Elon Musk now owns 9.2% of twitter...update.. will soon be the sole owner as Board of Directors accepts his purchase offer

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Oct 11, 2005
Also odd that all this talk from him about the cost of donation being too much for them to continue with coming right after the Ukraine officials told him to fuck off on twitter.

Dude needs to be on the next spaceX launch and stay in fucking orbit.


Jan 25, 2000
He can't though, that's the problem. The breakup fee is for failure to be able to close the deal but it does not cover him for just deciding he doesn't want to buy it anymore. There is no stipulation in the contract for him to be able to back out for this reason, which is why Twitter sued him to begin with.

There is probably some number Twitter would accept from Musk to drop the lawsuit and let him avoid acquisition but it's presumably much higher than the breakup fee.
$5B should do the trick, but it's hard to say. Musk's summer nonsense has significantly harmed Twitter's business. On the flip side, they don't need to lay off as many employees since many left voluntarily rather than work for a narcissistic d-bag oligarch.

I read an article yesterday that broke down how much of the Starlink stuff is actually paid for by various governments, which was a lot, including part of the service whereas the media makes it sound like he is donating everything.
Read the same, I thought it's even worse than that. Most of the hardware (few thousand $ a piece) was bought for by countries and NGOs. Surprisingly, Poland is tops at donating 9,000 units.

Musk is attempting to get DoD to pay a large multiple of what SpaceX charges other subscribers per satellite, at least the way I read the reporting. I forget the numbers exactly but it was something like 10x. For example, let's say you pay your ISP the advertised price of $50/month that everybody else can get by signing up. Now imagine that the same ISP is asking DoD to pay something like $500 (per unit) for the monthly service. Now I understand Ukraine is unfortunately a war zone, and they constantly need to replace the damaged hardware. It can't be the cheapest place to operate any service. But bilking the govt. for the transmission/service costs is beyond the pale, and in line with much that we now know about Musk.

TLDR: StarLink can probably afford to comp the service, but instead they want to rip off taxpayers instead.

Remember when Elon donated a bunch of CPAP machines, and bragged that he donated "FDA-approved ventilators" to our government?
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Mar 17, 2008
Overall it sounds like Elon wants to fall more in into GQP line.

Getting into politics is gonna be this dudes undoing.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Oct 22, 1999
$5B should do the trick, but it's hard to say. Musk's summer nonsense has significantly harmed Twitter's business. On the flip side, they don't need to lay off as many employees since many left voluntarily rather than work for a narcissistic d-bag oligarch.

Read the same, I thought it's even worse than that. Most of the hardware (few thousand $ a piece) was bought for by countries and NGOs. Surprisingly, Poland is tops at donating 9,000 units.

Musk is attempting to get DoD to pay a large multiple of what SpaceX charges other subscribers per satellite, at least the way I read the reporting. I forget the numbers exactly but it was something like 10x. For example, let's say you pay your ISP the advertised price of $50/month that everybody else can get by signing up. Now imagine that the same ISP is asking DoD to pay something like $500 (per unit) for the monthly service. Now I understand Ukraine is unfortunately a war zone, and they constantly need to replace the damaged hardware. It can't be the cheapest place to operate any service. But bilking the govt. for the transmission/service costs is beyond the pale, and in line with much that we now know about Musk.

TLDR: StarLink can probably afford to comp the service, but instead they want to rip off taxpayers instead.

Remember when Elon donated a bunch of CPAP machines, and bragged that he donated "FDA-approved ventilators" to our government?
I can't remember the legal term for it. But it also appears like he "Gave" away the service to get the monopolistic market share and is now using the monopolistic power to demand unreasonably high prices. Just another wanna be Pharma Bro.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The only thing that says you can't develop residential on commercial land is zoning and the state legislature has started chipping away at that with SB6/AB2011. Yes people will absolutely sit on unused or underused land because the taxes are negligible.

yes sitting on unused/undeveloped land is pretty much common anywhere. Some resort countries of course have laws that enforce development within a certain time frame of purchase to insure that wealthy non-residents aren't using this vanishing land space as a wealth bank all the while leaching away potential revenue from what would be inhabited dwellings with x number of peoples spending their tourist bucks in the area.
Reactions: hal2kilo


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Sounds like Prop 13 made CA a paradise for retired people on fixed incomes.
Over the 20-30 years of retirement, house prices rising by 600% aren't going to wreck them on property taxes.

