
Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
It's an absolute BLAST. I'm on Tranquility, Malladine. Not sure if there are more servers or not but there's a ton of ppl playing. Logged in at 7am and there were 1000 players just in the rookie channel

Anyway, Sunday I upgraded to a destroyer, the thrasher (i'm Minmatar, Verokian, Military, Spec Ops....if that means anything.). I haven't outfitted it yet (my previous ship, a Rifter, was destroyed while I was on autopilot going to pick the destroyer up...and I was pod killed too ). I plan on putting in three 150mm railguns and four 200mm autocannons or maybe energy turrets, not sure yet. And a missile launcher!!

Feel free to yell at me for being a noob, haha.


Apr 8, 2002
There is a single Euro server. I believe they added an Asian server 2 years ago. When i last stopped playing they had about 32K\night logged into that single server.

I think the games concept is really cool. But I cant get into it.


Senior member
May 7, 2008
I couldn't get into it either, however I only played the first beta. With no real instruction, or no guides anywhere, I lost interest pretty fast. So since I only played the beta, don't take what I say about the game very seriously until you try it yourself.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Malladine
It's an absolute BLAST. I'm on Tranquility, Malladine. Not sure if there are more servers or not but there's a ton of ppl playing. Logged in at 7am and there were 1000 players just in the rookie channel

Anyway, Sunday I upgraded to a destroyer, the thrasher (i'm Minmatar, Verokian, Military, Spec Ops....if that means anything.). I haven't outfitted it yet (my previous ship, a Rifter, was destroyed while I was on autopilot going to pick the destroyer up...and I was pod killed too ). I plan on putting in three 150mm railguns and four 200mm autocannons or maybe energy turrets, not sure yet. And a missile launcher!!

Feel free to yell at me for being a noob, haha.


You know there is only one server right?

Not sure about the Minny destroyer, but I ended up having some fun in a Caldari destroyer with 5 or 6 railguns. With the appropriate skills and ammo, you end up with optimal range at about 40km, basically blowing up enemy frigates before they can get close enough to you. The only drawback is that the destroyers don't have enough resources (can't remember if it was CPU or power) to load everything up, so pretty much you're left with the choice of armaments or everything else you want, and the fact that they max out at I believe 3 targets kind of sucks too. The fact that it takes an inane amount of skill training just to get this far though - that really makes the game suck.


Oct 30, 2000
Just wait a month or two. When you are waiting 30+ days for skills like battle cruiser 3 you'll be like, why the F am I playing this crap? And that's not even a top end skill either! Sure you can ghost still right now. Which means, when you have a skill that takes a month or longer to train, you stop payment for that month and let the account auto train. But what's the point?

Because you can ghost they don't allow skill queuing. The reason being is if you could queue up several skills for training one right after another, you can train a lot of LONG skills, and not actually have to log into the game for months at a time.

So since you can't queue, this means you have to log on at the time a skill finishes training to train another skill. This is fine at the beginning of the game when it takes 15 minutes, half an hour, or maybe a hour or two for training up. Problem is when you have a skill that takes 3 week, 2 days, and 4 hours, and that roughly makes you figure you need to be awake at 3AM in the morning 3 weeks from now on a Tuesday to start your next skill. It's a real PITA.

Also, the combat in the game is hoo-hum as far as I remember. Either your boat or group is supremely more powerful that your foes or it's not. Rarely is there ever a close fight. And even if there was, very few actions will change the outcome. It's point, click, and watch my pretty little spaceship circle around another pretty little spaceship while we pew-pew each other. It's not a space battle, it's watching a ballet in space.

Then there are the quests, or lack of I should say. There are like 3 "lines" of 5 missions per difficulty scale, some of which repeat across difficulties. Basically 40ish missions in the entire game. It gets very very VERY boring. Imagine trying to play WoW or any other MMO that had only 40 quests you could do and are always done the same way over and over?

The game is actually pretty cool in the beginning once you learn how to play. When all the quests are roughly "new" and you get into a corp and fly around. Skills come fast, and you feel like you are DOING something. You feel a sense of accomplishment at having achieved a new weapon type, or a new space ship, or even a new thruster. But then it slows WAYYYYY down and you start looking more closely at the flaws because well, the game is boring. That's EVE in a nutshell. Enjoy it for the next month or two because it will wear pretty fast.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Malladine
my previous ship, a Rifter, was destroyed while I was on autopilot going to pick the destroyer up...and I was pod killed too .

