End Priveleged Class, End Unions.

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Golden Member
Nov 28, 1999
Derp. People have the right to vote for a union or not.

They have a right to work in a union shop or not.

No free government would dictate whether they can or not.

Get it?

People don't always have a choice to join a union if they want a job. When i was in high school and worked at a grocery store, I was forced to join the union even though I didn't want to (And they provided no real benefit for me). Yet every week, I'd have to pay dues whether I wanted to or not.

That's a crock of shit.

Have your unions, but you should not be able to force people to join them.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
A unionized public employee, a Tea Partier and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, "Watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie


Nov 20, 1999
These labor issues were as recent as 2005-2006. They were pushing 12% while we were at 5%. I explain their increasing of exports as they are making products people in China want to purchase.

Not saying this isnt a good idea. I just dont know enough about it. On the face of it, it does sound good. But at the same time we are not Germany.

Small vs big business in this country is a huge govt issue. As we have already seen. Small business has almost no chance against big business in this country. Each day big business enacts regulation that makes it harder for small business to start, grow, and survive. This is why I am always talking about decentralizing power out of DC. You complain about the welfare for the rich and big business. I agree! But what most people dont understand or want to see. Big business is getting govt regulation enacted to crush small business. That is even more damaging imo. Because small and medium business are the growth drivers in this economy. And it sickens me to see Obama hold a jobs council and invite big business leaders to the white house to discusss how to create jobs. Big business doesnt create jobs in this country!

Why don't you read the articles?


Why has Germany's unemployment improved while ours has worsened? That's because their government has small business creation policies and worker's rights policies (and make no mistake about it, it's anti-free market). When local banks are forced to invest in the local communities, this is what happens

In terms of unemployment:

That surge has carried Germany out of the Great Recession more quickly than most major industrialized countries. GDP rose 3.6% in 2010, compared with 2.9% in the U.S. While joblessness in the U.S. and much of Europe has spiked to levels not seen in decades, unemployment in Germany has declined during the crisis, to an estimated 6.9% in 2010 from 8.6% in 2007, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). "Germany is in a very competitive position today, more than ever," proclaims Stéphane Garelli, director of the World Competitiveness Center at the Swiss business school IMD.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2053595,00.html#ixzz1FGpqs61N

There are definitely bad regulations (and sometimes big business has a hand in lobbying for them), but the heart of the matter is that capital moves more freely in the US than it does in Germany and as a result capital moves OUT of the country. That doesn't have much to do with the regulations in place, that's a purely free market/free trade thing. We still believe in free trade economic theories that have no bearing in the modern world today. For example, libertarians and conservatives believe in 'comparative advantage', but Ricardo, the economist who made the idea famous assumed that capital was immobile


We know that's bullshit and capital flees, in absence of regulation like Germany has, to the low hanging fruit of the world because that's where the growth is. Even China is having some manufacturing flee to places like Vietnam now because workers are getting 'too expensive' for certain types of manufacturing.

Edit: and comparing the US to Germany 2005/2006, our 'unemployment' was due to a real estate bubble while Germany's growth is actual real
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Jan 28, 2002
Why should the government have a law that people who want to work for it have to join a union and take their money by force?

If you want to work for the government you should have a choice weather you want to join an organization and directly take money from your pay check to them.

The government is not dictating shit. You're the one who wants them to. You're the one who wants dictating, I want freedom and choice. Get it?

Sorry, I can't debate points that you simply make up in your head.



Feb 7, 2011
If people want to form unions that is fine. But those that do not want to be a part of a union should not be affect by them. Forcing people to pay union dues by LAW is a scam.

THAT'S my point mainly. My gf is dumping money into something that she does NOT get any kind of protection from. She could be paying off student loans with that money


Jan 28, 2002
People don't always have a choice to join a union if they want a job. When i was in high school and worked at a grocery store, I was forced to join the union even though I didn't want to (And they provided no real benefit for me). Yet every week, I'd have to pay dues whether I wanted to or not.

That's a crock of shit.

Have your unions, but you should not be able to force people to join them.

A majority of your fellow workers voted to unionize.

That's their right.

You had every right to work elsewhere.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
a unionized public employee, a tea partier and a ceo are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The ceo reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, "watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie



Nov 9, 2004
A unionized public employee, a Tea Partier and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, "Watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie



Jan 28, 2002
THAT'S my point mainly. My gf is dumping money into something that she does NOT get any kind of protection from. She could be paying off student loans with that money

The true motivation reveals itself.


