Egghead : 256MB Scandel/HotDeal Continued.

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Jan 18, 2000
all you memory whiners are idiots.

be a man and think about it. if you ran a business, put up a erroneous price, and had thousands of people ordering thousands of parts, would you honor it? i don't think so. and don't give us the "but egghead can afford it"

get out of these forums and go to mycoupons. there, they will appreciate people like you.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Reddawn, you said in your last post

{hey people check this guy out}

Good Grief! you have to call attention like that? this must be a hold over from your younger years. You know when kids still have the need to elevate themselves at the cost of others. Some of us have risen above that. Stand on your own two feet man! This jabbing session is between you and me. Pull your own weight and leave the "hey guys!" to the kids. Oh yeah... you have 3 grown kids? So let me get this straight, you say you're a sadist that likes giving newbies a hard time(your own admision a few posts back.) Man, you must be at least in your mid 40's to have grown kids. Shouldn't you be mature, calm and all Zened out at this age? I FULLY understand now why you brought up that parent-child-stupid heredity line.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Croton, Ahh yes... the mighty one speaks!! Yes! O mighty one.... I shall do your bidding right away O mighty one! Hmmm on second thought (turns around and smacks butt) you can just kiss my glutus maximus.


Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
Oh, Man... I can't stand this any more... eia430, give it up... can't you see this isn't getting you anywhere? I was kind of rooting for you in the beginning, since I too wanted my RAM, and Red and Winn were REALLY annoying, but I am afraid that this whole thing has gone from pathetic to just plain dumb! Your posts here are doing no good, and I don't think anyone here wants to "play" any more. BTW, that guy who said he had about 40 sticks on eB@y... he claimed Overnight shipping, but it clearly said "UPS Ground" on his invoice... duh! I wish this thread were in the "Hot Deals" forum still because it would have been locked down by now. Enough is enough.


Jan 18, 2000

<< Croton, Ahh yes... the mighty one speaks!! Yes! O mighty one.... I shall do your bidding right away O mighty one! Hmmm on second thought (turns around and smacks butt) you can just kiss my glutus maximus. >>

That's right. The mighty one did speak. Go do my bidding and get the hell out of here.

You and most of these memory whiners only come out of the woodwork when there is a hot deal to leech off of. You guys make no contribution to the forum -- well, you do offer comedy relief.

So stop complaining here and go back to the lurking that you're so good at. I won't be surprised to hear from you in the future when there is another good deal gone wrong, and you want to sue because the whole world owes it to you.

No one owes you anything. Quit whining because all you'll get here is burned.



Golden Member
Sep 14, 2000
Damnn Croton, you read my mind. Said all the things I wanted to tell these people.

Stop fighting like a child and go do something else for your own good.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Daid, about 90% of the reason that I've even botherd to post on this thread then purposefuly get into a banter with reddawn was because of his attitude. He would dump on people to get his rocks off (admittedly)then what do the people that just got dumped on do? nothing. They post a weak reply which reddawn just scoffs off then they get dumped on some more. If other people are not willing to stick up for themselves... I would at least stick up for myself. They dump on me I just don't take it personaly scoff it off then dump on them. I just keep doing the same till low and behold... they stop. What I didn't like in particular with reddawn was that he enjoys it immensely. He admits to the fact that he's a sadist and enjoys giving newbies greif and what does everyone do? nothing. I'll give it a rest when he does (which he seems to desire to according to his last post.) I'm sorry if I feel more strongly about this than you do, but at least I stand up for myself.


Jan 4, 2000
people are still talking about this???
If they had some kinda pricing guarantee (like you'll get the product at the price you see) than okay, but otherwise, WTF is wrong with you ppls???


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
croton your powers of observation are just above the level of a door knob's. My first post here is what? number 130? oh yeah I'm really griping left and right. Secondly, you apparently mistook my sarcasm, mockery and indifference to you for something other than what it really is. I'll clue you in on a couple more things... I'm not even bantering with you, you're not worth it. You're not even entertaining. &quot;Dumbass&quot; what the hell was that? Do you know how easy it was to shrug that off? That attempted insult was so pathetic that all it managed to do was get me to chuckle and think you're a total moron. Well enough time wasted on you. No, I won't waste more time to bother replying to your brainless, witless drivel.

