Elon Musk now owns 9.2% of twitter...update.. will soon be the sole owner as Board of Directors accepts his purchase offer

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May 11, 2002
I’m nowhere remotely close to an expert on this but I’ve seen a lot of speculation that regardless of the Twitter clowning Tesla’s stock price didn’t make sense and was likely due to Musk manipulating the stock due to the relatively small number of publicly traded shares so once he had to start selling it had an outsized effect on the price.

He HAD to start selling it because he wanted to buy Twatter to show what a Twat he is!


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2006
I'd be willing to bet that at least 51% of the current TSLA dive is solely related to his behavior since about April or so.

My take is that his Antics aren't really affecting the actual car sales much yet. This kind of thing takes time to sink into to overall market of buyers.

But him selling tons of stock, and destroying his own reputation is killing the stock price. A lot of the stock price was based on borderline magical belief in future growth and profits, partially propped up by a belief in Musk as an infallible genius. Musk has shown that the Emperor has no clothes. Any "Musk Bonus" to the stock price is evaporating.


Jan 12, 2005
My take is that his Antics aren't really affecting the actual car sales much yet. This kind of thing takes time to sink into to overall market of buyers.

I'm not sure that it will affect physical car sales massively, people buy stuff from arseholes all the time. Apple never had a problem selling stuff and Jobs was famously unpleasant!
It might take the shine off the brand I guess as Musk has been a lot more of the visible face of the company plus there's more competition now.


Oct 11, 2005
I'm not sure that it will affect physical car sales massively, people buy stuff from arseholes all the time. Apple never had a problem selling stuff and Jobs was famously unpleasant!
It might take the shine off the brand I guess as Musk has been a lot more of the visible face of the company plus there's more competition now.

Jobs wasn't taking shots at the vast majority of his consumers on a revolving basis in a very visible manner.

And people are already canceling orders and excluding TSLA from their cross shopping. They're offering ridiculous deals to people to keep their orders. He's hurting the company on all fronts.
Reactions: Thump553


Jan 12, 2005
Jobs wasn't taking shots at the vast majority of his consumers on a revolving basis in a very visible manner.

And people are already canceling orders and excluding TSLA from their cross shopping. They're offering ridiculous deals to people to keep their orders. He's hurting the company on all fronts.
I guess. It's just a bit weird to me, I buy stuff on how good the stuff is. Tesla cars are as good or shoddy (depending on your opinion) as they were before Musk went visibly nuts.


Jan 14, 2013
Tesla was fundamentally overvalued but people bought into the cult of Elon, even though he was so full of shit about important things, like his fake autonomous driving. But even though the signs were there before, in 2022 he really started showing his true colors more and more often. The Twitter thing just put his persona at front and center outside of Tesla and that marketing shield, and the more people realized that Elon was a jackwagon, well, what do you examine next but his giant shiny trophy, Tesla.

As the veil of glitz started to wash off of him as people realized he was actually quite terrible, and not just personally, but with his business mind, Tesla getting knocked off of its overvalued pedestal was bound to happen.

This is enjoyable. It also exposes the stock market for how full of shit it can really be. It's a casino.
Reactions: iRONic and pmv


Oct 22, 1999
I guess. It's just a bit weird to me, I buy stuff on how good the stuff is. Tesla cars are as good or shoddy (depending on your opinion) as they were before Musk went visibly nuts.
Except "luxury" cars are a status symbol. A Tesla used to mean "I'm well off, but still a liberal/woke/care about the planet." Hard to keep that image when the only face of the company has gone full out anti-liberalism. Big difference between Tesla and every other car manufacture is I couldn't even pick out any other car CEO from a line up and only a few would I even pick the CEO's name off a name list.

Jobs wasn't running around publicly dumping on his biggest customer base, or palling around with neo-nazis, or spreading homophobic crap on social media.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Voting with my wallet is one of the last real freedoms I have. Back in 2020 when I got my Mach-E, Musk was already being a shitbird. He's the reason I never looked at a Model Y.

