I don't see a slow down, nore should you. What rain does is issue a halt command when ever there isn't anything for the processor to do, windows NT/2000 has this built in. What I do see is a drop in temps. Under load (Q3), my temps go up to about 36c on a celeron2 533oc840, which is the same temp that it would run at without rain. But when just surfing the temp drops to 30c. And on my celeron1 366oc550, there is an 8 degree difference, instead of just 6 on the c2.
No it doesn't make my systems any more or less stable, but it cuts power consumption, which cuts heat production, which cuts the air con bill (every so slightly), and it helps pro long the chips/and anything else in the computer that may be effected by heat/ie hardrives life (ever so slightly).