Elder Scrolls Online release date 4-4-14

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Oct 30, 2000
MMOs should not have people hitting max level in days or weeks. Asheron's Call took many years before anyone hit max level.

That being said, I don't like that questing is pretty much the only way to get xp. If there were other options, it would be much better. I also wish the game world was 1000x the size, like AC. Oh well.

Uhh, questing is not the only way to get exps. You can get exps in pvp or just grinding monsters if that suits your style of play. Questing is just a very good way to get exps in this game unlike others where quests hardly provide any exps and grinding is the only real way to get exps.

The world IS 1000x bigger, it just isn't all in place yet.

First off, for level 1-50 (well until you finish the main story line at least) you can only do your "factions" zones. After you finish the main story you do the other factions zones in veteran ranks. Which makes the world way larger than you think.

I think what is getting to you is that you want 3-4 zones for every level bracket. Sorry, this game isn't designed that way. You have 1 area for your level bracket. You out level that area you move to the next one. Which also only has 1 area.

This will change a bit with expansions. Of which a new area will be opening soon according to Zeni.


Oct 30, 2000
Yep, I was using it. I think you're right that the problem is people aren't selecting their role... so it's very difficult to find non-dps.

I also noticed you can select more than one role, which is neat considering I'm full glass cannon but apparently I can also heal effectively if needed.

1) ^^ This changes at higher levels some. Still the vast majority of people only have their characters specced for DPS and nothing else. Tanking and healing (to a lesser degree) are very challenging roles in a group in this game. Many people just rather take the easier role of dps for various reasons.

2) As for your other post. Higher dungeons require good tanks and healers. They are very challenging. Every "tier" of dungeons has 3 dungeons (1 for each of the main factions) all the way up to level 45. Which is just cold harbor and it only has 1 dungeon. Out of a given tier, 1 dungeon is typically a lot harder than the other two, and 1 is easier. Banished Cells is the medium difficult level 12-15 dungeon. Fungal Grotto is the harder level 12-15 dungeon, and Spindle Clutch is the easiest 12-15 dungeon. This page has a list of all the dungeon info I was talking about http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Group_Dungeons


Oct 30, 2000
ESO's PVP is a gank fest. Since everyone can stealth, you have no idea if ten invisible guys are camping an area, and even if you do find out, there is zero reason to try and take them out, since the map is so huge it would be a waste of time to try and even find them. While the actual keep/etc combat was fun, it was about 5% of the actual play time in PVP; the rest was being ganked by invisible glass cannon builds that re-stealthed in seconds, or spent riding your horse over vast distances.


Wow, next time try this thing called MAGELIGHT. You know no one can stealth up on you when you have it out. Instant counter to stealthers. PVP in ESO was not meant for 1v1. You fail at pvp in ESO.


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999
Finally hit VR1 yesterday and omg I'm suddenly reminded of what hell levels were like in EQ1 My god the xp is so damn slow now. The worst part is killing mobs give maybe 50xp each so grinding isn't an option anymore. Quest xp is ungodly slow too.

1-50 was a pleasure. Quest xp was great and when I needed a break to do some mindless kill grinding that was a really nice source of xp.

But now ugh..this is painful.

Wierd to quote myself but now I realize that VR experience is all about grouping now which is a good thing. Boss mobs and anchors are especially important. I heard dungeons are also a good source of xp and will try my first VR dungeon tonight.

I managed to get to 175k/456k last night so while it is slower than 1-50 it isn't really that horrible if you aim for more group content.


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999

Wow, next time try this thing called MAGELIGHT. You know no one can stealth up on you when you have it out. Instant counter to stealthers. PVP in ESO was not meant for 1v1. You fail at pvp in ESO.

Plus magelight gives a nice boost to your spell crit. Starts at 7% then next level is 17%. Only drawback is you need it on both weapon hotbars for it to stay active when weapon swapping otherwise you have to continually toggle it.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
If you have the imperial edition, the imperial horse is 1 gold. You can buy as many of them as you want as long as you have stable slots for them.

Well, i'm level 15 and don't have a horse...it got out of my mind while I was questing.
Maybe i'll ditch the $20 and grab the Imperial edition upgrade...


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
imo horses need to be available for free in pvp zones. So many people (me included) have to run around looking for battles at keeps, by time you get there its over. I'm at 33k gold atm, so almost to the horse i want, at level 34. lol


Apr 8, 2002
I rarely use my horse while questing\grinding. I find it more a pita than using sprint. About the only time I use it is in daggerfall. Going from the portal to the bank.

