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Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: hooflung
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: hooflung
The nidhogger is the worst carrier of the bunch. While it has the best remote repair bonus it is simply not as good hp per cap wise than the other ships. It was 'bandaid' patched to have the same loadout as a Thanatos tank wise but it has less armor. Pretty much the only thing it has going for it is that it can hold more fighters than the amarr and caldari carrier and its triage mode could be considered superior.

Last time my alliance fought people [Foundation] who triaged carriers BoB was still a duking it out in Delve.

Basically, the niddy is a nurse ship with the worst tank. It is always primary.

PS: My first carrier was the niddy. Also fly the Thanatos on an alt and now my main can fly all motherships but amarr as well. And my third alt flies the amarr carrier.

1) if the nidhogger is so bad, why are you primarying it?

2) most carriers are archons and thantos, most carriers fit to RR armor, so why would you shoot an armor tank carrier when there are shield tankers on the field? Your FC's must not be the brightest people, i bet you primary revelations last too huh?

3) resist bonus on archon just means you die last and alone. I bet your already dead chimeras will appreciate your cap transfer, and your thanati and nidhoggers your 5% armor resist/level.

1) Because it is the weakest and despite it being the worst of the bunch it still influences a fight.

2) Well if you want to start shooting a ship with a capital shield booster you can go right ahead. Obviously you are trying to paint broad strokes in capital engagements. Moreover, it is obviously you don't know about how poor the capacitors are on revelations. Nags and Moros are far more advantageous to take out first. Capless guns and drone dps are very resilient in a long term engagement... not that these happen often anymore.

3) How many carriers use their alternate utility bonus over neuts and smartbombs. Please, don't try to insult me or patronize me as if I don't know what I am talking about. Capital warfare is not something that is fought on paper. Just because the ships have a bonus doesn't mean they are used at all. Energy transfering carriers? Are you kidding me? It is all about the slaves, trimarks, neuts, smartbombs and fighters. It takes about 40 people on your side in a fight for a set of triage carriers 5-8 to even be of use on the field to sub capital ships.

have you actually ever used a cap in pvp?

the thought that nidhogger is the worst carrier is ludicrous, and for cap on cap bringing carriers is a waste of time since the dreads are going to be way out of drone range most of the time. Once they get around to it, carriers are going to die very quickly, so that little bit of short armor is never going to be noticed. The fact that you even bothered mentioning fighters is hilarious. finally it takes 2 cap rechargers to make a rev more/less cap stable depending on skill/ammo

[Revelation, standard]
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Capital Armor Repairer I

Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

Dual Giga Beam Laser I, Blood Microwave XL
Dual Giga Beam Laser I, Blood Microwave XL
Dual Giga Beam Laser I, Blood Microwave XL
Siege Module I

Trimark Armor Pump I
Trimark Armor Pump I
Trimark Armor Pump I



Platinum Member
Nov 5, 1999
A quick question guys. Right now a few of my agents gave me courier mission to low sec system. I was thinking of getting a frig and slap a cloaking device and sneak through low sec system. Or is this not great an idea? thx.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Originally posted by: crystal
A quick question guys. Right now a few of my agents gave me courier mission to low sec system. I was thinking of getting a frig and slap a cloaking device and sneak through low sec system. Or is this not great an idea? thx.

There isn't much that can catch a fast frigate in Low Sec that won't die a horrible death to gate guns immediately afterward. You are pretty safe with one of those. Just fit a couple warp core stabilizers in the lows, just in case.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
JStorm got his first kill the other day. It was a faction fitted Rapier. Good job JStorm!

JStorms Kill

He did this in a caracal no less, and took gate guns to do it.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Martimus is almost correct. A sensor boosted HIC can catch a frigate or a frigate being remote repped can catch it. Also, some gates are camped by smartbombing battleships than can pop a frigate before you can warp.

In general, you should be safe. I wouldn't fill the lows with warp care stabs as it won't help against a boosted HIC. Something to boost your agility so you align and warp faster might be good.



Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Martimus
JStorm got his first kill the other day. It was a faction fitted Rapier. Good job JStorm!

JStorms Kill

He did this in a caracal no less, and took gate guns to do it.

I think with my present tank I can handle the gate guns for about a 1:30

Something was wrong with that ship as it went down with 400 hp

Maybe do some more hunting tonight

My main competitor in the markets is freakin on me and dumped his prices thinking to freak me out and get me out of his turf. Of course he is losing massive amounts of profit right now so I will just sit and wait him out. Might be fun to wait outside of the station for him to leave and can flip him He is in a carebear miner corp.


Sep 5, 2000
actually come to think of it he moves about 300 units @4.5mill at a time. Might be fun to catch him on a return trip with all that muahahahaha.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
"actually come to think of it he moves about 300 units @4.5mill at a time. Might be fun to catch him on a return trip with all that muahahahaha."

Warning, I have made an open offer for people joining my corp, but less than a week in, look what has happened.



Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Michael
"actually come to think of it he moves about 300 units @4.5mill at a time. Might be fun to catch him on a return trip with all that muahahahaha."

Warning, I have made an open offer for people joining my corp, but less than a week in, look what has happened.




Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Originally posted by: speg
Hmm, this game looks interesting. How do I start?

You can go here to download a 14 day trial: Eve-Online Download

A better option would be to get someone to send you a 21 day "buddy" trial. You get an extra 7 days free, and the person sending it gets a chance at getting 30 days of free game time if you subscribe. PM me with your e-mail address and I will send you an invite, or if you have a friend who plays you can ask him to do the same.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
Accidentally got my Vexor popped yesterday. Oops. It was insured, so no big financial loss. Podded back to my Thorax, all was well.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
JF party, or 8 billion isk damage done

Today seems to be our day killing jump freighters. A little while ago a character called Blackcamper decided that killing a cyno frigate was a smart thing to do:

innocent frigate slaughtered

Well, today that same brave warrior was piloting a jump freighter when there were active kill rights. Unfortunately for the brave frigate killer, a slightly different ship was waiting for him:

The karma from the slaughtered frigate comes home to roost

That in and of itself was exciting, but there is more.

In one of our our back systems, a small industrial corporation set up several POSes to do reactions. I'm ure they thought it was a good place to do it as it is way out of the way and traffic tends to be pretty low. Unfortunately they were notice by me and I made a reasonable request that they pay rent since they were using moons in our space. My demad was met with silence and log offs.

So we can in and started mapping their POS locations. While doing so, we caught them offlining and unanchoring a tower and noticed that they had an active jump freighter as well. I had repeated my request for rent only again to be met with silence. This time I waited with a corp mate cloaked and ready next to the unanchoring tower. As the timer ticked to zero, we had an alliance member come in and grab their tower and leave right when their hauler warped in to try and get it himself. That hauler died and we stole the tower (360M isk)

Hauler dies to cloaky recons

I once again engage in a discussion in local and make it clear that paying rent was expected. We're actually somewhat disappointed as we had hoped that the jump freighter would show up instead of a little hauler (nabbing the tower was OK, but not as good as killing a JF). We keep an eye on the system and notice that they're trying to take their tower down and cut and run. Unfortunately, refusing to heed our reasonable request resulted in much pain to their wallet:

Second jump freighter dies in flames

Yet another day in Chain of Chaos.

Michael (Myrdin Potter in game)


Jan 23, 2001
Haha I suck at this game bad.

Went into .4 sec space. Thought only 0.0 sec space was where you pvped. Got killed and pod killed after refusing to pay 50mil money (only had 1 million anyway).

Someone gave me a bit of money so I got a Vexor. Did a level II mission for the first time and didn't realize I only had to scout, not fight, an area. I realized something was wrong when about 50 pirate cruisers were jumping in. Tried to warp out too late and got killed.

Had barely enough for another Vexor. Did some mission where you had to go explore a warp gate in a gas cloud. You start 50k away or so. So I start making my way towards it. The gas cloud was doing like 100 damage every 10 seconds or so, but my armor repairer was getting it all back. Then all of a sudden it did like 2k damage (have no idea why) and I die.

So now I'm back to square one. Don't have enough for a cruiser anymore so it's back to frigates, if I feel like continuing ;P


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
One of the most obnoxious things about Eve missions is that they'll sometimes spam important info into the Local channel rather than give you a pop-up...


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Originally posted by: datalink7
Haha I suck at this game bad.

Went into .4 sec space. Thought only 0.0 sec space was where you pvped. Got killed and pod killed after refusing to pay 50mil money (only had 1 million anyway).

Someone gave me a bit of money so I got a Vexor. Did a level II mission for the first time and didn't realize I only had to scout, not fight, an area. I realized something was wrong when about 50 pirate cruisers were jumping in. Tried to warp out too late and got killed.

Had barely enough for another Vexor. Did some mission where you had to go explore a warp gate in a gas cloud. You start 50k away or so. So I start making my way towards it. The gas cloud was doing like 100 damage every 10 seconds or so, but my armor repairer was getting it all back. Then all of a sudden it did like 2k damage (have no idea why) and I die.

So now I'm back to square one. Don't have enough for a cruiser anymore so it's back to frigates, if I feel like continuing ;P

That mission escalates in damage over time. You need a fast ship that can tank it (use an afterburner on your Vexor would suffice) and jump as soon as you get to the jump gate.

Also, I have an extra Vexor sitting around that I'll donate to you. Just hit me up in game. I am Martimus28.


Apr 8, 2002
Oh I remember that mission. The secret is to kite them and kill the trigger ships last. I flew out of the gas cloud and kited them for about 40 kms. It was one of those missions that caught me off guard. I was pretty much afking through lvl IIs in my vexor then this thing comes up and I am warping out going wtf. So a little research and a better plan got me through the mission pretty much unscathed.


