Every Accusation is a Confession

Mar 11, 2004
Can you please add this is about conservatives screaming about child grooming and pedophilia being caught doing those things? Make it like Chapter 1 of the "Every accusation is a confession" or maybe Commandments of Conservatism?


Jan 14, 2013
The entire right wing so-called pro-life movement, they're all just groomers.

10-year-old or teenager gets pregnant, well you got to have that baby. That's what your body is groomed for.

Fuck all those pieces of shit. And it's always the priests that are touching the kids. Priest from the pro-life sects. It's fucking disgusting these people.


May 30, 2008
I don't think the right-wing obsession with the topic is purely because so many of them engage in that behaviour themselves. My suspicion is it's also because, within conservative communities, many of them have been victims of it (at the hands of 'their own'). It's too painful to acknowledge that its their own people in their own communities who did this to them, so they project the anger in a direction that is acceptable to their community.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
meh. this is not bad behavior, it's just a perception. these are just misunderstood asleep people. no evil to see here.
Perhaps some history on your comment might help explain how I will respond:

In post #127 of the thread Nancy Pelosi steps down you said to imported-tagmajal:
"I don't know why anybody converses with that filth except to call him filth.

This is the problem with democrats they think there's actually people to speak and engage with on the other side.

These people are literal filth and evil and there's nothing to converse about. The only language they understand is hate and violence. So my suggestion is get ready to defend yourself with lethal Force.

If those fuckers start to act violent, just start shooting them."

To which fskimospy replied, "I think you might need a little time away from the internet."

and to which I replied to him:

"If I remember correctly, I may have started a thread or two suggesting that liberals, under the stress of Trump, may have developed some signs of extremist thinking and as a result may have developed some signs, also, of a loss of self control leading to outbursts of rage and vicious retaliation even at the slightest mention of that possibility. It seems that conservatives aren't the only ones enamored of the notion it's their way or the highway if this suspicion is correct. Maybe keep this on the Q.T. "

hen in the thread:

Poll: Sen Whitehouse begins process to put SCOTUS under ethics rules. Is it needed?

I said to hal2kilo
........................... I also reject calling rural America dismissively as residents of fly over land. You are still part of a delusional world in my opinion, where you can point a finger at others and assign blame. Humanity blames because humanity is asleep. How do you blame people who are asleep? How could they be otherwise?
You replied:

So you think all the evil humans have perpetrated over the millennia is purely because some people were asleep? Come on, there is some root evil in many people and that is true in a majority of the Maga crew

And to which I answered:

"Just imagine how much blame you have dumped on people that would have been totally unwarranted if you are wrong. Then ask yourself if that is something you would welcome seeing? The problem about blame and blaming others is that you learn to blame others by being blamed yourself.

At any rate, while it is useless, doubtlessly, to argue the point I believe you could take all the babies born on our coastlines and switch them with all the babies born in the heartland and Father and Mothers throughout the nation would in 18 years be at war with each other. I consider your opinion to be as absurd as the idea there is a Catholic or a Mormon gene. There is no such thing as evil other than belief that evil is real. Good and evil are ideas maintained by a capacity to think abstractly which is possible because of language. Language creates associations between sounds and emotional experiences. Evil is what creates pain and pain is the consequence of childhood so called bad behavior. Bad behavior is in the eye of the beholder, made up of thought that creates notions that have no reality."

If you want to understand the truth of this define and prove what is the absolute good is. You won't be able to prove jack shit.
So with that out of the way you have continued to try to convert your inner unconscious guilt, the fact that you live in a programmed inner sleep and the self rage that self hate generates, to try to transfer to me the suffering you refuse to feel. Sorry, been there and done that. I know and have consciously experienced my own self hate and I know that nothing could have been otherwise that it was, that we were all crucified and died on the cross and nobody is to blame. No matter how much we may think we want to be awake we are motivated to avoid our pain and that fact alone is the reason we unconsciously want to hurt others. Humanity is quite sick imagining that if we can just punish others for our own inner pain that somehow we can be free of it.

This is where the Jews went wrong. They thought that the letter and not the spirit of the law could save them and that is why their King brought them the only way our, the process of forgiveness for sin. Forgive us for we know not what we do. We are unconscious of the psychological truths that operate within us, asleep to reality. Each generation destroys the next unaware of what they do.

So I asked you to prove to me that your notion of the good is the real one, and just like the conservatives you despise because they have 'feels' just like them, that is all you have, feels. You just know you are right.

And why is that? Liberals and conservatives can't both be right and they could both be wrong. What is that persistent sense that there really is a truth and a good?

You approached an answer when you implied that if I am right that there is no such thing as good and evil that means that truth is subjective. But that leaves out one important factor. What is human nature. What is the nature of a human who has awakened?

So try to be nice. Conservatives grow a lot of our food and if you ever go camping and a bear raids the camp they will be first up to pull others into the trees. You might only lose a shoe.


Jan 14, 2013
Perhaps some history on your comment might help explain how I will respond:

In post #127 of the thread Nancy Pelosi steps down you said to imported-tagmajal:
"I don't know why anybody converses with that filth except to call him filth.

