Ever wonder what became of "the" bully from your childhood?

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Golden Member
Mar 28, 2005
Year ahead of me, so I never had any run ins but plenty of people did with our resident douche. Now a UFC fighter (phil baroni).


Actually, he's an ex-UFC fighter...just got released.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
Two twin brothers and I used to get into fights all the time in sixth grade. I guess you could call it bullying since there were two of them and only one of me and they usually started the fights.

I didn't really see them again until I started high school. They acted like we were old friends and were cool with me from then on. I ran into one of them several years after graduation and we stopped and chatted. The brothers own a successful construction business now and are doing well.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I ended up being one of the bullies,,,sort of...without ever wanting to do so.

As an Air Force brat, we moved a lot when I was a kid...and of course, the toughs in every school always had to test the new kid...so I quickly learned to fight...and beat the shit out of just about every one who tried me.
I never started fights...but I finished almost every one I was ever pushed into.
I refused to take any crap from any of them...even the ones who were bigger/older than me.
If they were too big to whip by hand, I could usually find an "equalizer" of some sort. A 2x4, a stick, a rock, a knife...whatever it took.
Yes, I usually ended up knowing some of the local police force as well...by the time I hit high school, I had been suspended or expelled from several grade schools...including the entire Catholic school system for punching a nun. (bitch hit me with a ruler!) I ended up with a reputation as a thug...just because I was willing to stick up for myself...and would do whatever I had to do in order not to get my ass kicked.


Sep 5, 2000
The guy that constantly gave me a hard time in middle school never moved out of town. He does roadwork for a living (as a grunt, not as a manager of any kind) and spends all his evenings at the local dive bar. His life is kind of on a dead end path but from what I understand he's relatively happy.


Jan 11, 2006
Knew him my whole life. We went to the same grammar and Sunday school.

In the 6th grade, he bullied me one too many times and I snapped. I beat the crap out of him on our classroom floor before the teacher pulled me off of him.

He still lives near where we grew up and, I think, he is some kind of photographer.

We are Facebook friends.



Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
I was never bullied. I was picked on occasionally, but no more than anyone else.

I bullied two kids. Not the threating, physical kind, but the harassing, tormenting kind. I can't really say why, and to this day (~20 years later), I still feel bad about it. I've since apologized to one, but so far I haven't been able to track down the other.


Jun 30, 2003
i haven't talked to or seen any of them. i hope they all DIAF'd but facebook tells me this is not the case.


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2007
Never really had a bully but there was one kid who went to my high school (mostly affluent kids) and was in marching band with me. I guess his parents had moved here from Utah (Mormons) and I guess they were barely scraping by or something. So he constantly ragged on all of us who had nicer things than he did, eventually he became fat and just started pushing people around (easy when you are 5'10 280 lbs or so). It came to a point senior year where I told him to fuck himself in his own fat lardass and he tried to punch me but I tripped him and he fell on his face. Never bugged me much after that.

Last I saw him was that he was a porter at a local merc dealership, he recognized me when he drove my friends C32 out for him to pickup, was kinda funny.


Platinum Member
Aug 12, 2007
I thought the whole bully thing was only on TV. Never encountered any bullies growing up. Just asshole kids in high school.


Sep 7, 2001
Meh, most kids who get an opportunity will do some form of bullying or another, whether its just name-calling and teasing, or physically imposing themselves on another kid (pushing them around). Even if its just during some sort of playing. e.g. one kid is a lot better at something than another kid, so he intentionally humiliates another at it (chess, basketball, video games, whatever). Its pretty natural way of learning boundaries in relationships, and such. I've been bullied and also did some myself.

Most of the kids who cross the line, don't know when to stop, or are violent come from pretty shitty home lives. My nemesis up until 7th grade (until he was expelled from the school district) had developmental problems, had to take special education classes, father was not in the picture, had a notorious slut for a mother who would neglect him badly for any little bit of attention from a man, went to bars all the time and brought home guys who smacked her around and the kid, too (or maybe even worse).

He was a rotten little fucker and I hated that kid, but when I was old enough to learn and understand what a shitty home life he had, I actually felt sorry for him. He never even had a chance at a decent life or minimally stable/loving home.
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Dec 30, 2000
One of them works in a gas station. I go out of my way to gas up there. He can see me in my brand new car living an awesome life.

Ran into another bully at my 10 year high school reunion and made sure to call him the wrong name all night.


