Ethnic cleansing

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Senior member
Mar 3, 2012
This is the South African President singing Kill the Boer Kill the Farmer.

The Boer is the White Afrikaner who are from dutch decent. The ANC which is the ruling party use a strategy of using vigilante groups to murder opposition party supporters and are on a campaign to kill every white person.

The proportional murder rates per 100,000 of the different SA population groups are broken down as follows
200 murders for every 100,000 white farmers; 100 murders out of every 100,000 whites;
40 murders out of every 100,000 coloured and Asian people; and
30 murders out of every 100,000 black people:

What the international community do not or do not know

Most murders are racially motivated as they are tortured to death without taking anything or small items. The plan of the ANC was during negations which started in the 80's not to give the whites of South Africans anything and to drive them out of SA. Nelson Mandela who told no one went against their plans and strived for a SA where all can live together. Unfortunately he served only a short period. Policies like Black Economic Empowerment was implemented and the bill adjusted which strikes the fatal blow against the emergence of black entrepreneurship by creating a small class of unproductive but wealthy black crony capitalists made up of ANC politicians, some retired and others not, who have become strong allies of the economic oligarchy. More and more poor black people became poorer and the ANC government and their families friends and others on the gravy train became richer and richer. It is basically take or taking half the shares from of a white owned company and give it to someone else of their choosing. The took 40 percent of De Beers and gave it to people affiliated with them.

There are more strikes and voilence ion township areas than there were in the apartheid years. This is the SOuth Africa at the moment

This was Apartheid South Africa

Apartheid era

Apartheid era

Current South Africa

Apartheid South Africa

Under Apartheid, 73 people died in police detention from 1963 to 1990, which equates to 2.6 people per year during the Apartheid period. In comparison, 912 people died in police custody in just ONE year (2008 to 2009) under the ANC. Yes, you can clearly see just how inhumane Apartheid was - 2.6 people vs 912 a year.

Look at the backgrounds of the pictures of the Townships back then to current. You will note tar roads, vehicles and brick houses. There was not a thing like squatter camps as the government build houses and did not allow informal settlements. They builded houses with electricity and running water as well as the Worlds biggest hospital in Soweto. The ANC leaders got law degrees and other degrees in a apartheid South Africa as well then started up voilence in the townships with the campaign Liberation before education.

At the hight of Apartheid in 1978 Soweto had 115 Football fields, 3 Rugby fields, 4 athletic tracks, 11 Cricket fields, 2 Golf courses, 47 Tennis courts, 7 swimming pools built to Olympic standards, 5 Bowling alleys, 81 Netball fields, 39 children play parks, and countless civic halls, movie houses and clubhouses. In addition to this, Soweto had 300 churches, 365 schools, 2 Technical Colleges, 8 clinics, 63 child day care centres, 11 Post Offices, and its own fruit and vegetable market. There were 2300 registered companies that belonged to black businessmen, about 1000 private taxi companies. 3% of the 50,000 vehicle owners in 1978 were Mercedes Benz owners. Soweto alone had more cars, taxis, schools, churches and sport facilities than most independent countries in Africa. The Blacks of South Africa had more private vehicles than the entire white population of the USSR at the time.

The Canadian Medical Doctor, Dr Kenneth Walker wrote about Soweto, (I freely translate from “Verrat an Südafrika”, Klaus Vaque, 1987,pg 41)

“In Soweto I saw many homes that costs about $100,000 (1978) and that had a BMW in the driveway. All houses are single storey. Many are recently painted. Many had flowerpots in the windows and lawn in the front. Only 2% were shacks. If I had the choice to live in Soweto or in the apartment dwellings or “Projects” of New York, Chicago, or Detroit where there is so much crime, then I would not hesitate for one moment and choose Soweto.”
The biggest hospital in the world, Baragwanath with 3200 beds and at its peak almost 8000 staff had 23 operation theatres fitted out with the most modern medical equipment that existed in the world. Blacks were treated here, operated full state costs to the white-taxpayers for unlimited periods. The budget of this hospital was and is higher than the yearly budget of most small member states of the United Nations. Next door to Baragwanath is the St. John‟s Eye Clinic. The clinic is world famous for the treatment of Glaucoma, Cataracts, traumatic eye injuries and rare tropical diseases. All built and maintained by taxpayer‟s money.