It's a terrible solution to an even worse problem, and as Democrats we can come together to endorse a better answer for fixed incomes and rising costs.

remember that the same people bitching about exorbitant property taxes and demanding federal and state protection from these swelling costs that they feel "they should never suffer from," are the very same people bitching about today's children faced with education costs about 1000% higher than what these boomers ever paid for the very same product...and of course call the kids cheap spineless cowards for not being able to handle "the sacrifices" that they managed.

Yes, these people believe both of these things at the same time. They are the most preposterously entitled, anti-self-aware generation of humans that has probably ever lived. They have only ever been selfish little bastards, coddled by their parents' generation that actually had to sacrifice some 20% of their population to give these little brats a far better standard of living than could ever have been imagined, and of course here they are, never having grown up.

Yes, they will very proudly hold up their ~$1k total cost for 4 years of college and demand that kids just suck it up with their $25-30k per year minimum costs and "figure it out!," all the while bitching and moaning that it is just totally unfair that they need to pay the same $15k per year that their neighbors are paying now for property, for some reason. It must be what freedom means to them that they and only they are entitled to their $600 annual bill.

All the capitalism all the time, so long as they alone are forever sheltered from the very real consequences of their capitalism. This is actually how they think. Also, they vote.

"Oh! BUT I WORKED SO HARD!" Fuck no you didn't, lol. At least, not an any way measurably greater than anyone else that has to live in the world, as it is, and pay the actual realized costs of living in that world. What a bunch of selfish, prick bastards. Lol--just listen to these words come out of their mouths.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
It's amazing how many middle and lower class conservatives think a flat tax is best and most fair.

It just takes very basic math to learn this is false but they refuse to do it.

They vote against their own economic interest for various reasons. None of them good usually

It's because conservatives are generally very stupid people. They like "flat tax" because it is simple math. Nothing more than that. They don't want to have to think. Their leaders know that their voters are very stupid and think this way, so they are all to happy to present themselves as the "enlightened leaders" of their movement, so they can keep pushing the idea of a flat tax because it is simple, obviouly quite insidious and wrong, but it doesn't matter. It's simply derived in order to funnel even vaster amounts of wealth from their middle-class and poor voters to the absurdly rich, and that is what they are there to do.

The simple voters will love this proposal, because of the simple math. They will continue to vote for their own encroaching poverty to the benefit of their ever-wealthier leadership class because anything that requires the least thinking is always the best.

This is specifically what the 60s-70s Reagan, et al. recruitment of the evangelicals--the dumbest, most dangerous humans that ever fucking lived--into the GOP was designed to achieve. It has been wildly successful. Just look at these fucking ghouls repeating this same mantra on these boards. They are the products of this complete and total economic arson against the United States and western democracy that the Jon Birchers and GOP planned long, long ago. It would be amazing how successful they have been, if it weren't so obviously simple of a strategy.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
It's because conservatives are generally very stupid people. They like "flat tax" because it is simple math. Nothing more than that. They don't want to have to think. Their leaders know that their voters are very stupid and think this way, so they are all to happy to present themselves as the "enlightened leaders" of their movement, so they can keep pushing the idea of a flat tax because it is simple, obviouly quite insidious and wrong, but it doesn't matter. It's simply derived in order to funnel even vaster amounts of wealth from their middle-class and poor voters to the absurdly rich, and that is what they are there to do.

The simple voters will love this proposal, because of the simple math. They will continue to vote for their own encroaching poverty to the benefit of their ever-wealthier leadership class because anything that requires the least thinking is always the best.

