Every Muslim is a terrorist, period!!!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006

For the first time, I'm actually feeling I may need to leave the United States for a few years. Seems like I hear about this type of thing every day now. My father is a Muslim. Although I'm non religious, I do identify with Muslims.

I would normally think of the discrimination that I have faced (growing up) was chalked up to a few bigots, not representative of the entire group. However, in this video everyone is clapping around this guy???? I've been getting the feeling, that this is the case in many situations now.

If we get a GOP president (esp Donald Trump). I strongly fear a situation where Muslims and those of middle-eastern ancestry are legally targeted (i.e. internment camps, database etc...).
Jan 25, 2011
I'm not sure the last pat of your statement is going to happen but what it will do, what it IS doing, is feeding into the hands of groups like ISIS and giving exactly the response they hope for.

These people are too stupid to realize that when ISIS hit Paris they weren't targetting Paris persay. They were targetting them. And they are doing exactly what ISIS wants them to do which is reacting against all Muslims and follwoing through with the overt hatred.

ISIS wants all Muslims to be targetted by the west. They want more and more to feel like they are being directly targetted. THIS is how the terrorists win.


Jul 13, 2005
If we get a GOP president (esp Donald Trump). I strongly fear a situation where Muslims and those of middle-eastern ancestry are legally targeted (i.e. internment camps, database etc...).
The problem most people do not realize is that if Trump was to become president, it would force both parties to work together against Trump!! Which in a sense would be good for the country!!


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
I'm not sure the last pat of your statement is going to happen but what it will do, what it IS doing, is feeding into the hands of groups like ISIS and giving exactly the response they hope for.

These people are too stupid to realize that when ISIS hit Paris they weren't targetting Paris persay. They were targetting them. And they are doing exactly what ISIS wants them to do which is reacting against all Muslims and follwoing through with the overt hatred.

ISIS wants all Muslims to be targetted by the west. They want more and more to feel like they are being directly targetted. THIS is how the terrorists win.

I agree, it seems the terrorist have already won!!! Instead of directly targeting us, they will cause us to target ourselves....

I believe a GOP candidate will accelerate this, based on the simple nature of how conservatives act.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013

For the first time, I'm actually feeling I may need to leave the United States for a few years. Seems like I hear about this type of thing every day now. My father is a Muslim. Although I'm non religious, I do identify with Muslims.

I would normally think of the discrimination that I have faced (growing up) was chalked up to a few bigots, not representative of the entire group. However, in this video everyone is clapping around this guy???? I've been getting the feeling, that this is the case in many situations now.

If we get a GOP president (esp Donald Trump). I strongly fear a situation where Muslims and those of middle-eastern ancestry are legally targeted (i.e. internment camps, database etc...).

My daughter's best friend is a black muslim. A very intelligent and nice person. She is SECULAR. Islam as practiced in much of the world is BROKEN. It needs to be fixed. Much of the hate for Islam originates from weekly Islamist terrorist attacks around the world and from draconian Sharia laws.

I do believe your fear is well-founded. If America began to experience weely terror attacks from Muslims, eventually there would be strong reaction that would include internment and deportment.


Oct 18, 2013

For the first time, I'm actually feeling I may need to leave the United States for a few years. Seems like I hear about this type of thing every day now. My father is a Muslim. Although I'm non religious, I do identify with Muslims.

I would normally think of the discrimination that I have faced (growing up) was chalked up to a few bigots, not representative of the entire group. However, in this video everyone is clapping around this guy???? I've been getting the feeling, that this is the case in many situations now.

If we get a GOP president (esp Donald Trump). I strongly fear a situation where Muslims and those of middle-eastern ancestry are legally targeted (i.e. internment camps, database etc...).

Let me point something out to you that is very funny to me.

American says all Muslims are terrorists, country is full of bigots and you want to leave. You now believe that because you hear about this type of thing often, it shows it represents a widespread problem.

Americans read about all the terrorist activity around the world. Why is it wrong for people to think that Islam has a problem with terrorism, but not for you to think the USA has a bigot problem?