Because the Liberation before education stance black people refuse to go to school those who wanted to go threathen with violence. In the end not many received a education. They could only get jobs as cheap laborers.

Since 1970 the budget for black education was raised by about 30% per year every year. More than any other government department. In the period 1955 -1984 the amount of black school students increased 31 times from 35,000 to 1,096 000. 65% of black South African children were at school compared to Egypt 64%, Nigeria 57%, Ghana52%, Tanzania50% and Ethiopia 29%. Amongst the adults of South Africa, 71% could read and write (80% between the ages 12 and 22). Compare this to Kenya 47%, Egypt 38%, Nigeria 34% and Mozambique at 26%.

In 1994 they closed down alot of schools, government did not pay for education or maintained the schools and told the schools to maintain themselves by charging the schools school fees which most of the black population can not afford. Now only the fortunates get educated and more and more black people go inot poverty. They have no intention in protecting their citizens and only enrich themselves.

The international community was seriously dooped into isolating South Africa. The Truth and Reconciliaton commision paid the people R30 000 (roughly $5000) to tell a story of crimes committed in the past. Thart amount is a lot for many poor people and you could make up anything. It wasn't seriously investigated.

This was in the apartheid years with the voilence in the townships

Ambulance and black and white ambulance perwsonal putting a protester in a ambulance.

People can just ask themselves the following?

Where did Mandela's and Buthelezi's degrees came from if the Apartheid government education was inferior
Why did the police and army patrolled in the townships rather than just blocking it off from the outskirts of it and let the black people kill each other?
When the Cold War started and Australia and the USA banned any parties with coommunist affiliation and enacted a law by it. Why when the South Africa banned the ANC for its affiliation with Cuba, Russia and the SA Communist party was it seen as oppression?
Why did the ANC refused to disband their military wing after 1994?
Why is banning inter racial marriages seem as only a racist act against black people if white people/colored people and Indians were not allowed to marry black people and other racial groups? That would be calling themselves inferior which is not true.

In 1974 came the call to have SA expelled from the UN. First up demanding that South Africa gets expelled was the Ugandan Foreign minister Elizabeth Bagaya, representing a country run by a cannibalistic dictator Idi Amin who became synonomous with oppression of blacks (the Lango and Acholi people) and the indiscriminate execution of dissidents. Between 100,000 and 500,000 people were brutally murdered in Uganda at the time. She hardly batted an eyelid in listing the alleged “Crimes” of South Africa.

In that very same assembly, sat the Indians seemingly unaware that Amin expelled all the Indians from Uganda complaining about Indians living in South Africa under oppression.

India, Pakistan and Ceylon(Sri Lanka) were taking on Jan Smuts over their brethren in SA, he offered to pay for their repatriation to their home countries. A small group from SA took him on on his offer as an advance party, but soon returned telling their fellow Indians in SA to stay where they were, because conditions in their motherland were unbearable. Indians in South Africa at the time enjoyed a per capita income six times higher than that in India.

The rest of the world who were slagging South Africa off about Apartheid at the UN seemed to be unconcerned about the 900,000 refugees who were fleeing religious persecution in India and Pakistan during the 1960‟s. They cared little for the 500,000 Indians thrown out of Burma, tens of thousands expelled from Uganda, or the thousands victimized in Kenya and Tanzania. Ten years before that Indonesia slaughtered tens of thousand of women, men and children of Chinese background, Many African countries have done worse, yet China and Russia, operators of their own Gulag Archipelagos voted to expel South Africa. Only the United States, Britain and France prevented the expulsion of South Africa in 1974, mainly because they realized that similarly Arab countries could gang up against Israel and expel the Jewish state.