This is specifically what the 60s-70s Reagan, et al. recruitment of the evangelicals--the dumbest, most dangerous humans that ever fucking lived--into the GOP was designed to achieve. It has been wildly successful. Just look at these fucking ghouls repeating this same mantra on these boards. They are the products of this complete and total economic arson against the United States and western democracy that the Jon Birchers and GOP planned long, long ago. It would be amazing how successful they have been, if it weren't so obviously simple of a strategy.

Liberals are stupid people, for being ok with government taking more than half their money and using it in the most inefficient ways possible. 33% income tax + all the other government deductions, 13% sales tax, couple hundred a month property tax, then throw in all the other taxes like capital gains, carbon tax etc... By the time all is said and done you get to keep around a quarter of the money you make.

A flat tax would mean more money in your pockets but also mean that the rich pay their share. Simple is also good, it means less administrative overhead to manage all of it which in the end means more money savings for both the government and for businesses, and for you. ideally get rid of "tax season" altogether. you pay 10%, and that's it. No return, no owing. What now takes a team of 10 accountants could be done by 1 person. In a perfect world this is how it would work.


Jun 30, 2003
Liberals are stupid people, for being ok with government taking more than half their money and using it in the most inefficient ways possible. 33% income tax + all the other government deductions, 13% sales tax, couple hundred a month property tax, then throw in all the other taxes like capital gains, carbon tax etc... By the time all is said and done you get to keep around a quarter of the money you make.

A flat tax would mean more money in your pockets but also mean that the rich pay their share. Simple is also good, it means less administrative overhead to manage all of it which in the end means more money savings for both the government and for businesses, and for you. ideally get rid of "tax season" altogether. you pay 10%, and that's it. No return, no owing. What now takes a team of 10 accountants could be done by 1 person. In a perfect world this is how it would work.
if i take $1,000 from someone making $10,000/year, and $10M from someone making $100M/year, who exactly is hurting more?

flat taxes are regressive. progressive taxes are NOT hard, let alone with these magical contraptions called computers.

taxes are the cost of civilization. unless you want private companies charging you through the nose for roads you travel, emergency services, mail delivery, and so on...

let's use health insurance negotiation as an example.

private insurer: negotiates based on the size of its insurance pool. profits by either negotiating its cost well or denying insurance claims.
universal healthcare: negotiates with the entire population as its insurance pool. has no requirement to profit and can use 100% of its fees to support costs. also backed by the government, which is able to pass laws and has a monopoly on the use of force.

one of those negotiating positions is better than the other.
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Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Liberals are stupid people, for being ok with government taking more than half their money and using it in the most inefficient ways possible. 33% income tax + all the other government deductions, 13% sales tax, couple hundred a month property tax, then throw in all the other taxes like capital gains, carbon tax etc... By the time all is said and done you get to keep around a quarter of the money you make.

A flat tax would mean more money in your pockets but also mean that the rich pay their share. Simple is also good, it means less administrative overhead to manage all of it which in the end means more money savings for both the government and for businesses, and for you. ideally get rid of "tax season" altogether. you pay 10%, and that's it. No return, no owing. What now takes a team of 10 accountants could be done by 1 person. In a perfect world this is how it would work.

Says the side that wants to nationalize social media, the internet, MSM news, control women's bodies and select Trump as dictator for life.

The free market is all great until it turns against you. Right?

GTFOH with this shit.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Liberals are stupid people, for being ok with government taking more than half their money and using it in the most inefficient ways possible. 33% income tax + all the other government deductions, 13% sales tax, couple hundred a month property tax, then throw in all the other taxes like capital gains, carbon tax etc... By the time all is said and done you get to keep around a quarter of the money you make.

A flat tax would mean more money in your pockets but also mean that the rich pay their share. Simple is also good, it means less administrative overhead to manage all of it which in the end means more money savings for both the government and for businesses, and for you. ideally get rid of "tax season" altogether. you pay 10%, and that's it. No return, no owing. What now takes a team of 10 accountants could be done by 1 person. In a perfect world this is how it would work.
A single person would have to make $925,000/year with no deductions other than the standard deduction to be paying an effective federal income tax rate of 33% in the U.S. I'm not breaking out my violin for this.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I never said I wanted to nationalize social media, if anything we need to nationalize less stuff not more. Government needs to get their nose out of everything except for the bare essentials like health care and infrastructure. But those things they also do a poor job at and do it inefficiently so the whole system needs a revamp really. Trim the fat on the top as a start. A flat tax would also force the government to be smarter with money. You know, like how we need to figure ways to make ends meet when they keep raising costs of living.