Nov 20, 1999
a unionized public employee, a tea partier and a ceo are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The ceo reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, "watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie





Golden Member
Oct 22, 2010
A majority of your fellow workers voted to unionize.

That's their right.

You had every right to work elsewhere.

So because my workers "vote" to do something I have to force them all to do what the majority of my workers say?
Thats their right? No, thats bullshit.

The employees don't run shit. Don't like it? GTFO
If the employer doesn't want to negotiate with the union or force all its employees to join a union its TOO BAD.

You have every right to go work elsewhere.


Feb 7, 2011
A unionized public employee, a Tea Partier and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, "Watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie

Yup I can't wait until we get 18 hour days at suicidal inducing FoxConn company compounds building Phones for Chinese.

Right wing is so utterly clueless. Almost all wealth is controlled by .01% and while trying to further their gains they cheer em on.

Let me tell you something. I'm close to 1% but I would have nothing without a vibrant middle class to sell my warez to. I built homes, Mcmansions sold to a vibrant middle/upper middle class. I sell Liquor to a vibrant middle upper middle class. Without them I have nothing. I want everyone union making 100K a year.

Okay, let me say something here about the logic behind these two posts and how it relates to unions in general. OK, so .1% of the country controls 99% of the wealth or whatever. Also, large corporations are holding down the middle class and executives are taking an increasing amount off the table of middle-class workers. That's basically what these two posts are saying, yes?

Well then what have unions been doing? If things are so awful for the middle-class worker, then where is all the money that workers are dumping into unions going? The've been losing chunks of their paychecks for the last 40 years as things have been getting progressively worse supposedly? So American workers have spent their entire careers dumping money into public unions that thye're a part of, without seeing things get better, and actually seeing them get worse. So why are people happy about paying into them? Why are people FORCED to join them?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Derp. People have the right to vote for a union or not.

They have a right to work in a union shop or not.

No free government would dictate whether they can or not.

Get it?

A majority of your fellow workers voted to unionize.

That's their right.

You had every right to work elsewhere.

You are such a hypocrite it is disgusting. You want a dictatorship concerning where people can work.


Golden Member
Dec 21, 2005
A unionized public employee, a Tea Partier and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, "Watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie

The CEO built the company that baked the cookies AND brought them to the table.


Nov 20, 1999
The CEO built the company that baked the cookies AND brought them to the table.

The CEO also laid everyone off after he built up the company and moved the 'manufacturing' of the cookies to Mexico.


Jan 28, 2002
You are such a hypocrite it is disgusting. You want a dictatorship concerning where people can work.

True, when I need to hire a plumber, I "dictate" that the person knows something about plumbing.


Feb 7, 2011
The CEO also laid everyone off after he built up the company and moved the 'manufacturing' of the cookies to Mexico.

...because the workers unionized and started asking for wages/benefits/retirement funds that would bankrupt the company within 2 generations. What a bastard that CEO is for wanting his company to continue surviving.


Feb 1, 2008
The problem is that since the 80's (and before), the unions have lost a lot of power. I don't know why for i have never been in an union myself. But those I know that are and were have been hit hard by tactics aimed against unions by various presidents and non union business.

What I do believe is everyone that works for a living, union or not, has greatly benefited from what unions have done for NON union workers. True trickle down effect. Non union workers have been paid better because non union companies are afraid of workers unionizing. That is a fact!
I know from experience on that fact.
Where I work, part of the company is warehouse operations. The warehouse is NON UNION. A lot of people work in the warehouse (not me however). The warehouse workers are paid very well. Nears $20 an hour To START!
The company pays that high because every so often unions try to come in and organize warehouse workers to unionize. Every time (so far) the warehouse workers have voted the union down.

If that threat of unionization were not a threat, the warehouse workers pay scale would drop like a rock. Warehouse workers would be lucky to get minimum wage to start.

Example, our company also employs its own janitorial staff. They are non union. Their starting wage is minimum wage. The longest employed janitor has been there over 20 years and makes $10 an hour. $10 after 20 years, full time. Most janitors can not afford the company health insurance offered, and so they do not take it.

That is only one example.

If you work non union and make a good wage, you can probably thank the union system for that benefit. THAT is a FACT!

And there are a few more trickle down benefits non union workers benefit from the backs of union workers:
An 8 hour work day.
Company healthcare insurance.
Safe working environment.
Weekends off.

I bet a lot of people here can add to that list.
And besides... Company based healthcare is the American way. The American healthcare system everyone has embraced lately when Obama tried to include some sort of government based healthcare.

