Effective cancer cure is found, except you can't have it because of the FDA fraud

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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Well, we were going on back and forward for a while, but this was a nice argument to have. At least we were not arguing about something stupid like Kim Kardashian tits or some other bullshit...
What I was trying to do is to show an interesting documentary move - at least to me.

Edit: If I am a troll, I wish for these forums to have more "trolls" like me...

I'll agree that you do seem to be arguing rather than trolling, I'd only fault you for accepting the propaganda film as gospel without paying enough attention to the naysayers we linked to.

1. There are questions about the doctor's credentials, since Ph.D programs apparently did not exist for his institution during the period he claimed to have received one.
2. Clinical trials by themselves don't prove a treatment works, in fact it's often the opposite.
3. His website only mentions the possibility of one phase 3 trial possibly starting this year, for a specific type of cancer under a special "oprphan drug" program for rare diseases.
4. You can file for and even receive a patent for something that does not work (or works badly, killing all of its users)
5. One patent citing another does not steal from or infringe upon that other patent. It also does not mean the new patent was based upon the older patent in any way, just that they are in a similar area.
6. If, right now, he had a cure that generally worked, on multiple kinds of cancers for a high percentage of patients, it's odd that he chooses to have it be "suppressed" in the US instead of going to another country and making billions there.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
1. There are questions about the doctor's credentials, since Ph.D programs apparently did not exist for his institution during the period he claimed to have received one.

I am tired of arguing,
I've supplied you with a link that answers this question, but you choose not to click on it...
So, there is nothing else that I can do for you...
Given enough time and effort I could debate you further, but I rest my case because I need to move on...
Here is an official document confirming Dr. B's PHD's status...in English

http://www.burzynskimovie.com/images/stories/transcript/Documents/PolandDrBAffidavit.pdf -> right click, open with Adobe Acrobat or with Foxit Reader...Scroll to page2
Does that answer your doubts re: point 1?

And so on and so on and so on...
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Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2008
Wow, OP is a fucking idiot.

You think the FDA has worldwide authority? You think maybe other countries would have this cure if it worked?

Yeah, government loves spending billions on treating cancer patents under UHC. Big pharms has no hold on our politician, so why would this cure be a secret?


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
Wow, OP is a fucking idiot.

You think the FDA has worldwide authority? You think maybe other countries would have this cure if it worked?

Yeah, government loves spending billions on treating cancer patents under UHC. Big pharms has no hold on our politician, so why would this cure be a secret?

There were many cases of brilliant people who went against the system and were ahead of the curve with their inventions, but ultimately they failed because they did not "fit in" for whatever reason...
Nicola Tesla would be a great example of that - he was a very eccentric man and a poor businessman, but he was super brilliant in terms of his patents and inventions. But he died broke and FBI too over his work...


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
I am tired of arguing,
I've supplied you with a link that answers this question, but you choose not to click on it...
So, there is nothing else that I can do for you...
Given enough time and effort I could debate you further, but I rest my case because I need to move on...
Here is an official document confirming Dr. B's PHD's status...in English

http://www.burzynskimovie.com/images/stories/transcript/Documents/PolandDrBAffidavit.pdf -> right click, open with Adobe Acrobat or with Foxit Reader...Scroll to page2
Does that answer your doubts re: point 1?

And so on and so on and so on...


I don't know anything and decided a couple videos taught me everything about patents, clinical trial and proving scientific technology. Even after people who have obviously first hand experience with the system posted at length, I've decided to ignore them because I would rather believe 'Big Government' is out to screw me over rather than step back and not be a moron. I can't hear you nya nya nya...


Oct 18, 2009
No one can be stupid enough to believe this crap right?

Seems we have at least one gullible sucker on the board.

Now, about the poor old doctor's "unwarranted" prosecution about his "wonder cure", it seems to me, after reading and watching all this crap (and I remember him from his mid-1980's grandstanding), his persecution stems from selling unapproved drugs as a cure for a disease.

Amazingly, doing just that has been against the law in the U.S. for almost 100 years, which is why we don't have drug store shelves lined with the old patent medicines any longer.

But I guess the OP is just oblivious to that fact....to sell a drug as a cure for a disease in this country, it has to be approved for sale by the FDA. And the FDA even helps researchers get their drugs/concoctions approved for sale, esp. with the fast track approval system that was set up decades ago.

And this doesn't even touch on the fact the doctor's manufacturing facility at his "research facility" failed to meet the minimum requirements laid down by the FDA for pharmaceutical manufacturing....I guess just another way to keep the poor doc down, although all drug manufacturers have to meet the minimum standards for manufacturing drugs. Guess since the doctor is an "alternative" researcher, these standards shouldn't apply to him like they apply to every other drug manufacturer in this country. Guess he's just too special to follow the standards and guidelines required of everyone else.

