EVE Online

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Golden Member
Mar 27, 2008
True skace, taking agent missions and going through the same 15-20 of 'em is very much grindy and much like that of any WoW-like mmo. You kill things to get gold/XP or ISK so that you can buy better equipment. Doing any of this is solo is immensely boring for either game. In WoW, a well functioning raid group is where some of the fun comes in. Either that or pvp. In Eve, you have the same architecture of L4/L5 missions or wandering around COSMOS areas being the same difficulty and organizational nightmare of a Raid or PUG raid. You have your tank, support ships, dps, etc. So yes, it was a tad hypocritical of me to outwardly mock the grinding system of WoW-like games when in Eve you mission, mine, or wait. I enjoy the market aspect of the game though. Buying cheap and selling high is fun for me. I usually don't mind warping around everywhere, but I can understand how others would find it annoying. Again, it's just like WoW where you have to go back and forth from one continent to another and take possibly hella long flight paths. You can pretty much cook dinner and go AFK depending on the path.

My intention is not to rag on anyone else's opinion. Some people like Eve and others don't. Empire space is just like any other MMO and the PvE associated with it. The only "bonuses" I can see is the trade market and 0.0 alliances territories/POS/sovereignty aspects. I've never played UO so I have no basis of comparison, but I've heard good things. The only real point I want to make is that joining a good corp is where it's all at with Eve. PUGs don't happen in Eve very often because that is where you can get ganked. So everyone who played the game through the 14-day trial period, hated it, deleted it, and went off on forums about how Eve sucks because all they did was orbit a roid or take a few repetitive missions, then it is just like a WoW player who only mines ore and kills NPCs without ever grouping, going into an instance, or raiding. Having this opinion without actually experiencing the "other side of gameplay with other players" is an ignorant opinion. Is it wrong? No, but it's not backed up with experience.


Dec 11, 2000
It's probably a bad idea to bump this thread but.. I'll do it rather than starting another thread along similar lines.

A friend of mine started playing EVE a few weeks ago and I've wanted to try it for some time and finally said sure, I'll do that. It basically seems like it's a job unto itself.. sorta like a more "adult" version of The Sims? Skill learning is real time, etc. Seems like an EXTREMELY time consuming game. My real question is this.. can someone who is starting now ever hope to compete? Or is everyone else just too far ahead?


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
It's probably a bad idea to bump this thread but.. I'll do it rather than starting another thread along similar lines.

A friend of mine started playing EVE a few weeks ago and I've wanted to try it for some time and finally said sure, I'll do that. It basically seems like it's a job unto itself.. sorta like a more "adult" version of The Sims? Skill learning is real time, etc. Seems like an EXTREMELY time consuming game. My real question is this.. can someone who is starting now ever hope to compete? Or is everyone else just too far ahead?

You are approaching the game with the wrong mindset. A person just starting off shouldn't and can't try to catch up to let's say a 5 year veteran of the game. Skill point wise you'll never come to be on a equal level in skill points with this person.

Of course the beauty of EVE and it's skill point system is not about how many millions of skill points your character has but where you have spent most of your time training. A 5 year vet at most will only use about 1% of their skill points in combat. All those other level 5 skills in Industry or training to fly that "uber" carrier won't mean jack shit if they are caught in cruiser or frigate. In EVE you can only fly one ship at a time with only one load out at a time that is designed for certain situations. So will a new player be able to contribute to gang or fleet warfare? Why yes they will because if they specialize they can easily be on par with vets in one area...say cruisers.....if they specialize.

Also in EVE 1v1 pvp is not common unless you go around popping miners who are botting or something. Almost all pvp in EVE is gang/fleet based and so if you specialize in one area you can be useful to fleet even if you only have 10 million skill points or less. The best advice I could give anyone is that they should...

1.) Figure out what you like doing the most and focus on training for that activity.

2.) Figure out what type of ship you want to fly ( Hint: Big ships like capital ships are useless without smaller support ships to keep them safe. Titan's are nice but they can be popped if they are caught by themselves. ) and train for that type of ship class.

3.) Use applications like EVEMON and EFT. EVEMON allows you to properly plan out your characters skills for what you want to focus on. EFT helps you figure out what modules you can fit and which combination will help you achieve the best desired results with your given ship.


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2004
I posted a while ago saying that EvE was starting to get old but that how I was hopefully going to get back into it. I'd like to point out that I'm hooked again.

