Europe: Shining light of tolerance

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Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: StinkyPinky
I suggest YOU get over the Euro bashing.

I guess you havent been around this forum long enough to have seen the countless US bashing posts since Sep 11?

The mud gets slung both ways...

Why should I get over it? It's hypocritical.

And I've been here on and off for about four years, but never bothered to post as I'm busy. I remember nothing but support from 99% of any Europeans on this board after Sep 11.

Really? All you remember are the Pro-US posts from the Euros eh? Puhlease. Selective memory perhaps?


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge

Really? All you remember are the Pro-US posts from the Euros eh? Puhlease. Selective memory perhaps?


IMO, not everyone has to be pro-US; not everyone agrees with the way we act in foreign affairs.

We're as vulnerable to criticism as any other country.


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Scipionix
Originally posted by: MartyTheManiak
Can I ask two more questions?

1. How dense are you?
2. Does light bend around you?
I will respond with two more:

1. Do you have anything relevant to say?
2. Do you ever have anything relevant to say?

1. Yes, though you seem too dense to understand.
2. See above

You see, this is racism. Those people were fired because of their race/nationality. That is racism. You must be incredibly ignorant if you honestly believe that racism does not exist in any form in the US.

What else is there to say? Some people will use anything to justify their hatered of Europe.


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Zakath15
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge

Really? All you remember are the Pro-US posts from the Euros eh? Puhlease. Selective memory perhaps?


IMO, not everyone has to be pro-US; not everyone agrees with the way we act in foreign affairs.

We're as vulnerable to criticism as any other country.

Who said anyone HAD to be 'Pro-US'.

I support your right to be 'Anti-ANYTHING' as long as it covers everything equally.

There is a place for both the Euros to whine about us and for us to point and laugh at the Euros.


Jul 8, 2002
If they want peace, don't have the UN make them a nation in the middle of a traditionally Arab/Christian area, and then expect to kick all non Jews out and remain safe.

This is common sense people - no need to hurl insults at me if you disagree. Give a good counterpoint, that is how an intelligent debate works. I see that seems to have gone over some forum members heads.

AZ you may actually, in your misguided beliefs think that Israel kicked out all the Palestinians bt the facts even TODAY belie your beliefs.

1. Isrtael has 15% Arab population/citizenry even today. If Israel had done what you assert or planned to, there would be NO Arab citizens living in Israel.

2. If Israel had kicked out or planned to kick out all Arabs from it's territory do you SERIOUSLY think Israel would allow the Palestinian population on the West Bank/Gaza to GROW at such a HUGE rate (from around 700,000 or so in 1967 to around 3 MILLION now)? No. They would have, as you asert, kicked them ALL out and annexxed the territories as the fruits of war.

3. If Israel had even INTENDED to kick the Palestinian/Arabs out of Israel, I doubt very much that Davbid Ben Gurion would have gone on the radio on the eve of independence and URGED Palestinians to NOT listen to the surrounding countries suggestions they leave until after Israel was destroyed and THEN return to their homes after.

So WHO created the rfugees?

Who perpetuated the refugees?

Certainly not Israel.

Indeed, hundreds of thousands of Jews throught the middle east and North Africa were persecuted to such a degree that they were airlifted from their native countries and brought to Israel in an attempt to save their lives.... a nearly equal number of *Jewish refugees* as the original Palestinian refugees. Israel, however, treated the Jewish refugees FAR differently than the Arab states treated the Palestinian refugees.

Go ahead and blame Israel for all the Middle East problems if it makes you happy...but you are sadly misinformed.



May 18, 2001
If you think that one persons actions can be indicative of a Nation or group of nations views you are all sadly barking up the wrong tree.

I am offended, as a British Citizen and a European, to be tarred by the same brush for the sake of an inflamatory action of another person whom I do not know or wish to know. Asses people on their individual merits, not the actions of others.

This whole thread is sounding like the retoric that causes hate, fear and war, not one that could heal wounds and bring understanding.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: DaveSohmer
What I would say is that these so called intellectuals have so fully bought into the Palestinian propaganda ( media camels so to speak) that it has completely clouded their judgement. Firing someone because of their nationality is the most racist, discriminatory thing you could possibly do and anyone who supports it is also a racist. End of story.

Indeed if one looks at al the demonstrations and anti Israel propaganda in Europe it can be attributed to the huge (relatively)growth of the Arab populations throughout Europe. Since Europe has very few Jews to speak out for the Israeli perspective on things much of Europe gets a one sided argument, so to speak.

In their arguments and violent acts the anti Israel camp in Europe has:

1. asserted that Israel is guilty of major war crimes

Of course, they believe that ANY defense of Israel is a war crime, so there goes THAT argument

2. That Israel is killing all the Palestinians

Apparently the 3PLUS million Palestinian population in the territories and 1 plus milion Palestinian Israelis aren't really alive?

3. That Israel is the aggressor

Let's see..