But I suppose to a layperson, the poor old doctor's pleas in his movie do sound logical and overwhelmingly reasonable. To someone with a tad of a medical/science background, much of his history and lack of success is troubling.

Why does he refuse to partake in testing using established standards? His clinical trials, if my reading is correct, shows that he just picks and chooses what he'll follow in setting up trials despite rigid rules being in place for these trials. (The rules and regulations are there because of many past faux pas in testing and approving drugs that eventually made it to consumers, only to find out later that the drugs either really didn't work or had such devastating side effects that the drug should never have made it to market...thalidomide is one example.)

Instead, he seems to only want to test his way, trying to shortcut and sidestep the procedures that do, in fact, help protect consumers from the worst of the quack or ineffective or dangerous drugs on the world market.

As to his patents being stolen....that comment just made me laugh. I did read most of the patents the OP linked and followed the poor doctor's patents that were cited within the main patent applications, and almost in every case, the poor old persecuted doctor's patent that was cited was only remotely applicable to the main patent, and usually only because the doctor had described a method of distilling something out of another substance, usually urine. So, in essence, what does appear is the researcher physician who was citing the poor persecuted doctor's patents was doing so only to cover any similarity in methods involved with distilling substances, be they human or synthesized.

I found not one patent from one researcher that was identical or even similar to any work done by the poor, persecuted doctor.

And as for his assertion that he's millions of dollars in debt......guess that's why the gullible people are spending upwards of $200K a year for his treatment....I seem to remember an average of $10K/month as a figure being quoted as the cost for his "treatment".

And where are all his cured patients? I see prior patients of his dying and their survivors lamenting their loss....wonder why they were all dying of the same cancers that the poor, persecuted doctor supposedly cured? Guess his "cures" only work as long as the patient's wallets have money in them....as it seems the patients run out of money long before any cure happens.

Wait.....I hear something.


When it smells like a fraud, walks like a fraud, talks like a fraud, it adds up to be a fraud. (And let's not bring up the fact that the poor, old misunderstood persecuted doctor has actively engaged in fraud against insurance companies by having patients and himself represent and file insurance claims for his "treatments" as being chemotherapy while the treatments are at best experimental drug therapies, something most insurance companies won't cover except under unusual circumstances. That's why clinical trials are held....to determine if the drug works. Once that's done, and the drug/treatment's approved, the ins. co's. usually fall right into line and approve payment for treatment, instead of having to cheat, lie, and fabricate facts to get the ins. co's. to pay for the drug/treatment.)

I put him into the same category as the chelation therapy "cure" for heart disease proponents from the '70'snd '80's that had just as much success as he's having.....zero. Then again, as they say, even a blind squirrel gets lucky and finds an acorn once in a while, and so even with this quack, errrrr, doctor, soemtimes it appears he gets lucky with someone actually surviving and the doctor gets the credit.....even when the cancer is a very easily cured/survivable cancer, like his "miracle cured" bladder cancer victim.

(Bladder cancer is one of the most easily treated and survived cancers out there, so getting his bladder cancer survivor to parade around, touting the poor, persecuted doctor's miracle cure holds absolutely no water at all. Who knows, the cancer may have gone into spontaneous remission by itself....it happens more than you think.)

Honestly, if his cure is that good, why the steadfast refusal over the decades to engage in real, double blind studies to see if his cure works? I know they're hard, costly, and time consuming, but the payoff at the end can be tremendous. To refuse really sets off alarm bells and waves red flags......justly, in my opinion.
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Golden Member
Jul 27, 2010
Pretend for a minute that this cancer cure works, and all of the world governments have not met in a back room to decide to keep letting millions suffer and die. That is, at least one nation doesn't hate its citizens and want them to suffer.

Let's pretend it is Canada, because they're stereotypically nicer than us.

Unlike the US, there is no FDA, so he is allowed to cure tens of thousands of Canadians, and is given millions of their almost-dollars.

What happens next?

Tens of thousands more people fly in to Canada for a "vacation", bringing suitcases full of gold, euros and real-dollars!

Everyone is cured, the doctor is very wealthy, and all of the other evil countries shake their fists.

Why hasn't this happened? Perhaps they're all in on it, every country including all of the ones with socialized medicine and all of the ones that don't even have a big pharma to call their own.

Or maybe the "cure" doesn't work as well as you think?

One key difference is that Facebook exists and is used by hundeds of millions of people and generates billions in revenue. Why hasn't anyone "copying" this "cure" made a working cure of their own? Why no "Cancer is Cured!" headlines in the news?

well said!