This made me quit the very first time it happened. CYA!

Travel from point A to B in the game gets boring as all sh1t. It is the most unpleasant part of the game that I have found. It's worse than grinding.

So if I want to autopilot through a bunch of high security space while I go grab a snack I should be able to do so. Getting "punished" for using autopilot was the last straw.

Fvck Eve.



Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Malladine
my previous ship, a Rifter, was destroyed while I was on autopilot going to pick the destroyer up...and I was pod killed too .

This made me quit the very first time it happened. CYA!

Travel from point A to B in the game gets boring as all sh1t. It is the most unpleasant part of the game that I have found. It's worse than grinding.

So if I want to autopilot through a bunch of high security space while I go grab a snack I should be able to do so. Getting "punished" for using autopilot was the last straw.

Fvck Eve.

What? You mean to tell me you didn't have some kind soul mail you bookmarks for all the gates in the game and you actually used Autopilot in the game? Shame on you! (kidding - I thought it was quite stupid until they made autopilot work a little better, which still sucks last I played it)


Aug 11, 2005
Originally posted by: HumblePie
Just wait a month or two. When you are waiting 30+ days for skills like battle cruiser 3 you'll be like, why the F am I playing this crap? And that's not even a top end skill either! Sure you can ghost still right now. Which means, when you have a skill that takes a month or longer to train, you stop payment for that month and let the account auto train. But what's the point?

Because you can ghost they don't allow skill queuing. The reason being is if you could queue up several skills for training one right after another, you can train a lot of LONG skills, and not actually have to log into the game for months at a time.

So since you can't queue, this means you have to log on at the time a skill finishes training to train another skill. This is fine at the beginning of the game when it takes 15 minutes, half an hour, or maybe a hour or two for training up. Problem is when you have a skill that takes 3 week, 2 days, and 4 hours, and that roughly makes you figure you need to be awake at 3AM in the morning 3 weeks from now on a Tuesday to start your next skill. It's a real PITA.

Also, the combat in the game is hoo-hum as far as I remember. Either your boat or group is supremely more powerful that your foes or it's not. Rarely is there ever a close fight. And even if there was, very few actions will change the outcome. It's point, click, and watch my pretty little spaceship circle around another pretty little spaceship while we pew-pew each other. It's not a space battle, it's watching a ballet in space.

Then there are the quests, or lack of I should say. There are like 3 "lines" of 5 missions per difficulty scale, some of which repeat across difficulties. Basically 40ish missions in the entire game. It gets very very VERY boring. Imagine trying to play WoW or any other MMO that had only 40 quests you could do and are always done the same way over and over?

The game is actually pretty cool in the beginning once you learn how to play. When all the quests are roughly "new" and you get into a corp and fly around. Skills come fast, and you feel like you are DOING something. You feel a sense of accomplishment at having achieved a new weapon type, or a new space ship, or even a new thruster. But then it slows WAYYYYY down and you start looking more closely at the flaws because well, the game is boring. That's EVE in a nutshell. Enjoy it for the next month or two because it will wear pretty fast.

Just curious but how long did it take you playing EVE to come to that conclusion?


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2003
been playing this game since beta, it is a sucker of life as you know it get out while you still can . if you can't get into factional warfare great way for a noob to get into pvp (only reason to play the game) after that graduate to alliance pvp where the real battles take place. (200+ vs 200+ slugouts involving dozens if not 100s of capitals)


Oct 30, 2000
Oh yah, forgot about the travel and auto pilot crap. Yay for having auto pilot stop you so far out from the gate it takes you about 30 seconds of thruster time to reach it. Plenty of time for anyone nearby to scan your cargo and pop you. Which means you have to actually "drive" yourself to warp right on top of the gate and click on the gate as fast as possible so you get through it in about 5 seconds or so and don't get popped.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
All the problems mentioned above I could live with and somewhat enjoyed in a way, what finally turned me off from EvE was the fact that the my second payed account that I spent so much time and Isk to get outfitted for mining become useless overnight when LV (alliance my corp just joined) gets swamped by enemy alliances making it impossible to mine safely (kinda nerve racking when you see 50+ hostiles enter the sector, and you make it back to the station just as they all arrive there and make it in with minor hull damage). So my corp gets displayed to a new ragion of 0.0 and it's a nightmare with constant raids and no one willing to go on patrols, not to mention not a damn thing worth mining. I even skilled up scanning to find hidden instances that I can call others in to clear out (big bucks for them) and sometimes have a fortune in minerals but it proved to be worse then ratting.

