Empire Total War bugs worked out?


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2005
I had Rome Total War and I must've played that game through at least 5-6 times before I got sick of it.

I wanted to get Empire Total War but I remember reading that it had a lot of gameplay bugs. I also heard it runs really poorly. Are these things fixed?

What about the other Total War games (Medieval)?


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2005
Well I bought Medieval 2 TW since it was only $20 on steam, had good reviews, and someone recommended it on another thread here. I'd still like opinions on Empire TW if you have them!


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I was hyped by Empire: Total War, and to be perfectly honest I regret buying it, and it's not even because of "bugs" which I myself haven't noticed, what I did noticed in terms of technical "issues" was (yes, was, it ain't really the case anymore) really bad A.I, which has been worked on since its release, now A.I is generally good expect for the inevitable path-finding issues during sieges (which has been in ALL the Total War games) and the obvious lack of cohesive decisioning capabilities when it comes to land invasions from the sea.

But outside of the technical issues that remain, the game is just boring, well I speak for myself here mind you, some people like it, that's fine, to each their own, but for me it's the time period that I don't like, in the end, which I was NOT expecting, I thought I would like it, I really did, but then just watching columns of men firing at each others like little statues and barely moving if not at all, all the while the annoying artillery/cannons fire from the distance shredding your battalions to pieces often before they even get in range of fire of anything... it's just ultimately mind bogglingly boring. I just preferred it (and still do, since I still own and sometimes play Rome and Medieval 2, mostly with mods) when armies clashed against each others like raged animals with shields and swords swinging and bashing left and right with the sound of hitting metal and yells of the men at war... it's something that for me only Rome and Medieval 2 accomplished, mostly due to their time period, obviously, there's just something about that whole concept of ages-old conflicts of medieval times that screams pure war as it should be that can't ever be touched by more modern time warring.

There's something else I don't like, the music, it severely lacks the "humph" and "punch" and it does not create any tension or impressions of intimidating advancing enemy lines, if there's one game in the entirety of the TW franchise that accomplished that with brilliance it was Rome (the musical score for Rome won awards, well, the composer I mean, but you get the point), and to some extent Medieval 2. Also prior to each battles there's no speech given by any officers, any high ranking units, which is something I thought was done right enough in Medieval 2, which helped create some atmosphere.

And, finally, the last thing I don't like about Empire, which for me ain't little to consider is the entire single-player campaign and the way we maintain our empire, I really profoundly dislike the streamlined approach that the developers opted to go for with Empire, their micro-management system was working very well and was (and still is anyway) addicting and simple, to the point, from previous Total War games, but now you maintain provinces rather than maintaining individual settlements/towns/castles. But, in the end, there is one thing I do like about Empire, and it's the naval battles, they feel just right and I don't think any other developers could have done naval battles from the 1700's and 1800's better than Creative Assembly did in Empire, it's true, but other than that... it lacks, a lot.

But, hey, it's just me, keep that in mind, it received some stellar reviews all around, if reviews and scores mean anything to you (it meant something for me prior to buying it, it contributed to the hype, which I admit having felt for, shamefully, and to repeat myself I regret it, especially considering I bought it at full price and that only the following week-end it was on a week-end deal with its price cut in half). To conclude, it's quite simple, in my book both Rome and Medieval 2 are ages beyond and better than Empire could ever manage to be, DLCs or expansions or no.
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Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
I never played much of the previous Total War games but I can comment on Empire since I own it and have played over 80 hours of it. The game was extremely buggy and ran poorly for awhile until they finally got the techinical issues worked out. Unfortunately I poured most of my time into it before these issues were resolved, I'd say maybe only 20 hours worth are from when they finally got everything worked out. But yeah, it runs great now with not many crashes...etc.

I found the game to be fun and challenging through my time with it, but the ai falls into ruts and quite frankly it can be extremely tedious at times. This started to wear on me after awhile. I might play it again sometime but I doubt I'll ever finish another long campaign. I did play two of them (three actually if you include the Road to Independence) and I really enjoyed them, for the most part. But the game has run it's course for me, and although I liked a great deal it just didn't hold my attention. With that said, at times I did find myself REALLY enjoying it and in some respects I was seriously hooked on it while I was still playing. It just didn't last as long as other games do.

