Elder Scrolls Online release date 4-4-14

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Senior member
Sep 4, 2008
Yea, one guy was Vet 4 and the other Vet 2. Both were lightning users.

I'd see one for a half a second, and then he'd disappear (way faster than I can stealth). Then they'd attack, I'd see them for a second, they'd use that tele forward lightning ability and disappear again, reappear for half a second casting lightning stuff, tele forward again and disappear, while I died.

Now when I say disappear, I mean disappear, they weren't behind me or behind a hill. I'm not familiar with the lightning sorc skills, but that is way OP. Coupled with them entering stealth super fast somehow, you literally could not hit them. The one time I got a stun on one of them, he tele jumped out of it and disappeared, my next attack having no target visible to hit.

I watched a lot of PVP videos of the beta, and even stealth ganking seemed possible to overcome; saw some good players turn the tables on gankers, but I never saw anything like this. No idea how'd you counter teleporting sorcs that nearly instantly stealth.

Yea, teleport is pretty stupid right now. It'll be one of the first things to get the nerf bat along with the vampire blood mist or whatever that shit is. They aren't really very useful for combat, but they are way too OP for getting out of combat, and WAY too spammable.


Apr 22, 2012
The first 1000+ is already banned. Heavily on PvP users. And the game is only 10 days post official launch. Give it time before making PvP comclusions. We all know how it is in the start, every loophole used.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
Hit Veteran rank 1, and got sent to Ebonheart Pact's lands.

Everything is pretty tough; no more 2-3 shotting mobs, and groups become much harder. If you know about Clanfears being tough in normal, well all mobs have that kind of health or more at Veteran 1.

I used one of the CE treasure maps in the first zone here, and got a ton of Veteran lvl 1 items, including a huge upgrade to my bow, chest, and leg armors. So, these maps seem to scale by your level (or what lvl zone you are in), so I'm saving my other ones.


Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2001
I bought and played ESO this weekend.
My opinion - this game is a BIG stinking turd.

The GUI is a flaming pile of shit! Seriously you expect me to balance all my ability's onto 5 keys that I have to push with my fingers?
Why this MMO didn't mimic WoWs tried and true click with your mouse action bar GUI beats the F out of me.

I just love dying and running through the same shit that I just cleared over and over again. The end quests to fight whatever baddie by yourself is such a pleasure. I love having my ass handed to me over and over again. The gear you receive for completing quests sucks goats tits as well. There are just to many things I hate about this game I can't list them all.

What a disappointment and waste of money.


Aug 11, 2005
I bought and played ESO this weekend.
My opinion - this game is a BIG stinking turd.

The GUI is a flaming pile of shit! Seriously you expect me to balance all my ability's onto 5 keys that I have to push with my fingers?
Why this MMO didn't mimic WoWs tried and true click with your mouse action bar GUI beats the F out of me.

I just love dying and running through the same shit that I just cleared over and over again. The end quests to fight whatever baddie by yourself is such a pleasure. I love having my ass handed to me over and over again. The gear you receive for completing quests sucks goats tits as well. There are just to many things I hate about this game I can't list them all.

What a disappointment and waste of money.


American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
I agree with Viper. This game was a huge let down. People will say that the issues should be over looked just because it's new, but the missteps shouldn't happen. Horrible UI, cheap deaths, and a general lack of information about what to do or where to go shouldn't happen at this point. I turned off my renewal and will check back when they fix all their issues.


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999
I agree with Viper. This game was a huge let down. People will say that the issues should be over looked just because it's new, but the missteps shouldn't happen. Horrible UI, cheap deaths, and a general lack of information about what to do or where to go shouldn't happen at this point. I turned off my renewal and will check back when they fix all their issues.

The UI is fine. Not as refined as RIFT but good enough.
Cheap deaths? I steamroll packs of mobs with my templar. You might want to visit tamriel foundry to get some hints on how to build your character.
Lack of information? Had to lol on this one. There is no guiding hand in this game. You actually have to explore the maps to find the quests and dungeons and get exploration experience. What a concept eh?