Mining was going to be my cash cow so I never had to touch another damn mission or ratting (killing NPC pirate in asteroid belts). When that fell through and I was left with a pure PvP character that was useless for making money I up and quit.

-Edit- Well, my PvP character could do lvl4 missions but that is worse then most any form of grinding in any MMO to date.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: ZzZGuy
All the problems mentioned above I could live with and somewhat enjoyed in a way, what finally turned me off from EvE was the fact that the my second payed account that I spent so much time and Isk to get outfitted for mining become useless overnight when LV (alliance my corp just joined) gets swamped by enemy alliances making it impossible to mine safely (kinda nerve racking when you see 50+ hostiles enter the sector, and you make it back to the station just as they all arrive there and make it in with minor hull damage). So my corp gets displayed to a new ragion of 0.0 and it's a nightmare with constant raids and no one willing to go on patrols, not to mention not a damn thing worth mining. I even skilled up scanning to find hidden instances that I can call others in to clear out (big bucks for them) and sometimes have a fortune in minerals but it proved to be worse then ratting.

Mining was going to be my cash cow so I never had to touch another damn mission or ratting (killing NPC pirate in asteroid belts). When that fell through and I was left with a pure PvP character that was useless for making money I up and quit.

And the answer to your problems as the EVE forum goes would probably say:

"Find a new corp/alliance since yours obviously sucks!" :roll:


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: ZzZGuy
All the problems mentioned above I could live with and somewhat enjoyed in a way, what finally turned me off from EvE was the fact that the my second payed account that I spent so much time and Isk to get outfitted for mining become useless overnight when LV (alliance my corp just joined) gets swamped by enemy alliances making it impossible to mine safely (kinda nerve racking when you see 50+ hostiles enter the sector, and you make it back to the station just as they all arrive there and make it in with minor hull damage). So my corp gets displayed to a new ragion of 0.0 and it's a nightmare with constant raids and no one willing to go on patrols, not to mention not a damn thing worth mining. I even skilled up scanning to find hidden instances that I can call others in to clear out (big bucks for them) and sometimes have a fortune in minerals but it proved to be worse then ratting.

Mining was going to be my cash cow so I never had to touch another damn mission or ratting (killing NPC pirate in asteroid belts). When that fell through and I was left with a pure PvP character that was useless for making money I up and quit.

And the answer to your problems as the EVE forum goes would probably say:

"Find a new corp/alliance since yours obviously sucks!" :roll:

I think a better statement would be




Dec 11, 2000
I can't believe people are bitching about the autopilot NOT warping you to 0 and automatically jumping? Do you want the game to hold your hand, too? The autopilot is a convenience in high/mid sec, but you really believe you should be able to fly around low sec space while AFK and have nothing to worry about? Please go play WoW on a PvE server, carebears.

To the OP:

The Thrasher can be a pretty neat long range sniper. But really, the thing with EVE is that just because you can train and get into a ship, doesn't mean you should. You need a whole laundry list of skills to be able to properly fit and fly it successfully. Like others have said, as you get into more advanced skills it will take boatloads of time. Basically, from day 1 if you start working on flying a big capital ship, it will take you 170-225 days of constant training. That's just to get INTO the ship, not to be able to fit it/use it properly. It's not like WoW where you can level to the cap, and arena for a month or two, and already be in the upper tiers. If you do factional warfare, and you should, your most useful role at this point is going to be a tackler. The rifter is probably the best tackler out there. All you need is a point (warp scramber), stasis web (debatable), and a MWD.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: HumblePie


dunno humble, you sound burned out. But I've been playing for 2 days and even I'm aware that there's more to combat, certainly in PvP, than just flying around and watching. There seem to be many manually activateable items such as warp stabilizers, statis modules, stuff like that, that provide interaction during combat...or am i wrong??

