Escape From Tarkov

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Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Is it pretty fleshed out in terms of content or is it just your run-of-the-mill shooter? How's the optimization (currently trying to figure out if it will run on my buddy's laptop with UHD 620 and a 2.2GHz CPU)? Are there tons of hackers? Bugs?

Just some general information would be appreciated.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2012
You could easily sink 100+ hours into the content that is currently in the game, and that is with only half of the planned maps released. I haven't played any other game since I started this in December.

The next map (Laboratory) should be released in the next month or two. It will be a smaller, more PvP focused map. There is a ton of variety in what is available. The only thing missing right now is full-on urban combat (Streets of Tarkov map) and that should be here before the end of the year.

There are a lot of things you can say about Tarkov but 'run-of-the-mill' isn't one of them. There really has never been another game like it. The closest thing would be Arma. If you've put any time into that series then you kind of have an idea of the base that Tarkov is expanding on. There are also RPG-style skills that your character levels up passively. The game most closely resembles a Survival Horror game during the first 10-20 hours while you're trying to figure everything out. It is very punishing to new players who don't want to put the time in to research the mechanics.

Guns are the coolest part of the game, in my opinion. Every gun is identical to its real world model and can be broken down into dozens of pieces and modified extensively. New guns and mods are added all the time.

There is no hand-holding so I can't recommend it to casual players. A lot of hardcore FPS players are turned off by it, too. I would advise anyone who is interested to watch a lot of Youtube/Twitch before pulling the trigger. The most helpful content creators are DeadlySlob and Pestily. They stream on Twitch daily and have a lot of good guides on Youtube.

A UHD 620 and 2.2 GHz CPU is not going to cut it unfortunately. The lowest I would go is something like an i5-2400 and GTX 960. The game absolutely requires 16GB of RAM as well. Some people try to get by with 8GB but the larger maps really cause problems for them. The quest lines require you to visit every map.

The biggest optimizations issues seem to be server side. There can be some microstutters when new AI loads in during a raid. Sometimes gunfire can cause a quick stutter. There is a huge technical patch being deployed at the end of this month to alleviate this.

Bottom line, the game is really a 10/10 for me but I totally understand why most people will hate it. It is inherently unforgiving and experiencing some growing pains as they work their way through beta. If you watch a bit of gameplay videos and it doesn't strongly pull you in, then I would say wait another 6 months or so. This isn't like DayZ where zero progress is made for 12 months at a time.


Jun 3, 2011
My question are esports related.

1. Gameplay - whats it like?
Assuming the stutters get fixed, is it lagged or unlagged netcode? Does the game have raw mouse input, a console like quake, does it have fine mouse tuning?
Have you spotted any high-skill bugs? (Like scope-in glitching)
What is a typical firefight like? Is hit detection accurate, is spread randomized, do bullets disappear? Is dodging a relevant skill (or overpowered)? Twitch aim? Are we talking more reflexes or positioning?
Any idea what the high-low of TTK is?
Is the game sniper-dominated, SMG/AR, or balanced?

2. Competitive gaming
Does the game have matchmaking? Rankings? Private matches?
Clan support? VOIP? Anti cheat of any sort? Does the game culture in any way promote esports or is it screaming kids?

3. Social
Are there any noteworthy social features, like messaging, whisper, a global chat, trading, market, friends list? Are people divided by server?

4. Costs
Can you estimate what the realistic cost for a good player is, yearly?

5. Anything else
Have you found anything BAD that we should know about?


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2012
1. Gameplay - Loot, Shoot, and Scoot. The best explanation I can come up with is that the game is like looting NW Airfield in DayZ Mod but in a raid format. You can jump in and out in 10 minutes or you can stick around and push your luck for a full hour. The longest raid timers are 60 minutes. The shortest limit (Factory map) is 25 minutes. There is 8-15 other players in a raid, depending on the map size.

Firefight length & TTK depends on a lot of factors. Squad versus solo player will probably end quickly unless the solo player has the positional advantage. If the numbers are even, it might come down to who brought the better ammo or armor. There are dozens of ammo types and 6 classes of armor (modeled after Russian GOST standards). End-game armor can be countered by low level players two ways - aim for the legs (no leg armor in-game currently), or aim for the face hit box. All face shields can be penetrated by low level/cheap ammo. A lot of helmets don't have mounts for faceshields.