32nd level and absolutely loving this game.
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Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
All Elder Scrolls game are shit.

But, with just enough good/fun to make them enjoyable. Every single ES single player game, standing on a rock meant a guaranteed win vs an enemy of godlike proportions. Try it in Skyrim vs a dragon; sit just right on a rock and you can kill anything with a bow, even at lvl 1 bow skill

Yes, they did seem to bring that along to the MMO. Bad UI, etc (imo mostly to blame on it coming to consoles).

One of those 'bad' decisions got me tonight. Was tanking the first dungeon in Vet level, Fungal Grotto. Well, the 2nd/3rd(?) boss was a Vet lvl 5 boss... yea, a vet lvl 5 boss in the first vet lvl 1 dungeon. Wiped repeatedly... ran the highest reg dungeons and died maybe 3x. Died 20x on that boss in the first vet lvl dungeon.

It's not really tuned; remember (if you played) Daggerfall... I bet you died many times to that first mob coming out of the dungeon. You were lvl 1 and had a lvl 10'ish (seemingly) mob ready to put you down.

Was fun playing, but I feel responsible as the tank, and all our wipes. Game definitely needs a better ramp-up to those difficulties. I can't imagine any pug completing that.


Oct 30, 2000
ESO UI is designed for minimalistic approach. Everything is suppose to be mostly hidden. You can adjust things in the normal interface to make them stay on your screen. However, if you like have things like combat logs, minimaps, scroll combat chat, clickable buttons and other WoW like shit, the game is completely customizable with add ons. Infact a crap ton of them are already done at ESOUI.com

imagine that! right in the name of the link for everything for eso ui related add ons. Now you can get monster health, cooldown timers, combat alerts, and much more. I used a few, but like some things minimalist as it doesn't detract me from playing the game any better.

The game has an excellent storyline set of quests that will take you from level 1 all the way to level 60 (which is veteran rank 10 after reaching level 50). The storyline is also coherent from level 1 until the end. There are plenty of side quests, but several major story arcs which will stay with you the entire time. Combat is also much tougher than WoW. Not as hard as say, The Secret World, but just about there. It is not a tab, clickfest, with the occasional move out of the way of some red spots fights that many other MMOs use as their combat. It does have elements of the basic combat of WoW, obviously since you build on basics and WoW is fairly basic. WoW is easy enough for a child of 3 to do the combat in. I know from experience on this. Games like ESO and TSW aren't so easy. It takes bit more skill to be good at it. Some like it, me included, and some don't.


Golden Member
Nov 10, 2005
Some people just want to be spoonfed a game, and for those people they should just go play WoW.


Nov 25, 2013
There are definitely balance issues with skills come PvP, can't say I am too surprised - games forever fight with balancemoreso on release, but especially so if PvP is involved. It will be an eternal battle which will improve in time but never quite be perfect.
The strategy of cutting off reinforcements is a good one and great for small groups, unfortunately because of some skills being too powerful it becomes a nightmare to navigate.

Regarding Vipers comments, well not sure I should reply as I assume it must be a troll. I mean an issue with 5 buttons you cannot click to use? What is this, the 90s? No one uses their mouse to click hotbars, even with 32+ skills, players either use keyboard or gaming mice. It is long overdue the remaining 100 people in the world that click their skills start moving on, heck one of the best things about this game is it finally forced my wife to break her clicking habit and atually play properly.

There is almost wrong with the UI, it works exactly as intended, only veteran MMOers are hating it and it is not becaue it is inadequate but because they don't like the stye, they like every aspect of info they can get crammed on their screens. For those that need a more familiar feel, there are add-ons to help make the transition.
About the only 2 issues I have with current UI is:
1) I cannot keep chat visible
2) I shouldn't need an add-on to see what I autoloot.

Neither of those issues actually interfere with gameplay.