Also, skill leveling isn't much of a big deal, even the multiple day ones. I mean, i've been finding plenty to do, i could even start another character and do something different entirely. Or get a different ship, or whatever.

cyphilis: I played years ago too, when it first came out, and felt the same as you did. However, the game is far superior now. It's extremely polished...

Originally posted by: SunnyD

You know there is only one server right?

Not sure about the Minny destroyer, but I ended up having some fun in a Caldari destroyer with 5 or 6 railguns. With the appropriate skills and ammo, you end up with optimal range at about 40km, basically blowing up enemy frigates before they can get close enough to you. The only drawback is that the destroyers don't have enough resources (can't remember if it was CPU or power) to load everything up, so pretty much you're left with the choice of armaments or everything else you want, and the fact that they max out at I believe 3 targets kind of sucks too. The fact that it takes an inane amount of skill training just to get this far though - that really makes the game suck.

is there? oh that's kinda cool actually. makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Yeah railguns sound awesome, tho i've been enjoying getting close enough to see the explosions, personal like :beer:

Maybe i'll take another look at blasters??

Falloutboy: thanks for the warning, haha.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
I can't believe people are bitching about the autopilot NOT warping you to 0 and automatically jumping? Do you want the game to hold your hand, too? The autopilot is a convenience in high/mid sec, but you really believe you should be able to fly around low sec space while AFK and have nothing to worry about? Please go play WoW on a PvE server, carebears.

Seriously! What's up with that!!! EVERYONE should go out and get their ass handed to them 486 times so they can bookmark all of their gate jumps exactly so this doesn't happen to them ever! :disgust:


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Malladine
Originally posted by: HumblePie


dunno humble, you sound burned out. But I've been playing for 2 days and even I'm aware that there's more to combat, certainly in PvP, than just flying around and watching. There seem to be many manually activateable items such as warp stabilizers, statis modules, stuff like that, that provide interaction during combat...or am i wrong??

Also, skill leveling isn't much of a big deal, even the multiple day ones. I mean, i've been finding plenty to do, i could even start another character and do something different entirely. Or get a different ship, or whatever.

cyphilis: I played years ago too, when it first came out, and felt the same as you did. However, the game is far superior now. It's extremely polished...

Originally posted by: SunnyD

You know there is only one server right?

Not sure about the Minny destroyer, but I ended up having some fun in a Caldari destroyer with 5 or 6 railguns. With the appropriate skills and ammo, you end up with optimal range at about 40km, basically blowing up enemy frigates before they can get close enough to you. The only drawback is that the destroyers don't have enough resources (can't remember if it was CPU or power) to load everything up, so pretty much you're left with the choice of armaments or everything else you want, and the fact that they max out at I believe 3 targets kind of sucks too. The fact that it takes an inane amount of skill training just to get this far though - that really makes the game suck.

is there? oh that's kinda cool actually. makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Yeah railguns sound awesome, tho i've been enjoying getting close enough to see the explosions, personal like :beer:

Maybe i'll take another look at blasters??

Falloutboy: thanks for the warning, haha.

If you're going short range... skill up to microwarp drives ASAP, as well as the webifiers and warp scramblers, otherwise you'll either never get in range before you get your ass handed to you, or your target will just warp away while laughing at you.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
I can't believe people are bitching about the autopilot NOT warping you to 0 and automatically jumping? Do you want the game to hold your hand, too? The autopilot is a convenience in high/mid sec, but you really believe you should be able to fly around low sec space while AFK and have nothing to worry about? Please go play WoW on a PvE server, carebears.

Seriously! What's up with that!!! EVERYONE should go out and get their ass handed to them 486 times so they can bookmark all of their gate jumps exactly so this doesn't happen to them ever! :disgust:

Why do you need to bookmark to gates? I'm no ancient EVE player, but Stargates.. Amamake.. Warp to 0.. seems to work fine for me. I have no problem getting away from gate camps in a small fast ship.
Oct 25, 2006
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
I can't believe people are bitching about the autopilot NOT warping you to 0 and automatically jumping? Do you want the game to hold your hand, too? The autopilot is a convenience in high/mid sec, but you really believe you should be able to fly around low sec space while AFK and have nothing to worry about? Please go play WoW on a PvE server, carebears.