I'm finding this game to be better than anticipated.


Apr 8, 2002

Wow, next time try this thing called MAGELIGHT. You know no one can stealth up on you when you have it out. Instant counter to stealthers. PVP in ESO was not meant for 1v1. You fail at pvp in ESO.

Ahh great to know about that. Definately pick it up before heading out to pvp.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011

Wow, next time try this thing called MAGELIGHT. You know no one can stealth up on you when you have it out. Instant counter to stealthers. PVP in ESO was not meant for 1v1. You fail at pvp in ESO.

And tell me how Magelight helps against a guy 50 meters out? If PVP was in hallways or only against melee, your argument is sound.

For the glass cannon lightning mages, or bow crit builds for example, Magelight is worthless against them.

And what makes you think I was speaking of 1v1? Multiple times four of us were obliterated by glass cannon gank groups; get even a single stun off that they can't lightning tele out of is an achievement.

But go ahead and make fun of me; like I said, I already cancelled my sub.


Oct 30, 2000
And tell me how Magelight helps against a guy 50 meters out? If PVP was in hallways or only against melee, your argument is sound.

For the glass cannon lightning mages, or bow crit builds for example, Magelight is worthless against them.

And what makes you think I was speaking of 1v1? Multiple times four of us were obliterated by glass cannon gank groups; get even a single stun off that they can't lightning tele out of is an achievement.

But go ahead and make fun of me; like I said, I already cancelled my sub.

You can get crit reduction skills. Once they attack form distance there are instant gap closers. If it's 1v1 and you are being picked off by a random crit stealther which is bothering you then you need to set your skills for countering that. Magelight, gap closer, and anti crit passives. Voila, you win 1v1 versus those. Also magelight has a pretty BIG aoe for revealing stealth. While bows are outside that range, it is not by much. But did you also know the morph of magelight prevents the bonus from stealth crits? so stealth crit builds don't do the same damage even from range to your character because magelight negates that bonus even from range attacks.

Of course if you are being killed by multiple people while you are solo.... well you are going to die regardless of your build.

As far as CC, there are anti CC abilities. Immovable from the heavy armor line makes it so no CC can affect you. At all. Also, almost every CC can be broken if you use an interrupt while you are CC'd. Did you know that? The moment you get stunned or rooted all you have to do is press both right click and left click on the mouse and you break out of it. It costs stamina, but you are free.

As far as restealthing, it's not instant. There is a delay and if they smack you with a crit hit, stun you, and then try to restealth and you let them... yah you suck. You should have broken free, used a gap closer, and put out magelight in the traverse of the gap closing. They won't be able to stealth at all.

Of course most are probably nightblades using instant invis skill, which is instant unlike re-stealthing. But open warfare skirmishes are only 1 type of battle in pvp. the gank squads in ANY game are going to reign supreme and be very hard to deal with. This is regardless of the MMO. That same squad setup sucks at keep and scroll battles. It's designed for ganking weaker, easier prey and doing it very well.

I will state there are broken pvp mechanics in the game. There are definately some broken ass skills when used together right. Stealth isn't one of them though. You are barking up the wrong tree. Now if you are talking the current stupid broken DK + Emperor mechanics... that I would be right there with you on. That is fucked up shit right there that needs addressing as 1 person shouldn't be able to solo 50+ VR10's by him/her-self simply because he/she can spam ultimates and heals all day long while taking very little damage.
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Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
Do mobs crit? Would Magelight have any use in pve? The +% crit sounds good, I'm currently keeping it on my bar just to level... it definitely seems like a PVP skill though.

In GW2 mobs almost never crit. GW2 is an awesome game, btw. Angry Joe is dead on with his score there, but his ESO score is based around the difficulties with phasing/group questing. And that shit he showed is just bizarre, group questing is not done well in this game.

For me, I'm just playing it solo for the time being and this game is an outstanding solo MMO. But if I was dealing with the stuff Angry Joe showed in his review I'd be ticked off as well.

One thing - am I wasting gold early on extra bag space? It's a real chore slogging through the inventory constantly, I have 2 upgrades so far but he next one is nearly all the gold I have left, is there anything I need to be saving gold for this early in the game (level 17) or should I just go for the quality of life bag spaces? I have the Imperial horse already.
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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
Angry Joe was really digging for shit though. One of his rants was about the graphics being "ok" but that the textures sucked.