For the dungeons, I love the fact they are overly difficult, given that like most MMOs there is little group content while lvling, I like the fat that the content there is actually presents a good challenge. It is also worth noting that pretty much every MMO I remember always ends up 'nerfing' their dungeons a while after release (both actual game release and any future dungeons introduced), to the disappointment of many but great relief to many more. I expect it to be no different here and believe it is prtty much intentional - Devs don't want to risk an outcry of how crappy and easy the dungeons are, so they make them overtuned, a minority love it and manage it and are happy, then tweaks are brought in which allows many more to handle it and even more are happy.


Oct 17, 2002
I'm STILL playing RIFT.

I keep thinking another MMO is going to grab my attention, and I'll resub WOW when the new expansion drops, but I still play RIFT almost daily.

I liked the ESO beta. Not sure if I want to give up RIFT and start paying for ESO though.

Thinking I'll wait a few months then do it.


Oct 30, 2000
Who uses a mouse to click action buttons in 2014 anyways?

Most of my friends that play WoW are using something like a razer naga with a billion buttons to help navigate their billion hotbars on the screen for all their skills. Yah I'm exaggerating slightly. Even then, they still use macros to time sequence out certain power rotations for them so they don't have to remember them all and what order to click in them to maximize damage output. Which is basically what WoW boss fights are. It's click macros for dps out while standing in 1 spot mostly. Every so often the boss will do an action that makes people have to stop their macro dps spam and move around a bit so they don't die. Then they repeat the dps spam again. I've recently watch my friend go through a few raids and it was exactly as I described it in game play. BORING!!! Oh and tanks just taunt/aoe taunt all they can with the off tank handing the adds that pop up or if for some reason the main tank is taking too much damage that the offtank needs to play tag team with the main tank. The healers just play whack-a-mole heal as always. Boring as hell gameplay.


Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2001
Who uses a mouse to click action buttons in 2014 anyways?
I do. My left hand is pushing W, A, S, D while also pushing the SHIFT/CTRL/ALT keys plus 5 other buttons while driving my mouse around keeping it on the target. Yea don't think so.

I'm not trolling, this game is shit. It reminds me of SWTOR which was a flaming pile of shit as well.


Oct 30, 2000
I do. My left hand is pushing W, A, S, D while also pushing the SHIFT/CTRL/ALT keys plus 5 other buttons while driving my mouse around keeping it on the target. Yea don't think so.

I'm not trolling, this game is shit. It reminds me of SWTOR which was a flaming pile of shit as well.

Why would you be pushing SHIFT/CTRL/ALT all the time? You don't. In combat you only steer with WASD and use 1-5 with R for abilities. You don't/can't press the other 3 you mentioned. SHIFT is for sprinting, CTRL is for sneaking that you toggle on and off, and neither are all that hard to use as the VAST MAJORITY OF FPS games use this setup. Since this game is a blend of FPS and MMO, it is using more FPS style setup instead of 5 million hotbar setup. Personally the later is shit.


Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2001
Why would you be pushing SHIFT/CTRL/ALT all the time? You don't. In combat you only steer with WASD and use 1-5 with R for abilities. You don't/can't press the other 3 you mentioned. SHIFT is for sprinting, CTRL is for sneaking that you toggle on and off, and neither are all that hard to use as the VAST MAJORITY OF FPS games use this setup. Since this game is a blend of FPS and MMO, it is using more FPS style setup instead of 5 million hotbar setup. Personally the later is shit.

I'm not always pushing SHIFT/CTRL/ALT but I roll a rogue class so I'm using CTRL pretty often. I'm just going to say this game isn't for me and leave it at that.


Apr 8, 2002
I do. My left hand is pushing W, A, S, D while also pushing the SHIFT/CTRL/ALT keys plus 5 other buttons while driving my mouse around keeping it on the target. Yea don't think so.

I'm not trolling, this game is shit. It reminds me of SWTOR which was a flaming pile of shit as well.

