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Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Depends who's behind the wheel. If you look at Agony's PvP basic class killboard you can see they regularly take down battleships using 10 absolute newbies in frigates. Not all of those are a gank fit either. I took that class a few years ago, it was a blast. We got a ratting domi among other things.

Check into the Succubus for a 266 DPS frigate fit using t2 modules. Five of that would melt any vanilla battleship. Rifters, Incursuses and Imicuses are not terrible with the "all Vs guy" behind the wheel. I can get 120-odd DPS out of a Velator, even. So if you were a 3 week old guy fielding 4 t1 drones and a t1 tank you'd have been a very, very juicy target for a pack of frigates. That's typically who you find ratting in lowsec belts. Older characters are grinding empire missions in faction fit marauders or are ratting in 0.0.

I used to rat in 0.0 using a slightly modified PvP template megathron (a bit of history: megas were excellent PvP ships before the nano nerf). It was exciting. I'd warp out to a distant roid in the belt then try to pick a roid to warp in right on top of the rats, hoping I'd have enough cap to MWD and finish them before cap ran out. Every so often I'd get a warp in on some fool molesting another ratter which made it all worthwhile. Nothing like landing 4km from a force recon tanked for EM/therm in ye olde blaster mega.

Yeah, of the two I killed, one had ECM, so they might have been trying to jam me. It wouldn't help against the drones, but it would have kept them from getting neuted and pointed. Of course, it wasn't a ratting setup, so I had ECCM fitted.

I actually use my PvP fit Thorax to rat. It works well, and allows me to engage anyone I feel comfortable engaging without redocking to get a new ship.

Last night I went out with a fleet again. I flew my Helios to scout. I found a Cerberus at a belt, and then a Drake warped in on it and killed it. Our tackle came too late to get the Drake, but luckily he came back to try to gank our tackle. In came the rest of our small fleet, and in came the rest of his fleet. It was amazing how one sided the battle was, since they had numbers and were using sniper setups at range with EWAR support, and we had only close range RR BS's. We wiped the floor with them anyway.

I went into the next system, and saw a Armageddon warp to the gate we were at. He heard about us in his intel channel, and made the decision not to jump into the system. He instead warped out to a safespot. I launched my probes, found him, got a warp-in and called for tackle. He was dead shortly afterward.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
I did FW for a while in my alt. The biggest benefit was having a chance to learn to FC. However, it sort of is PvP for new players with a smattering of older corps that are between things tossed in for good measure.


I was trying to see if I could find a place where there would be a reliable fleet formed up to attack. It is so hard to find any targets I figured it would be a good idea to have a backup plan for roams that turn up nothing.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Attacking FW people is a waste of time in general. They either blob you to death or die and drop crap loot. You used to take pretty big faction hits as well to kill them. They don't control moons or systems, they really just fight each other and run their FW plexes. As the plexes are in one area, you can't even do a terror run at them as they'll just come back.



Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
I went into the next system, and saw a Armageddon warp to the gate we were at. He heard about us in his intel channel, and made the decision not to jump into the system. He instead warped out to a safespot. I launched my probes, found him, got a warp-in and called for tackle. He was dead shortly afterward.

We went back to that system two days ago. I went looking for a fight in my Myrmidon, and eventually the guy I was looking for found me. We engaged each other, and my friends warped in to KM whore. After he popped, one of his friends came in to help him, he popped too. Again, another friend came in to help, but at this point, we were already starting warp to a safespot, since they outnumbered us in system (although with their Lemming tactics, we probably could have popped them all).

The next thing that happened is the reason I am writing here. It seems that the person who warped us to a Safe Spot was in on the fleet the day before, as when we got there there was a red Drake sitting there waiting for us. He was pointed and popped, then we warped to a new safe spot.

It turned out that we had warped to the safespot I probed out the day before (that the geddon was sitting in), and the Drake was dumb enough to continue to use a compromised safe spot. We all had a good laugh at that.