(edit for spelling)


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Reddawn, I know.. but sometimes I like bantering if the opponent is entertaining. I usualy debate with people, good mental excersize. But if need be dumping defense/offence is also a good mental workout. It's all just good fun to me even if the other person is too serious for his/her own good. But my day must begin now... 8:45am time for errand running before I get chained back behind this computer prison to work more. You were fun to banter with, entertaining. Shame that croton was a mental midget, that could have been fun. See ya around the forums reddawn, I'm sure we'll be on opposite sides again on other matters. Till then.. ciao!


Senior member
Sep 27, 2000
Oh well,

Sep 25, 2000, 7:29 am PDT Order placed.
Sep 25, 2000, 7:30 am PDT Discover ending in xxxx charged $76.65.
Sep 25, 2000, 7:30 am PDT Order being held for manual review prior to processing.
Sep 25, 2000, 8:10 am PDT Order sent to our warehouse for processing and fulfillment.
Sep 24, 2000, 5:00 pm PDT Order receipt acknowledged by warehouse.
Sep 26, 2000, 7:34 pm PDT Cancellation of backordered items requested by customer
Sep 26, 2000, 8:02 pm PDT Discover ending in xxxx refunded $76.65

Sep 25, 2000, 7:14 am PDT Order placed.
Sep 25, 2000, 7:15 am PDT Discover ending in xxxx charged $304.92.
Sep 25, 2000, 7:15 am PDT Order being held for manual review prior to processing.
Sep 26, 2000, 8:01 am PDT Discover ending in xxxx refunded $304.92.
Sep 26, 2000, 8:01 am PDT Customer Service Request #1245576

I still think it's a scam to boost their customer base. It's weird how this is one of the very few times that a company would actually &quot;honor&quot; the price until their &quot;stock&quot; runs out. I think they had like 1-5 sticks or ram in stock. Then they Posted the error on purpose. And this in turn gets tons of people to register for an account, thus making a floundering company on the edge of bankruptcy look good. Then they say they'll honor the price and send out the ram until they run out of stock. But the point is they only had a few in stock, cuz I doubt companies keeps a huge inventory of ram just lying around. Think about it, when do people ever order a gig of ram for $350 a pop? Anyhow, I know Egghead definately did something illegal and that somehow it can be brought to court, but I'm pretty sure their teams of lawyers would kick our asses anyday, hecks they might even be able to somehow blame us for some reason. You know the lawyers these days.

It was fun ordering a total of 75 sticks of ram with my roomates and clicking the refresh button on my order page late at night for hours. And figuring out when would be the best time to fleabay it off. Too bad it didn't go through. Big deal. I'll just wait for the next HOT DEAL to roll around. Maybe something like the $50 off $50 error.

So time for me to jump in the batmobile, turn on the flame shielding and head back to the
the HOT DEALS forum and get away from this hot flaming inferno. Flame away!


Jan 18, 2000

<< Well enough time wasted on you. No, I won't waste more time to bother replying to your brainless, witless drivel.

(edit for spelling)

Message edited by: eia430 on 09/28/2000 08:07:08

i like the fact that you state that you won't waste more time on me, yet you still go back and edit the post directed towards me. if you weren't concerned with my witless drivel then why would you go and do that? i feel so honored that you would actually go back to that post and edit it for spelling! it shows you care about me!

go back and lurk. when another hot deal goes wrong, i'm sure we can expect to hear from you. why don't you try and contribute something positive to this forum? now stop whining like a little bitch and accept that you're not going to get your RAM.

and i will say it again:



Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Croton, you are so clueless but it's not my job to clue you in. I do feel sorry for you though, it must be tough to be you. Oh yeah, as far as the memory thing... I just got a very favorable response from egghead. It seems they are interested in a resolution that lies outside of court. It might not be a good idea to be such a push-over croton. Those that don't push the limits never get anywhere in life. Oh yeah... a couple of tips for you and I am really sincere about this. If you are going to get into a flame war with someone, don't just type the first knee-jerk words that come into your head. Put some thought into it, be creative. When your rebuttals have substance behind it you gain the respect of your opponent. You can't really even have a debate or flame war if the other person doesn't even respect you. If I explained to you why my tone has changed you'd just think that I was being condescending . So I'll just leave it that I just can't stay mad at someone like you.

Anyways... for all your efforts in trying to convince me that I have no legs to stand on with egghead has had zero effects. I've been doing what I said I would do and today I find that I've made progress. You gotta push the limits man...or you stagnate and rot.