Not one cared to look at how diverse South Africa really is. Most people think that all black people speak the same language have the same culture. Unfortunately South Africa‟s Black population is not homogenous. There are several different tribes who all speak different languages and who have distinct and hugely different cultures. There are main tribes such as the Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, Venda, Ndebele, Sotho, Swazi and the Shangaan/Tsonga people. But it does not stop there, because these main tribes consist of smaller tribes. For instance the Xhosas are made up of Mpondo, Fingo, Thembu, Bhaca, Nhlangwini and Xesibe tribes. The Sothos are made up of North Sotho (Bapedi) and South Sotho (Basotho) tribes. The Tswanas are only a part of the main tribe known as the West Sotho. Other tribes that make up the West Sotho are the Kwena, Kgatla, Tlhaping, Tlharo, Rolong and Ngwato. The Venda tribe is made up of mainly the Mphephu and the Lemba, but in total the Vavenda can be bordered off into 27 clearly distinguishable tribes. The Zulus are made up of about 200 smaller tribes The Swazis are made up from the Nkosi, Shongwe, Khumalo and Hhlatyawako tribes. The Northern Sothos are made up from the Pedi, Koni, Phalaborwa, Lobedu and Kutswe tribes.... I can go on and on and on naming them. the Xhosa's and Zulu's do not want to accept each others culture and they were fighting as the Zulu's chased them all over South Africa. Rwanda two African tribes were thrown into one country in close proximity 4 million died. India and Pakistan were created because of the cultures not seeing eye to eye. A person from Pakistan cannot vote in India nor is a citizen and vice versia.

South Africa took all those different tribes and ave them a homeland

Investors was invited to start businesses there to provide work. It was given independance. Botswana was part of South Africa given to the Tswana tribe. Botswana have huge diamond deposits so they were not given the poorest parts. The Zulus in KwaZulu had the area with one of the best rain fall in the country.

Read this

That is what is happened to anyone who did not support or riot with the ANC

Here the ANC prison camps AN AUDIT OF THREE YEARS, 1990-1993.

The reality of the ANC's system of prison camps and the nature of its
Security Department, Imbokodo ('the boulder that crushes'), has been established without question. The ANC is no longer portrayed almost universally by the left and the liberals as a saindy Robin Hood riding to the rescue humanity on a dashing (Hollywood) charger. Where previously there was silence, or uncritical celebration of the perpetrators of abuses, there now is routine reference in the South African and international press to the issue of 'the camps'. It is a truth that can no longer be suppressed.
This work was carried out in conditions of extreme difficulty. The Amnesty
report was the culmination of two and a half years of exhausting campaigning,
in all but total isolation, mainly by two people. Amnesty had to be
threatened with exposure before it undertook to carry out this investigation.
Even then there was no certainty that its inquiry — which was taken out of the hands its South Africa desk — would result in publication. Whole-hearted, generous and unstinting collaboration was provided to this magazine by a single British colleague, the former Westminster borough councillor, Bill McElroy — an outstanding human being worth an army in any campaign. Southern Africa owes this remarkable man a debt of gratitude. He is known and loved by many former ANC and Swapo detainees.
After the War vs the British. 24000 woman and children died in concentration camps and with the British burning down every farm in South Africa leaving the Boer with nothing. No foreign aid no bail out plan and 22 cultures where some have the believes of abducting a woman and raping her makes her your wife. Others sold their children for cattle. Twins was murdered because its part of their culture. (If you ever come to South Africa look how many twins among the black community you see. Almost none). Thoise traditions will never be accepted in a western culture. So do you try what these people did
converting them and fail miserably or give them their own homeland like India and Pakistan did?

South Africa did the latter and it was branded racist for classing people according to cultures. I would rather take a couple of hindred of people dead at a riot than 4 million in genocide. Look all over Africa the tribes fighting and murdering each other today. Look at South Africa's stats now. It fits in nicely with the rest of Africa's stats and does not stand out being much higher than the rest of Africa.

We took a bowl of dust and in 80 years build a country who have nuclear power, a space program, build a nuclear bomb and is the only one to dismantle it voluntarily. They sanctioned us with fuel imports we turned coal into fuel by building SASOL. They placed Sanctions on arms while Cuba and SWAPO was getting ready to invade and put a dictatorship up in Namibia. We build Denel and made some of the best weapons. We had of the best surgeons with Barnard doing the worlds first heart transplant. We sent South Africans to protect Namibia helping black people not being ruled by a dictator. We did not impose them were fighting against guerrilla fighters trained with the same tactics that the Vietnamese used in Vietnam.

We did not oppress or go around and plunder Namibia or Angola. The soldiers were trained and educated in customs as well of how to communicate with locals. The rebel bases and rebels were given up by civilians and the informant rate went up from 10 percent to 600 percent in a couple of years. We were so successful that not only did we stop Swapo from mass murdering people in Namibia we won the community over who stopped supporting them. That was enough to stop Swapo getting majority power and it could not control Namibia with full power. So we did not go murder Swapo leaders we gave tem their country to have their democratic elections.