Another interesting story happened yesterday. We were camping out a fleet that didn't want to engage us in a neighboring system, and had scouts in all the surrounding systems. Just after we stood down because we didn't think they would undock, a Dominix came into system and used cloaking tricks to instawarp to a station. Later a few more people joined him. The scout who was in that system decided to launch probes and wait them out while he ate lunch. When he came back from lunch, he relaunched probes, and found that the hauler was away from the rest of the gang. He went to investigate and found that they were on-lining a POS. We scrambled and got just a few people to come and shoot at the POS before it went online.

We had a Zealot come in first and try to get the ships to engage him, but after killing the Merlin the rest ran away. The rest of our fleet jumped in (3 Domis) and we started shooting at the POS while the timer went down to online. Pretty soon we saw that instawarping Domi on scan. In he came and immediately lit a cyno. I started aligning away incase support came, but nothing came through. We all set our drones on the Domi and put him down. It seems that he was just trying to scare us away, or that he didn't have enough fuel for the carrier to jump in (or the carrier wasn't ready when he lit it). The online timer was about to expire, so we brought in our drones and prepared to get catapulted out of the shield, but it never happened. They hadn't had time to set the shield password, so it didn't go up.

After that we had a slow trickle of people come in, once the shields were down we saw that they didn't have time to stront it yet, so we kept shooting. It went down in about an hour with the 11 of us.
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Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
How does CCP feel about multi-boxing for this game? Eve is one of those game i think i would like, but don't have lots of time to actually play it (skill training time, time it takes to do things, etc) and feel i would enjoy it more if a multiboxed it.

Anyone have experience with this game? I know some people who do 5+ charactors with WoW and other games legally.

Have not played for over a year, but would be interested to try it again if i can't run 3-5 accounts.
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Aug 22, 2004
CCP encourages multiboxing and multiple accounts. They run a "Power of Two" promo every so often where you can get a second (or possible third) account with 6 months of time for a discount.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
How does CCP feel about multi-boxing for this game? Eve is one of those game i think i would like, but don't have lots of time to actually play it (skill training time, time it takes to do things, etc) and feel i would enjoy it more if a multiboxed it.

Anyone have experience with this game? I know some people who do 5+ charactors with WoW and other games legally.

Have not played for over a year, but would be interested to try it again if i can't run 3-5 accounts.

CCP encourages it. In fact most of the people I know have at least two characters that they play. It makes it easier to specialize in what you want to do if you have a second character to specialize in other areas. My alt is specialized for manufacturing, and I am training for Covert Ops and a Freighter - so I can use him to scout and do all my Hauling, while I use my main to PvP and run Plexes/WH's.

Also, skill training happens automatically, so you will gain skills regardless of if you play or not. It is only based on time and your attributes. So that part plays into playing it casually.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Multiboxing is the official pastime of eve. Very few "serious" people don't have an alt to scout, manufacture, haul, trade...

Many "PvP"ers have an alt in the background, grinding missions in something permatanked (like the aforementioned domi). Others mine with the background alt.

I've run 3 instances of the eve client at once on a AMD3200+ with a 7600GT. Eve is shockingly resource light on modern machines. I think my new i7 could handle about 12 eve clients at once. Might have to give eyefinity a shot if I ever resub (yeah, I'm lapsed again).


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Got my first capital kill last night (http://chainofchaos.podzone.net/Killboard/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=20424)

The funny thing is that I just logged on to change skills, and I heard a call for help. I joined the fleet, and found out that they were camping some people who blew up one of our Orca's. They were rather upset about it, but to be honest, that Orca pilot was an idiot to be mining without scouts, and to stay out when neutrals came into the system. I was only upset that we had someone in our alliance that was that dumb, as I can't fault the people who came through and blew it up - I would have done the same.