Really Joe? Really? For an MMO this game has amazing visuals and runs very well on low end hardware. In many ways the visuals of this game are better than vanilla skyrim (especially the water which actually has proper reflections and looks much more natural)


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999
Tried Spindleclutch tonight with my VR1 buds. Trash is a lot harder than normal run but we managed to kill the first boss. However the 2nd boss(Blood Spawn?) was just brutal so we called it a night. From what I've heard everybody should be VR3-5 anyway so I felt good about our first time there especially our freshly minted NB who doesn't even have one piece of VR1 gear.

Brought back fond memories of my first trip to expert RD in RIFT before the nerfs and getting destroyed by Rictus over and over until we figured him out and got as far as Atrophinius on our first try.

I'm glad these VR dungeons are hard and make you want to go back and get it figured out. Exactly the way it should be.


Nov 25, 2013
Actually no.

They aren't any better. They just have more invested stats.

Horses can have a maximum of 50 points total. Be that speed, stamina, or carry capacity. Horses all have a bare min of 15% speed and 10 stamina. That is half the points already allocated for the cheapest horse (imperial edition included). "Epic" horses just have 10 points more already spent for you in a category. 10 points is 250 x 10 gold or 2,500 gold more. Of course that is also 10 x 20 hours or 200 hours to reach that. Some people don't want to wait that long. Which is why the "epic" horses are so expensive.

Get the cheapest horse you can, for me it was the imperial at 1 gold, and then upgrade it yourself. Most you can do is 40% speed/10 stamina/0 carry capacity or the other setup is 15% speed/10 stamina /25 carry capacity. At least those are the only two configurations that matter as points into stamina are worthless with horses being able to sprint indefinitely and lack of stamina only means 1 hit knocks you off the horse.

That's not actually true. The horses you buy are all lvl 1 and can be lvled up to 50 (hence the 49 upgrades available to a horse, as each feeding gives it a lvl)
So the 17k horse/1g horse starts with 15% speed and is lvl 1. It can be fed 49 times for 64% speed if all apples, or any combination of the 49 feeds.

The 42k horse is also lvl 1 but starts at 25% speed, so can be fed 49 times to get to 74% speed, or again any combination. Basically the 42k horse will have 10 additional stats compared to the cheap horse.


For PvP there are balance issues that is for specific builds, for the most part it works because you design your char to counter a build and it tends to work - kind of how GW1 worked (A far superior game to GW2 in my opinion)
The issue with GW2 is it was a very bland game, the entire PvE experience was tedious. The PvP was an interesting effort, but again it jsut didn't work for me - I can understand how some may have liked it, but a 10/10 score for a game with a terrible PvE experience end game and leveling? I don't think so.


Oct 30, 2000
That's not actually true. The horses you buy are all lvl 1 and can be lvled up to 50 (hence the 49 upgrades available to a horse, as each feeding gives it a lvl)
So the 17k horse/1g horse starts with 15% speed and is lvl 1. It can be fed 49 times for 64% speed if all apples, or any combination of the 49 feeds.

The 42k horse is also lvl 1 but starts at 25% speed, so can be fed 49 times to get to 74% speed, or again any combination. Basically the 42k horse will have 10 additional stats compared to the cheap horse.


For PvP there are balance issues that is for specific builds, for the most part it works because you design your char to counter a build and it tends to work - kind of how GW1 worked (A far superior game to GW2 in my opinion)
The issue with GW2 is it was a very bland game, the entire PvE experience was tedious. The PvP was an interesting effort, but again it jsut didn't work for me - I can understand how some may have liked it, but a 10/10 score for a game with a terrible PvE experience end game and leveling? I don't think so.

Ahhh, guess it was explained to me wrong then. I was told that it is 50 points total.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
What's the point for stamina on a horse? It says you can sprint longer but in the long run that seems less useful than just increasing the base speed of the horse itself. Unless the "speed" is actually the speed of the horse when it is sprinting? As far as I know a horse has three speeds....walk, run, and sprint. Only sprint seems to use stamina?

I've been spending my points between speed and carry?


Oct 30, 2000
What's the point for stamina on a horse? It says you can sprint longer but in the long run that seems less useful than just increasing the base speed of the horse itself. Unless the "speed" is actually the speed of the horse when it is sprinting? As far as I know a horse has three speeds....walk, run, and sprint. Only sprint seems to use stamina?