In 67 the British left Botswana with 12km of tar road. South Africa assisted a black ruled Botswana in what they are today. The country with best growing economy in the last 30 years in the world. In 67 they had 12 people who had a education.

So were the government really racist oppressors?

My first instinct is to make you perma-gone, and it appears at this point that I'm not alone among the admins with that sentiment. But, I've settled on one month for now. This forum is for politics and news discussion - not your personal platform for spreading your racist agenda. -Admin DrPizza
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Of course they were. I mean talk about utterly vile people. The ANC is on a campaign to kill all white people? Well that certainly sounds like a totally reasonable, non-insane argument.

P&N takes yet another step towards Stormfront.


Feb 5, 2011
Previously white-"owned" imperial nations in Africa tend not to be places Whites want to stay in once the colonial power leaves. The power vacuums are not benignly filled.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
oh and BTW the OP's avatar is the old apartheid era South African flag. Classy!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
So, tell me how this is worse than the Apartheid? You know, that period in South Africa where this "Ethnic Cleansing" was perpetrated by the Afrikaners?

I also like your Avatar.

You should post this on Stormfront, atleast there...they won't remind you about why South Africa got fucked up in the first place.


Feb 6, 2002
South Africa is just a civil dispute. Let them figure out their own solution. America can not solve their problems.

South Africa has many problems similar to the United States. We killed off all the Native Americans and took their land. The dutch and other white men kicked the Africans off their land and worked them like slaves. It is Blood for Gold. We did not force white men to take over South Aftrica. Let them solve their own problems.
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Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Sad, but dosent Boer mean farmer? Hence the african mastiff is a Boer Boel= Farmers Dog.

On record the Boer boel has like the hardest bite Psi ever recorded for a dog, a wolf came in at 420 psi, pitbull 235 psi, bullldog 320 psi, Boer boel 550 psi...amazing.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2006
I feel like this thread calls for one of those Captain Picard "WTF is this shit!" images.

Seriously though, I hate it when people use the brutality & incompetence of the Zuma regime to make excuses for Apartheid. Zuma's thuggery does not excuse or mitigate what the Afrikaners did when they ruled South Africa. Maybe next we can get some horseshit about how Rhodesia was some shining beacon of Western civilization and freedom.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
I must admit I am not intensely familiar with all the details of South Africa and it's history.

What I do know is that Apartheid was fucked up in it's own ways, without a doubt. YET, I also have learned things that mitigate it somewhat.

Like the fact that when the whites set up the country, there weren't very many native Africans in that area at all. Most of those who would later be oppressed and come into conflict, moved from more northerly areas nearby because they were drawn there by the prosperity the whites created.

Whatever the sins of the past white regimes were, and there certainly seem to have been some serious ones, it doesn't change how horrific the treatment of white farmers and other whites is now. I watched most of the documentary "Mugabe and the white farmer" not long ago, and I know that the farmer it was centered around is now murdered.

I've seen some of the pictures of what is done to these Boer farmers, it's horrific.

So, two wrongs don't make a right.

I've also heard some horror stories about what happened to the French in Haiti at the hands of the Haitian blacks. That was much longer ago of course. I think white liberals who think their fate would be much different if suddenly the percentages in this country of white to black were exactly flipped, are fooling themselves. There is already so much black on white violence much of it where the offender will specifically verbalize some framing of racial motive. The media does everything they can to keep the coverage of this only at a local level, if that.

I know a lot of people in this world believe basically anything that happens to whites is deserved because of their colonial past and dominance, etc... I think this is a silly view. Slavery, imperialism, aggression, invasion, war, atrocity have been standard issue shit for human civilization since it's inception. All human civilizations. All human races.

I can think of no other race that has done as much to mitigate and offset their share of that with positives. Yes, whites were certainly guilty of a lot in terms of slavery and conquest and colonialism... no doubt.

But can anyone name for me any other group that did as much to end slavery? And don't forget, Africans were already enslaving one another when whites started to get in on it and take advantage of it. Did they increase demand hugely and motivate a lot more of it to happen? No doubt.