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Regardless of how &quot;well thought out&quot; your posts are, eia430, I have no respect for a person who tries to bilk a company by threatening lawsuits. How childish and whiney.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
werk, sigh... another morality (or lack of) comment from another short sighted guy. I'll just tell you why I go over companie's systems with a fine tooth comb before I quote a price. A while back I was doing a simple mb, proc,hd upgrade for a company, they had a 5cd pacific digital cd changer(back then this was a 300+ dollar unit). They asked me if I could make that work with their program from Mitchel Manual (the company is a large auto shop) I said sure, it's nothing I do though it's a pretty standard thing for programs to use cd-changers I don't see why a 5cd changer would be any different. I said it's no extra cost because it's no extra work. Low and behold after the upgrades windows was very able to see/use the changer but not the program. I told them to go to Mitchell manuals, they probably have come across this before and will most likely have a quick fix. I charged them for a half hr of my time and gave them at cost for the parts(mb/cpu/hd upgrade.) I get a call back a week later and they had some interesting news. Mitchell Manuals had sent their tech guy on site he worked for 6hrs total over two days. In the end the 5cd changer still would not work with the program and Mitchell Manuals gave them the &quot;we support our software but this is a hardware issue&quot; line. In short their tech guy tried twice in two days and gave up. I went back to that company and spent 6hrs pulling my hair out wondering why windows and every other program in there could see the changer but not the Mitchell Manual program. After I exhausted every avenue I could possibly think of I get an e-mail from Pacific Digital saying that they have seen this problem before. They sent me a changer bios update that was different from the update on their website (tried that one, didn't work) So I go back to the company to update the bios, and now it works. Each visit represents an hr of driving time two visits that's 2hrs driving time plus the half hr for the upgrade, the 6hrs trouble shooting the changer anomaly and flashing the bios. I spent over 8.5 hrs of work time on that little hiccup that Mitchel Manuals TOTALY gave up on. Do you know what I charged that company for the work? a half hr, the original work for the upgrade.

Do you have any idea why I did that? BECAUSE I GAVE MY WORD THAT IT WAS PART OF THE DEAL. Once I agreed with that company about total price it was set in stone. I took a larger loss than just 8.5hrs of worktime because I had to reschedule other customers to finish that one.

Once an agreement is reached I always abide by that agreement, any rise in cost from mistakes made in estimation or other errors I absorb. What is wrong with demanding the same level of integrity from other companies? Egghead extended an offer to me and I simply accepted, they were not forced into making that offer. What do you do werk?, do you welch on deals you make? Do you give that pathetic little excuse like &quot;yeah but I didn't know about that&quot; or &quot;it was a mistake, so I don't have to honor this agreement&quot; Well werk, I don't do that. If I give you an estimate that's one thing that can be adjusted. But If I say it will cost THIS much then that is all it will cost, even if I have to loose money on the deal. I've done this before plenty of times and I will do it in the future plenty of times.

I shouldn't even have to do this. Egghead ON IT'S OWN WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO, should abide by the terms of it's offers. Especialy after the deal has been made, contracts signed, and PAYMENT TENDERED. This is the right thing to do. Egghead will do the right thing by me even if I have to drag it kicking and screaming. So I must ask you this, werk, how easy is it for YOU to go back on your word?


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2000
Anyone who took part of the Buy.Com/Hitachi 19&quot; monitor deal (back in 1998) will know all-too-well that all this crying-over-spilled-milk will be all for naught.

I was one of the first ones to place an order on Friday and b/c my creditor didn't give immediate approval until Monday, I didn't get the coveted 19&quot; Hitachi for $268 US. honored their part of the deal until all of their immediate stock ran dry. After being restocked, they didn't honor the other 6,000 or so other orders (bear w/me, it's been awhile).

The other 6,000 (or so) were SOL and a few very vocal members of this very forum (at the time) were raising such a haelstrom, also whipping up 100 or so long threads and websites and petitions and threatening lawsuits and small courts claims.

In the end, it was air spent and extra keys typed. In the end, I sent a complaint to the BBB California Branch and left it at that and never again gave my business.

If by-act-of-God that you are granted the coveted 256 MB DIMM for such a ridiculously-low-that-it's-too-good-to-be-true-price of $35 or so US, then kudos to you.

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Oh, this thread is back again... I see you wasted some more of your time to write out another one of your rambling explanations for your immaturity, eia430. With an analogy too. Wow, I'm impressed.

Anyways, to answer your final question, I don't have to worry about going back on my word, because I don't make mistakes. Plain and simple.