I've been spending my points between speed and carry?

Well "sprinting" for horses has been broken for awhile on the live server. It worked once and then got bugged. The way it is suppose to work is if your horse runs out of stamina you dismount. Which means having to remount and waiting for the stamina bar to refill. Sprinting or taking damage on your horse will reduce the stamina of the horse. Once it reaches zero you are off the horse. So ideally the more stamina your horse has the longer it can "sprint" or the more hits you can take before being knocked off it.

However, since the bug was put in patch 1.0.2, while sprinting the horse will reach 0 stamina but not stop sprinting nor force a dismount. You will still be knocked off the horse if you take damage while the horse has no stamina. I think they did this because before patch 1.0.2 many people were being dismounted randomly. I think they had another bug where the horse thought it had 0 stamina, but actually had more. Because of that bug you'd be dismounted constantly at random times. So to put in a temp fix they just "bugged" it in another way. Which is to make reaching 0 stamina from sprinting not for a dismount. Solved the random dismount while sprinting bug.

Which means the only reason to put points into stamina for a horse is to stay on it longer if you are taking damage while riding. Which is not a big deal at all. So in other words, there is no point in putting points into stamina right now at all.

Most people go for 2 horses. One horse for PVE and carry capacity only. The other horse for PVP and speed only


Nov 25, 2013
Whatever their reason for implementing allowing you to sprint when out of stamina, they have officially stated that it is 'working as intended' and therefore sprinting when out of stamina is part of game design. I had assumed it was a bug but was corrected on the Tamriel Foundry forums where someone shared a quote from the devs.

Essentially th consequence of sprinting with no stamina is that so much as a mob farting will throw you off the horse.
The advantage of more stamina is that you can take more hits before being knocked off your horse, course that is only if you have not been sprinting down your stamina to nothing.
Also, I believe you sprint faster if you tap the shift button but it burns through stamina faster, a high stamina horse would allow you to do that more before running out of stamina (at which point you need to keep shift held down)

Ultimately there is little point in Stamina mainly because having a horse naturally faster is a better plan. In PvP the theory of a high stamina horse may sound good, but being able to take more hits is of little use if you go so slow that you are around longer and so have to take those additional hits anyway.

Carry Capacity can be useful if you want a spare horse for that, if I were to have a carry capacity horse it would just be my 1g horse, I wouldnt waste money on a 42k horse for 10 more inventory space (though at 20k for 10 more bag space via purchasing, I guess it won't be long before that isn't an outrageous price).

Truth be told I won't bother with a carrying horse anyway, but then I am pretty good at bag management, my bank is mostly full of crafting runes, ores, trait stones and racial stones and a few things to research, but I leave town with around 90 of my 100 bag spaces empty so it is all good.

If you are a pack rat and really want the extra space, then the 1g horse is a good way to go after you buy your extra 20 slots from the bag vendor (before that it is not worth it as it costs 2500g for 10 bag slots via horse, but 2400g for the first 20 slots via vendor - course, as you buy the horse slots one at a time you likely want to start that asap)


Senior member
Feb 9, 2010
And tell me how Magelight helps against a guy 50 meters out? If PVP was in hallways or only against melee, your argument is sound.

For the glass cannon lightning mages, or bow crit builds for example, Magelight is worthless against them.

And what makes you think I was speaking of 1v1? Multiple times four of us were obliterated by glass cannon gank groups; get even a single stun off that they can't lightning tele out of is an achievement.

But go ahead and make fun of me; like I said, I already cancelled my sub.

You were bad, got owned and rage quited. You should probably stick to PVE or instanced PVP where things are a lot more predictable.


Apr 8, 2002
I'd expect as more people get to lvl 50 and pvp that the meta game of ganker anti-ganker will develop like DAOC. We used to spend entire nights running around with a skald uncovering stealthers around the gates.


Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
I'd expect as more people get to lvl 50 and pvp that the meta game of ganker anti-ganker will develop like DAOC. We used to spend entire nights running around with a skald uncovering stealthers around the gates.

They were certainly hated and hunted . I remember many times running down from Mid gate to AMG in emain with a group and someone would see a stealther pass through or close by and pretty soon the whole group would be spread out milling around trying to find the guy again and kill him.
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