But whites have distributed more life-saving medicine and other technology to other races and parts of the world than anyone in history, did more to stop slavery than anyone in history, have shown more contrition and guilt for their past actions than anyone else in history, invented the modern notions of environmentalism and preservation of wild animals and habitats... contribute an absurd amount of charity in money and direct aid to all sorts of places around the globe...

So I guess you could say whites didn't invent or start slavery, but they did end it. This is perhaps an oversimplification, since it still goes on. But you know what I mean. There's truth in it.

How long did Americans keep black slaves? A couple of hundred years? How long were slaves kept in Egypt and all across the ancient world? Thousands of years uninterrupted.

Whites are so afflicted with guilt now, and they set up mythos about other races... they convince themselves native Americans were perfect, completely at peace with nature... had no flaw... they gloss over the bloody tribal conflicts, sexism in the cultures, etc...

Same with other cultures, African, Asian, etc... whites fetishize Japanese culture, African culture, etc... in it's own way, particularly in some cases... it is actually sort of insulting to the races in question because it turns them into one dimensional charactures. All races produce people of all types, but the modern white-guilt liberal has just set up a new type of racism. This very patronizing attitude that other racial groups can't help themselves, but instead need constant white charity.

Modern white liberalism is just racism 2.0 in that way. Same looking down the nose of the past, dressed up in a new way. Harder to perceive as racist, but I've met plenty of blacks who see through it, for instance. Used to have a black professor who most certainly did.

Anyway, I think it's time for whites to stop beating themselves up endlessly about transgressions EVERYONE has been guilty of at various times throughout history. And to stop thinking they deserve any and all negative treatment forever to atone for it. They've done far more good for this world than bad. Where would technology and medicine be without whites now?

And all these people who mindlessly parrot this "these boardz r teh stomrfrontz!!! lol!" stupidity, over and over and over whenever any sort of racial issue is discussed... or at least whenever any white person stands up for their race in the exact same way these same people wouldn't object to at ALL from any other person of any other race... well, I really wish they'd pull their heads out of their asses.

Whites have just as much right to homelands, preservation of culture, and pride in their group as anyone else does. I'm tired of "diversity" meaning "everyone but whites"
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Senior member
Mar 3, 2012
Hmm... maybe the Blacks could be liberated by some spring revolution...

haha Nice one but De Beers and the mines belonged to Oppenheimer and its British mates. I think you know where what De Beers do? US slabbed a fine on them for running a monopoly. They run all the mines and owned 40 of the entire JSE.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I must admit I am not intensely familiar with all the details of South Africa and it's history.

What I do know is that Apartheid was fucked up in it's own ways, without a doubt. YET, I also have learned things that mitigate it somewhat.

Like the fact that when the whites set up the country, there weren't very many native Africans in that area at all. Most of those who would later be oppressed and come into conflict, moved from more northerly areas nearby because they were drawn there by the prosperity the whites created.

Whatever the sins of the past white regimes were, and there certainly seem to have been some serious ones, it doesn't change how horrific the treatment of white farmers and other whites is now. I watched most of the documentary "Mugabe and the white farmer" not long ago, and I know that the farmer it was centered around is now murdered.

I've seen some of the pictures of what is done to these Boer farmers, it's horrific.

So, two wrongs don't make a right.

I've also heard some horror stories about what happened to the French in Haiti at the hands of the Haitian blacks. That was much longer ago of course. I think white liberals who think their fate would be much different if suddenly the percentages in this country of white to black were exactly flipped, are fooling themselves. There is already so much black on white violence much of it where the offender will specifically verbalize some framing of racial motive. The media does everything they can to keep the coverage of this only at a local level, if that.

I know a lot of people in this world believe basically anything that happens to whites is deserved because of their colonial past and dominance, etc... I think this is a silly view. Slavery, imperialism, aggression, invasion, war, atrocity have been standard issue shit for human civilization since it's inception. All human civilizations. All human races.

I can think of no other race that has done as much to mitigate and offset their share of that with positives. Yes, whites were certainly guilty of a lot in terms of slavery and conquest and colonialism... no doubt.

But can anyone name for me any other group that did as much to end slavery? And don't forget, Africans were already enslaving one another when whites started to get in on it and take advantage of it. Did they increase demand hugely and motivate a lot more of it to happen? No doubt.

