Europeon Left vs. American Left


Jan 12, 2005
I always hear that the American left is more like a central-right group compared to the left in Europe. Just out of curiosity, what are some of the causes the European left is for? What is typical legislation they'd like to see pushed through? What are examples that make them that much more left? Just curious, I hear it a lot but am unsure of just what the differences are. I know we have some international members here, maybe they can chime in.
Reactions: Jaskalas


Jan 12, 2005
In Europe, believing in universal healthcare and a wide social safety net is pretty much their political center. Even the right in Europe isn't really against those things.

So what does the left push for then? I understand they are further left than our left, at least that's what I hear. I'd like to understand more about just what they stand for.
Reactions: Jaskalas


Jun 11, 2004
You should already know all the answers to these "questions" you pose as you are a self identified leftist. Right? Someone else used to pose these same exact questions and used to be a liberal, leftist too. Odd how history keeps repeating itself here... It's the IncorruptibALT syndrome. No known cure except growing up...
Nov 29, 2006
It's a good question. Unfortunately i dont have an answer as i dont really keep up on European politics. But id be curious what makes their left, more left than ours.


Jan 12, 2005
You should already know all the answers to these "questions" you pose as you are a self identified leftist. Right? Someone else used to pose these same exact questions and used to be a liberal, leftist too. Odd how history keeps repeating itself here... It's the IncorruptibALT syndrome. No known cure except growing up...

I lean left in many ways in American politics. I don't know where I stand in regards to the Czech Republic or Australia, and I don't care. I'm asking because I was hoping some of our non-American members would chime in and explain how they see the left (or left vs. right) in their country. If you have nothing to contribute, which you regularly never do, please stay out of this thread.


Apr 8, 2013
So what does the left push for then? I understand they are further left than our left, at least that's what I hear. I'd like to understand more about just what they stand for.

The progressive wing of the dem party is pretty similar in most respects to the European left. But the dems still have a sizeable moderate wing. Those dems tend to be liberal on social issues but pretty "centrist" on fiscal and economic issues, meaning they are way far to the right of the European left.’m-not-quite-sure-how-you-go-farther-left-Which-policies-push-Europeans-farther-left
Nov 29, 2006
The progressive wing of the dem party is pretty similar in most respects to the European left. But the dems still have a sizeable moderate wing. Those dems tend to be liberal on social issues but pretty "centrist" on fiscal and economic issues, meaning they are way far to the right of the European left.’m-not-quite-sure-how-you-go-farther-left-Which-policies-push-Europeans-farther-left

I like all the points in that article except the hard to fire people part. I really hate that about unions. If you suck, you suck and should be let go. But i like unions in general for what they can bring.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jan 12, 2005
The progressive wing of the dem party is pretty similar in most respects to the European left. But the dems still have a sizeable moderate wing. Those dems tend to be liberal on social issues but pretty "centrist" on fiscal and economic issues, meaning they are way far to the right of the European left.’m-not-quite-sure-how-you-go-farther-left-Which-policies-push-Europeans-farther-left

Thanks, appreciate the link.


Jun 11, 2004
I lean left in many ways in American politics. I don't know where I stand in regards to the Czech Republic or Australia, and I don't care. I'm asking because I was hoping some of our non-American members would chime in and explain how they see the left (or left vs. right) in their country. If you have nothing to contribute, which you regularly never do, please stay out of this thread.

Nah, thanks for the offer but I'm not going to put your on ignore. Rather, I am just going to keep pointing what a lying sack of shit repugnant fuck you are... For your next concern troll OP, you can pose this question: Why do the biggest Trump fluffers create fake FB accounts to post from on Online Newspaper articles and why do conservatives no matter how many times they are banned here keep coming back with new accounts? If others want to engage you that's their problem. But for me, I'll post when and where I want to from my one account.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Broadly speaking, a European leftist would take a look at your posts here and consider you a dangerously deluded, gun-slobbering, right-wing nut job . . . and a world class liar about who you are politically, to boot. This very thread would be exhibit A in your transparently weasel-infused body of bullshit.

Now go ahead, clutch your pearls and act offended. Because, of course, you're the true victim here, right?

I'm just not going to roll over and play the part of the useful tool in your BS game of "Gosh, guys, could you look up stuff on the internet for me? I simply don't know how and have absolutely no ulterior motive here, despite everything in my posting persona screaming otherwise!"


Jan 12, 2005
I thought this was a pretty harmless thread to post and had a genuine interest in hearing from our European members. I see some people here have truly been triggered. I bet a couple of posters above were slamming their keyboard. Don't take your 2016 loss out on me.


Oct 18, 2013
Broadly speaking, a European leftist would take a look at your posts here and consider you a dangerously deluded, gun-slobbering, right-wing nut job . . . and a world class liar about who you are politically, to boot. This very thread would be exhibit A in your transparently weasel-infused body of bullshit.