So while you are doing all of the above you think it is easier to move the mouse over a button and press it? I tried that in DAOC over 10 years ago. It was ok for pve but pvp forget about it. Way too fast to keep track of that cursor.


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999
So while you are doing all of the above you think it is easier to move the mouse over a button and press it? I tried that in DAOC over 10 years ago. It was ok for pve but pvp forget about it. Way too fast to keep track of that cursor.

Especially back then on my crap machine and I think a Geforce 200 at the time. The lag was horrible, the last thing I needed was to depend on moving my mouse to click abilities in DAoC.

Pressing 1-5, even 1-7 has always been easy for me in any MMO. I don't miss the 4+ hotbars of previous games. At least RIFT let you macro abilities in one key press so it would use one ability if the other was on cooldown letting me get away with 2 hotbars for the most part. And with most games if I needed more I'd bind other keys close to my left hand like E, R, Z, X, C , V on my hotbar.

This game you have to plan ahead. Are you mostly soloing? Well 5 keys is plenty early on, later you can weapon swap to get 10 skills. I do that a lot now to mix up my heals with dps. But once I hit a group dungeon I have to swap a few skills out.. not hard at all. Anyone who played Everquest knows about spell swapping and it was a lot worse in that game because of all the damn buffs(shaman hell I don't miss you) and it took a few seconds to mem to the slot.

BTW, did Direwolf Keep last night. Another amazing looking dungeon. Not very hard and can cruise through it but man what a great atmosphere in that place.
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Oct 30, 2000
Especially back then on my crap machine and I think a Geforce 200 at the time. The lag was horrible, the last thing I needed was to depend on moving my mouse to click abilities in DAoC.

Pressing 1-5, even 1-7 has always been easy for me in any MMO. I don't miss the 4+ hotbars of previous games. At least RIFT let you macro abilities in one key press so it would use one ability if the other was on cooldown letting me get away with 2 hotbars for the most part. And with most games if I needed more I'd bind other keys close to my left hand like E, R, Z, X, C , V on my hotbar.

This game you have to plan ahead. Are you mostly soloing? Well 5 keys is plenty early on, later you can weapon swap to get 10 skills. I do that a lot now to mix up my heals with dps. But once I hit a group dungeon I have to swap a few skills out.. not hard at all. Anyone who played Everquest knows about spell swapping and it was a lot worse in that game because of all the damn buffs(shaman hell I don't miss you) and it took a few seconds to mem to the slot.

BTW, did Direwolf Keep last night. Another amazing looking dungeon. Not very hard and can cruise through it but man what a great atmosphere in that place.

Well not to be picky, it's 6 and 12 abilities since you are forgetting the ultimate ability slot

I did Arx something or other, the level 30 dungeon with all the Lamias in it. Damn that was a rough dungeon again. Beat it, but wow it was fun doing it. Basically if a squishie wasn't paying attention it might be 1 shot kill on them sometimes. Basically it was wipe once or twice to figure it out, and beat once everyone has down what is needed to be done.


Senior member
Nov 13, 2004
Everyone who dislikes this game is a hardcore MMO player who wants this game to be a cookie cutter version of WoW. Go play WoW. This game is different, and I love it.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
I enjoy a challenge; a healer, 2H dps, and myself (bow/1h Shield tank) did a vet lvl 1 anchor by ourselves last night. That was really hard, and freaking awesome once we pulled it off.

Why I stayed to die 10x on that hard vet dungeon boss. Just worried that my tanking, which worked fine on regular dungeons, needs to be all defense/health, which will make it impossible for me to solo. I see some people taking 30 seconds to a minute to kill 1 regular vet lvl 1 mob; I can kill them in 10 if I focus, but I won't be able to if I have to put all my points in survivability.

Time will tell; it is possible some of my group members weren't all that good. First time I ran Selene's Web, we got stomped by the last spider boss (2nd form). Next time I ran it, the new group downed her on the first try.
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