After playing station games with them for a little bit, we heard that there was a Dread in a belt. That caused us to forget the Orca gankers, and we ran back and grabbed RR BSes and formed up immediately. We started toward their system, and I took some gate fire on the way since I still had GCC from the earlier engagements on the station, so my armor was around 85% when we got there. (with a buffer fit Domi)

When we got to the gate before system they were reported at, we heard that they had left the belt. Also at this time we learned that it was a Carrier, and not a Dreadnaught that our allies had tied up in the belt. Next thing we know the fleet jumped into us at the gate. We pointed the Domis and Myrmidon, and they lit a cyno. In came the Thanatos! Score! While keeping neuts on the Thanny, we killed off the two Domis, then the Myrm, and then started working on the Thanny. At this point they had switched primaries from the Brutix they managed to pop to me, sicne I already had some armor damage form the trip over. The carrier was able to break our RR tank on me, but his tank was failing faster due to being heavily neuted. At the end of the fight, I still had 20% armor, and the Thanny was dead. It was a fun fight, and I look forward to seeing those guys again.

*I still can't figure out how to embed links in the story like we used to be able to do with the old forum setup.*


Dec 11, 2000
Every time I check this thread I want to get back into EVE. I almost wish I left my account active and just trained over the past year that I haven't been playing. Fun game, but once I got bored with 0.0 and left my corp there wasn't much to do. I really need to find a group to play with if I want to get back into it.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Every time I check this thread I want to get back into EVE. I almost wish I left my account active and just trained over the past year that I haven't been playing. Fun game, but once I got bored with 0.0 and left my corp there wasn't much to do. I really need to find a group to play with if I want to get back into it.

Come join us in Genesis. I have had more fun in Low Sec than I ever had in 0.0. The lack of politics and being able to use your pimp implants all the time is a nice perk. Plus you see far more faction fitted ships in low sec than you ever see in 0.0. (We had a Paladin in our alliance that had 20B in fittings on it, plus our MOM that was worth 30B before it popped was nice too.)

Maybe it is just me, and the 0.0 space that we had. But I enjoy Lowsec PvP to 0.0 PvP. Although there are nice things about 0.0, like bubbles and no sec loss for PvP.

Just PM Michael, and I am sure he would let a fellow ATer into the corp. he let me in afterall, and I am an absolute newb. Although I do have 119 kills to 14 losses at the moment. Not great, but at least I can hold my own most of the time.


Dec 11, 2000
Come join us in Genesis. I have had more fun in Low Sec than I ever had in 0.0. The lack of politics and being able to use your pimp implants all the time is a nice perk. Plus you see far more faction fitted ships in low sec than you ever see in 0.0. (We had a Paladin in our alliance that had 20B in fittings on it, plus our MOM that was worth 30B before it popped was nice too.)

Maybe it is just me, and the 0.0 space that we had. But I enjoy Lowsec PvP to 0.0 PvP. Although there are nice things about 0.0, like bubbles and no sec loss for PvP.

Just PM Michael, and I am sure he would let a fellow ATer into the corp. he let me in afterall, and I am an absolute newb. Although I do have 119 kills to 14 losses at the moment. Not great, but at least I can hold my own most of the time.

Hmm. Perhaps I'll reactivate one of my accounts. Gotta figure out which one(s) I haven't sold. I think I have a few geddons/apocs/zealots/harbi's sitting around somewhere I wouldn't mind bringing out.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Hmm. Perhaps I'll reactivate one of my accounts. Gotta figure out which one(s) I haven't sold. I think I have a few geddons/apocs/zealots/harbi's sitting around somewhere I wouldn't mind bringing out.

You are more than welcome to join us. I got my second Carrier kill of the week today: http://chainofchaos.podzone.net/Killboard/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=20553
This guy was 30km from the undock point. I guess he was out ready to cyno in to the gate camp the next system over (And forgot to stop his ship after undocking). We were going to go break up the gate camp, but seeing this helpless carrier made us replan our course of action

Also killed 14 ships today, which I think is my personal record (I know not that good, but hey I am a newb ) The problem with this is that I am now a pretty low outlaw, and one round of ratting won't fix that for me. I will have to really go at it, and I just don't have the willpower for that. I guess I am an outlaw from now on. Oh well, it does have some tactical advantages, but mostly it is fraught with tactical disadvantages.