80 hours of gameplay is more than enough to justify the cost, for me, I'm very pleased with the purchase and consider it a good game. I got 250 hours out of Oblivion and Battlefield 2142, so that's my gold standard for games and Empire falls well short of that. But comparing it to, say, ODST (Halo 3:ODST) which I got 6 hours worth of play from, it's hard for me to complain about Empire.

By the way, I got Empire: Total War off of GoGamer.com for $34.99 right when it was released, so you can probably find it for less (much less?) now.
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Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2009
cliff notes- game sucks. skip it.

even if they fixed all the 'technical' glitches, there are still horrible flaws in the AI and diplomacy that make the game not worth playing.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
I am still having some issues with the game but overall I love the gameplay. I find it better than both Med 2 and Rome, but that may just be me.

Sadly those issues I mentioned prevent me from finishing my current grand campaign. There is something that corrupts saved games and now that I'm at turn 134 I can't continue. I can start a new game or load previously saved games but at this point my campaign is done.

Hopefully something will come of the post I made on the support forums but I doubt it.


Senior member
Jul 14, 2006
The game is too slow, boring and is still full of bugs - and the multiplayer campaign has only just reached beta. I'm disgusted that they're about to release Napoleon TW as a full game with the current state of Empire. The Napoleonic era is not a valid period/technology change for another game (some will argue otherwise). Nevertheless the Empire engine is perfectly capable of anything that war could throw at it.

In Empire, battles take far too long to load (I have a 720BE @ 3GHz) and when they do you can often expect to wait 2-10 mins for the enemy to come in range. This was also in the older TW's, but at least the fast forward button was effective back then....

In campaign mode you can expect to wait several minutes while the AI take their turns - this only gets worse as the game progresses. IMO the campaign mode tries to cover too much - the level of complexity in Rome TW was just right.

Eight? months after its release the AI is still frustratingly bad as well as the game engine itself. I still get mile long unit shadows, which I can only imagine is stunting my framerate....

The absolute worst part is the multiplayer - I am one among many who cannot play online at all - no games will list. The 'fixes' do not work (yes, I know how to use port forwarding)

The campaign provided is the American Revolutionary war - while a major turning point in history, it was little more than a sideshow compared to the other conflicts of the day.

I hope they don't botch a RomeTW/Medieval successor...


Aug 9, 2002
The path finding, controls, and AI are sore spots in this game. I liked the added arrow point controls but too-little-too-late. The AI has the significant advantage of controlling multiple units at once. For me however I'm always stuck struggling to path find 12 different units between city buildings that always get stuck or end up going the wrong way. It's rather frustrating when 4 units get stretched so thin and end up breaking their lines to an oncoming onslaught of foe. Though the good thing is that the AI doesn't shoot at you and more often than not just walk right into you as if you were their friend.

Other than that....it does get a little tedious. The navel battles are awesome to see in action but again the controls are clunky and it's a pain the ass.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
It's no Gettysburg, that's for sure, however, I enjoyed it. I suck at Naval battles, however.

I wonder how this game would have turned out if Sid Meier and the Firaxis team had developed it.


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2001
Overall I like E:TW enormously and haven't found the setting to be a drawback at all. I was one of the lucky? few that had very few issues with the game at launch and I still play it fairly regularly in rotation with Civ 4 and Anno 1404. In the last year I've probably put around 100 hours into E:TW and Civ IV:BTS each, as well as 80 hours into Anno 1404. I haven't pre-ordered Napoleon but I will buy it on release or shortly thereafter when I'm ready for another game.

As a side note, I think the setting is great. You have cavalry (Cavalry Wedge Charge!), artillery, infantry w/ bayonets and native american troops that complement your standard line formations and as such the combat really isn't just two sides firing at each other from musket range. The negatives for me are that battles do take too long to load (2+ minutes) and the game can be a little too complex for killing an hour here or there as downtime.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
Odd, my battles seem to load in 30 seconds or less. They used to take longer but some recent patch must have sped things up since I have upgraded nothing on my main PC... Maybe the move to Windows 7 helped? Seems unlikely but who knows.