To be clear, not all Muslims are terrorists. Nothing that I have said should lead anyone to believe that, but I have no doubt that some will take what I have said to be in favor of bigots.

Islamic texts has some very problematic things in it, and so do other religious texts such as the Bible. Right now, the followers of those religions do not commit as many terrorist activities in the name of their religion as do Muslims. Idiots are then going to say all Muslims are terrorists, which is wrong, but it should not mean we should not discuss problems with Islam. We should be able to talk about religious problems.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
Let me point something out to you that is very funny to me.

American says all Muslims are terrorists, country is full of bigots and you want to leave. You now believe that because you hear about this type of thing often, it shows it represents a widespread problem.

Americans read about all the terrorist activity around the world. Why is it wrong for people to think that Islam has a problem with terrorism, but not for you to think the USA has a bigot problem?

To be clear, not all Muslims are terrorists. Nothing that I have said should lead anyone to believe that, but I have no doubt that some will take what I have said to be in favor of bigots.

Islamic texts has some very problematic things in it, and so do other religious texts such as the Bible. Right now, the followers of those religions do not commit as many terrorist activities in the name of their religion as do Muslims. Idiots are then going to say all Muslims are terrorists, which is wrong, but it should not mean we should not discuss problems with Islam. We should be able to talk about religious problems.

Because I thought (based on history), this is not the first time we (US) have held prejudicial beliefs on a particular group of people. It was the Irish at one point, the Blacks (for a large part of history), Jews etc....

Now we are concentrated on the Muslims. It had started in the 90s and it's been steadily going up.

I have a Islamic name (given and legal). I also have middle-eastern ancestry. So I'm concerned about being a potential target. In the past, a illegal target (hate crime). But now it seems it may become acceptable as a legal target (i.e. database, internment). Esp if (as others have noted), there is a terrorist event every week etc....


Jun 23, 2004
My introduction to Islam was on September 11th, 2001.
That has a lasting impact.

Most Americans do not know a Muslim. I mean really know them as a person. The media highlights the atrocities committed across the world and it's all people hear about. The extremes are highlighted because they make the best news... the best videos.

It's easy for both sides to forget there are normal human beings among each others demographics. It's easy to forget that there are moderates when moderates get no voice. No prominence in communications. And by missing that communication we lack commonalities and understanding with one another. We miss the building blocks, the foundation, for a peaceful cohabitation.

I understand seeing the hatred broadcast by the media and thinking you need to shrink from the challenge. To take no risk and do whats safe at the moment. Yet in the long run, if we allow our divisions to fester...

The world is not a pretty place, it never has been. The subject you raise speaks to the human condition. Our nature is at times vile and acts like a disease spreading its illness unless good men stand together to face it. As a species we need to lend strength to moderate voices and work together for a better world.


May 15, 2000
Good points! It highlights exactly why we need to call out the stupidity, bigotry and lies, when they happen, our history shows us that such things aren't helpful nor are they legitimate complaints. People like trump shouldn't even have a platform to speak on (with regards to media access) and he and his supporters should be shamed back into the hole from which they came. Unfortunately not only do we have a media that likes to give attention to trump but we we also have a party that not only panders to these people, they actually create policy (or attempt to) that gives credence to these idiots cause.

Let me point something out to you that is very funny to me.

American says all Muslims are terrorists, country is full of bigots and you want to leave. You now believe that because you hear about this type of thing often, it shows it represents a widespread problem.

Americans read about all the terrorist activity around the world. Why is it wrong for people to think that Islam has a problem with terrorism, but not for you to think the USA has a bigot problem?

To be clear, not all Muslims are terrorists. Nothing that I have said should lead anyone to believe that, but I have no doubt that some will take what I have said to be in favor of bigots.

Islamic texts has some very problematic things in it, and so do other religious texts such as the Bible. Right now, the followers of those religions do not commit as many terrorist activities in the name of their religion as do Muslims. Idiots are then going to say all Muslims are terrorists, which is wrong, but it should not mean we should not discuss problems with Islam. We should be able to talk about religious problems.