Jan 3, 2006
He now works for his dad. They manufacture fasteners, bolts, nuts, etc.
I ran into him at a car show, he ended being a really cool guy.

He was a bully the first few years I knew him, but towards the end of our elementary/jr high years he started to grow out of it.


Jan 3, 2001
I have the satisfaction of knowing that they're all either in jail, divorced into poverty, or working menial jobs


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
I don't even remember his name. But I got tired of the bullying so I punched him in the mouth. He cried like a bitch. That's when I realized that bullies were just loud mouthed pussies. After that if someone gave me shit I'd step right up in their face and offer to settle it right then and there. Only one person ever took me up on it and most people in school were afraid of me and didn't give my little brothers any shit.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
It's only natural that bullies always end up being losers and prison inmates.

Yeah right, and my GrandMa was the co-pilot of the space shuttle Atlantis.

again, why are you quoting me in your sig with something that I never said, you asshat?

and why would I lie about that? your perv ass jealous that girls chased me when I was 6?

what a fucking perv.


Diamond Member
Jun 28, 2001
Yeh no kidding. I'm amazed at the number of deaths. Yikes! I don't really keep up much on kids that I went to school with but to my knowledge, I don't know of anyone that died, OD'd, or murdered anyone.


then again, i can't remember most the names of people who bullied me in school.

i do remember some loser who bullied me in middle school summer school (well, him and his "posse"...) getting expelled for bringing firecrackers to school. it was his friend that took part in the bullying that told me. dunno what happened to him after that.


Oct 21, 2000
I don't understand how the few of you who admit to being bullies can justify your actions after ready page after page filled with stories about what a living nightmare victims of bullies lived through. Whatever excuse you guys had does not equal the torment you inflicted on people.


Jan 4, 2001
One of the weirdest ones involved one of them turning Born-Again, and he showed up a few years ago at the doorstep to apologize for anything he may have done in his younger years, and of course he then tried to sway me to non-Raptor Jesus.

I haven't really kept up too close on anyone else. Way too many people to look for. Every day of school just kept reinforcing the idea that most people I would encounter in the world would hate me for a wide variety of petty and superficial reasons.

As for "bullies" in the sense of physical fighting and such, it was a tame school. I knew of only two fights occurring on school premises in all years from K-12. It was just the endless and erosive psychological bombardment that I got to enjoy every day.
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No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I don't understand how the few of you who admit to being bullies can justify your actions after ready page after page filled with stories about what a living nightmare victims of bullies lived through. Whatever excuse you guys had does not equal the torment you inflicted on people.

Do you think anyone with the bully-mindset cares? Hell, most of them would take pride in driving a weakling over the edge.

(although I'm sure many would come to regret it later in life)


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Hmmm, lessee. Went to Catholic school in grades 1-5. The only actual "bully" I remember was from, like 2nd or 3rd grade and was simply FAR larger than anyone else. He was stupid and slow, but I guess size matters most at the younger ages so he ruled the roost as all of us walked home from school. You just had to go around him, is all, and a few years later he was not only not a threat but most of us who could reasonably take care of ourselves could have taken him down.

I escaped to public school in 6th grade. The first week there, I got into four fights on the playground. It wasn't until decades later that I realized this was straight up tribal sociology wherein, as the newcomer, I was now being tested in order to establish my place in the hierarchy.

Anyway, by the fearful standards of all you present day keyboard commandos suffuse in video game and Fox news hysteria, the fights were relatively tepid affairs -- some bloody noses but no bones broken and nobody was permanently maimed -- and I "won" them all and then, I guess, my place in the hierarchy established, they stopped.

But I remember the established "bully" then was Bobby Harper, again mostly because he was just LARGER than everyone else. But he never fucked with me, probably because he was already securely ensconced at the top of the hierarchy, and we actually became good friends.

Back in Catholic grade school, there was Tommy Roth. Rodo was his nickname. We got in a fight in 3rd or 4th grade when we had both been kept after school and taksed with cleaning the erasers and the nun was gone from the room. He sucker punched me and I took him down.

There was some lingering bad blood between us and we later got into a far more violent fight at our outdoor basketball court when he challenge me to a bet on a game and I won and he wouldn't pay and started mouthing off. This was when we were 15 or so.

Nobody liked or trusted Rodo. He was a straight up bad seed, a through and through dirtbag. I later heard that when he went to High School (Catholic) he went nuts, challenging all the larger, older, toughest guys to fights. I'm glad we no longer crossed paths because if there's one type you don't want to fight, it's a crazy person --superhuman, adrenaline-fueled powers and no reasonable quit.

