Originally posted by: majewski9
programming roms is done by machine that physically burns data to the chip. I dont think it is easy to make one so you should just buy one if you really wanted to. It isnt just as easy as that. I am actually suppose to get to burning roms later this quarter I believe so I could shed a lot more infromation on this subject. I do know what the rom burner looks like and I dont think you can simply make one. It also takes an understanding of assembly programming to burn a rom.
Well, a PIC programmer is very simple (a small PCB with about $5 worth of parts) - at least, one that goes to the computers serial ports. Is an EEPROM programmer all that different?
Originally posted by: Mark R
Well, a PIC programmer is very simple (a small PCB with about $5 worth of parts) - at least, one that goes to the computers serial ports. Is an EEPROM programmer all that different?
Depends what kind of EEPROM? Microchip do EEPROMs which are programmed in the same way as a PIC.
I suspect though that the EEPROMs used for BIOS images are parallel - in that they have an address bus and a data bus, and assorted control pins. The Microchip devices have a single 2 wire serial port on which erase/program and read commands are issued. The PC only needs to control 2 signals - easily supplied by a parallel port - no other external parts needed (but recommended for reliability).
You really need the programming specification from the EEPROM manufacturer - there are dozens of different types of EEPROM, and they aren't necessarily compatible. I suspect it wouldn't be too hard to build a programmer based around a PIC. The programming protocol is usually very simple - apply a high voltgae to the programming pin, present the address and data, and clock the write pin, repeat.
So I could probably find that info in a datasheet then?
Of course you don't <I>need</I> the UV, but it's an easy way to carry out mass erasure.
Originally posted by: hakadate
If you are really interested in building an EEPROM programer list your email or My email is btamura@aol.com I will tell you where you build or buy one. It has schematics and software.
It is designed to work in an ISA slot. You could use a 486 computer. The last I heard the cost of the board and parts was about $90. I built one using wirewrap but lost interest before I finished.