Current ammo table:
Current armor pen stats:

Armor and ammo balance is always being tweaked. Right now we're in a state where armor is very strong, which causes the players to use just a few ammo types. Everyone is kind of avoiding using 9mm or any kind of soft-point 7.62/5.45/5.56. The argument for strong armor is "Hey, I played all this time to level my character and spend tons of in-game $$$ on high end armor, I don't want to die in less than 2 seconds". The argument against strong armor is that a lot of ammo seems useless and if you're not following the current meta, you'll find it hard to get kills.

My personal preference is that armor should stay a little bit overpowered. The game should be rough for low level players and players who don't want to risk bringing their good gear into a raid. Plus, nothing is more exciting than taking an end-game geared player down with a well placed pistol shot and taking all of his stuff.

SMG/AR/Sniper - since most of your engagements are going to take place between 25m and 100m, the game is a bit biased towards assault rifles. SMG are really fun to run in confined areas but you'll be limited in your ammo choices. Snipers are going to be more fleshed out later on. Right now there are two bolt action snipers (SV-98 and DVL-10) and roughly a dozen long range (800m-2000m) scopes in the game. If you want to snipe, you'll typically want a backup AR or auto pistol in case you get ambushed. Players like to converge on shots, especially when it is the distinctive sound of a high value sniper rifle. The amount of assault rifle choices is absolutely mind blowing. I could run a different setup everyday for 6 months.

Also - two things are being implemented that will significantly slow down combat - Mag Reloading and Medical Animations. For loading magazine, you have to load each round one-by-one and it will take a few moments to load a full magazine (you can interrupt it at anytime). You have to make sure you bring at least 3-4 loaded mags into the raid so you can avoid having to do this during combat. This is currently in the game via the inventory screen but they will be adding the animation soon. Mags can be loaded instantly when you're not in raid.

For using medical items, you press a hotkey. There is a 5-6 second delay between uses right now but the effect is instant. They've started releases previews of the medical animations and they look really good and should be added soon. You won't be able to heal while running/shooting anymore and it is going to change how people play the game quite a bit.

2. Matchmaking is 100% random and will stay that way. This is the overwhelming preference of the player base. You never know who/what you're going to run into in a raid.

3. Friends list and groups are in right now. Distance based VOIP will be in shortly (maybe a month or two, IIRC). Right now we just have voice commands that can be mapped to F-keys on your keyboard (or double tap Y to bring up the list). There are maybe 50 different options and it actually works really well. Check out Smoke (Twitch streamer). He has mastered the voice commands and does some really fun stuff with it.

Clan support, I believe, is further down the road map. They recently released colored arm bands and there will be more clothing options in the future to help distinguish your squad members.

There are global chats and direct messages. Trading markets are available but unofficial. There will be an in-game auction house being released very soon. They've releases a couple of teaser screenshots this month. Everyone is looking forward to it.

4. Just the one-time cost of the game. There are no micro-transactions and they are adamant that the game will stay that way.

I recommend buying the standard edition of the game ($40) if you are interested. Play it for a while, get a feel for things, and if you fall in love with it then upgrade to the EOD edition ($100 upgrade). The only thing you get is a bigger out-of-raid inventory size. Playing with a standard edition is in no way a disadvantage. You have all of the same gear and items as EOD edition, you just won't be able to horde as much of it at once.

5. Hackers were a minor issue until a month or two ago. The developers released their anti-cheat implementation and it appears to be working great. There was a huge ban wave last month and I haven't seen a single cheater since. Despite what a few teenagers on Reddit will tell you, the devs are taking it seriously and doing a good job to combat it.


Jun 3, 2011
Im still on the fence.

Distance based VOIP is something ive wanted to see for forever and i mught be foolish enough to try the game just for that, but most of everything else tells me this isnt the kind of game i might play.

I previously played Survarium which .. is the same game. It's a equipment-based tactical shooter, so you can 1-shot bodyshot a noob with a .50 sniper from across the map (provided you adjust for distance), but a high level character in body armor is a different kind of beast.