1948 Israel declares independence according to the UN. 5 Arab armies converge on Israel and attack it (while Israeli leaders are urging the Arab population to stay and live in peace in Israel (and the Arab countries are urging them to leave so they can push the Jews into the sea and not accidentally kill Arabs)

1967 Egypt blocks Israeli shipping (an act of war) Egypt moves troops into the Sinai and up to the Israeli borders (and even tells the UN peacekeeper troops to leave...or else) again an act of WAR.

1973 Egypt's famous surprise attack on Yom Kippur

late 70's early 80's Lebanon (under Syrian occupation) refuses to stop border attacks against Israel...terrorist infiltration, missile attacks, etc. Israel responds with a major military imcursion and is, as usual, labelled the aggressor for attempting to protect it's citizens from the numerous almost daily attacks from across the border

Mid 80's Sabra and Shatila. Of anything Israel is accused of, this is one thing that is close to a war crime. Ariel Sharon turned a blind eye to the Lebanese Christian Phalangists as they went into Sabra and Shatila and massacred 900 people. This destroyed his career for around 12 years and turned him into a political pariah.

Mid 80's Intifadeh (Interesting note...before the Intifadeh, the West Bank ad enjoyed very good economic growth and increase in standard of living. So, what happened? Intifadeh (Uprising) The intifadeh did nothing but HURT the general Palestinian population as it was probably planned to do by Hamas. I suspect Hamas KNEW Israel would take measures to try to keep the uprising from getting out of control. Hamas also knew that Israel, in it's attempts to be *fair* would not bevery successful.

Gulf War Iraqi Scud missile attacks to which Israel never once responded.

Yes indeedy! Israel is just FULL of war crimes!! NOT!!!

I think these anti Israel people should look in the Arab states' back yards and clean those up BEFORE attacking Israel. Sadly, most Arab countries have far more dirty laundry to be aired than Israel.



Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: MartyTheManiak
1. Yes, though you seem too dense to understand.
2. See above
You see, this is racism. Those people were fired because of their race/nationality. That is racism. You must be incredibly ignorant if you honestly believe that racism does not exist in any form in the US.
What else is there to say? Some people will use anything to justify their hatered of Europe.
When you're done insulting me, please remind me of the last time any American academic fired two people and explicitly stated that the only reason she did so was because of their nationality. And after doing that, remind me of the complete absence of any public outrage over the event.

Thank you and have a nice day.


Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: DivideBYZero
If you think that one persons actions can be indicative of a Nation or group of nations views you are all sadly barking up the wrong tree.

I am offended, as a British Citizen and a European, to be tarred by the same brush for the sake of an inflamatory action of another person whom I do not know or wish to know. Asses people on their individual merits, not the actions of others.

This whole thread is sounding like the retoric that causes hate, fear and war, not one that could heal wounds and bring understanding.
I am glad that you are offended by this "inflamatory action of another person," however you seem only to want to separate yourself from this incident rather than condemn it.


Jul 8, 2002
for scipizhingux... or whatever...

you really do not get the point now do you? These were TWO ACADEMIC PROFESSORS... and last i checked, NOONE voted for them to represent the whole of europe...

Now would you please go back into your religious cave and mumle more quietly about the horrible palestines and the great israelies who are being so incredibly bashed by the european community?

Until you have something that is actually true to say... STFU!


Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: SnapIT
for scipizhingux... or whatever...

you really do not get the point now do you? These were TWO ACADEMIC PROFESSORS... and last i checked, NOONE voted for them to represent the whole of europe...

Now would you please go back into your religious cave and mumle more quietly about the horrible palestines and the great israelies who are being so incredibly bashed by the european community?

Until you have something that is actually true to say... STFU!
Ooooh, my religious cave! Yes, I had better hide in there or else I might get insulted by people like you. If I'm able to make you this angry, I don;t know how you survive in the "real world."


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Scipionix
Originally posted by: SnapIT
for scipizhingux... or whatever...

you really do not get the point now do you? These were TWO ACADEMIC PROFESSORS... and last i checked, NOONE voted for them to represent the whole of europe...

Now would you please go back into your religious cave and mumle more quietly about the horrible palestines and the great israelies who are being so incredibly bashed by the european community?

Until you have something that is actually true to say... STFU!
Ooooh, my religious cave! Yes, I had better hide in there or else I might get insulted by people like you. If I'm able to make you this angry, I don;t know how you survive in the "real world."

Well, i don't really know much about you, but i doubt that you are older than 15... i mean, a grown man cannot be that ignorant? or? why? religion?

I am 32 myself, i have lived in three countries in my life, 14 years in the US... 12 years in sweden, i was an UN soldier in the balkan wars... yeah... i have been into the real world.. but i STRONGLY doubt that you have...

I would bet my car that you have ever been out of your fvcking state even.... you are one of the most ignorant and shallow people i have ever come across...

I am not saying this just to annoy you, i am saying this because it is true...


Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Well, i don't really know much about you, but i doubt that you are older than 15... i mean, a grown man cannot be that ignorant? or? why? religion?

I am 32 myself, i have lived in three countries in my life, 14 years in the US... 12 years in sweden, i was an UN soldier in the balkan wars... yeah... i have been into the real world.. but i STRONGLY doubt that you have...

I would bet my car that you have ever been out of your fvcking state even.... you are one of the most ignorant and shallow people i have ever come across...