<< Egghead will do the right thing by me even if I have to drag it kicking and screaming >>

This perfectly illustrates what I think of you. Wouldn't you be embarrassed if someone asked how you got your RAM, and you responded, &quot;Oh, I found a pricing error on's website, ordered, then threatened them with frivolous lawsuits when they said I couldn't have it at the wrong price until they caved in. And I threw myself on the ground kicking and screaming like a spoiled 2 year old.&quot; How nice. I hope you enjoy your RAM. The price was right, huh? $35 plus tax, shipping, and your dignity.

Now I have better things to do than attempt to hold a conversation with children. This is my last post on the matter.


Oct 9, 1999
Your examples are like comparing apples to dog sh!t. In the first example you paid for a legitimate product and got screwed. I would be pissed too.

Egghead on the other hand doesn't owe you jack squat. You lost nothing in this case and suffered no damages. Don't give any BS of how not getting the memory caused social services to take away your brothers and sisters and now momma has to go walk the street to feed you. STFU, we're sick of your type.


Senior member
Jul 23, 2000
This is the first time I posted here in over a year and when I return I find the same old rambling BS.

Red you and your butt buddy Russ are still talking shjt I see.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
werk, there are a lot of things that are seemingly wrong on the surface at least to a child. But once analyzed that same seemingly &quot;wrong&quot; event has a less obvious but greater purpose. I'll even give you an example..... Illegal search and seizure, good evidence that proves guilt of murder have been deemed inadmissible. On the surface to a child it's wrong because you are going to let go an obviously guilty person because of lack of evidence. The underlying reason for that law is to keep in law enforcement from violating the rights to privacy of the greater population. Yet law enforcement does have a limited but useful method for gathering their evidence.... by due cause. It's a balance that's not readily obvious to a child. The purpose of letting go of an obviously guilty person is not the reason for illegal search and seisure. Letting go of an obviously guilty person serves the greater good of keeping law enforcement obidient to the law itself and THAT brings the greater public good.

Egghead reaps the great benefit of instant publicity and hence greater traffic on their site. If there is no penalty for reaping this benefit they will continue to do so under whatever means. If we allow them to hide behind &quot;oops, it's a mistake&quot; then why would they not want to make more &quot;mistakes&quot; to increase traffic having no penalties to it? Do you have any idea how much of a total nothing it is for a company the size of egghead to hire an extra proof reader?? Isn't it funny how websites like walmart, target, and others don't seem to have &quot;mistakes&quot; even remotely as often as egghead, or in general the more traffic dependant sites?

Pressing forward with forcing egghead to perform it's contractual duties will be of greater benefit to the general public than letting them getaway with canceling the orders. Is this directly obvious to a child? no, it isn't. Am I calling you a child werk? well in this case the answer will have to be a resounding YES.


Golden Member
Sep 14, 2000
Are you guys just sitting in front of the computer all day long?
Don't you have any other thing to do?
Rather than arguing, let's make some good contribution to this forum.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
reddawn, I am pressing forward. The administration side of egghead is closed till mon. Their last response had a very drastic change to it. It has gone from &quot;we cancled, so sorry, read our terms and conditions have a nice day&quot; to &quot;we understand that this has caused you much inconvinience, let's talk.&quot; On mon is when I chat with someone from egghead administration. The results of that will decide if I press further on and send the first of the two required demand letters. Their reaction to those letters dictate if I file or not. Progress is being made.

(start addendum)
As per your statement saying you'll check back to see if anybody has gotten theirs. It is common as part of a settlement to have an agreement between parties that stipulates keeping the details of the settlement from the public. Some might even go so far as to forbid all parties from even posting ANYTHING related to the matter in certain venues. It would be safe to say that a good part of the people that do receive fulfillment from egghead in settlement terms will not post about it here or anywhere.
(end addendum)

No I am not trying to convince someone posting to change their mind. But neither will I just let a derogaroty post go unanswered(to a a certain point.) The ultimate goal in public debate is not to change the mind of your opponent (opposite side of the fence rarely will go to your own side) but rather to give others the chance to examine both your points and your opponent's and decide for themselves. The secondary goal to my efforts is to expand my own horizons. When I debate with a capable opponent I gain from it. I am exposed to the opposite side of the matter, sometimes that alone is well worth it. With a good opponent I sometimes have to expand my own knowledge in a particular matter to do my side justice. That sometimes REALLY forces you to learn and expand your horizons a lot. Besides, I debate on these forums to give myself a break every now and then from working all day all night behind this computer.

(edit was the addition of addendum marked above)
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