This is the problem with democrats they think there's actually people to speak and engage with on the other side.

These people are literal filth and evil and there's nothing to converse about. The only language they understand is hate and violence. So my suggestion is get ready to defend yourself with lethal Force.

If those fuckers start to act violent, just start shooting them."

To which fskimospy replied, "I think you might need a little time away from the internet."

and to which I replied to him:

"If I remember correctly, I may have started a thread or two suggesting that liberals, under the stress of Trump, may have developed some signs of extremist thinking and as a result may have developed some signs, also, of a loss of self control leading to outbursts of rage and vicious retaliation even at the slightest mention of that possibility. It seems that conservatives aren't the only ones enamored of the notion it's their way or the highway if this suspicion is correct. Maybe keep this on the Q.T. "

hen in the thread:

Poll: Sen Whitehouse begins process to put SCOTUS under ethics rules. Is it needed?

I said to hal2kilo
........................... I also reject calling rural America dismissively as residents of fly over land. You are still part of a delusional world in my opinion, where you can point a finger at others and assign blame. Humanity blames because humanity is asleep. How do you blame people who are asleep? How could they be otherwise?
You replied:

And to which I answered:

"Just imagine how much blame you have dumped on people that would have been totally unwarranted if you are wrong. Then ask yourself if that is something you would welcome seeing? The problem about blame and blaming others is that you learn to blame others by being blamed yourself.

At any rate, while it is useless, doubtlessly, to argue the point I believe you could take all the babies born on our coastlines and switch them with all the babies born in the heartland and Father and Mothers throughout the nation would in 18 years be at war with each other. I consider your opinion to be as absurd as the idea there is a Catholic or a Mormon gene. There is no such thing as evil other than belief that evil is real. Good and evil are ideas maintained by a capacity to think abstractly which is possible because of language. Language creates associations between sounds and emotional experiences. Evil is what creates pain and pain is the consequence of childhood so called bad behavior. Bad behavior is in the eye of the beholder, made up of thought that creates notions that have no reality."

If you want to understand the truth of this define and prove what is the absolute good is. You won't be able to prove jack shit.
So with that out of the way you have continued to try to convert your inner unconscious guilt, the fact that you live in a programmed inner sleep and the self rage that self hate generates, to try to transfer to me the suffering you refuse to feel. Sorry, been there and done that. I know and have consciously experienced my own self hate and I know that nothing could have been otherwise that it was, that we were all crucified and died on the cross and nobody is to blame. No matter how much we may think we want to be awake we are motivated to avoid our pain and that fact alone is the reason we unconsciously want to hurt others. Humanity is quite sick imagining that if we can just punish others for our own inner pain that somehow we can be free of it.

This is where the Jews went wrong. They thought that the letter and not the spirit of the law could save them and that is why their King brought them the only way our, the process of forgiveness for sin. Forgive us for we know not what we do. We are unconscious of the psychological truths that operate within us, asleep to reality. Each generation destroys the next unaware of what they do.

So I asked you to prove to me that your notion of the good is the real one, and just like the conservatives you despise because they have 'feels' just like them, that is all you have, feels. You just know you are right.

And why is that? Liberals and conservatives can't both be right and they could both be wrong. What is that persistent sense that there really is a truth and a good?

You approached an answer when you implied that if I am right that there is no such thing as good and evil that means that truth is subjective. But that leaves out one important factor. What is human nature. What is the nature of a human who has awakened?

So try to be nice. Conservatives grow a lot of our food and if you ever go camping and a bear raids the camp they will be first up to pull others into the trees. You might only lose a shoe.

fskimopy is naive. He thinks taj does not believe most of what he says. When you people come back to reality let me know and then we can discuss this stuff. I know these people believe most of the crap they spew. I know them personally and I see plenty others spout the same stuff all the time online.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
fskimopy is naive. He thinks taj does not believe most of what he says. When you people come back to reality let me know and then we can discuss this stuff. I know these people believe most of the crap they spew. I know them personally and I see plenty others spout the same stuff all the time online.
Look closely at what he said:

"I mean we all know what he’s doing, I just like watching shitty, dishonest people squirm.

I hope it is apparent that this is purely to show how he’s a dishonest person, I have no illusions here."

He is saying that taj is dishonest in the sense that his beliefs are basically lies, buy lies in reality. But taj is not lying in the sense that he is aware that what he is saying is untrue. He is lying only in relationship to the truth, but a truth that he does not see. Liberals see conservatives as liars because conservatives do not weigh the same moral values equally. Truth implies a truth that is true because it is properly moral. For liberals a lie would be to emphasize some moral value that is unimportant to liberals above justice and equality. taj, however believes that a stated conservative value is superior to any values espoused by liberals, that they are basically evil. The problem arises when ones personal moral values are taken as absolute.

Where I have a problem with you, for example, lies in a statement like we should shoot conservatives when they become violent. You have a right to defend yourself against deadly aggression but only when that threat is real. When a conservative becomes dangerously violent is not something you should be able to decide. It would have to appear to be a reasonable threat to reasonable people. A fanatic arrogates the right to define what aggression is to his or her person in the certainty there is no mistake. You have to be careful how you think and how you speak.