I am not saying this just to annoy you, i am saying this because it is true...

This is my last post to you. I could tell you all my personal background and experience and could indeed surprise you, but as it is none of your business and doing so would be puerile anyway, I will not do so. Goodbye.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Scipionix
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Well, i don't really know much about you, but i doubt that you are older than 15... i mean, a grown man cannot be that ignorant? or? why? religion?

I am 32 myself, i have lived in three countries in my life, 14 years in the US... 12 years in sweden, i was an UN soldier in the balkan wars... yeah... i have been into the real world.. but i STRONGLY doubt that you have...

I would bet my car that you have ever been out of your fvcking state even.... you are one of the most ignorant and shallow people i have ever come across...

I am not saying this just to annoy you, i am saying this because it is true...

This is my last post to you. I could tell you all my personal background and experience and could indeed surprise you, but as it is none of your business and doing so would be puerile anyway, I will not do so. Goodbye.

LMAO... yeah... sure... you could surprise me, how? "i actually did not need a diaper when i was two years old"?? You are nothing but a big stupid liar... you keep talking all high and mighty, but you never have anything to say except your religious ideations... and affirming others ideas about europe that are not true... not that you would ever know... you are just into your religion and your state.. so damn the world.. right???

If i may say so, you are ignorance reborn...


Dec 26, 2001
Please, Scipionix and Snap, leave this to PM's... this is a fairly interesting discussion; let's keep it that way.


Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Zakath15
Please, Scipionix and Snap, leave this to PM's... this is a fairly interesting discussion; let's keep it that way.
If someone insults me behind my back in public, I am going to respond in public. As I said, it is done as far as I am concerned.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Scipionix

If someone insults me behind my back in public, I am going to respond in public. As I said, it is done as far as I am concerned.



Jul 8, 2002
If someone insults me behind my back in public, I am going to respond in public. As I said, it is done as far as I am concerned.

as i see it, isn't it fairly hard to insult someone behind their back if they are part of the conversation??

I just hate it when one mans superiority and ignorance is starting to spread...


May 18, 2001
Scipionix Flamed the following:
I am glad that you are offended by this "inflamatory action of another person," however you seem only to want to separate yourself from this incident rather than condemn it.

The condemnation, if thats what you really want, was in there, but your red-mist, flame-jerk reaction seemed to have missed it. Here it is again in glorious slow-mo:

Asses people on their individual merits, not the actions of others.


Golden Member
May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: DivideBYZero
Scipionix Flamed the following:
I am glad that you are offended by this "inflamatory action of another person," however you seem only to want to separate yourself from this incident rather than condemn it.

The condemnation, if thats what you really want, was in there, but your red-mist, flame-jerk reaction seemed to have missed it. Here it is again in glorious slow-mo:

Asses people on their individual merits, not the actions of others.

Nice try.

You wrote: "I am offended, as a British Citizen and a European, to be tarred by the same brush for the sake of an inflamatory action of another person whom I do not know or wish to know. Asses people on their individual merits, not the actions of others."

Clearly you were saying that YOU do not want to be judged based on the actions of that journal editor. Do you think I'm a fool?



Jul 8, 2002
Do you think I'm a fool?

LOL the question should be "does anybody doubt that i am a fool?"

If someone wants to seperate themselves from actions done by others... i think that means pretty much that they condemn it... THINK McFly... THINK...



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
Scipio, by your logic everyone in the US is a bigot because some cops smacked around a handcuffed black guy in California.


May 18, 2001
Scipionix Misunderstood Everything I wrote, especially this bit:

Asses people on their individual merits, not the actions of others.

What you said:

Do you think I'm a fool?

What I hear:

Ooops, I misunderstood DV0's clear and concise message, and now I feel a bit silly, so I will !!!ATTACK!!! Yes, that must be the way. I will go in with all guns blazing to flame down the ner-do well DV0!! Muhahahahahahahah!

Scipionix, If you want to tar people with the same brush as one, then you become the racist, the bigot, the xenophobe. Listen to yourself sometimes or at least re-read what you are about to post.

"I pity the foo" - Mr T.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: DivideBYZero
Scipionix Misunderstood Everything I wrote, especially this bit:

Asses people on their individual merits, not the actions of others.

What you said:

Do you think I'm a fool?

What I hear:

Ooops, I misunderstood DV0's clear and concise message, and now I feel a bit silly, so I will !!!ATTACK!!! Yes, that must be the way. I will go in with all guns blazing to flame down the ner-do well DV0!! Muhahahahahahahah!

Scipionix, If you want to tar people with the same brush as one, then you become the racist, the bigot, the xenophobe. Listen to yourself sometimes or at least re-read what you are about to post.

"I pity the foo" - Mr T.

Well, DV0, it appears to me that you are and have been flaming Scipionx at least as much as he has been flaming you. I suggest you reread your post and it's spurious and flaming statements before accusing Scipionx of. I think THAT was what Scipionx was alliuding to, but you conveniently missed it.

Do I agree or disagree with all you or Scipionx have said? No. You both make valid points. So leave it at that.

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