See, im pretty good with aim. Ive been playing quake and similars for 8 years, so i can easily track a head hitbox, but when my bullets magically disappear im not happy. Now, Survarium has a lot of that - lots of unseen calculations that determine if you hit or if you dont, on top of randomized bullet spread and recoil patterns. Thats just not acceptable to me.

Mind you, this *is* a game im looking at; the graphics are gorgeous and the map design i could really work with. But im not gonna drop forty bags on it just now.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2012
The map design really is top notch. Strolling through the mall on Interchange at night is one of the creepiest experiences in video games. The designers at EFT are the best in gaming right now, IMO.

Hold off for a bit. They'll probably do another New Year's sale and a lot of upcoming additions should be fleshed out by then.

A game this big and ambitious unfortunately needs the early access model to get the volume of testing data required for balancing and bug squashing. I'm OK with being the guinea pig but there is nothing wrong with waiting for the release of 1.0.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
My personal preference is that armor should stay a little bit overpowered. The game should be rough for low level players and players who don't want to risk bringing their good gear into a raid. Plus, nothing is more exciting than taking an end-game geared player down with a well placed pistol shot and taking all of his stuff.

2. Matchmaking is 100% random and will stay that way. This is the overwhelming preference of the player base. You never know who/what you're going to run into in a raid.
See, I don't think these two things go together. Lower end players fall behind the curve and the gap widens. If you play less you're less experienced/skilled, you don't have vendor levels, you have lower end gear, it all compounds.

If good ammo wasn't grind-walled behind vendor levels then I really wouldn't care that much. I don't expect to be able to compete evenly, but even when everything "goes right," I still have to contend with dumping half a mag of crap ammo into someone's back and them turning around and popping me in one burst. At least with good ammo I can put myself on an almost even playing field for dealing damage, I just can't take hits and lack aim assists and other tools. And good ammo is very expensive, so choosing to use that w/ substandard kit is definitely a financial risk.

I also think it would be better if there was some degree of matchmaking. First, bracket matching within the first 10-20 levels +/- 5 levels to ease the noobs in. Second, calculate something like a gear score for everyone going into a round. Bias matchmaking toward some degree of normal distribution for player gear in a round. This would generally limit how often gear gods waste their time vs a bunch of hatchlings, and tend to save a low end player who is actually trying w/ gear contending with 8 gear gods on Interchange.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
From what I've seen, the spawned AI can carry good ammo and weapons so new players can still have a chance.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Been playing it quite a bit lately since my buddy bought it so I have someone to team up with. So far, it's fun, but a vast majority of things aren't explained at all and without a good kit, it's pointless to fully gear up as PMC and join a map because you'll probably die within five minutes anyways. For PMC, I generally join with just a pistol and a trash rifle and just bee-line for the first gun-shots I hear unless I'm nearby something worth exploring. I can consistently get kills, but on that same note, I consistently get killed as well.

I guess my only gripe with the game is the absolute horrible optimization. With my specs, I'm running the game at 2560X1440 with EVERYTHING on low just so I don't experience crippling lag spikes. I can't count the number of deaths I've incurred due to me slowly moving around a corner only to completely freeze for a solid 5+ seconds then see the death screen pop up the moment the screen unfreezes. Or trying to roam around in the parking garage of interchange at 4fps because every time move or turn, my game starts lagging. I've asked about this on the forums, but so far, nobody has anything decent to say (rather toxic community from what I've seen on the forums).


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2012
Massive technical patch coming soon. It appears to touch on every common complaint that I'm aware of. The patch usually comes 5-10 days after the change log is released.

I'm taking a short hiatus from EFT to play SCUM. I'm already at level 40 and maxed out on the current patch and need a break.