Take away unions, and tell me where is the incentive for any company to offer healthcare insurance? Think of the money non union business could save by NOT offering employees healthcare.
And if your employer stops offering healthcare, I WANT TO KNOW where you are going to get your healthcare insurance from? From the insurance companies directly? HA HA... Good luck with THAT! Especially if you're over 40, or have any pre existing like high blood pressure, or any stage diabetes, or if your over weight at all, or maybe you are healthy and young but someone in your family had cancer, or an heart attack, or diabetes, or.... well you name it.

So you HATE the UNIONS? Want them terminated? REALLY....
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Jan 30, 2001
A unionized public employee, a Tea Partier and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, "Watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie

That makes no sense. The reality is that public sector union bosses take a cut of wages paid to public sector employees and fund the politicians that control the amount of money taken from citizens to pay the salaries and benefits of the public sector employees after taking a cut for themselves for all their union organizing activities. If you don't think that is a system built for corruption then you are willfully blind. It is not in any way similar to a private sector union negotiating with a private sector corporation.


Golden Member
Nov 28, 1999
A majority of your fellow workers voted to unionize.

That's their right.

You had every right to work elsewhere.

That makes no fucking sense.
Can you at least give me a reason why I should have to go work else where? If i'm capable of doing the job, and negotiating on my own, why should I have to pay for representation I don't want?


Nov 20, 1999
...because the workers unionized and started asking for wages/benefits/retirement funds that would bankrupt the company within 2 generations. What a bastard that CEO is for wanting his company to continue surviving.

HAHAHAHA, you actually think workers still unionize like they did several decades ago. Private union membership is almost completely decimated (comparatively speaking)


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You are feeling very relaxed now.... Breathe deeply and slowly....you are getting sleepy....We are going to tell you a deep truth we wish you to remember....When you wake up you will feel wondrful, like you have seen the light....This is the truth you will feel:

We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today. We don't need unions today.

Now, 3 2 1, you're wide awake.


Feb 7, 2011
The problem is that since the 80's (and before), the unions have lost a lot of power. I don't know why for i have never been in an union myself. But those I know that are and were have been hit hard by tactics aimed against unions by various presidents and non union business.

What I do believe is everyone that works for a living, union or not, has greatly benefited from what unions have done for NON union workers. True trickle down effect. Non union workers have been paid better because non union companies are afraid of workers unionizing. That is a fact!
I know from experience on that fact.
Where I work, part of the company is warehouse operations. A lot of people work in the warehouse (not me however). The warehouse workers are paid very well. Nears $20 an hour To START!
The company pays that high because every so often unions try to come in and organize warehouse workers to unionize. Every time (so far) the warehouse workers have voted the union down.

If that threat of unionization were not a threat, the warehouse workers pay scale would drop like a rock. Warehouse workers would be lucky to get minimum wage to start.

Example, our company also employs its own janitorial staff. They are non union. Their starting wage is minimum wage. The longest employed janitor has been there over 20 years and makes $10 an hour. $10 after 20 years, full time. Most janitors can not afford the company health insurance offered, and so they do not take it.

That is one example. If you work non union and make a good wage, you can probably thank the union system for that benefit. THAT is a FACT!

And there are a few more trickle down benefits non union workers benefit from the backs of union workers:
An 8 hour work day.
Company healthcare insurance.
Safe working environment.
Weekends off.

I bet a lot of people here can add to that list.
And besides... Company based healthcare is the American way. The American healthcare system everyone has embraced lately when Obama tried to include some sort of government based healthcare.

Take away unions, and tell me where is the incentive for any company to offer healthcare insurance? Think of the money non union business could save by NOT offering employees healthcare.
And if your employer stops offering healthcare, I WANT TO KNOW where you are going to get your healthcare insurance from? From the insurance companies directly? HA HA... Good luck with THAT! Especially if you're over 40, or have any pre existing like high blood pressure, or any stage diabetes, or if your over weight at all, or maybe you are healthy and young but someone in your family ever had cancer, or an heart attack, or diabetes, or.... well you name it.

So you HATE the UNIONS? Want them terminated? REALLY....

Again, most of these benefits you just cited are from 80-100 years ago. And janatorial work is NOT the same as freezing your ass off in a warehouse.

Also, what pretty much EVERY pro-public union person has stated in this thread can be accomplished WITHOUT unions. you want benefits/strike ability/etc.? Then form temporary committees. That way when it's time to renegotiate you have your strength in numbers...and then the rest of the year you don't siphon off people's paychecks. Simple. No blood sucking unions, no protection for shit public-employees who bleed the system dry, no conscripted funding of the DNC.
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