Everygreen State College Professor threated by students for objecting to a "no-whites" day

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Feb 16, 2005
some background on the supposed "anti blackness" incident.

and Bret Weinstein just streamed 2 hours with Dave Rubin live
We can't pick up your stream of bullshit down in the deep state, do you have a translator that speaks your particular flavor of bullshit, the last one choked to death on someone else's vomit.
Reactions: Meghan54


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
We can't pick up your stream of bullshit down in the deep state, do you have a translator that speaks your particular flavor of bullshit, the last one choked to death on someone else's vomit.
I don't understand what you're getting at. Did you watch particularly the interview with Weinstein? It was very well done in my opinion, and well worth my time. Regardless of political affiliation, I would think it is something that the vast majority of people would appreciate. I found Weinstein to be extremely well spoken.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
The more I read about this, something stinks. Unless I misread, I fully support the professors stance. Just seems to me a bunch of misguided students and an aberration that Fox news and the right want to link to the left and liberalism as something thats inherent with liberalism as a whole (rather than the aberration it is).
That's been the right wing media's MO for a while. They basically troll for some isolated instance of illiberalism that they can feed back to their base as the epitome of all that is liberalism.


Jun 19, 2006
Tucker Carlson the new self proclaimed king of FOX news now show is like 90% about how liberal colleges are liberal ~
Reactions: ch33zw1z


Jan 4, 2013
That's been the right wing media's MO for a while. They basically troll for some isolated instance of illiberalism that they can feed back to their base as the epitome of all that is liberalism.
Kind of like taking one example of a whack job murderer and labeling it "The unbridled violence of the Alt Right?"


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Kind of like taking one example of a whack job murderer and labeling it "The unbridled violence of the Alt Right?"
He's chanting all the alt-right slogans, and doing all the things that the alt-righters brag about wanting to do (and get away with), why won't the alt-right claim one of their own?
Reactions: ch33zw1z


Jan 4, 2013
He's chanting all the alt-right slogans, and doing all the things that the alt-righters brag about wanting to do (and get away with), why won't the alt-right claim one of their own?
Selective blindness knows no party affiliation, this much has been shown.


Apr 8, 2002

These people have the makings of perfect fascists\communists. Demand firings via witch hunts, but ask for a show trial to make it look more legit. Demand undemocratic institutions be erected to further their cause. Re-education training is required. /facepalm


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Tucker Carlson the new self proclaimed king of FOX news now show is like 90% about how liberal colleges are liberal ~
Evergreen State has always been one of the furthest left colleges in America. They make Reed look conservative.


Apr 8, 2013
I don't understand what you're getting at. Did you watch particularly the interview with Weinstein? It was very well done in my opinion, and well worth my time. Regardless of political affiliation, I would think it is something that the vast majority of people would appreciate. I found Weinstein to be extremely well spoken.

I second this. Watched the entire two hour interview with Dave Rubin last night and it was worth the time. I highly recommend that anyone on either side watch it. The events he describes at Evergreen are thoroughly repugnant, but when asked what people should think of the behavior of the students, he urges people to see them as well intentioned but misguided. He's a much better person than they are, and he's much more progressive than they are. What they're doing is not liberalism. It's the antithesis of it.


Anyone watching this who isn't concerned about what is going on in college campuses these days is putting his head in the sand. Liberals need to stand up to this before it gets worse. These people are damaging the progressive movement in incalculable ways.

This isn't one of the usual pieces of BS right wing propaganda. It's real and they're right this time.


Jan 4, 2013
@woolfe9998 , thank you. We need to try to see these kinds of things without a partisan lens as much as we are able, and encourage others to do so as well.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
This isn't one of the usual pieces of BS right wing propaganda. It's real and they're right this time.

I'm glad people here have the capability to see this. I think right wing media attachment here does a disservice to the merits of the (growing) problem.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
I second this. Watched the entire two hour interview with Dave Rubin last night and it was worth the time. I highly recommend that anyone on either side watch it. The events he describes at Evergreen are thoroughly repugnant, but when asked what people should think of the behavior of the students, he urges people to see them as well intentioned but misguided. He's a much better person than they are, and he's much more progressive than they are. What they're doing is not liberalism. It's the antithesis of it.


Anyone watching this who isn't concerned about what is going on in college campuses these days is putting his head in the sand. Liberals need to stand up to this before it gets worse. These people are damaging the progressive movement in incalculable ways.

This isn't one of the usual pieces of BS right wing propaganda. It's real and they're right this time.
The sad irony is you'd get shouted down a lot of places by liberals, as you were trying to voice this.