While I was in college, I heard he was shot dead by a homeowner who caught him having broken into his home in a burgulary. Nobody was really surprised, and everyone felt sorry for his family.

In my local public High School, we all walked to school but historically a group from miles away Tinicum were bussed in as they had no HS of their own. They were the louts of our student body, and so there were several in my grades that had been "left behind" at least two grades and so were MUCH larger and bored and liked to fuck with you.

I remember John Hibberd relieved me of my trusty Timex and dropped it off the top of the outdoor bleachers and just said, "Oops" and there was little I could profitably do but go retrieve it. I also remember John Roosevelt sitting right behind me in home room and often low-grade fucking with me until I had to fight him, which I "lost" but during which I got in my licks and after which he more or less left me alone.

Then, for my last two years of HS my local, lovely, old school, decent, laid back, less than 600 in the entire student body Jr and Sr High School (grades 7 through 12), the oldest in the area, got swallowed up in school district consolidation into the 2,300 in three grades Ridley High.

2,300 in three grades. One way halls. ALL the bathrooms were permanently locked because the goombas had destroyed them. I'm not kidding, ALL the bathrooms in the entire school except one were permanently locked. They never lost a football game or a wrestling match. All the other high schools hated and despised us. Our wrestling coach once went up into the stands and fought with some opposing fans. NOTHING happened to him.

You may not have gotten to see every one at all, but somewhere in the school each and every day there was a violent fight. I did witness quite a few. There was about 20% black students who were bussed in from Morton but they ran scared and under the thumb of the mostly Italian blooded goombas who rules the roost.

There, I got wise and made strategic friendships very early on. I saw some true violence there, but had personal popularity and strategic protection and managed to avoid it all the entire two years.

One thing you had to watch out for almost primarily were the smaller, more wiry guys who felt they had something sized-based to prove and would pick on larger but less athletic guys and just WAIL on them unmercifully.

They often wouldn't stop that quickly once the guy was down and basically not resisting. That sucked to see.

Rodo's long dead. Bobby Harper inherited his parent's house next to their smallish lumber business which he also inherited. He has a shit ton of cash but dresses like a hayseed and drives a beat up pickup truck while he has both a Porsche 911 and the red Jag XK-E his parents bought him a his HS grad present in his tumble-down garage.

He's got a slew of dobermans who are barely trained and dangerously schitzy, which he seems to encourage, and keeps two loaded shotguns in his living room. He's let the house go to seed. He's really a nice guy, but if you didn't know him you'd be scared of him, and rightly so.

John Hibberd and John Roosevelt I long ago lost track of, but neither were ever destined to win life's lottery. Neither were really all that bad guys at all.

Ha ha, just remembered one last example.

There was one legendary black guy at Ridley High that nobody fucked with, not even the biggest, toughest goombas. He was only about 5' 6'' tall or so and must have weighed at least 250 lbs, if not more, but the guy was a freak of nature, he could move like a cat!

He had legs like tree trunks and he could move with a deadly swiftness, agility and speed that would astonish you. He was a champion wrestler who could never stay academically eligible. I never came up on his personal radar, thank God, but heard constant tales/complaints of how in gym class he would "lose" your gym basket contents for you after which you had no choice but to pay him to "find" them for you. Nobody ever declined.

Good times, growing up in the baby boom. We kids had unsupervised freedom after school and during the summers most of you would have trouble imagining. Ours was a true Kid's Republic.

I was tempered and annealed in the company of a broad cross-section of my peers, sans helicopter parents, and I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. :thumbsup:

Ha ha, one last example that I'd forgotten, three Irish Catholic brothers, when I was still in Catholic elementary school. I had gotten in a fight with one of them, and gotten the best of him. I thought nothing of it, but one day afterwards when I'd come home from school my Mom told me that some other Mothers had called her to warn her that they'd heard rumors that all three were planning to jump me in the one stretch of woods we all walked through on the way home from school.

She told me to take the other, alternate route, but I don't think I did, iirc. We were pretty much friends and I wasn't really that afraid of them. Anyway, nothing ever happened.

That family moved to another adjacent Borough some time thereafter and I never heard from/of them again until their names were in the paper when we were all about 17-18. Seems they'd gotten into a dispute with another kid and subsequently waylaid him and beaten him TO DEATH with trashcan lids and were up on murder charges!
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