EVGA customer satisfaction ?? News at 10:00

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Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Idk, if I was in the same situation I'm confident I would've gotten satisfaction without having to post on a message board. His position was that he should have a full RMA under warranty. Their position was that they couldn't do that under their policy. He didn't make any attempts to reach a reasonable compromise and they didn't offer one, so he kept getting the same answer. At the very least, could put a "RESOLVED" in there.


Senior member
Apr 19, 2003
Well there's a good and a bad to this whole story:

The good: it didn't take a class-action lawsuit to get evga to do something, and the OP won't have to pay a ridiculous price for some bent pins given his situation.

The bad: it took forum-posts at several hardware enthusiast websites to get evga to do something, and it's not the first time I've seen this happen with evga.

Just goes to show that even the more highly regarded companies in hardware pull stupid stunts from time to time. And it doesn't matter if CEO's and upper-management are "pro-customer," if the csr's don't know that policy, then.. well, you read the OP Remember, not everyone is brave enough to post on forums about this sort of stuff, given the rabid-fanboyism and viral marketers. There are people who're just eating whatever extra cost evga throws at em.

Originally posted by chizow
He didn't make any attempts to reach a reasonable compromise and they didn't offer one,

...and they didn't offer one. Evga really holds all the cards in this sort of situation, though the OP has the ace up his sleave of a CC charge-back. They knew they could repair it for significantly less cost to the OP, but they didn't mention it until forum-posts were made and jakup (or whoever) launched an investigation into the matter, and then it got offered by evga. Something is wrong with that... again, at least he didn't have to get lawyers involved


Senior member
Feb 13, 2006
Why would lawyers get involved? It was at the most $299 which is small claims court. The lawyer would have charged that much.
EVGA said the cpu protective cover was in place when they recieved it. This pretty much rules out shipping damage.
We will never know if the OP is correct in saying the pins were fine when he shipped the board. A screwdriver/Heatsink/etc could have slipped and damaged the pins. EVGA's shipping could have damaged the pins after taking the cover off. Who knows what happened?
I have seen other folks post about every company doing business and how they were unsatisfied one way or another with the service provided.
I give credit to EVGA for a resolution. I also feel a letter or other communication by the OP may have taken longer but also gotten the same result.
I would hate to see various forums filled with other posts about dissatisfaction of other companies and their services.



Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: smthmlk
...and they didn't offer one. Evga really holds all the cards in this sort of situation, though the OP has the ace up his sleave of a CC charge-back. They knew they could repair it for significantly less cost to the OP, but they didn't mention it until forum-posts were made and jakup (or whoever) launched an investigation into the matter, and then it got offered by evga. Something is wrong with that... again, at least he didn't have to get lawyers involved

As Jakup indicated, they didn't currently have a provision to charge for repairs. I'm 99% sure EVGA doesn't make their own boards, like they don't make their own video cards unlike a company like Asus or Abit that does. They just purchase reference products to certain specifications from the companies that do fab the PCBs. They may or may not have techs that can repair products or even stock repair parts; realistically they probably just keep new stock on-hand for RMAs.

However, the OP was in a position to speak to someone with the power and authority to make a reasonable exception and as detailed in the OP, no attempt was made by either party. Granted, one of those escalated CS managers/supervisors could've offered a different answer besides "Sorry, you're SOL", but if you've dealt with CS on any level, they're going to tow the company line and follow their policies. The most important thing to realize is that companies aren't a faceless/nameless entity; there's real people behind every logo and although they have to follow policy they do have the ability to reason, unlike a machine.



Senior member
Nov 17, 2004
the threadtitle is bad in a way, because people skimming but not choosing to read this thread will assume that evga sucks
you should put "resolution pending..." or something at the end


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
Originally posted by: shabby
I find it funny when someone has a problem with a company, tries everything to get it resolved and meets a dead end. He then posts about his situation on a forum, then a person from that company quickly resolves the problem publicly and then everyone gives the thumbs up to that company.
Where was the cr in the begining? It seems there are telephone cr's and internet cr's who fix the telephone cr's screwups publicly to make the company look good in the forums.
If v3raxOC wouldnt of posted this here he'd be screwed, this simply shouldnt happen at all especially when you tout customer satisfaction and all the crap.

It's because the Internet CRs know their technical stuff better

And also maybe because non-native English speakers may not understand calls as well as written text...


Sep 6, 2003
personally i believe the op to be a lot more patient then i would have. i would have done a charge back on my cc if evga wanted to give it to me up the a$$ for a defective product. i wouldn't have wasted the time the op has with said company, plain and simple. sadly this thread and the others the op started are what got evga to make amends with the op, not them just being nice, it took some of the net reality to get the job done.

if any one is at fault here it is evga for letting it get to this level, not the op - he was getting shafted hard and had no other outlet.

in a arena as competitive as m/bs, the companies need to actually take care of their customers, if not there are 5 other manf that offer the same features for probably close to the same price, so the company should be honored and appreciative of the customers they get, because usually once you have one customer, they will buy other products from you and everybody knows it is easier and cheaper to keep old customer than to get new ones.