Oct 18, 2009
Well, I see my questions were answered just as I thought they would be.....not at all.

Guess that describes the poor, persecuted doctor's claims, too......a complete zero.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Pretend for a minute that this cancer cure works, and all of the world governments have not met in a back room to decide to keep letting millions suffer and die. That is, at least one nation doesn't hate its citizens and want them to suffer.

Let's pretend it is Canada, because they're stereotypically nicer than us.

Unlike the US, there is no FDA, so he is allowed to cure tens of thousands of Canadians, and is given millions of their almost-dollars.

What happens next?

Tens of thousands more people fly in to Canada for a "vacation", bringing suitcases full of gold, euros and real-dollars!

Everyone is cured, the doctor is very wealthy, and all of the other evil countries shake their fists.

Why hasn't this happened? Perhaps they're all in on it, every country including all of the ones with socialized medicine and all of the ones that don't even have a big pharma to call their own.

Or maybe the "cure" doesn't work as well as you think?

One key difference is that Facebook exists and is used by hundeds of millions of people and generates billions in revenue. Why hasn't anyone "copying" this "cure" made a working cure of their own? Why no "Cancer is Cured!" headlines in the news?

pretty much yea...if op really believed he could sell his house and all his belongings, fund a trip to china with this guy and make a deal with the cpc. even half the profits off a billion is still good money after all if it works. plus labor is cheap and you even have prison inmates to test on.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2005
The same thing happen with Nicola Tesla's work...
After his death, the government just grabbed all of his patents and work and locked them in a secret vault...
Now a similar thing happens to Dr. Burzynski...
Shame that more two decades was lost trying to discredit his work, rather than cooporate with him fully, give him grants, and cooperate with his clinic...

Big pharma and gov suck...

Now I know to completely ignore you.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
adlep, perhaps I can attempt to explain this part of the patent process to you. What if we were back in the horse riding days and someone patented a particular 4 wheel vehicle that was powered by a motor that it turns out, ended up exploding within 2 to 3 weeks, killing all passengers in the vehicle? If someone else came up with a 4 wheeled vehicle with its own power source, they WOULD list that prior patent within their own. There are plenty of things that have been patented which turned out to be ineffective; but improvements on those inventions HAVE been fruitful.

Now, on to a bit of logic:
He claims that the FDA is stopping him? The F in FDA stands for "within the United States." He's free to go to Europe, or anywhere else on this planet to promote his drugs. And, like many others, you claim that big pharmaceutical companies are all out to stop him. That defies all logic and common sense. Imagine if I found a 100% certain cure for all types of cancer, or hell, even just for a handful of common cancers - do you have any idea how much that cure would be worth? Pharmaceutical companies would be FIGHTING over purchasing that patent from me. It would be worth hundreds of billions of dollars (lol at him being a mere billionaire) if not trillions. The annual global cost of lung cancer alone is 188 billion dollars (just google for economic cost of lung cancer.) If it cured more than one type of cancer, do you have any idea how much that would be worth?!

However, you claim that it's an effective cancer CURE, but seem to have completely sidestepped the fact that in the only real clinical test that's been done, ALL of the patients died. Could you please address that issue, please??

Never mind countries, military dictators, saudi royalty, the number of people that would pay to save themselves or family is endless.


Aug 26, 2000
I'd love to know why Dr. Burzinski is doing all the talking and not his plethora of cancer-free patients....did the FDA stifle them too?


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
Although I am not a great fan of the FDA. I have been following Dr. Burzinski's work for a while now. Many reputable oncologists, universities and oncologic societies have made statements about his work. To date his theories and cures have never been found to be anywhere near statistically significant treatment rates. He continues to push his cures for strictly financial reasons. In my opinion he is little more than a snake oil salesman.

Also remember the access to literature and scientific discoveries in this area are a global phenomenon. There is no way the FDA or US pharmaceutical companies could prevent these treatments from being used worldwide.
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Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
Well, heck, if I had cancer, it probably couldn't hurt much to eat a tenderized steak once in awhile. (The tenderizer turns proteins into peptides, and my metabolism will produce metabolites.)

If I'm paying for a radical treatment, though, I'd rather go with the new therapy that uses HIV.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Well, heck, if I had cancer, it probably couldn't hurt much to eat a tenderized steak once in awhile. (The tenderizer turns proteins into peptides, and my metabolism will produce metabolites.)

If I'm paying for a radical treatment, though, I'd rather go with the new therapy that uses HIV.

lol. so the FDA has no problem with injecting (denatured) HIV bombs into the bloodstream to kill tumors, yet the OP's Dr crackpot is claiming that FDA is gung-ho at stifling his supposed cure?

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