I almost forgot, I caught this guy trying to rat in a belt:
Notice how he forgot to fit anything? I wonder what he was planning on doing to those rats?
I pointed him right after he approached the rats in my Helios. He almost died from the rats before my fleet even showed up.

EDIT: I do wonder why this thread isn't stickied, since it is the most viewed post by far in this forum.
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Golden Member
Nov 9, 2001
Well, I gave in and am giving the trial a shot.

I plan on just goofing off with mining and industry in the long run, but the trial locks out Industry I. I may just switch over to paid earlier so that I can actually fly a hauler and finish the starter mining quests.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
We had a report of about 5 BS in our area, sort of split between 2 systems. The call went out on vent to start to get our fleet together, but one of our German speaking corps that likes to use their own teamspeak instead of vent engaged. They called for help in our intel channel and a few of us started to respond. Of course, they had a bigger fleet waiting a jump or so away and caught 4 of us with much bigger numbers.


HXGN was one of the guys that responded to the call for help and got caught.

After the earlier screw up, our FC finally got people to form-up properly (and got everyone on the correct voice comm). It was unclear from what the scout was saying (heavy German accent coupled with sketchy info), so once we were properly formed at a POS, we warped to the gate and got ready to chase them if needed.

Still not much from them except a couple were undocked, so our FC told 2 of our guys to jump through the gate and then reapproach. The hope was to get the other side aggressed and then we would get a fight without having to chase them and pick off a few stragglers.

Instead, they started to slowly undock and one warped to our gate and jumped in (unscouted as far as we could tell) once he was locked by our 2 guys on the other side. That guy held cloak and our scout reported the rest of them quickly undocking and warping to the gate. As the 1st guy's cloaking timer ran out, they started arriving at the other side of the gate and jumping through.

In these types of fights, it comes down to the Fleet Commander calling targets. It almost doesn't matter what or who is called (there is an order that works better, but keeping focussed fire going is the most important thing). In this case, the FC was one of our more experienced ones and was able to keep our firing pretty organized. The German guys still sort of had their own ideas (look at the Scorpion kill mail, for example), but they were melting a lot faster than we were. Finally it got to the point where Hxgn was called primary by them and we were able to save him using remote repair at 10% structure while they kept dying.

Results can be found here:




Nov 23, 2001
Usually their trailers have a role-play element to them, but in this case it's representative of pure alliance combat. I'm liking the new titan weapon.


Dec 11, 2000
... and I reactivated. Apparently I either sold/gave away my "good" accounts, though, because the only one whose login credentials I could find/remember is a 7mil SP Amarr pewpew'er. Not bad really, but I was hoping for a bit more.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
We had a little dust up with Rooks and Kings yesterday. They always drop triage carriers.

We had roamed to close to where R&K live looking for another target. We were fitted to kill carriers/capital ships which basically means RR BS and heavy neutralizing drones. Our scout saw a few battles in the area and eventually a R&K fleet headed our way.

It looked like one of their standard fleets. BS heavy and they were grabbing friends as they were coming over to where we were. Numbers were about the same, they had at least as many BS as we had, but we had logistics in our fleet (Guardians) and they would have to jump to us. Our scouts reported them leaving system and they didn't jump to us, but then they came back.

About 1 minute later one of them jumped in. He held cloak for a while and the rest of them started warping to gate, but he uncloaked and was dead before the rest of them were through (his comment on his KB was "optimistic tank"). Of course, as we expected, seconds after their fleet went up, they lit a cyno and their triage carrier came through. This time, however, we were out looking for a capital kill. We lit our own cyno, jumped a cap fleet through.

10 minutes later, we were up 22-0 in kills including their triage carrier. What we did not kill deagressed and ran.




Aug 22, 2004
Nice kill, Michael.

I'm going to be off Eve for a bit - maybe a month or so, till I get some income flowing in.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Look at the bright side, no one is playing now as they are upgrading the server for the new expansion.

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