But whites have distributed more life-saving medicine and other technology to other races and parts of the world than anyone in history, did more to stop slavery than anyone in history, have shown more contrition and guilt for their past actions than anyone else in history, invented the modern notions of environmentalism and preservation of wild animals and habitats... contribute an absurd amount of charity in money and direct aid to all sorts of places around the globe...

So I guess you could say whites didn't invent or start slavery, but they did end it. This is perhaps an oversimplification, since it still goes on. But you know what I mean. There's truth in it.

How long did Americans keep black slaves? A couple of hundred years? How long were slaves kept in Egypt and all across the ancient world? Thousands of years uninterrupted.

Whites are so afflicted with guilt now, and they set up mythos about other races... they convince themselves native Americans were perfect, completely at peace with nature... had no flaw... they gloss over the bloody tribal conflicts, sexism in the cultures, etc...

Same with other cultures, African, Asian, etc... whites fetishize Japanese culture, African culture, etc... in it's own way, particularly in some cases... it is actually sort of insulting to the races in question because it turns them into one dimensional charactures. All races produce people of all types, but the modern white-guilt liberal has just set up a new type of racism. This very patronizing attitude that other racial groups can't help themselves, but instead need constant white charity.

Modern white liberalism is just racism 2.0 in that way. Same looking down the nose of the past, dressed up in a new way. Harder to perceive as racist, but I've met plenty of blacks who see through it, for instance. Used to have a black professor who most certainly did.

Anyway, I think it's time for whites to stop beating themselves up endlessly about transgressions EVERYONE has been guilty of at various times throughout history. And to stop thinking they deserve any and all negative treatment forever to atone for it. They've done far more good for this world than bad. Where would technology and medicine be without whites now?

And all these people who mindlessly parrot this "these boardz r teh stomrfrontz!!! lol!" stupidity, over and over and over whenever any sort of racial issue is discussed... or at least whenever any white person stands up for their race in the exact same way these same people wouldn't object to at ALL from any other person of any other race... well, I really wish they'd pull their heads out of their asses.

Whites have just as much right to homelands, preservation of culture, and pride in their group as anyone else does. I'm tired of "diversity" meaning "everyone but whites"

Didn't you talk before about not posting on here so much, at least about racial issues? There's a reason why you came to that conclusion before, you might want to think about that again now.

This board has developed a serious problem with its tolerance of outright racism, one that needs to be ended. I'm not even sure why this thread is still unlocked or the OP still un-vacationed.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Didn't you talk before about not posting on here so much, at least about racial issues? There's a reason why you came to that conclusion before, you might want to think about that again now.

This board has developed a serious problem with its tolerance of outright racism, one that needs to be ended. I'm not even sure why this thread is still unlocked or the OP still un-vacationed.

I'll post about exactly whatever the fuck I feel like, whenever, and to whatever degree I wish.

I know your type love nothing more than scaring people into cowed silence, intimidating people out of expressing their views, and even trying to intimidate the people who run these forums into changing their policies.

These are disgusting tactics in a discussion and I hope everyone who uses them feels ashamed, and stops.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'll post about exactly whatever the fuck I feel like, whenever, and to whatever degree I wish.

I know your type love nothing more than scaring people into cowed silence, intimidating people out of expressing their views, and even trying to intimidate the people who run these forums into changing their policies.

These are disgusting tactics in a discussion and I hope everyone who uses them feels ashamed, and stops.

Uhmm, I was asking you to recall your own statements on this. You are free to post whatever you want, but your ideas are frequently vile and racist. Your ideas themselves are disgusting, something you sadly have yet to feel shame for.

Ah well, there is still time. Let's just hope you learn better someday.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
I'll post about exactly whatever the fuck I feel like, whenever, and to whatever degree I wish.

This, as the supremacist Muslim hating threads and posts hosted by this forum must end. AnandTech has become a regular haven for extremists. Active users here must pressure AnandTech's owners and moderators to finally clean this place up with the same zero tolerance policy against hate speech enforced elsewhere on this site.

Use the report button on the OP and the violently and racist likes such as Geosurface.

Here is how I have reported the OP:

Copy & paste racist and white supremacist propaganda by a poster who's own agenda on this site is clear by his Apartheid era flag as an Avatar.

Denial of and false revision of apartheid era government crimes during the apartheid era.