Seriously! What's up with that!!! EVERYONE should go out and get their ass handed to them 486 times so they can bookmark all of their gate jumps exactly so this doesn't happen to them ever! :disgust:

No idea what you're talking about. Are you talking about Insta bookmarks? They were done away with several expansions ago. The Games does the traveling for you. Eve is a dog eat dog world. Its no like other MMO's that hold your hand through the entire game. If someone wants to kill your ship, they can do it, if they have a good enough ship and are fast enough. Autopilot is a double edged sword. You don't have to be there to "play" but at the same time, it makes you much more vulnerable

The fact that EvE almost encourages taking advantage of people who auto through low sec and do other stupid things is what makes it so great, and gets rid if immature and stupid people early on.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
I can't believe people are bitching about the autopilot NOT warping you to 0 and automatically jumping? Do you want the game to hold your hand, too? The autopilot is a convenience in high/mid sec, but you really believe you should be able to fly around low sec space while AFK and have nothing to worry about? Please go play WoW on a PvE server, carebears.

Seriously! What's up with that!!! EVERYONE should go out and get their ass handed to them 486 times so they can bookmark all of their gate jumps exactly so this doesn't happen to them ever! :disgust:

Why do you need to bookmark to gates? I'm no ancient EVE player, but Stargates.. Amamake.. Warp to 0.. seems to work fine for me. I have no problem getting away from gate camps in a small fast ship.

Did they change Warp to 0 to actually put you within jump range? When I used to play it'd put you some I think 5000m? out and you still had to fly to the gate. A camp would just web and scramble you before you even made it there, sit there for a few minutes laughing at you, and then pod you.

I thought they made the change to put you on the gate maybe in High-sec, but in low-sec it still left you stranded away from the gate. Of course it's been a year or two since I bothered to play...


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
I can't believe people are bitching about the autopilot NOT warping you to 0 and automatically jumping? Do you want the game to hold your hand, too? The autopilot is a convenience in high/mid sec, but you really believe you should be able to fly around low sec space while AFK and have nothing to worry about? Please go play WoW on a PvE server, carebears.

Seriously! What's up with that!!! EVERYONE should go out and get their ass handed to them 486 times so they can bookmark all of their gate jumps exactly so this doesn't happen to them ever! :disgust:

Why do you need to bookmark to gates? I'm no ancient EVE player, but Stargates.. Amamake.. Warp to 0.. seems to work fine for me. I have no problem getting away from gate camps in a small fast ship.

Did they change Warp to 0 to actually put you within jump range? When I used to play it'd put you some I think 5000m? out and you still had to fly to the gate. A camp would just web and scramble you before you even made it there, sit there for a few minutes laughing at you, and then pod you.

I thought they made the change to put you on the gate maybe in High-sec, but in low-sec it still left you stranded away from the gate. Of course it's been a year or two since I bothered to play...

Yeah they did. Warp to 0 puts you in jump range. They have changed it so that when you jump through, you will not be in jump range on the other side tho. So you'll have to re-approach from something like 30k. At least, I think that's new? I don't really remember.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Yeah they did. Warp to 0 puts you in jump range. They have changed it so that when you jump through, you will not be in jump range on the other side tho. So you'll have to re-approach from something like 30k. At least, I think that's new? I don't really remember.

So people don't actually camp on top of the gate anymore?


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Yeah they did. Warp to 0 puts you in jump range. They have changed it so that when you jump through, you will not be in jump range on the other side tho. So you'll have to re-approach from something like 30k. At least, I think that's new? I don't really remember.

So people don't actually camp on top of the gate anymore?

nope, well, except to catch those autopiloters


Golden Member
Dec 31, 2004
5 years strong here. In a PVP corp and I do a massive amount of Industry to fund my PVP. I even do PVE *gasp*

SunnyD, you are about 3 years out of date. It would be like complaining about WoW circa 2005 where there were tons of bugs. It would be like saying City of Villians/Heroes doesn't have a market. It would be like saying Everquest 2 has no raid content.

There have been so many fundamental changes since you played, hell since November's expansion even, that makes you look like you just love to hear yourself talk about how bad EVE is. Seriously, its getting old. You can't be that big of douche bag but I seriously wonder.
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