I never even mentioned Trump, not sure what this has to do with him. Liberals seem so obsessed with him, do they not realize he's not president anymore?

But since we're talking about him, he pays like $1,000/year in taxes. That's less than what most of us pay in a single pay cheque. With a flat tax and getting rid of all the loopholes, he'd be paying millions.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Liberals are stupid people, for being ok with government taking more than half their money and using it in the most inefficient ways possible. 33% income tax + all the other government deductions, 13% sales tax, couple hundred a month property tax, then throw in all the other taxes like capital gains, carbon tax etc... By the time all is said and done you get to keep around a quarter of the money you make.

A flat tax would mean more money in your pockets but also mean that the rich pay their share. Simple is also good, it means less administrative overhead to manage all of it which in the end means more money savings for both the government and for businesses, and for you. ideally get rid of "tax season" altogether. you pay 10%, and that's it. No return, no owing. What now takes a team of 10 accountants could be done by 1 person. In a perfect world this is how it would work.

Reactions: hal2kilo

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
If you don't like government in your face, take your mouth off the tit.

Tell that to liberals that expect everything from government. In the states, people who took useless degrees who can't get a job want their student loans paid off for example, and it's the working class that foots the bill via taxes.
Reactions: iRONic


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
if i take $1,000 from someone making $10,000/year, and $10M from someone making $100M/year, who exactly is hurting more?

flat taxes are regressive. progressive taxes are NOT hard, let alone with these magical contraptions called computers.

taxes are the cost of civilization. unless you want private companies charging you through the nose for roads you travel, emergency services, mail delivery, and so on...

let's use health insurance negotiation as an example.

private insurer: negotiates based on the size of its insurance pool. profits by either negotiating its cost well or denying insurance claims.
universal healthcare: negotiates with the entire population as its insurance pool. has no requirement to profit and can use 100% of its fees to support costs. also backed by the government, which is able to pass laws and has a monopoly on the use of force.

one of those negotiating positions is better than the other.

The bolded is exactly the problem and is why I'm specifically calling out evangelical terrorists: they are all of them fundamentally apocalyptical sociopaths that actually aim for the end of civilization. They want war. They want poverty. They want misery and they absolutely pray for, and elect people that promise to bring them "The End Times," in whatever way possible.

The Only thing, the ONLY THING they care about in life, is the return of their Christ to bring them in to heaven, and exclude all "the wicked" to hell. This is specifically what they want and they aren't exactly shy about it. They don't want civilization and they certainly don't want to pay for the rest of the world around them to get better. They want fire and blood and chaos.

Just ask Red Squirrel how he prays for the end times and the endless punishment of everyone that doesn't share his bronze aged thinking. This is why he can't understand the absolutely insanely destructive math behind a flat tax, because he doesn't care. Those that have promised him rapture also promise him simple solutions like this. He doesn't think about the math, he just knows that Jesus candidate has also promised him the means to bring Jesus back. Therefore, all such plans proposed by Jesus candidate must be good because the only goal is always Rapture.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Tell that to liberals that expect everything from government. In the states, people who took useless degrees who can't get a job want their student loans paid off for example, and it's the working class that foots the bill via taxes.

none of this is true.

Again, you should probably visit "the states" for once so that you can stop making horribly asinine opinions about things you clearly don't fucking know.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Tell that to liberals that expect everything from government. In the states, people who took useless degrees who can't get a job want their student loans paid off for example, and it's the working class that foots the bill via taxes.
It's the working class with the high loans, you f'ing twat waffle. They have high loans because the conservative state legislatures cut support for the state universities, the conservative Congress turned grant programs into loan programs, and both let the for-profit diploma mills run wild. The working class got hosed by the profit-is-god/god-is-profit conservative assholes.