Dec 13, 2013
Terrible display of usually more opaque sociological complexes that are infesting America right now, and driving the runaway success of Trump among the right wing population.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
Good points! It highlights exactly why we need to call out the stupidity, bigotry and lies, when they happen, our history shows us that such things aren't helpful nor are they legitimate complaints. People like trump shouldn't even have a platform to speak on (with regards to media access) and he and his supporters should be shamed back into the hole from which they came. Unfortunately not only do we have a media that likes to give attention to trump but we we also have a party that not only panders to these people, they actually create policy (or attempt to) that gives credence to these idiots cause.

Of course!!!!

Yet, as in a previous post, it seems we don't give "two shits" about our history!!! The think the GOP doesn't care for Trump, he exemplifies all the negative stereotypes regarding the GOP. If elected he will set the GOP back (if he hasn't already done so)....


Oct 18, 2013
Because I thought (based on history), this is not the first time we (US) have held prejudicial beliefs on a particular group of people. It was the Irish at one point, the Blacks (for a large part of history), Jews etc....

Now we are concentrated on the Muslims. It had started in the 90s and it's been steadily going up.

I have a Islamic name (given and legal). I also have middle-eastern ancestry. So I'm concerned about being a potential target. In the past, a illegal target (hate crime). But now it seems it may become acceptable as a legal target (i.e. database, internment). Esp if (as others have noted), there is a terrorist event every week etc....

Well, Trump winning would be bad for more than Just Muslims, but you are free to leave the country at any time. I would suggest that you do not move to a Muslim dominated country as you are far more likely to be attacked there than in the US for sure.

The US has a very xenophobic and bigoted past not doubt, but sadly so does every country I can think of. Canada, Australia, all European countries I can think of ect. They have all felt different things about different groups, but all have been assholes at some point to groups.

I think far too many people are ignorant of religions and The US is not exempt to that. I don't think I would leave if I were you, but its your choice. Bigots should always be challenged. Thinking every Muslim is a terrorist is stupid. Thinking that Islam has a problem with terrorism right now is not stupid.


Oct 6, 2009
I wouldn't worry about it too much, the chances of GOP in WH are slim to none.


Oct 18, 2013
Good points! It highlights exactly why we need to call out the stupidity, bigotry and lies, when they happen, our history shows us that such things aren't helpful nor are they legitimate complaints. People like trump shouldn't even have a platform to speak on (with regards to media access) and he and his supporters should be shamed back into the hole from which they came. Unfortunately not only do we have a media that likes to give attention to trump but we we also have a party that not only panders to these people, they actually create policy (or attempt to) that gives credence to these idiots cause.

When you say he should not have a platform, do you mean that people should not listen, or he should not be able to speak. Trump is an idiot, but idiots should be able to speak their minds. Its up to everyone else if they want to agree or disagree. He cant scream in my ear, but I think he should have a platform so long as that does not mean I have to fund his platform if I don't want to.

I am for free speech, so I will always fight for that right to an extent. I don't know if you mean to say you are not for it, but I want to be clear that I am.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006

For the first time, I'm actually feeling I may need to leave the United States for a few years. Seems like I hear about this type of thing every day now. My father is a Muslim. Although I'm non religious, I do identify with Muslims.

I would normally think of the discrimination that I have faced (growing up) was chalked up to a few bigots, not representative of the entire group. However, in this video everyone is clapping around this guy???? I've been getting the feeling, that this is the case in many situations now.

If we get a GOP president (esp Donald Trump). I strongly fear a situation where Muslims and those of middle-eastern ancestry are legally targeted (i.e. internment camps, database etc...).

Yes move to another part of the world where Muslims practice terror attacks on other Muslims if they are of the wrong flavor.


Feb 5, 2006
US is OK if you stay out of Dumbfvckistan. Red states are full of low value add (aka negative head-count) people who are angry all the time. Their mortality is rising because they just can't seem to chill out and are killing themselves with stress, drugs, and suicide.