I switched Corps and got back with some old friends in game and started PvPing again. I'm flying a carrier now which has added another dimension to the game.

The game is enjoyable as long as you find good people to play it with and you pursue your goals, but also stay mindful to everything else the game has to offer.
Apr 16, 2008
Of course new players can compete relatively quickly. You can start to help out in fleet combat as a tackler in a weeks worth of training. Basically all you do is hold an enemy in the area while the big ships blow it up. I've been playing off and on for the past year or so and I tackle for bigger fleets because it's a lot of fun and you can make a big difference in a fight.

As you progress through missions you can get bigger ships and figure out what you want to do as a player. If you want to explore the universe jump in something that can use stealth and start exploring. If you start as a Minmatar but you think Gallente ships are more your speed, don't make a new character, just but skills to fly Gallente ships.


Golden Member
Jul 26, 2004
EVE definitely is not a game for the folks who want instant gratification. I've been playing for 2 years now, taking some time off here and there along the way. I find the skill system pretty nice that way - I can set a skill that will take 25 days to complete then I can go play an FPS/console/Guitar Hero thing for a month. When I come back I have a new skill and I'm ready to play EVE again for a while until it's time to take another break.

It definitely sucks if you totally try to play solo - good corpmates, even if it's just for the chatting/commiserating in teamspeak, are essential to the "fun factor". I mean, if you make a killing in the market selling some items, what fun is it if you can't gloat about it in corpchat?


Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
It's probably a bad idea to bump this thread but.. I'll do it rather than starting another thread along similar lines.

A friend of mine started playing EVE a few weeks ago and I've wanted to try it for some time and finally said sure, I'll do that. It basically seems like it's a job unto itself.. sorta like a more "adult" version of The Sims? Skill learning is real time, etc. Seems like an EXTREMELY time consuming game. My real question is this.. can someone who is starting now ever hope to compete? Or is everyone else just too far ahead?

You are approaching the game with the wrong mindset. A person just starting off shouldn't and can't try to catch up to let's say a 5 year veteran of the game. Skill point wise you'll never come to be on a equal level in skill points with this person.

Of course the beauty of EVE and it's skill point system is not about how many millions of skill points your character has but where you have spent most of your time training. A 5 year vet at most will only use about 1% of their skill points in combat. All those other level 5 skills in Industry or training to fly that "uber" carrier won't mean jack shit if they are caught in cruiser or frigate. In EVE you can only fly one ship at a time with only one load out at a time that is designed for certain situations. So will a new player be able to contribute to gang or fleet warfare? Why yes they will because if they specialize they can easily be on par with vets in one area...say cruisers.....if they specialize.

Also in EVE 1v1 pvp is not common unless you go around popping miners who are botting or something. Almost all pvp in EVE is gang/fleet based and so if you specialize in one area you can be useful to fleet even if you only have 10 million skill points or less. The best advice I could give anyone is that they should...

1.) Figure out what you like doing the most and focus on training for that activity.

2.) Figure out what type of ship you want to fly ( Hint: Big ships like capital ships are useless without smaller support ships to keep them safe. Titan's are nice but they can be popped if they are caught by themselves. ) and train for that type of ship class.

3.) Use applications like EVEMON and EFT. EVEMON allows you to properly plan out your characters skills for what you want to focus on. EFT helps you figure out what modules you can fit and which combination will help you achieve the best desired results with your given ship.

And therein lies the problem with EVE.

Yes it's a sandbox.

Yes, within 4 to 5 months you can compete in certain combat aspects with 5 year vets, assuming you have the ISK to afford losing tons of frigates to cruisers (which you won't in 5 months) or some one to bank roll you. Most massive guilds if they take you have no problem dolling out a few hundred thousand creds for you every time your frigate gets popped in a fight. And get popped it will. Trust me.

The problem is, despite the "sand box" aspect of the game you really can't do everything until you get to the 5 year mark with a single character unless you want to invest in several accounts and pay for them all. Want to be a craftsman AND flying an ECM frig for a corp only to be the cruiser or the huggin instead in the next battle? sorry, you can't mix and match in EVE UNTIL you've spent YEARS playing. You are forced from the very beginning in EVE to pick a route and dedicate yourself to that route. And if you find that route boring and not suited to your play style? Well you've wasted a crap load of time that can't be retrieved and have to start practically all over again.