Same thing for Trump. I won't touch a property with his name on it. That's a right I have and one I actively employ. Money is the only language these fuckers speak. So I'll speak it.
Jan 25, 2011
I'd be willing to bet that at least 51% of the current TSLA dive is solely related to his behavior since about April or so.
I wouldn't put it even close to that high. There are demand concerns and his antics are impact that but to a very small degree. Interest rates, tax loss selling, an aging product line up and delays in new entries to the market. Hell even law suits are all impacting price. The PE ratio on TSLA was through the roof. At the height of the stock price PE was 146. That's now down to under 40 today and 40 is still generally high.

There's a lot at play and Space Karen's behavior is only a part of the puzzle and not the major piece.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I wouldn't put it even close to that high. There are demand concerns and his antics are impact that but to a very small degree. Interest rates, tax loss selling, an aging product line up and delays in new entries to the market. Hell even law suits are all impacting price. The PE ratio on TSLA was through the roof. At the height of the stock price PE was 146. That's now down to under 40 today and 40 is still generally high.

There's a lot at play and Space Karen's behavior is only a part of the puzzle and not the major piece.

Let's just say his behavior picked off the scab that was covering a festering wound of overinflated hype. The stock fall doesn't happen like this without his behavior and the added scrutiny it put on his other endeavors.
Reactions: iRONic


Oct 22, 1999
I wouldn't put it even close to that high. There are demand concerns and his antics are impact that but to a very small degree. Interest rates, tax loss selling, an aging product line up and delays in new entries to the market. Hell even law suits are all impacting price. The PE ratio on TSLA was through the roof. At the height of the stock price PE was 146. That's now down to under 40 today and 40 is still generally high.

There's a lot at play and Space Karen's behavior is only a part of the puzzle and not the major piece.
All that headwind and it's being ran by a part time, disfunctional CEO that can't be removed.
Mar 11, 2004
Let's just say his behavior picked off the scab that was covering a festering wound of overinflated hype. The stock fall doesn't happen like this without his behavior and the added scrutiny it put on his other endeavors.

This discussion is pointless as his behavior was what caused most of the other things that is hurting Tesla.

Its only now readily apparent to everyone because he made sure to make that public via his antics with Twitter. He's been this way the entire time, there's over a decade of evidence of it. I know a lot of it has been linked in this thread, where people that worked at Tesla and SpaceX said Musk was having to be babysat constantly because he was prone to being a moronic raging shithead that would ask such dumb questions that it would grind things to a halt as people tried to figure out how to explain things to him such that they could keep from causing a tantrum but also make it clear it wasn't something they would do because it was stupid. And so they did their best to obfuscate him from things and just pass along the buzzword shit for him to post on Twitter (anyone notice similarities about daily briefings with a certain former President?), where the format forced him to be brief enough to not interject much of his own shit to expose what a fraud, both simply too stupid to know what he's talking about, but also that he was in no way a genius or responsible for the success of those companies.

Twitter made Musk because the format forced brevity, which people mistook for intelligence. What really was happening is Musk was being forced to stick to "the facts" and post quite brief basic info that he was getting from the actual competent people at those companies. And his short quick answers to questions were likely because he was just passing the question on and then the simple answer back, not because Musk knew what he was talking about. Which makes it more understandable why he was so obsessed with Twitter and why last year happened. I think even Musk knew his status and success was built via Twitter, and that's why he wanted to control it. The problem is, he's such an incompetent egomaniacal dickhead, that he ended up just exposing what a bloviating full of shit dumbfuck he truly is.

Musk is Turmp. I bet if you go back and look at how Turmp was viewed at the same age as Musk, you'd find a lot of similarities. I've been telling people this for years. Musk got lucky in that he got surrounded by competent people that weren't crooks, which is why Turmp has so repeatedly been exposed as the buffoon he is. Musk is more intelligent than Trump, but they're on similar levels of ignorance when it comes to even their own businesses. That frankly is likely down to culture/family. Musk had parents that made sure he actually got educated. But functionally, they're both idiots who are too stupid to understand how much they don't know, but they have people fluffing them up for other reasons, and that in turn made them think they're just that amazing geniuses. But as they get older and more control, there's less people able to cover the reality. And Musk bought into the hype that he was the savior of mankind, when that wasn't even close to the case.

Similar thing happened with George Lucas, where when making the earlier stuff there were competent people that could cover, but once he was given cult leader control, it became obvious that he didn't know jack shit of what he was doing. And the people that covered for him had either left or were pushed out. This is what is now happening with Musk.