When I replied to fskimospy I wanted to suggest there are different forms of lying, that one can lie while believing the lie to be the truth.

Furthermore, it does no good, in my opinion, to call people liars who believe what they say is the truth. Always you have to try to engage them to defend their beliefs. That is why I asked you to prove there is a good, one that you believe, because I know that all such attempts will fail. There is no good or evil. Truth isn't words. It is the living actions of people who are real, who have died to the false self and discovered their true nature. It is that which is when one has awakened from the delusion of duality.


Jan 14, 2013
Look closely at what he said:

"I mean we all know what he’s doing, I just like watching shitty, dishonest people squirm.

I hope it is apparent that this is purely to show how he’s a dishonest person, I have no illusions here."

He is saying that taj is dishonest in the sense that his beliefs are basically lies, buy lies in reality. But taj is not lying in the sense that he is aware that what he is saying is untrue. He is lying only in relationship to the truth, but a truth that he does not see. Liberals see conservatives as liars because conservatives do not weigh the same moral values equally. Truth implies a truth that is true because it is properly moral. For liberals a lie would be to emphasize some moral value that is unimportant to liberals above justice and equality. taj, however believes that a stated conservative value is superior to any values espoused by liberals, that they are basically evil. The problem arises when ones personal moral values are taken as absolute.

Where I have a problem with you, for example, lies in a statement like we should shoot conservatives when they become violent. You have a right to defend yourself against deadly aggression but only when that threat is real. When a conservative becomes dangerously violent is not something you should be able to decide. It would have to appear to be a reasonable threat to reasonable people. A fanatic arrogates the right to define what aggression is to his or her person in the certainty there is no mistake. You have to be careful how you think and how you speak.

When I replied to fskimospy I wanted to suggest there are different forms of lying, that one can lie while believing the lie to be the truth.

Furthermore, it does no good, in my opinion, to call people liars who believe what they say is the truth. Always you have to try to engage them to defend their beliefs. That is why I asked you to prove there is a good, one that you believe, because I know that all such attempts will fail. There is no good or evil. Truth isn't words. It is the living actions of people who are real, who have died to the false self and discovered their true nature. It is that which is when one has awakened from the delusion of duality.
I'm not going to waste my time looking for the quote but he literally just said about Taj that he Just wants Republicans to be in power but doesn't believe a lot of what he says.

I think that is extremely naive and dangerous thinking to underestimate what these people are actually thinking.

Listen if you just think racist misogynist bigoted fascists are just misunderstood people then you go for it bro.

I live in reality where these kind of people have suppressed oppressed and attacked and killed many people with those asleep beliefs according to you.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'm not going to waste my time looking for the quote but he literally just said about Taj that he Just wants Republicans to be in power but doesn't believe a lot of what he says.

I think that is extremely naive and dangerous thinking to underestimate what these people are actually thinking.

Listen if you just think racist misogynist bigoted fascists are just misunderstood people then you go for it bro.

I live in reality where these kind of people have suppressed oppressed and attacked and killed many people with those asleep beliefs according to you.
I am not denying what you call reality here. I am suggesting that there is reality and how you react to it. You are talking not only about the damage people do but about what you think should be done about it. You react with hatred to people who are reacting out of hatred. Your hatred is equivalent to theirs in the sense that you justify yours and they justify theirs. The people you despise you despise because they are not justified in doing what they do. They are acting out their hatred by transferring the misery of their own lives and visiting it onto others. That is not just and the rational way to deal with it is to make that behavior stop at the point where you can stop it. Your anger drives you not only to want to stop it but to make them pay for the fact they want others to hurt. But they want that because they already hurt and you want to be like them because you also hurt.

The world wants to get even for its pain and that is a fools game. You can never get even because you can't change a thing that has happened in the past. The only thing you can do that is just is to stop people who are acting out their misery on others. The laws are there for that. If you act out yourself in the name of justice you cross the line and become the one who needs to be stopped.

Everybody wants vengeance but nobody wants to be the last to suffer, to live with it and not act it out. If people could do that the world would change.

This is the message that Jesus brought with his cross and crown of thorns asking God to forgive the sleepers who had no idea what they were doing. Your reaction to that should tell you why there are so very few real Christians.
Mar 11, 2004

Edit: Am I missing something, is there something rebuking the image in the post I'm quoting?

Er, you know BigLeaguePolitics is a far right shitposting "news" site, right? Also, did you not read that? Isn't that the opposite of what your thread is about? Which is them accusing liberals, especially those hosting the "drag queen shows for children" stuff, which is exactly what that article is claiming (although I have a strong hunch there's more to the story there).

Oh yeah, its just straight bullshit:


Aug 11, 2005
Edit: Am I missing something, is there something rebuking the image in the post I'm quoting?

Er, you know BigLeaguePolitics is a far right shitposting "news" site, right? Also, did you not read that? Isn't that the opposite of what your thread is about? Which is them accusing liberals, especially those hosting the "drag queen shows for children" stuff, which is exactly what that article is claiming (although I have a strong hunch there's more to the story there).

Oh yeah, its just straight bullshit:
i got that one wrong, thank you for correcting me
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