Also, it is possible to start flying cruisers at 3 to 5 months, BUT you won't have jack crap for support skills to keep that cruiser alive. Let alone the ISK to outfit it. I got lucky I was able to get into a Hurricane pretty early and really had my character narrowed down to go for THAT boat first with at the time a massive passive shield tank that I could do. Worked well, but while my ship was nice and the defense was good, my offense and ECM was pathetic unless I wanted to spend ANOTHER 5 months building that up. Which I would have to. And then while some skills are universal to all boats, many are not. God help you if you try for T2 stuff as well. Sheesh.

As for some skills, yes you CAN stop at level 4 for many, but some stuff, especially the T2 stuff, where the really good gear and boats are at, require 5's. Many of them.

Then you expect the average newbie with a 14 day trial to figure all that out from the start. It's the reason the game has never blown up to massive numbers.

Don't get me wrong. Some aspects of the game ARE fun. The massive battles and heck the tournaments are REALLY fun. I seriously love just going through the video files of past tournaments and watching those. Not even playing the game and I have fun watching the tournaments. But if you think I'm going to be able to start from scratch and be some some massive guild like BoB to get the support a newbie needs, good luck.


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2004
3-5 months to properly fly a cruiser? What are you smokin? You can fly a decently fit cruiser in maybe a month, 2 to be on the safe side. Will you be rocking out w/ T2 gear? NO. Will you be an asset to any gang you fly with? YES.

If you find yourself in a rut because your character is spec'd for something you don't want to do, sell him and buy a new one with the isk. You should get 1bil for that 10mil SP indy character which you can turn around and spend on a 10mil SP PvP character.

The only limitations in EvE are those that you put on yourself (and time for that matter).

As EvE has grown (I've been in for a little less than 3yrs now) I've seen it change from the solo PvP festival it was to the ganged up warfare style that is now prevalent and I liken it to the evolution of warfare in RL. When man was "young" and just starting out it was small groups & individuals pitted against each other, but as we've "grown" we banded together and started creating those massive armies and task forces that you see these days. EvE is just following the natural progression, even tho I yearn for the old days where I could go out in my stabber in 0.0 and royally own some people w/o getting blobbed.

My $0.02


Dec 11, 2000
So I restarted my char as I wanted to change race. Have a Minmatar Brutor now.. got myself a rifter.. making money toward a cruiser.. not sure what I want to do next. I have to say the game has grown on me in the 2 days I've had my trail going. Definitely a lot of depth that can be overwhelming at first. Anyone in any corps that they'd recommend?


Oct 30, 2000
The time frame for a cruiser takes over a month just to get in, assuming you properly picked the write character creation from the beginning. You won't be able to use a cruiser or afford one in a month though. Nor will you be doing much of anything else. That's straight going for the skills ONLY for a cruiser with the correct character creation. Takes another month to use a few decent equipment with a crusier. And a few more months to start using decent to good gear with any kind of ability.Hence the 3 to 5 month frame I gave for CRUISERS, not light cruisers.

Originally posted by: TheVrolok
So I restarted my char as I wanted to change race. Have a Minmatar Brutor now.. got myself a rifter.. making money toward a cruiser.. not sure what I want to do next. I have to say the game has grown on me in the 2 days I've had my trail going. Definitely a lot of depth that can be overwhelming at first. Anyone in any corps that they'd recommend?

when I played, after research, my first combat char was minmatar as well. Rifters are one of the best starting Frigs to use. I'm not sure about now, because there was talks about patching the effectiveness of passive tanks, but a rifter could be passively shield tanked to do you to level 3 missions decently. Didn't cost all that much for the mods and cheapo guns and you are all set. Do a search on the forums for how to do this and what to buy. Then, while you are looking around for a corp to join on the forums, you can be running rat missions with a newbie guild.

Don't try picking a faction corp to run rat missions for yet, because whatever player run corp you join, you might mess up their balanced clone standings since a corp standing is an aggregate of member standings. do a search on the official forums for this. Basically, stay in the newbie area with the newbie NPCS until joining a player run corp and then listen to what they want you to do before doing things.


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2004
The crappy thing about starting out is the learning skills and getting them to LVL 5 before being able to access the advanced ones. Now that you only have to get to LVL 4 it speeds up the process greatly. A week for learning skills, a week for cruiser 3 (maybe even 4), and then 2 weeks to get the skills for a stabber with a basic setup that can be insured for minimal loss.

