightly not there.

What you say is true in the first paragraph but thus far every developer interviewed says that Sony is doing it right and made sure the tools, hardware, and software were designed with developers in mind. I've read reports and watched video interviews and they all seem to indicate that it's really easy to work with Sony for the PS4. So if this continues and Sony keeps offering top tier support, there could be a number of teams that work on the PS4 first because if your support sucks and you can't get things working what's the point of taking the cash if it will end up costing you development time in the end? There is work to be done for both platforms anyway, neither is locked in with the development software.

As for the second paragraph, nobody has said the PS4 CPU is slower...in fact everything seems to indicate it is in fact faster too because the CPU and GPU are on one APU. Nobody overclocked, they are running them below their proposed specifications from AMD. If you took that CPU and put it in a PC it would be at a higher clock speed than the consoles are running.

So, Sony is catching up to MS in developer support.

That has always been a strong point in MS's portfolio, regardless of what people like Blow and Fish have to say.


Dec 12, 2001
So, Sony is catching up to MS in developer support.

That has always been a strong point in MS's portfolio, regardless of what people like Blow and Fish have to say.

No, MS has always been hostile to developers. There is no catching up, Sony has always been more friendly to developers.


Sep 3, 2001
Full HD = 1080p. You "marketing term" argument is pointless since all these terms are made to push units.

Why do you think people starting tagging "HD" to everything?

"HD", "Full HD", "Ultra HD", "4k display"...these are all ways to market to consumers. I agree that using numbers is always better.

That said, it is pretty sad if the next gen can't do 1080p. 720p is looking pretty haggard these days.

and yet 720p would still be a upgrade for most games, and a major upgrade if its 60fps

720p60 upscaled to 1080 will be fine, we'd likely be looking somewhere on the order of at least $200 more (ie original PS3 pricing) for a console that could do 1080p60 without intense optimization and forgiving art direction
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