- Improved network synchronization of doors
- Synchronization of the corpses positions
- Adjusted grenade synchronization
- Improved synchronization of loot that gets dropped on location
- Redesigned control settings system
- New redesigned system of network interpolation (improving precision of movement, reducing delays, increasing hit detection)
- The first iteration of enhanced in-raid inventory behavior (decrease of errors and inventory operation hangs) - Weapons parts and mods for SA-58
- Mosin rifle
- Added new skill - Covert Movement

AI Improvements:
- Adjustments of unalerted boss behavior
- Fixed the bug that caused multiple bots to stand in one point one point while on patrol
- Fixed the bug that caused boss and his detail to get stuck in the grenade throwing posture
- Improved the accuracy of grenade throws for all bots
- Fixed the bug that prevented bots from checking their surroundings when stopping
- The common bots are no longer aiming at the head
- Bots who have heard the sound of a firefight, no longer look towards potential target
- Fixed the bug that caused bot to search for position on suppression request
- Fixed the bug that prevented bots from reloading while providing suppression
- Now bots won’t charge into combat with unloaded weapons
- Adjustments were made to bots’ hearing, now they don’t completely ignore the players behind their backs

- Looting items handling optimization
- Shadow performance optimization
- Procedural animations performance optimization
- Optimization of network traffic consumption
- Optimization of weapon modifications and weapons’ models and LOD groups
- Optimized character spawning in the raid, reduced frequency and severity of freezes on spawn
- Fixed various bugs that were causing other cases of freezes

Fixes to locations:
- The curbstone near the new gas station that used to disappear prematurely
- Fixed the problem of players getting behind the gate at the paid exit with an SUV at the Customs
- Scav exit from the Factory now doesn’t overlap with the safe
- Fixed shadow geometry in one of the wall gaps in the Resort
- Fixed the catch between the crates at the Factory that could get you stuck
- Fixed loot, quest zones and bugs in the nighttime Factory
- Customs gas station culling correction
- Culling correction of geometry behind the two-storeyed dorm at the Customs
- Fixed sticking catch in the Resort, on the second floor of the West wing
- The Shoreline tower door can now be opened in both directions
- Adjusted the Woods spawn points to avoid excessive spawn proximity
- Corrections made to the toppled grenade box in the Woods
- Fixed the Factory door that was causing the invulnerability glitch
- Adjusted spawn points at the Customs
- Fixed spawning algorithm errors that sometimes caused late and close spawns
- Added new loot points and containers on the Shoreline

Interface fixes:
- Fixed screen overlapping that sometimes occurred on server connection loss
- Now the revert button only resets the current tab of the settings
- Pointer does not disappear on the weapon modding screen
- Fixed tutorial soft-lock learning on clicking Back
- Weapons Inspector now displays the correct weapon accuracy
- Resolution change now requires a confirmation
- Settings now allow to clear the assigned
- The quick equip action (ALT+LMB) now plays a sound appropriate to the equipped item
- Combining two stacks of rounds now plays an ammunition movement sound
- It is now possible to cancel the editing of controls
- Cash from the rewards screen now goes to stash on CTRL+LMB
- If there were changes made to the settings, a confirmation window is displayed
- The depleted consumable items now disappear from the Quick Access bar
- Death count now gets updated in the stats after raid
- Fixed bug that kept the binding of items even after they were moved to a corpse
- Timers don’t twitch now (changed to monospaced font)
- Centered item pivots
- While searching containers and corpses you now get to see how much space is occupied by the items that are not yet discovered

Visual fixes:
- Now the vegetation is not disabled regardless of Nvidia Inspector settings
- If there is a flashlight attached to the weapon, the weapon base doesn’t cast a shadow
- Removed the white stripe from HAMR while aiming
- Density (brightness) of searchlights’ Volumetric Light is reduced by half
- Improved shader for glass visors
- Fixed a visual bug of grass strobing during the rain
- Fixed bug that sometimes made the grenade explosion invisible
- Removed sunglare effect from reflex sights and scopes
- Fixed the FOV change related bug that led to problems in displaying scopes and reflex sights sights
- Fixed the FOV change related bug that caused weapons to shot off the reflex sights’ reticles
- Corrected laser dazzle, it now occurs if the ray is directed straight in the character’s eyes
- Adjusted the reflection intensity on materials of objects during cloudy or rainy weather
- Raindrops now don’t disappear from hands if the character gets shot
- Fixed black reticles of certain sights
- Visor shader is now correctly displayed in the fog
- Fixed Elcan optics bug that allowed to zoom in perpetually
- Fixed bug that caused night scope illumination to disappear when aiming at the glass
- Corrected some inaccuracies and visual problems with movement and animations of the characters in the third person
- Fixed a noticeable disappearance of another players’ lights, depending on the perspective and distance
- Fixed the reticle orientation in the reflex sights mounted in alternative positions
- Fixed the bug that made reflex sight reticles invisible on smoke
- Improved rendering of equipment on characters (especially on Scavs) - reduced clipping