4x220mm Vulcan AC I
2xStandard Missile Launcher I

T1 Microwarpdrive
T1 Warp Disruptor (20km)
T1 Large Shield Extender

T1 Gyrostabilizer
T1 Overdrive I
T1 Inertia Stabilizer I

You MIGHT lose a mil if it dies. MIGHT. That's a basic throwaway setup that I use to have fun in.


Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: roguerower
The crappy thing about starting out is the learning skills and getting them to LVL 5 before being able to access the advanced ones. Now that you only have to get to LVL 4 it speeds up the process greatly. A week for learning skills, a week for cruiser 3 (maybe even 4), and then 2 weeks to get the skills for a stabber with a basic setup that can be insured for minimal loss.

4x220mm Vulcan AC I
2xStandard Missile Launcher I

T1 Microwarpdrive
T1 Warp Disruptor (20km)
T1 Large Shield Extender

T1 Gyrostabilizer
T1 Overdrive I
T1 Inertia Stabilizer I

You MIGHT lose a mil if it dies. MIGHT. That's a basic throwaway setup that I use to have fun in.

So they changed everything to 4 only prereqs? Before, many of the advance skills required 5's, which is why it took so frigging long.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: HumblePie
Originally posted by: roguerower
The crappy thing about starting out is the learning skills and getting them to LVL 5 before being able to access the advanced ones. Now that you only have to get to LVL 4 it speeds up the process greatly. A week for learning skills, a week for cruiser 3 (maybe even 4), and then 2 weeks to get the skills for a stabber with a basic setup that can be insured for minimal loss.

4x220mm Vulcan AC I
2xStandard Missile Launcher I

T1 Microwarpdrive
T1 Warp Disruptor (20km)
T1 Large Shield Extender

T1 Gyrostabilizer
T1 Overdrive I
T1 Inertia Stabilizer I

You MIGHT lose a mil if it dies. MIGHT. That's a basic throwaway setup that I use to have fun in.

So they changed everything to 4 only prereqs? Before, many of the advance skills required 5's, which is why it took so frigging long.

I think his point is that for most skills the training to level 5 does not give enough benefits that would make the time spent training vs the time spent learning a another skill to 4 within the same time frame worth the effort. At most some skills only give you 5% bonus in any given area. Someone who has the right skills to fly a cruiser or battle cruiser doesn't need to have every skill to 5 in order to participate in pvp and cause some pain. Having the majority of your skills to 4 does not put a player at a huge disadvantage especially in fleet warfare.

Is it nice to get that certain skill to level 5 to gain that extra 1%, 3% or 5% advantage? Yeah but at level 4 with T1 Meta 3-4 mods you can still have some fun not to mention rat in 0.0 space to earn money, pirate and ransom folks, run level 3 or 4 missions or probe down and clear out exploration sites.

PS - If you have a good corp that provides T1 ships at cost or for free ( most established 0.0 alliances or 0.0 corps will do this ) then you'll probably lose less if you do get popped then buying it off the empire market.


Dec 11, 2000
Alright, I'm on Day 3, maybe 4, of my 14-day trail. I'm a Minmatar Brutor, and I just picked up my first cruiser (only have lvl 2 right now, but 3 is forthcoming).

4x220 Vulcans
2xRocket Launcher I

Large Extender
Small Neutron Sat (just had it lying around, not sure what I want to do here yet)




Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2005
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Alright, I'm on Day 3, maybe 4, of my 14-day trail. I'm a Minmatar Brutor, and I just picked up my first cruiser (only have lvl 2 right now, but 3 is forthcoming).

4x220 Vulcans
2xRocket Launcher I

Large Extender
Small Neutron Sat (just had it lying around, not sure what I want to do here yet)



PvP or mission runner?

Hi's look alright. PvP you might want to use NOS instead of rockets.

Mid's drop the small neut sat for a cap recharger and the MWD for a AB if you're PvE. MWD/Web/Scram for PvP.

Lo's Maybe a Gyro/OD/Nano?

**Note I fly Gallente ships so I'm taking a shot in the dark



Dec 11, 2000
Currently mission running (which is why I went with the nano for some speed), but eventually pvp (I'll probably swap a few nano's at that point). I had planned on nos when I go to pvp, thanks for the other suggestions! Looks like I'm on the right track so far, at least.