Now go ahead, clutch your pearls and act offended. Because, of course, you're the true victim here, right?

I'm just not going to roll over and play the part of the useful tool in your BS game of "Gosh, guys, could you look up stuff on the internet for me? I simply don't know how and have absolutely no ulterior motive here, despite everything in my posting persona screaming otherwise!"

How very tough of you. What goal and or motive would he have here? I mean, at worst people point out the differences, or they show how they are alike. Its very brave of you to come out so strong and let everyone know you feelings. We need to keep people like him from advancing his agenda. So brave, so bold.
Reactions: IJTSSG
Mar 11, 2004
I appreciate the OP for maybe trying to correct his ignorance. I guess we'll see.

Yeah, no this is more just these clowns attempting to come up with other shit to talk about than the mass of Turmp and Republican corruptions. Since they routinely get thrashed in threads about that garbage (and those threads are becoming increasingly prolific because of how much of Turmp and Republicans' corruption is being shown), they're now resorting to try and rewrite what "defines" liberals so they can try and paint their party in broad strokes like the GOP has decided that corruption and refusal to accept even basic facts has become a cornerstone of their platform. They've been trying to push this claim that Democrats and/or liberals in the US are actually pushing every bit as extremist (or more so even) as Republicans are. With this I think they're trying to claim that liberals are actually authoritarian and so if Democrats keep pushing that way that we'll get the same (or worse) here. Like they keep trying to claim that colleges are blocking free speech, even though that's often not true at all, and even in the worst cases is far more complex than what they claim.

They're doing the usual bullshit. Trying to redefine words on their terms (look at how many morons tried to say that SJW was a negative term, although that basically only started in the past 10 years and part of a deliberate smear campaign by radical conservatives, which they conveniently ignore and try to act like that's just the accepted meaning when that's only true for the conservatives using it as such; they're now trying to do the exact same thing with liberal/leftist). They're also looking for shared complaints (since even quite a few liberals have been railing against safe spaces and PC stuff, mostly out of the same ignorance that the conservatives have been basing it on) to try and win people over to their way of thinking (again, a common tactic). Not even joking, its like they're reading a script for what white supremacists (ISIS was using the same tactics too...) do to recruit people.


Jan 12, 2005
Broadly speaking, a European leftist would take a look at your posts here and consider you a dangerously deluded, gun-slobbering, right-wing nut job . . . and a world class liar about who you are politically, to boot. This very thread would be exhibit A in your transparently weasel-infused body of bullshit.

Now go ahead, clutch your pearls and act offended. Because, of course, you're the true victim here, right?

I'm just not going to roll over and play the part of the useful tool in your BS game of "Gosh, guys, could you look up stuff on the internet for me? I simply don't know how and have absolutely no ulterior motive here, despite everything in my posting persona screaming otherwise!"

This is one of the most pathetic posts on this forum.
Reactions: IJTSSG


May 30, 2008
The European left are nowhere near as left as they used to be, prior to,say, the 90s. It's converged somewhat with the US.

And it varies depending on which part of Europe. The UK is actually a bit more like the US than Germany, in that the Anglophone countries have a history of oppositional politics and class conflict, whereas Germany had repeatedly adopted a more corporatist, co-operative mentality. Even before WW1 the German left was the most reformist and accommodating in Europe. Bismark, after all, introduced the welfare state, very early on, from the right, in order to avert the growth of the far left.

Which actually makes the UK left more prone to radical positions than the German left, but also makes the UK right more neo-liberal than the Germans.

Frankly, the German model seems to have worked better, but Germany seems to be changing as well, with things like the creation of 'mini-jobs' and the complete absence of growth in German workers' incomes, it might be very slowly moving in a more Anglo direction.

Then there are the Scandanavian countries which have a different approach again. I don't know much about them, but they have a very specific kind of 'model' for the economy, but I do wonder how sustainable it is.

Oh, and Eastern Europe appears to be sliding towards the far right, and not the libertarian/neo liberal kind.

From a European perspective I struggle to see someone like Hillary Clinton as being of 'the left'. She'd be a Lib Dem here, probably even to the right of Blair.

The most glaring thing though, to me, is that compared to Western Europe if not necessarily the East, the US has an astonishingly strong strand of social-conservatism. I suppose that's what allows people like Chlinton to appear as 'left', because on social issues the right is so far out there that taking what would be a mainstream stance on social issues in much of Europe attracts the kind of hostility and rage that you'd have to embrace full-on Bolshevism to stir up in Europe.


Jun 11, 2004
This is one of the most pathetic posts on this forum.

No, getting banned here repeatedly and creating sock puppet accounts from proxies that you hold onto for years so they can do your future bidding???

THAT'S pathetic...


Jan 12, 2005
No, getting banned here repeatedly and creating sock puppet accounts from proxies that you hold onto for years so they can do your future bidding???

THAT'S pathetic...

If that's the measure of what is pathetic, it doesn't describe me. Keep fighting the good fight though.