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2006
The only problem I saw here is that they tried to charge him full price for the damaged board. They were following policy, which every company does. Whether you get shafted or not has nothing to do with them being evil or bad at customer satisfaction. The fact they even attempted to resolve your problem shows they have good customer service. There are horror stories for EVERY SINGLE COMPANY. EVGA is still one of the best. Also, I take every complaint with a grain of salt with the whole 'I didn't do it' routine. Although I'm not pointing a finger at the OP, there is little point to EVGA scamming a RMA.

I have seen my share of claims that people have posted to get problems resolved on EVGA forums. Instance: Someone threw a fit after his RMA was rejected. Everyone was on his side, bashing EVGA saying customer service sucks, etc. etc. Turns out the customer took a 6800 and put a 7900GT S/N sticker on it to try to get the 6800 replaced with a 7900GT. Then tried to claim UPS or whatever opened the package, took his old card, replaced it, switched the sticker, and sent it where it was suppose to go. (What are the odds)

The point is, even if you damage to the board, why would you fess up? Especially with $250 as a stake.


Junior Member
Feb 10, 2007
For the RP looking for me to post pics, I loaned my digital camera to my daughter, she is out of town, but I will post pics asap. BTW, don't you think it kinda (non-thorough) that evga is saying that 2 pins are missing or very bent. If they had really looked close they would have been able to see that the pins are just bent down, not totally missing. Yet, they claim they are totally missing. Ill post pics soon.


Platinum Member
Sep 18, 2004
Originally posted by: v3raxOC
For the RP looking for me to post pics, I loaned my digital camera to my daughter, she is out of town, but I will post pics asap. BTW, don't you think it kinda (non-thorough) that evga is saying that 2 pins are missing or very bent. If they had really looked close they would have been able to see that the pins are just bent down, not totally missing. Yet, they claim they are totally missing. Ill post pics soon.

Wait a second, they stated they sent you pics, you have the board now?


Senior member
Aug 30, 2004
Jakup said they'd sent you their pics of the board when it arrived back at EVGA, why don't you just post those?


Junior Member
Feb 10, 2007
No, the y did not send me any pics, they sent the motherboard back to me. Plus, they told me that I had 14 days from the time they sent the bad board back to me before they would charge me $299 for the new motherboard; However, I just checked m y bank account today, and they have already charged me the $299, 3 days after they rejected the RMA, what happened to the 14 days?


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2005
Alot of other people have had good experience with them... I went through 4 rmas with them. For some reason every 6600gt I got would not even boot. Paid 1 way shipping on the first one, they paid for next day air both ways on all the other 3 rmas. Ended up giving me a 6800 without charging me anything. I was very pleased, definately going to buy from them again.


Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: v3raxOC
No, the y did not send me any pics, they sent the motherboard back to me. Plus, they told me that I had 14 days from the time they sent the bad board back to me before they would charge me $299 for the new motherboard; However, I just checked m y bank account today, and they have already charged me the $299, 3 days after they rejected the RMA, what happened to the 14 days?

if what you are saying is true, and it appears to be since evga is on here agreeing there are issues with this, i would contact the cc company about that charge. they seem to be telling you one thing and doing another which probably means too many people are handling this problem but they only need 1 to do it correctly....:thumbsdown:


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: v3raxOC
No, the y did not send me any pics, they sent the motherboard back to me. Plus, they told me that I had 14 days from the time they sent the bad board back to me before they would charge me $299 for the new motherboard; However, I just checked m y bank account today, and they have already charged me the $299, 3 days after they rejected the RMA, what happened to the 14 days?

Yikes. That sucks.


Jul 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Cheezeit
Alot of other people have had good experience with them... I went through 4 rmas with them. For some reason every 6600gt I got would not even boot. Paid 1 way shipping on the first one, they paid for next day air both ways on all the other 3 rmas. Ended up giving me a 6800 without charging me anything. I was very pleased, definately going to buy from them again.

You got 4 bad products and you'd still buy from them? That's freaking pathetic. It's amazing that customers will allow themselves to be walked on these days.

You think they are great because they gave you an upgrade. But you don't mind that it's apparent they didn't test any of the 4 previous cards and that from your own experience they have a 20% Quality rating for their cards? Yikes.

No wonder companies walk on customers. They just take it!


Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: LikeLinus
Originally posted by: Cheezeit
Alot of other people have had good experience with them... I went through 4 rmas with them. For some reason every 6600gt I got would not even boot. Paid 1 way shipping on the first one, they paid for next day air both ways on all the other 3 rmas. Ended up giving me a 6800 without charging me anything. I was very pleased, definately going to buy from them again.

You got 4 bad products and you'd still buy from them? That's freaking pathetic. It's amazing that customers will allow themselves to be walked on these days.

You think they are great because they gave you an upgrade. But you don't mind that it's apparent they didn't test any of the 4 previous cards and that from your own experience they have a 20% Quality rating for their cards? Yikes.