Dec 11, 2000
Ok, so I was just doing a lvl 1 mission with my new aforementioned cruiser. Hitting the enemies poses much more a problem than before. Bottom line, the little enemy ships move too fast for the big cruiser guns? Basically, I think I need someone to explain (or point me in the direction of a readme) on scan resolution/scan radius (has to do with how long it takes to target?) and transversal velocity/firing rate(how do I know if my guns track fast enough for a target?). Need to find some combat mechanics readmes!


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2004
Originally posted by: JRich
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Alright, I'm on Day 3, maybe 4, of my 14-day trail. I'm a Minmatar Brutor, and I just picked up my first cruiser (only have lvl 2 right now, but 3 is forthcoming).

4x220 Vulcans
2xRocket Launcher I

Large Extender
Small Neutron Sat (just had it lying around, not sure what I want to do here yet)



PvP or mission runner?

Hi's look alright. PvP you might want to use NOS instead of rockets.

Mid's drop the small neut sat for a cap recharger and the MWD for a AB if you're PvE. MWD/Web/Scram for PvP.

Lo's Maybe a Gyro/OD/Nano?

**Note I fly Gallente ships so I'm taking a shot in the dark

Come with me new rebel flyer, those Gallente hippies don't know a thing.

Honestly, if you're still on lvl 1 and 2 missions, pick up destroyer skillbook and outfit a thrasher. Good damage and range w/ artillery or autocannons.

Humblepie....exactly. They Adv learning skills from requiring Lvl 5 on basic to lvl 4.

If you're using the stabber for missions, especially autocannons(ACs), you're wrong (not to sound mean). ACs use too much ammo and don't do enough damage. Switch over to a rupture and fit 4x720mm artillery and go bang away (but not until lvl 2s at the earliest, bad tracking will really hurt you). Keep range and you'll be fine. Switch the rockets to standard missiles, gives u a bit more range and some more punch.

I will be on tonight probably, so if you want to talk to me in-game so I can reference things to you feel free to convo me (Marine Raider or Xbox99)


Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2005
Originally posted by: roguerower
Originally posted by: JRich
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Alright, I'm on Day 3, maybe 4, of my 14-day trail. I'm a Minmatar Brutor, and I just picked up my first cruiser (only have lvl 2 right now, but 3 is forthcoming).

4x220 Vulcans
2xRocket Launcher I

Large Extender
Small Neutron Sat (just had it lying around, not sure what I want to do here yet)



PvP or mission runner?

Hi's look alright. PvP you might want to use NOS instead of rockets.

Mid's drop the small neut sat for a cap recharger and the MWD for a AB if you're PvE. MWD/Web/Scram for PvP.

Lo's Maybe a Gyro/OD/Nano?

**Note I fly Gallente ships so I'm taking a shot in the dark

Come with me new rebel flyer, those Gallente hippies don't know a thing.

Honestly, if you're still on lvl 1 and 2 missions, pick up destroyer skillbook and outfit a thrasher. Good damage and range w/ artillery or autocannons.

Humblepie....exactly. They Adv learning skills from requiring Lvl 5 on basic to lvl 4.

If you're using the stabber for missions, especially autocannons(ACs), you're wrong (not to sound mean). ACs use too much ammo and don't do enough damage. Switch over to a rupture and fit 4x720mm artillery and go bang away (but not until lvl 2s at the earliest, bad tracking will really hurt you). Keep range and you'll be fine. Switch the rockets to standard missiles, gives u a bit more range and some more punch.

I will be on tonight probably, so if you want to talk to me in-game so I can reference things to you feel free to convo me (Marine Raider or Xbox99)

Heeeeyyy, I love my blasters man!


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: roguerower
Originally posted by: JRich
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Alright, I'm on Day 3, maybe 4, of my 14-day trail. I'm a Minmatar Brutor, and I just picked up my first cruiser (only have lvl 2 right now, but 3 is forthcoming).

4x220 Vulcans
2xRocket Launcher I

Large Extender
Small Neutron Sat (just had it lying around, not sure what I want to do here yet)



PvP or mission runner?

Hi's look alright. PvP you might want to use NOS instead of rockets.

Mid's drop the small neut sat for a cap recharger and the MWD for a AB if you're PvE. MWD/Web/Scram for PvP.

Lo's Maybe a Gyro/OD/Nano?

**Note I fly Gallente ships so I'm taking a shot in the dark

Come with me new rebel flyer, those Gallente hippies don't know a thing.