Oct 18, 2013
Yeah, no this is more just these clowns attempting to come up with other shit to talk about than the mass of Turmp and Republican corruptions. Since they routinely get thrashed in threads about that garbage (and those threads are becoming increasingly prolific because of how much of Turmp and Republicans' corruption is being shown), they're now resorting to try and rewrite what "defines" liberals so they can try and paint their party in broad strokes like the GOP has decided that corruption and refusal to accept even basic facts has become a cornerstone of their platform. They've been trying to push this claim that Democrats and/or liberals in the US are actually pushing every bit as extremist (or more so even) as Republicans are. With this I think they're trying to claim that liberals are actually authoritarian and so if Democrats keep pushing that way that we'll get the same (or worse) here. Like they keep trying to claim that colleges are blocking free speech, even though that's often not true at all, and even in the worst cases is far more complex than what they claim.

They're doing the usual bullshit. Trying to redefine words on their terms (look at how many morons tried to say that SJW was a negative term, although that basically only started in the past 10 years and part of a deliberate smear campaign by radical conservatives, which they conveniently ignore and try to act like that's just the accepted meaning when that's only true for the conservatives using it as such; they're now trying to do the exact same thing with liberal/leftist). They're also looking for shared complaints (since even quite a few liberals have been railing against safe spaces and PC stuff, mostly out of the same ignorance that the conservatives have been basing it on) to try and win people over to their way of thinking (again, a common tactic). Not even joking, its like they're reading a script for what white supremacists (ISIS was using the same tactics too...) do to recruit people.

Oh yes, so sneaky. The trick that ISIS and supremacists use is to ask people how they define things. Step to, kill everyone. Flawless plan!


Mar 25, 2001
Broadly speaking, a European leftist would take a look at your posts here and consider you a dangerously deluded, gun-slobbering, right-wing nut job . . . and a world class liar about who you are politically, to boot. This very thread would be exhibit A in your transparently weasel-infused body of bullshit.

Now go ahead, clutch your pearls and act offended. Because, of course, you're the true victim here, right?

I'm just not going to roll over and play the part of the useful tool in your BS game of "Gosh, guys, could you look up stuff on the internet for me? I simply don't know how and have absolutely no ulterior motive here, despite everything in my posting persona screaming otherwise!"

This is a forum to post on and discuss stuff is it not?
Reactions: SlowSpyder


Oct 18, 2013
The European left are nowhere near as left as they used to be, prior to,say, the 90s. It's converged somewhat with the US.

And it varies depending on which part of Europe. The UK is actually a bit more like the US than Germany, in that the Anglophone countries have a history of oppositional politics and class conflict, whereas Germany had repeatedly adopted a more corporatist, co-operative mentality. Even before WW1 the German left was the most reformist and accommodating in Europe. Bismark, after all, introduced the welfare state, very early on, from the right, in order to avert the growth of the far left.

Which actually makes the UK left more prone to radical positions than the German left, but also makes the UK right more neo-liberal than the Germans.

Frankly, the German model seems to have worked better, but Germany seems to be changing as well, with things like the creation of 'mini-jobs' and the complete absence of growth in German workers' incomes, it might be very slowly moving in a more Anglo direction.

Then there are the Scandanavian countries which have a different approach again. I don't know much about them, but they have a very specific kind of 'model' for the economy, but I do wonder how sustainable it is.

Oh, and Eastern Europe appears to be sliding towards the far right, and not the libertarian/neo liberal kind.

From a European perspective I struggle to see someone like Hillary Clinton as being of 'the left'. She'd be a Lib Dem here, probably even to the right of Blair.

The most glaring thing though, to me, is that compared to Western Europe if not necessarily the East, the US has an astonishingly strong strand of social-conservatism. I suppose that's what allows people like Chlinton to appear as 'left', because on social issues the right is so far out there that taking what would be a mainstream stance on social issues in much of Europe attracts the kind of hostility and rage that you'd have to embrace full-on Bolshevism to stir up in Europe.

I think its a point that a lot of people miss. Europe goes very far right sometimes. Chomsky actually talked about how Europe has been going far more Right than people seem to observe. The US got a lot of shit for a large group of douches with torches, but Poland has a massive rally that makes the US look like child's play.


Aug 11, 2005
Strong belief in the welfare state and unions
harder to fire people
government for the people, not just the wealthy


Jun 23, 2004
The progressive wing of the dem party is pretty similar in most respects to the European left. But the dems still have a sizeable moderate wing. Those dems tend to be liberal on social issues but pretty "centrist" on fiscal and economic issues, meaning they are way far to the right of the European left.’m-not-quite-sure-how-you-go-farther-left-Which-policies-push-Europeans-farther-left

That's interesting, but I see much of that first segment boils down to Union /Labor laws for worker protections. Specifically aimed towards financial protections and securities for workers. Which might be argued as obsolete via the Basic Income I push for.
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