On par with holocaust denial propaganda by a poster who would choose a Swastika for their avatar.

Moderation, as evident by many current threads and posts hosted by AnandTech, under your guidance and implicit toleration, are you explicitly fostering AnandTech to emulate hate themed sites such as Stormfront?
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Senior member
Mar 3, 2012
Didn't you talk before about not posting on here so much, at least about racial issues? There's a reason why you came to that conclusion before, you might want to think about that again now.

This board has developed a serious problem with its tolerance of outright racism, one that needs to be ended. I'm not even sure why this thread is still unlocked or the OP still un-vacationed.

I am sorry but what has this thread to do with racism? I am class as a colored myself. My mother is colored my dad is white I live in the cape flats in a place called Vahalla Park and in a house the apartheid government build and gave to my mother. Current value $50 000 if she wants to sell it.

Further this has nothing to do with race. It has to do with a party named the ANC who dooped everyone and kills and threatens anyone who oppose. Tell me something if 3000 - 4000 farmers in the US get killed. THeir genitals cut of torute to death nothing taken or cars just pulling up next to them and killing them and driving off and then have president Obama screams at a rally Kill the Boer kill the farmer?

You sound like them cause everyone who oppose they call racists or apartheid supporters.

Tell me something who call each other Comerades?

I lived in the last few years of apartheid. So I did with a unbiased attitude and went and do research. I have read books from witch doctors, tribal chiefs and numerous others from all the parties to sketch what was going on. If you look at it put yourself back a 100 years with the views of the world then and imagine you have nothing no help and 15 million people who a huge number of tribes who still charged guns with a spear. Further the one tribe can not live with a other as they will wipe each other from existence. Why did they prevent that than rather let them murder each other if they had intension of oppression?


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
This, as the supremacist Muslim hating threads and posts hosted by this forum must end. AnandTech has become a regular haven for extremists. Active users here must pressure AnandTech's owners and moderators to finally clean this place up with the same zero tolerance policy against hate speech enforced elsewhere on this site.

Use the report button on the OP and the violently and racist likes such as Geosurface

Here is how I have reported the OP:

Do me this one favor Whiskey, and spend 45 seconds listening to Captain Picard:


Senior member
Mar 3, 2012
This, as the supremacist Muslim hating threads and posts hosted by this forum must end. AnandTech has become a regular haven for extremists. Active users here must pressure AnandTech's owners and moderators to finally clean this place up with the same zero tolerance policy against hate speech enforced elsewhere on this site.

Use the report button on the OP and the violently and racist likes such as Geosurface.

Here is how I have reported the OP:

I am sorry but the flag is not illegal anywhere. It has not been banned by SA govt even. If you look close it says miss me yet. That means as SA goes more and more into poverty the people will realize that they were fighting a struggle to enrich a few. There is nothing in here to do with muslims. Its about the culture of SA and how diverse it is.

You see this is the problem. SA can not tell the government or complain otherwise we will get murdered or slammed as racist.

If we go on the Inernet and just show the world that rosy is not that rosy and what is really happening and not showed or placed in papers people who have never set a foot in South Africa do not know a thing about its cultures will slam us as racist as well.

So you tell me don't I have the same human right as you to express my views and concern?


Jun 23, 2004
Some folks seem to forget that violence begets violence. Cleansing does not stop just because you flipped the table.

Folks need to decry and depose the leaders who support violence in SA, or anywhere in the world.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
Didn't you talk before about not posting on here so much, at least about racial issues? There's a reason why you came to that conclusion before, you might want to think about that again now.

This board has developed a serious problem with its tolerance of outright racism, one that needs to be ended. I'm not even sure why this thread is still unlocked or the OP still un-vacationed.

Because there's not enough Minorities on AT to see some of the BS that is allowed to be posted here.

But, the Mods won't hesitate to give you an infraction when it comes to something they are personally passionate Anti-Gun Control.

To the OP

I am surprised that you would paint the Apartheid as a time that was still good for blacks in South if your pictures, which you posted without reference, characterize the entire era of the Apartheid. I am sure, here in the states that many blacks did not directly feel the effects of Slavery and the Civil Rights era...but certainly, no one would use their experience to say that "this was not bad".

Why don't you show us some more photos from the Apartheid. Particularly photos of what REALLY was going on.
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