Honestly, if you're still on lvl 1 and 2 missions, pick up destroyer skillbook and outfit a thrasher. Good damage and range w/ artillery or autocannons.

Humblepie....exactly. They Adv learning skills from requiring Lvl 5 on basic to lvl 4.

If you're using the stabber for missions, especially autocannons(ACs), you're wrong (not to sound mean). ACs use too much ammo and don't do enough damage. Switch over to a rupture and fit 4x720mm artillery and go bang away (but not until lvl 2s at the earliest, bad tracking will really hurt you). Keep range and you'll be fine. Switch the rockets to standard missiles, gives u a bit more range and some more punch.

I will be on tonight probably, so if you want to talk to me in-game so I can reference things to you feel free to convo me (Marine Raider or Xbox99)

I read the above link, and another link essentially about targeting/tracking and I think I've got it now. I'm just going to switch back to my rifter for these lvl1 missions.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Originally posted by: roguerower
Originally posted by: JRich
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Alright, I'm on Day 3, maybe 4, of my 14-day trail. I'm a Minmatar Brutor, and I just picked up my first cruiser (only have lvl 2 right now, but 3 is forthcoming).

4x220 Vulcans
2xRocket Launcher I

Large Extender
Small Neutron Sat (just had it lying around, not sure what I want to do here yet)



PvP or mission runner?

Hi's look alright. PvP you might want to use NOS instead of rockets.

Mid's drop the small neut sat for a cap recharger and the MWD for a AB if you're PvE. MWD/Web/Scram for PvP.

Lo's Maybe a Gyro/OD/Nano?

**Note I fly Gallente ships so I'm taking a shot in the dark

Come with me new rebel flyer, those Gallente hippies don't know a thing.

Honestly, if you're still on lvl 1 and 2 missions, pick up destroyer skillbook and outfit a thrasher. Good damage and range w/ artillery or autocannons.

Humblepie....exactly. They Adv learning skills from requiring Lvl 5 on basic to lvl 4.

If you're using the stabber for missions, especially autocannons(ACs), you're wrong (not to sound mean). ACs use too much ammo and don't do enough damage. Switch over to a rupture and fit 4x720mm artillery and go bang away (but not until lvl 2s at the earliest, bad tracking will really hurt you). Keep range and you'll be fine. Switch the rockets to standard missiles, gives u a bit more range and some more punch.

I will be on tonight probably, so if you want to talk to me in-game so I can reference things to you feel free to convo me (Marine Raider or Xbox99)

I read the above link, and another link essentially about targeting/tracking and I think I've got it now. I'm just going to switch back to my rifter for these lvl1 missions.

Truth be told the rifter is a good frigate and can even handle level 2 missions (to a point) although it will take longer to complete them. Overall good advise given to you so far. Since you are a minmatar pilots and lots of minmatar ships use velocity to tank you may want to add the transversal velocity column to your overview. This will give you the transversal velocity you have to each target. Basic object of the game at that point is to keep as high a transversal velocity as you can on the target. I've found it handy when flying around in my nano isthar, nano zealot and nano curse



Golden Member
Jun 8, 2005
I love the people stating it takes half a year to fly a cruiser.

Someone call CCP, because I'm in a battlecruiser at the five week mark, and I had no idea what I was doing the first week.


Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2005
Originally posted by: MBentz
I love the people stating it takes half a year to fly a cruiser.

Someone call CCP, because I'm in a battlecruiser at the five week mark, and I had no idea what I was doing the first week.

There's a difference between being able to fly a ship and actually flying it. My buddy that has been playing for about 2-3 months flies a Brutix and my Thorax rips it apart. Why? Because he doesn't have any support skills.



Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: JRich
Originally posted by: MBentz
I love the people stating it takes half a year to fly a cruiser.

Someone call CCP, because I'm in a battlecruiser at the five week mark, and I had no idea what I was doing the first week.

There's a difference between being able to fly a ship and actually flying it. My buddy that has been playing for about 2-3 months flies a Brutix and my Thorax rips it apart. Why? Because he doesn't have any support skills.

The only way to fly a brutix is to shield gank it with 4x magstab's 2x LSE's and 7x ion's with either damage or ecm drones.

and then your standard damage control, web, mwd, disruptor.

Buffer + gaaaaank. Close to a mega in dps. More if you use some implants. 5% medium hybrid turret implant is like 1m.
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