No wonder companies walk on customers. They just take it!

i wasn't going to say anything, not trying to fuel a fire against any company but i am glad others felt the way i did when i read that


Jul 25, 2001
Originally posted by: bob4432
Originally posted by: LikeLinus
Originally posted by: Cheezeit
Alot of other people have had good experience with them... I went through 4 rmas with them. For some reason every 6600gt I got would not even boot. Paid 1 way shipping on the first one, they paid for next day air both ways on all the other 3 rmas. Ended up giving me a 6800 without charging me anything. I was very pleased, definately going to buy from them again.

You got 4 bad products and you'd still buy from them? That's freaking pathetic. It's amazing that customers will allow themselves to be walked on these days.

You think they are great because they gave you an upgrade. But you don't mind that it's apparent they didn't test any of the 4 previous cards and that from your own experience they have a 20% Quality rating for their cards? Yikes.

No wonder companies walk on customers. They just take it!

i wasn't going to say anything, not trying to fuel a fire against any company but i am glad others felt the way i did when i read that

I'll be brutally honest....I have an EVGA 7900 GT KO, but I'll be damn if a company screwed me over 4 times before I got a good product.

I like my card and I'm happy with it, but I'm no fanboy of any product. Give me something that works and is stable/solid. That's all that ultimately matters.

The company is out to do one thing...make money. Don't ever let them walk on you. Take your business elsewhere.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: bob4432
Originally posted by: LikeLinus
Originally posted by: Cheezeit
Alot of other people have had good experience with them... I went through 4 rmas with them. For some reason every 6600gt I got would not even boot. Paid 1 way shipping on the first one, they paid for next day air both ways on all the other 3 rmas. Ended up giving me a 6800 without charging me anything. I was very pleased, definately going to buy from them again.

You got 4 bad products and you'd still buy from them? That's freaking pathetic. It's amazing that customers will allow themselves to be walked on these days.

You think they are great because they gave you an upgrade. But you don't mind that it's apparent they didn't test any of the 4 previous cards and that from your own experience they have a 20% Quality rating for their cards? Yikes.

No wonder companies walk on customers. They just take it!

i wasn't going to say anything, not trying to fuel a fire against any company but i am glad others felt the way i did when i read that

I don't know, I can see it both ways. On one hand, there are a lot of satisfied EVGA customers on this board and most people seem to be very happy with their products. I think getting 4 bad cards in a row from ANY company is extremely bad luck and most likely an isolated incident. Who knows, maybe there was some rare incompatibility with his mobo and that particular card...that doesn't mean EVGA sucks. And for the record I've never owned an EVGA product in my life, so I'm no fanboi.

OTOH, there are other video card companies that make great products as well and it certainly wouldn't hurt to consider them. Several people have spoken up against them lately and if their service or quality is going downhill then people need to know about it.


Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: Imyourzero
Originally posted by: bob4432
Originally posted by: LikeLinus
Originally posted by: Cheezeit
Alot of other people have had good experience with them... I went through 4 rmas with them. For some reason every 6600gt I got would not even boot. Paid 1 way shipping on the first one, they paid for next day air both ways on all the other 3 rmas. Ended up giving me a 6800 without charging me anything. I was very pleased, definately going to buy from them again.

You got 4 bad products and you'd still buy from them? That's freaking pathetic. It's amazing that customers will allow themselves to be walked on these days.

You think they are great because they gave you an upgrade. But you don't mind that it's apparent they didn't test any of the 4 previous cards and that from your own experience they have a 20% Quality rating for their cards? Yikes.

No wonder companies walk on customers. They just take it!

i wasn't going to say anything, not trying to fuel a fire against any company but i am glad others felt the way i did when i read that

I don't know, I can see it both ways. On one hand, there are a lot of satisfied EVGA customers on this board and most people seem to be very happy with their products. I think getting 4 bad cards in a row from ANY company is extremely bad luck and most likely an isolated incident. Who knows, maybe there was some rare incompatibility with his mobo and that particular card...that doesn't mean EVGA sucks. And for the record I've never owned an EVGA product in my life, so I'm no fanboi.

OTOH, there are other video card companies that make great products as well and it certainly wouldn't hurt to consider them. Several people have spoken up against them lately and if their service or quality is going downhill then people need to know about it.

a lot of them use reference designs, so they really need to step it up in the customer service dept as i can probably get the same item with a different sticker from 3 diff manfs, or should i say distributors? same with m/bs....


Golden Member
Feb 23, 2006
I love eVGA. I had a 7900GT for 5 months until it crapped out. I sent it in for RMA. The took it with no questions asked and sent me back a 7950GT 512MB which is a better card than I sent in. I think they are one of the best out there for customer service.


Senior member
Oct 9, 2006
File a complaint with the Attorney General's office. EVGA will be contacted by letter regarding your complaint and will have the oppprtunity to explain their position. A complaint file will be generated if one does not already exist.



Junior Member
Feb 10, 2007
Well,, its Wednesday, Joe at EVGA sid he would be contacting me by Monday with a resolution. Here it is Wednesday and they have already charged me $299 and still have not contacted me again, looks like they got what they wanted, so I am just SOL.


Senior member
May 7, 2004
jAkUp is a great guy What's up man? How's your rig comin? I've fallen behind, it seems
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