Notice you won't even get the cowards on this forum to even acknowledge there's a problem, let alone go "hey, you know, you're right. "

It's funny to me how the left just dismisses everything as "Fox news!" and now their new favorite boogyman that's taken up residence under every lefty's bed.. the utltra scary, all powerful, 'alt right!' OOOOOOOOO!!! scary!

So the fact that there's fucking days on a college campus where people are excluded- BASED ON RACE! Nope! Doesn't exist! Fox News!!! Alt right boogyman!! WAHHH!!

Videos showing numbskull, authoritarian-minded leftists shouting down people, calling people racist for objecting to race-based exclusions on campus.... FOX NEWS!!! ALT RIGHT!! WAHHH!!!

Just look at this thread. No ability what-so-ever to deal with REALITY, just whine about Fox news and then sweep the actual SUBJECT under the rug. That's all you're going to get from your fellow 'progressives'. (Joke term). None will even address the problem- the delusional psychos here (and indicative of large numbers of leftists) actually think the terms 'snowflake' and 'safe space' and all the thing their fellow leftists are ridiculed for (FOR CREATING IN REALITY!) are just inventions and that they can level the insult against anyone that points it out! Just read any loony thread here that even approaches this subject.

But good luck if you think you'll get any of your fellow regressives to wake up. Too busy worrying about Fox News and the 'alt right' boogyman hiding under the bed.
Reactions: Challenger


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
I'm glad people here have the capability to see this. I think right wing media attachment here does a disservice to the merits of the (growing) problem.
If only the mainstream bothered to cover it! That's the real disservice, if you ask me.
There's an interesting discussion in the interview about why only conservative news stations were willing to do an interview of a self proclaimed liberal.


Apr 8, 2013
If only the mainstream bothered to cover it! That's the real disservice, if you ask me.

WaPo covered this:


And WSJ gave Weinstein an opinion piece:


Still, I agree that this incident needs more mainstream coverage. However, I tend to agree with Weinstein's theory about the limited coverage. It isn't a liberal bias - it's that if the media backs the version they know is consistent with the facts (that Weinstein clearly isn't racist) they get accused of being racist themselves. This fits with the way WaPo chose to cover it - basically by showing Weinstein's e-mail and allowing the readers to draw the obvious conclusion, but offering virtually no commentary.

If true, this is actually a bit more disturbing than the liberal bias theory, because it suggests that the media is cowed to remain silent, similar to how other faculty who support Weinstein in private are unwilling to say anything publicly for fear of becoming the next Weinstein. Like I said, we all need to stand up against this.


Dec 9, 1999
I second this. Watched the entire two hour interview with Dave Rubin last night and it was worth the time. I highly recommend that anyone on either side watch it. The events he describes at Evergreen are thoroughly repugnant, but when asked what people should think of the behavior of the students, he urges people to see them as well intentioned but misguided. He's a much better person than they are, and he's much more progressive than they are. What they're doing is not liberalism. It's the antithesis of it.


Anyone watching this who isn't concerned about what is going on in college campuses these days is putting his head in the sand. Liberals need to stand up to this before it gets worse. These people are damaging the progressive movement in incalculable ways.

This isn't one of the usual pieces of BS right wing propaganda. It's real and they're right this time.

Why would they stand up? This is what Liberals want, what they yearn for. This behavior is simply a more honest portrayal of the modern day Liberal. They're not going to stand up, privately the thrill of what these idiots are doing resonates with them.


Apr 8, 2013
For those who do not have the time to watch any of the various interviews with Weinstein, I will summarize a few salient points. This was much worse than I thought before listening to the interview.

Weinstein hasn't merely been accused of being a racist without basis and he hasn't merely been yelled at. That would be bad enough. He's been stalked, physically threatened (with kidnapping and death), and harassed to the point where he is holding his classes in a downtown park instead of on campus because it isn't safe for him on campus. He has been advised that there are students who are literally, physically searching the campus, door to door, and car by car, for him.

But that isn't the worst of it. The worst of it is that elements of the administration and faculty are at least passively complicit, and in some cases, maybe actively. The university president isn't supporting him at all, has said nothing to tamp any of this down, and won't even allow the police on campus to protect him. This man should be fired, and an investigation should be pursued into his conduct. In that order. Any university president who fails and refuses to physically protect his own employees should be out of a job.


Apr 8, 2013
Why would they stand up? This is what Liberals want, what they yearn for. This behavior is simply a more honest portrayal of the modern day Liberal. They're not going to stand up, privately the thrill of what these idiots are doing resonates with them.