Fixed various errors:
- Bug when throwing grenades from the Quick Access toolbar
- Error that occurred while quickly moving ammo from stash to crammed inventory
- Various server errors that were causing desync
- Various client errors that caused FPS to drop
- The error that appeared on binding and use of the console key
- Error of moving an object to another container, when it linked
- Error that disabled the door interaction doors in offline mode after a single instance

Miscellaneous fixes:
- Fixed various bugs causing problems with registering hits
- Fixed rate of fire linked to FPS problem
- Fixed a bug that allowed character to stand up while under some object
- Fixed bug with discarded objects falling through the floor
- Bug that breaks the interaction with doors and containers if the player has a grenade in hand
- Fixed the problem of incorrect penetration of helmets and visors
- Leaving the raid is now counted in the stats
- Bug that made character stuck in the level geometry after reconnect
- Bug with repeated door interaction on breach attempt
- Bug with part of the cells remaining unsearched
- Bug that changed the current resource of the passed first aid kit
- Damage registration bug
- Bug that caused the hands to freeze with lock pin in them, if the grenade with removed pin were switched for something else
- Fixed bug that had all character skills to max out
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused arm hits not to register
- Fixed bug that caused discarded weapons to bounce
- Fixed bug that caused player to remain on the matchmaking screen after clicking on the "back" button while loading location, even after restarting the session
- Fixed the bug that made medkit unusable if a player was injured during treatment
- Fixed geometry clipping of sights in the camera, if the weapons has a sight installed at 45 degrees angle
- Fixed the bug that allowed player to keep the belongings after hitting Back when deployment to location has already started
- Fixed inability to pass through a door sideways
- Fixed ability to jump through the ceiling or the dorm to the floor above with a regular jump and leveled strength
- It is now possible to move things for sale to a trader by dragging them
- Fixed the bug that prevented discarding items from the stash
- Fixed the bug that made the bodies twitch for a while after death
- Fixed the bug of character corpse disappearing after reconnect
- Fixed MTU002 Short Top foregrip filters fro SOK-12
- Blind fire no longer allows you to shoot through walls
- Bug with repeated opening of the door, that could make it open the other way
- Bug that prevented player from producing the death sounds in first person, and there was no audible hits either
- Fixed third-person arm-twisting when character is getting ready to throw a grenade
- Fixed bug with twisted hands with folded stock or in contact with the wall or other players
- Fixed a bug of the "Gardening" quest part 1, where “Survive and exit from location" condition was not observed
- Bug with empty-handed player being unable to change weapons and use the equipment after a quick melee blow during the grenade throw
- Various skill fixes
- Various minor balancing fixes

- Trader filters now hide all items that are not included in the filter
- The armor Fence could not sell now gets removed faster
- Removed animation of character pulling up to the doors, hoods, loot containers - except for knocking doors down
- Added settings entries for screenshots and console
- Enhanced brightness of some reflex sights reticles
- If you walk up to the wall or to another character, weapon gets lifted later. First, it is pulled closer to the body
- In death from 3rd-person the weapon now doesn’t stay in the hands, but drops down as if on a sling
- Now the falling bodies of the killed take into account the velocity of the bullet
- Pressing ESC in the settings menu after making changes to the settings will prompt you to save or discard the changes
- If a player leaves the raid (Leave game via the ESC menu, not through the exit), his character dies on the server (not the case with the connection loss)
- Reduced the frequency of thunder sounds
- Now glass doesn’t break when you’re just passing near it
- Added more information to some of the error messages


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
The developer's have hinted that it's coming out early next week. My inventory is currently 100% full (bags and vests included) because of the horrible lag spikes. I've just been playing SCAV because I tried three different PMC runs going in with very minimal gear and every single time I died from lag spikes. I've set everything to as low as possible and even dropped the resolution to 1080 but I still frequently freeze for 5+ seconds when moving around or turning corners (especially bad when going around corners). The developers tried to tell me my system wasn't strong enough to play without experiencing lag spikes but in the end, they suggested I wait for the next patch since it's including a lot of optimization that's supposed to fix the suttering and lag spikes that many people are experiencing.