May 15, 2000
I never said I wanted to nationalize social media, if anything we need to nationalize less stuff not more. Government needs to get their nose out of everything except for the bare essentials like health care and infrastructure. But those things they also do a poor job at and do it inefficiently so the whole system needs a revamp really. Trim the fat on the top as a start. A flat tax would also force the government to be smarter with money. You know, like how we need to figure ways to make ends meet when they keep raising costs of living.

I never even mentioned Trump, not sure what this has to do with him. Liberals seem so obsessed with him, do they not realize he's not president anymore?

But since we're talking about him, he pays like $1,000/year in taxes. That's less than what most of us pay in a single pay cheque. With a flat tax and getting rid of all the loopholes, he'd be paying millions.

I’ve got some bad news for you…you aren’t a smart dude. You attributing things to the government when it’s the lack of government that’s causing the imbalance. You don’t have to take my word for it, you can just look at history to see what an unregulated market looks like. I’ll give you a hint; it ends in consolidation and a monopoly on resources and slave labor.

If you think things suck now when government intervention is at its lowest, just wait until the effects of what you want kick in. That is unless you think more people living below the poverty line is good because poorer people will pay more in taxes and government provided safety nets will be gone. Which of course leads to more crime, which then leads to an even greater divide between the poor and rich.

But hey, you keep supporting the failed conservative economic policies of the last 40 years because they’ve worked so well! Oh wait, you said they haven’t worked well…double down I guess.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Yeah because the economy is doing so well right now with justinflation LOL. And crime? Crime is at it's highest especially theft and drug related crime. People stealing from homes and businesses nightly and daily even in broad daylight and this is a growing problem everywhere and nothing is being done about it because of liberal policies that seem to protect thieves more than the victims of theft. Liberals and their supporters don't believe in people being able to defend their property so the problem will only keep getting worse.

Conservatives are not THAT much better but out of the 2 major parties they are the least worse. Problem is people like you have been brainwashed to think that bigger government is somehow better. Big governments are for people who can't think for themselves and want constant handouts and spoon feeding. Govern me harder daddy!


May 15, 2000
Yeah because the economy is doing so well right now with justinflation LOL. And crime? Crime is at it's highest especially theft and drug related crime. People stealing from homes and businesses nightly and daily even in broad daylight and this is a growing problem everywhere and nothing is being done about it because of liberal policies that seem to protect thieves more than the victims of theft. Liberals and their supporters don't believe in people being able to defend their property so the problem will only keep getting worse.

Conservatives are not THAT much better but out of the 2 major parties they are the least worse. Problem is people like you have been brainwashed to think that bigger government is somehow better. Big governments are for people who can't think for themselves and want constant handouts and spoon feeding. Govern me harder daddy!

Like I said, you aren’t a smart dude. Your knowledge of current events is about what one would expect from someone who only reads headlines.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Like I said, you aren’t a smart dude. Your knowledge of current events is about what one would expect from someone who only reads headlines.

Typical liberal tactic, resorting to personal attacks. You know I'm right but don't want to acknowledge it so you attack instead. If there is one thing I have learned in the past 2-3 years is how full of hate liberals are. If you don't agree with their views they will resort to personal attacks and even wish harm on you.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2000
Yeah because the economy is doing so well right now with justinflation LOL. And crime? Crime is at it's highest especially theft and drug related crime. People stealing from homes and businesses nightly and daily even in broad daylight and this is a growing problem everywhere and nothing is being done about it because of liberal policies that seem to protect thieves more than the victims of theft. Liberals and their supporters don't believe in people being able to defend their property so the problem will only keep getting worse.

Conservatives are not THAT much better but out of the 2 major parties they are the least worse. Problem is people like you have been brainwashed to think that bigger government is somehow better. Big governments are for people who can't think for themselves and want constant handouts and spoon feeding. Govern me harder daddy!
Dude, just stop. Just stop with that nonsense you are spewing. You're being gaslighted by whoever is feeding you that disinformation.
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