Aug 22, 2004
Ahhh, L2 Recon. I lost something like two cruisers (plated Ruptures) and 3 AB rifters to that mission. Wonder how my passive shield Cyclone would handle it.

Hey, martimus, after you left the other night, Filter and I finished that room - I warped out to grab ammo, came back and tanked the last 4-5 BS solo while Filter repped his shields. I'm lovin this Cyclone. Thanks for the drones, btw.


Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Raduque
Ahhh, L2 Recon. I lost something like two cruisers (plated Ruptures) and 3 AB rifters to that mission. Wonder how my passive shield Cyclone would handle it.

Hey, martimus, after you left the other night, Filter and I finished that room - I warped out to grab ammo, came back and tanked the last 4-5 BS solo while Filter repped his shields. I'm lovin this Cyclone. Thanks for the drones, btw.

that was working well. Hopefully I'm able to add some dps for you guys in this ship. Close to a drake though


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Originally posted by: JSt0rm01
Originally posted by: Raduque
Ahhh, L2 Recon. I lost something like two cruisers (plated Ruptures) and 3 AB rifters to that mission. Wonder how my passive shield Cyclone would handle it.

Hey, martimus, after you left the other night, Filter and I finished that room - I warped out to grab ammo, came back and tanked the last 4-5 BS solo while Filter repped his shields. I'm lovin this Cyclone. Thanks for the drones, btw.

that was working well. Hopefully I'm able to add some dps for you guys in this ship. Close to a drake though

No problem. I ran it again yesterday, and quit after that room (had to get to bed so I could go to work this morning). I can run it again tonight and actually finish it if you would like. I went to Jita with my alt and bought the needed tag to get to the bonus room. So we could try that as well. I should read up on the bonus room to make sure I am tanked properly though.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
JStorms second kill was a CVA Tempest who thought it was a good idea to take a Battleship out solo in Low Sec.

After that roam, I went with another corp mate and helped him probe out a few systems looking for Plexes (he was bored, and there was no-one to shoot). I had used my Helios to probe out some ships earlier in the day, and forgot that I had it set for ships; so I found nothing in the first 5-6 systems I looked in (I was wondering what was going on). Once I figured it out, I found two wormholes in the system I was in, and while probing one out, I found a Covetor mining out one of the belts.

As soon as I found that out, there was a call to get some ships to take out a small gang that one of our firends was baiting and toying with in a Rapier. They were trying to hunt him down, and he just tried to keep them interested and hopefully take out some of their straglers. I headed back home and grabbed a BC to engage the group. By the time I got to the system, the last of the ships was being mopped up by our gang. link

Since I missed out on those kill, I decided to go back to the wormhole ~ 10 jumps away to kill that Covetor. I got back to the system, and to my dismay, my BC wouldn't fit in the WH. I had to go back home to grab a cruiser which was 7 jumps away. I went all the way back, grabbed my Thorax and came back to the Worm Hole hoping the ship didn't leave yet. I warped to the spot where I had bookmarked him before, and sure enough he was still there, but he had since moved down the belt 100km. I burned toward him in my Thorax sure that he would warp out long before I got in Point range. To my suprise he stayed right there. I pointed him, and started going to work on him, and he went down rather quickly. What was funny is that he had two warp core stabilizers fitted, so he could have warped off at any time.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
Decided to try out Eve Online and found it to be very interested, after reading up this thread. Currently on the 14 day trial account temp character just to check it out and familiarize myself with the game. Tutorial seems straightforward and simple, now I'm just running missions for this NPC corp guy near the system where I started while waiting for my skills to finish. Feels a little repetitive, I assume that the next step would be to find a player corp since playing with the NPCs is just zzzz?


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Originally posted by: DrunkenSano
Decided to try out Eve Online and found it to be very interested, after reading up this thread. Currently on the 14 day trial account temp character just to check it out and familiarize myself with the game. Tutorial seems straightforward and simple, now I'm just running missions for this NPC corp guy near the system where I started while waiting for my skills to finish. Feels a little repetitive, I assume that the next step would be to find a player corp since playing with the NPCs is just zzzz?

That sounds about right. Although you can also run the Epic Arc in Arnon. That is somewhat interesting compaired to the other missions you will get at that level.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Biggest danger of missions: boredom and laziness.

Resubbed, ran a level 4 or two, promptly lost a nearly 3 year old CNR to falling asleep in Massive Attack or some other ridiculously boring mission with 100km slowboating between gates. When I woke up my alt in her Nighthawk was being ineffectually pummeled by a large swarm of small fry, my pod gently bumping into the gate to the next area a good 40km from the CNR wreck. Swarm of small fry > Raven with tank turned off. I guess I'll get a passive Rattlesnake or something if I ever feel the need to spam NPCs with missiles.

Next day, decided I didn't need to re-dock and fit correct hardeners to do The Assault in my Abaddon so long as I kept moving. Scratch a total of about a billion ISK worth of mission grinding hardware over 2 days. Being the "all Vs guy" (at least where mission grinding is concerned) does not guarantee success.
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