May 11, 2002
I wouldn't worry about it too much, the chances of GOP in WH are slim to none.

Dude it's not the WH he's scared of, it's the hate crimes against browns mistaken for Muslim terrorists and there are lots of them.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
When you say he should not have a platform, do you mean that people should not listen, or he should not be able to speak. Trump is an idiot, but idiots should be able to speak their minds. Its up to everyone else if they want to agree or disagree. He cant scream in my ear, but I think he should have a platform so long as that does not mean I have to fund his platform if I don't want to.

I am for free speech, so I will always fight for that right to an extent. I don't know if you mean to say you are not for it, but I want to be clear that I am.

I somewhat agree with his statement.

I believe if the founding fathers could see what IDIOTS we have running for president, they would have re-write basic constitutional laws regarding who can become president!!! From where I stand, I see Trump having a good chance!!! It seems quite possible for him to get into the primaries and again possible for him to take the WH. You realize from this point he has EXECUTIVE POWER.....

Then you have a crazy nut who's all about Muslim Databases, Internment and various other things that he haven't even said yet!!!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
Yes move to another part of the world where Muslims practice terror attacks on other Muslims if they are of the wrong flavor.

Did I actually say I would move to a ISLAMIC COUNTRY!!!!!

I would probably be even more of a target, since I have a Islamic name, yet eat pork and drink beer!!!!


Dec 13, 2013
The US has a very xenophobic and bigoted past not doubt, but sadly so does every country I can think of. Canada, Australia, all European countries I can think of ect. They have all felt different things about different groups, but all have been assholes at some point to groups.

This is true. Was going to continue our discussion from the other thread on this point. If we are to take a literal and critical look at Islam, then we need to do the same for our own culture. The only Anglo culture I am aware of without a huge problem of racism is New Zealand, and the past there is not all that much rosy as well.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
Well, Trump winning would be bad for more than Just Muslims, but you are free to leave the country at any time. I would suggest that you do not move to a Muslim dominated country as you are far more likely to be attacked there than in the US for sure.

The US has a very xenophobic and bigoted past not doubt, but sadly so does every country I can think of. Canada, Australia, all European countries I can think of ect. They have all felt different things about different groups, but all have been assholes at some point to groups.

I think far too many people are ignorant of religions and The US is not exempt to that. I don't think I would leave if I were you, but its your choice. Bigots should always be challenged. Thinking every Muslim is a terrorist is stupid. Thinking that Islam has a problem with terrorism right now is not stupid.

I would say right now and in the past (on average). If you were to quantify xenophobia (as a number). It's pretty high in the US (like 7-8 out of 10).... I'm not sure I agree that other countries are "just as bigot/racism/etc".


May 15, 2000
You are an American, your duty isn't to run and hide, it's to be the louder, saner, more rational person and to be that example that makes trump and his clan look like fools. Leaving this country just means one less person to combat this bullshit.

You can run or you can be like one of the greatest hero's of our time, Malala, who when faced with almost certain death said no! She will not be silent and she will not be afraid and she not did not change who she was and she became a champion for the cause. That's what we need and I can tell you, the fight is worth it even if it means you won't live to see it.

Of course that's easy for me to say but my hope is that you will stay and be apart of the solution.

Because I thought (based on history), this is not the first time we (US) have held prejudicial beliefs on a particular group of people. It was the Irish at one point, the Blacks (for a large part of history), Jews etc....

Now we are concentrated on the Muslims. It had started in the 90s and it's been steadily going up.

I have a Islamic name (given and legal). I also have middle-eastern ancestry. So I'm concerned about being a potential target. In the past, a illegal target (hate crime). But now it seems it may become acceptable as a legal target (i.e. database, internment). Esp if (as others have noted), there is a terrorist event every week etc....


Dec 13, 2013
Red states are full of low value add

The suburbs of full of just as many negative value individuals, they just keep more quiet, and have no moralities, and often stop acting racist or evil if their own actions might hold themselves accountable, then when the weather is clear they start right back up again with casual racism and other "no we didnt" type of bullshit.
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