Golden Member
Nov 11, 2006
Yea I'm not sure whats up with all the E:TW hate. I think the games is awesome. It had a lot of bugs and crashes when it came out but now it runs perfectly for me and is extremely enjoyable. I like the setting and it's a great change of pace from the previous games.


Feb 8, 2000
I only played it once through, and spent barely 40 hours on it. Compare this with having played Medieval II at least 4 times, over 100 hours and many 10 hour sessions trying to take over the world. I took over all of Europe with Rome too.

The main problem with this one was that it ran like shit on my computer. It took 5 minutes to load maps sometimes, and because it does it so often, as opposed to an FPS or RPG, this killed the experience.

Also, I partly agree with Zenoth. Having your columns stand still and shoot eachother to shit isn't quite as satisfying as throwing horde after horde of foot soldiers into huge groups, watching the pile of bodies grow. I'm also anal about losing units, so having no real advantage over other armies is quite annoying; the great equalizer that the gun is, huh? If/when I upgrade my computer, I'll definately give it another go.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
The game is just boring, and this coming from a person that worshipped Rome:Total War and also enjoyed Medieval Total War 2.

I just don't like the time period. I hope they go back and do a remake of Rome again.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
The last patch fixed all of my CTD issues and the AI is much improved. Only took 10 months and the game is finally ready for release.


Golden Member
Jul 22, 2005
i personally love the game. i admit i waited until after most of the bugs were fixed before i bought it.

i even bought the $2 unit packs for it.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2005
I have only played the game for a couple of days so far (bought it last month) and I have to say the most frustrating aspect of the game is the unit path-ing in a battle. There were countless times where I would drag a unit out behind a wall or fence only to have them decide to do a 180 flip. What's odd is when you hit the space bar to see where the unit is going the footprints show the right position but the unit is facing the wrong way. All the while they get cut up by missile fire. Or when I click on them to go shoot at this battalion they line up at a 90 degree angle to the unit rather then face to face and shoot to the side. This causes friendly fire as the guys on the extreme right flank shoot the heads off of the guys on the left. Staggering...

Navy combat looks incredible but you have to micromanage your ship and thats hard to do when you are in large fleet engagements. If I left them on their own they won't try to line up broadside for large volume fire and instead use their 2-3 cannons in the front to shoot the enemy. This is all with the latest patch, too.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
Anyone played King Arthur yet? Apparently it has similar gameplay to the Total War series.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
The game still crashes and path finding can be horrible.

-Units often do not follow instructions when placing them on walls (mostly around corners). The icons showing the positions of your troops often do not match up to what they actually do.
-Sometimes when you issue a move order to a group it will result in a move order in that direction BUT right to the edge of the map. Groups affected will always have this bug and need to be ordered individually.
-Naval battles often times turn into a cluster **** if you attempt to issue group move orders. The paths they follow make no sense.
-I have to watch my cannons like a hawk because on one occasion they blew a hole through my fort trying to shoot something on the other side.

But overall I like the game.


Aug 11, 2005
I just bought this, put dvd in, tries to install steam, register game with steam, watch it try to dl 15+ gb of data through steam and not from the local dvd....awesome job Valve!

/found workaround to install from dvd
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Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
All the TW games are amazing... in concept.

They're invariably crippled by poor, exploitable AI and generally buggy at release.

That didn't stop me from sinking days of my life into M2TW, it's fun in its own right but repeating the same battle over and over gets old... eventually.

Basically in the end my army was 100% archers, in the field the enemy would advance slowly or stop and line up nicely to exchange arrows while I cut them all down, knowing the whole time if they would do just one decisive charge I'd probably lose.


Senior member
Jul 7, 2008
Anyone played King Arthur yet? Apparently it has similar gameplay to the Total War series.

I bought King Arthur during the Steam sale but cannot compare it to the Total War series, as i never played TW. King Arthur is quite a complex game, heavy on the roleplay aspects - leveling, loot, magic. Turn based strategic map, Real time battles. Definitely a fun game.

Check out the demo on Steam - it is huge download, but fairly lengthy and gives you a good idea of the gameplay. I was sold after playing the demo.
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