Jun 4, 2004
I'd be willing to bet that at least 51% of the current TSLA dive is solely related to his behavior since about April or so.

Well Tesla stock wasn’t the only thing diving today. A Tesla took a 250 ft dive off road in California and fell to the rocks/beach below.

Was it Autopilot? Probably not. The driver apparently wanted to kill his wife and kids - at least that’s what they arrested him for. The car landed wheels down. He, his wife, and kids 9 & 4 had no life threatening injuries….



Oct 22, 1999
Well Tesla stock wasn’t the only thing diving today. A Tesla took a 250 ft dive off road in California and fell to the rocks/beach below.

Was it Autopilot? Probably not. The driver apparently wanted to kill his wife and kids - at least that’s what they arrested him for. The car landed wheels down. He, his wife, and kids 9 & 4 had no life threatening injuries….

I will say I'm impressed they walked away from that. Gas would've more than likely exploded.
Reactions: zinfamous


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Voting with my wallet is one of the last real freedoms I have. Back in 2020 when I got my Mach-E, Musk was already being a shitbird. He's the reason I never looked at a Model Y.

Same thing for Trump. I won't touch a property with his name on it. That's a right I have and one I actively employ. Money is the only language these fuckers speak. So I'll speak it.

And it's a form of speech that the so-called free speech absolutists are trying to take away from us each and every time they complain about 'cancel culture.'


Mar 17, 2008
TSLA like other companies in its league must necessarily have PR departments that manages its image, unfortunately this is not a core concept at Twitter, though I am sure department at TSLA is brainstorming how to reach the guy. It is a little weird cause I am sure someone has told him, to his face, that he is hurting TSLA with his bs… But he keeps at it. Is it poor impulse control or something else at play?


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2007
TSLA like other companies in its league must necessarily have PR departments that manages its image, unfortunately this is not a core concept at Twitter, though I am sure department at TSLA is brainstorming how to reach the guy. It is a little weird cause I am sure someone has told him, to his face, that he is hurting TSLA with his bs… But he keeps at it. Is it poor impulse control or something else at play?
umm .... you'd like to think so.
you can find plenty of other hits in a goog search.

2 years ago elmo shut down the US pr team because having to answer difficult questions (full self driving problems and delays, changes to policies, delay on cybertruck, forcing tsla to buy his cousin's failing solarcity startup, removal of soft/hardware features for used tesla buyers, etc) wasn't worth paying for. if you dont have a pr dept then reporters cant call for an official(legally binding/actionable as a publicly owned company) statement. not very future looking.

so yeah the idiot child is no longer being managed by the grownups.
who knows, maybe it is an opportunity for his rich buddies to buy tsla shares at a lower price to lock in control of the company. sucks for the rest of the public who bought in on the inflated price.
Reactions: cytg111


May 30, 2008
Well Tesla stock wasn’t the only thing diving today. A Tesla took a 250 ft dive off road in California and fell to the rocks/beach below.

Was it Autopilot? Probably not. The driver apparently wanted to kill his wife and kids - at least that’s what they arrested him for. The car landed wheels down. He, his wife, and kids 9 & 4 had no life threatening injuries….

Yeah, saw that story and briefly contemplated it as some sort of metaphor, but decided it was too serious/dark a story to interpret that way. I suspect a lot of newspaper cartoonists had the same two successive thoughts. Fortunate, and amazing, that they all survived.


Mar 17, 2008
umm .... you'd like to think so.
you can find plenty of other hits in a goog search.

2 years ago elmo shut down the US pr team because having to answer difficult questions (full self driving problems and delays, changes to policies, delay on cybertruck, forcing tsla to buy his cousin's failing solarcity startup, removal of soft/hardware features for used tesla buyers, etc) wasn't worth paying for. if you dont have a pr dept then reporters cant call for an official(legally binding/actionable as a publicly owned company) statement. not very future looking.

so yeah the idiot child is no longer being managed by the grownups.
who knows, maybe it is an opportunity for his rich buddies to buy tsla shares at a lower price to lock in control of the company. sucks for the rest of the public who bought in on the inflated price.
Holy shit. Nope. Did not have the imagination. Jesus.
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