I find your speculations about what motivates liberals to be...predictable. Yet you know less than you think you do. Very few liberals support this sort of behavior, particularly liberals of the gen x or baby boom gen. This is mainly an issue with millennials in college right now. The trouble is the partisan atmosphere. When this is presented as a right wing talking point from conservative sources, we remember back to the last 20 of these talking points and how they turned out to be exaggerated or completely false. Not scrutinizing it very closely is a reflexive response. Which is why I decided to post here after hearing the Weinstein interview.

It's not like you guys give all that much credence to stories about bad behavior of conservatives, including our current commander-in-chief. Pretty much everything we present is written off as a product of liberal bias and/or liberal conspiracy. So don't be surprised when your allegations, even when they happen to be true, are initially greeted with suspicion. It's a case of the conservative who cried wolf.
Reactions: Thebobo


Feb 24, 2009
That's been the right wing media's MO for a while. They basically troll for some isolated instance of illiberalism that they can feed back to their base as the epitome of all that is liberalism.
Plus Evergreen college is one of the wackiest liberal colleges in the country.


Jan 4, 2013
WaPo covered this:


And WSJ gave Weinstein an opinion piece:


Still, I agree that this incident needs more mainstream coverage. However, I tend to agree with Weinstein's theory about the limited coverage. It isn't a liberal bias - it's that if the media backs the version they know is consistent with the facts (that Weinstein clearly isn't racist) they get accused of being racist themselves. This fits with the way WaPo chose to cover it - basically by showing Weinstein's e-mail and allowing the readers to draw the obvious conclusion, but offering virtually no commentary.

If true, this is actually a bit more disturbing than the liberal bias theory, because it suggests that the media is cowed to remain silent, similar to how other faculty who support Weinstein in private are unwilling to say anything publicly for fear of becoming the next Weinstein. Like I said, we all need to stand up against this.
I'm just glad you are here in this thread. I was beginning to think it was just ideological war all day every day here. Just as the actions of these students ought to be repudiated by the Left, lest they be taken to represent the Left at large, the actions of bad actors on the Right need to be called out and repudiated by the Right as well.


Dec 9, 1999
Yeah man but why would they do that? The problem at this Liberal utopia isn't Leadership non-action, 'the problem' is this non-conforming teacher. I mean, the temerity of this guy to not conform, WhoTF does he think he is? I for one enjoy the culmination of Liberalism as expressed by these True Believer students. At least they're open in their actions as dictated by their programming Beliefs.


Jun 9, 2016
It's what happens when the Left suffers from the same hyper partisan malady that we discussed in another thread. It churns up a regressive and racist segment of a voting bloc you never knew existed. But don't be surprised next time, understand that such failings are human and will appear in all groups. The real issue is any defense of the regression and racism on display from the students.

It's pretty much a given that conservatives who court every racist available to vote for them will blame that all on them libtards. It's simply what degenerates who never take personal responsibility do.

Racism hasn't been dealt with, and it's how we got here.

Just look at the threads where people are still clinging to civil war bs.

All conservatives believe affirmative action is the Real racism; they're the Real victims as always.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
The sad irony is you'd get shouted down a lot of places by liberals, as you were trying to voice this.

Notice you won't even get the cowards on this forum to even acknowledge there's a problem, let alone go "hey, you know, you're right. "

It's funny to me how the left just dismisses everything as "Fox news!" and now their new favorite boogyman that's taken up residence under every lefty's bed.. the utltra scary, all powerful, 'alt right!' OOOOOOOOO!!! scary!

So the fact that there's fucking days on a college campus where people are excluded- BASED ON RACE! Nope! Doesn't exist! Fox News!!! Alt right boogyman!! WAHHH!!

Videos showing numbskull, authoritarian-minded leftists shouting down people, calling people racist for objecting to race-based exclusions on campus.... FOX NEWS!!! ALT RIGHT!! WAHHH!!!

Just look at this thread. No ability what-so-ever to deal with REALITY, just whine about Fox news and then sweep the actual SUBJECT under the rug. That's all you're going to get from your fellow 'progressives'. (Joke term). None will even address the problem- the delusional psychos here (and indicative of large numbers of leftists) actually think the terms 'snowflake' and 'safe space' and all the thing their fellow leftists are ridiculed for (FOR CREATING IN REALITY!) are just inventions and that they can level the insult against anyone that points it out! Just read any loony thread here that even approaches this subject.

But good luck if you think you'll get any of your fellow regressives to wake up. Too busy worrying about Fox News and the 'alt right' boogyman hiding under the bed.

You and Maxi sure scream a lot in your posts about regressive progressives
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