Oct 9, 1999
The developers tried to tell me my system wasn't strong enough to play without experiencing lag spikes but in the end, they suggested I wait for the next patch since it's including a lot of optimization that's supposed to fix the suttering and lag spikes that many people are experiencing.

If your system isnt powerful enough to play this game at min graphics @1080P without 5 second lag spikes then this game just is not worth playing period.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
I'm chalking it up to the game being in beta and being poorly optimized. I'm holding out hope that it will be fixed because the game is a lot of fun, but when I load in with body armor, med kits, vest, bag, and a rifle and try to do a proper run (and also clear up some inventory space since it's full all the time from SCAV missions), and I get killed because I heard someone moving around and I start lagging, it's really infuriating.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
I got back into this hard. Even though I'm behind and garbo gear idk it's just fun going in with nothing and seeing how much you can build up.

I was hatchet spamming customs last night just for a dorm 114 key for quest and got a bad spawn in forward factories. Decided I'd work toward shortcut and decide from there what direction to hit based on action. Round was popping off like crazy, so I said F it, I'll just open one door only on shortcut and loot the office until things calm down. Gold chain and figurine in cabinet. Still too noisy too close, so I decide I'll just watch a while, maybe camp it for ambush if someone comes through--the round is toast anyway for checking 114 key. Guy in pilgrim comes up and unlocks shortcut--excellent. Unfortunately I had all doors closed and was in forward section but this round is a writeoff to me anyway. Rush through the TWO doors and still manage to hatchet his face and take him down and... HE HAS A FACTORY KEY IN HIS PILGRIM. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Thx player scav. I bet he doesn't know rage like that.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
1. Who in their right mind keeps keys outside of their lock box?
2. Why would a player Scav not immediately extract if they find a key?
3. You're using a lot of lingo I don't understand and I'm currently level 7ish.

I love playing the game, but playing it with my buddy currently and it's making the game almost unbearable since he's playing on a generic store-bought laptop that takes (not exaggerating) over 15 minutes just to load into one session. This leaves me with the responsibility to search and secure all by myself while he takes forever to load in and on multiple occasions, I've been pinned down and he spawned in directly in front of players. He watches a lot of videos about loot routes so he knows them better than me (I refuse to watch videos) but on top of his horrendous load times, he lags pretty bad and dies quite often.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Fastest isn't always the best option though. There's been more than a few occasions where I loaded in as a Scav near unlooted bodies. By the time I was done looting, I was going to just extract given the amount and quality of stuff I just took off the corpses, but the nearest one had tons of gunfire and was close to a fairly known hotspot. Instead I took the long route to the secondary extraction and made it out with some extremely good gear.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Not sure when the new patch hit, but it drastically improved performance. No more microstutters. No more random lag. It also seems like I can play at my native resolution with almost all settings maxed. Now when I die I can't blame it on the lag.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Disagree. Something is off with hit registration. Friends and I are distinctly noticing shots failing to reg on scav heads. Microstutters gone, FPS improved and more stable, but this is a new problem. Also scav load freezing is still a thing.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
I thought the scav load freezing was normal simply due to the engine trying to plop you down in place of an AI.

As for the hit registration, I played three quick games last night before I posted and I was landing shots left and right with no issue. I also got killed as fast as I usually did from people with full-auto rifles. Though I did make it out with a halfway upgraded M4. I'm guessing that guy was really pissed when I landed those headshots on him as I rounded the corner. Full armor, bags, vests, etc. but there were others nearby and someone with that much gear doesn't play alone. I grabbed what little I saw and booked it to the nearest exit.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2012
A quick tip for anyone trying to level their Sniper skill to unlock M61 ammo: Reloading the mosin gives you 0.3 points per reload. It took me 2 raids to get to level 7 and complete Peacekeeper's task.

They've nerfed things like this in the past, so who knows how long it last.
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