Evidence suggesting Hillary comitted election fraud ["Alleged"]

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Dec 3, 2013
The practice and practitioners of ratfucking never went away. One of Donald Segretti's guys was a young Karl Rove and he's still in the business.

What Segretti and other were doing was subverting the election process and it would be interesting to know if this story was yet another case of the Repubs continuing to be ... ratfuckers!


Well. like I've mentioned several times in the past I guess, things like this have been going on a long time, Lee Attwater taught Karl Rove many things.

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Oh we should have known the Republicans are behind it. Wow how did I not see this?

That is just stupid.

Duck test...

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

When the dirty tricks the Republicans are known for are precisely this kind of game I feel more than justified in connecting the dots...

I think the Repubs are getting a bit desperate given the utter failure to kill Hillary in the Benghazi hearings.



Jun 12, 2005
Duck test...

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

When the dirty tricks the Republicans are known for are precisely this kind of game I feel more than justified in connecting the dots...

I think the Repubs are getting a bit desperate given the utter failure to kill Hillary in the Benghazi hearings.


Make sure to put on your aluminum foil hat and you should be OK.

Maybe you need to apply that "duck test" also to Hillary as it points more to her than anyone else.

Even though both theories seem a little screwy to me. Probably one of the Hillary Pac's getting too far out there... Meh


Jul 13, 2005

Yet another game of connect the dots.. except these dots are too big for even the blind to make the connections.

At this point, Hillary could possibly grow a pointed tail and horns and still become our next preside
You have a hard on often for Hillary?? As was stated previously -- you have to be a special kind of stupid if you think....

Which you do think or else you would not have posted such nonsense!!
Feb 6, 2007
Yet another game of connect the dots.. except these dots are too big for even the blind to make the connections.

They're so big that they literally can't connect anymore? So... they don't actually connect?

Evidence suggesting the OP is a child molester ["Alleged"]. It doesn't actually matter what that evidence is (because it literally does not exist), the point is WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE.

It's imbecilic bullshit like this that makes this forum an intellectual wasteland. AT has the potential to have a legitimate forum for political discussion and destroys any credibility by giving this bullshit the same weight as actual politics, or news, or a cat walking across the keyboard during an ether frolic. Why does this subforum even need to exist on a tech forum if there's going to be no litmus test for the topics that are discussed? If you posted a thread accusing someone of lying in the HW&Tech threads without evidence, that thread gets closed immediately. In P&N? "We can't close it, WHAT IF IT'S TRUE? Let them call each other slurs for another three months..." It ends up giving a voice to colossal morons for the advancement of an agenda of abject stupidity, and why? Seriously, what is the rationale for allowing this nonsense to be allowed to proliferate? This subforum used to have some integrity (I know it's hard to believe, but it's true). Now? What's the point? Is this just a place for us to gather to call our political opponents assholes?

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Make sure to put on your aluminum foil hat and you should be OK.

Maybe you need to apply that "duck test" also to Hillary as it points more to her than anyone else.

Even though both theories seem a little screwy to me. Probably one of the Hillary Pac's getting too far out there... Meh

Well I'm on record here as not being a terribly big fan of Hillary -- go ahead and check if you like. While it's possible Hillary's team were playing the game this thread appears to suggest the fact that the Republican's have demonstrably done precisely the same type of ratfucking and have never actually stopped doing it makes it vastly more likely that the Repubs are behind this than Hillary.

Combine the hacking skills of the team that broke into the Climate Scientists network and stole emails they then cherry picked to make the scientists look bad with the ongoing dirty tricks that Donald Segretti and Karl Rove were part of I feel no need to don a tin foil hat.

It's not paranoia if it actually happened -- and Segretti et al surely did play the same kind of game.

Say, how did your team do in the Benghazi hearings? Butt hurt much!



Jun 12, 2005
Well I'm on record here as not being a terribly big fan of Hillary -- go ahead and check if you like. While it's possible Hillary's team were playing the game this thread appears to suggest the fact that the Republican's have demonstrably done precisely the same type of ratfucking and have never actually stopped doing it makes it vastly more likely that the Repubs are behind this than Hillary.

Combine the hacking skills of the team that broke into the Climate Scientists network and stole emails they then cherry picked to make the scientists look bad with the ongoing dirty tricks that Donald Segretti and Karl Rove were part of I feel no need to don a tin foil hat.

It's not paranoia if it actually happened -- and Segretti et al surely did play the same kind of game.

Say, how did your team do in the Benghazi hearings? Butt hurt much!


Firstly I don't have a team, and my butt doesn't hurt at all. Thanks for asking!

And your "private theory" is just mere speculation and paranoia.


Oct 15, 1999
They're so big that they literally can't connect anymore? So... they don't actually connect?

Evidence suggesting the OP is a child molester ["Alleged"]. It doesn't actually matter what that evidence is (because it literally does not exist), the point is WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE.

It's imbecilic bullshit like this that makes this forum an intellectual wasteland. AT has the potential to have a legitimate forum for political discussion and destroys any credibility by giving this bullshit the same weight as actual politics, or news, or a cat walking across the keyboard during an ether frolic. Why does this subforum even need to exist on a tech forum if there's going to be no litmus test for the topics that are discussed? If you posted a thread accusing someone of lying in the HW&Tech threads without evidence, that thread gets closed immediately. In P&N? "We can't close it, WHAT IF IT'S TRUE? Let them call each other slurs for another three months..." It ends up giving a voice to colossal morons for the advancement of an agenda of abject stupidity, and why? Seriously, what is the rationale for allowing this nonsense to be allowed to proliferate? This subforum used to have some integrity (I know it's hard to believe, but it's true). Now? What's the point? Is this just a place for us to gather to call our political opponents assholes?

I don't remember this forum ever being anything other than a wellspring of ignorance, misinformation, and hyperbole. That's the way the membership wants it.We had a vote about name calling and abuse, we decided we're all for it.
Anyone that wants in depth discussion can go to the next section down. The DC is there to satisfy our need for clear intellectual exchange. It's a ghost town.
No one here wants to exchange ideas, they want to prove they're right. They want their team on top, they want those ignorant fools on the other side intellectually destroyed.


Nov 17, 2002
I don't remember this forum ever being anything other than a wellspring of ignorance, misinformation, and hyperbole. That's the way the membership wants it.We had a vote about name calling and abuse, we decided we're all for it. ...
Do you understand what you just wrote? You identified the problem in P&N as "ignorance, misinformation, and hyperbole," yet the vote was about name calling and abuse. Those are two very different things. Polite misinformation is far less useful than impolite, but informed, honest discussion.


Oct 15, 1999
Do you understand what you just wrote? You identified the problem in P&N as "ignorance, misinformation, and hyperbole," yet the vote was about name calling and abuse. Those are two very different things. Polite misinformation is far less useful than impolite, but informed, honest discussion.

I disagree. Any discussion that involves a personal attack is useless. It's not going anywhere. Name calling is just one symptom of the issue.
My point stands, few come here for information, they seek justification, or to make accusations. This place is at it's very best, a shouting society. I'm ok with that as it's what I expect.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Not sure where this is going. In the first place, Hillary voters:
A. Won't believe it.
B. If made to believe it, will insist it's a Republican smear rather than Hillary.
C. If made to accept it's Hillary, won't care.

I see no way this could possibly matter to anyone.


Nov 11, 1999
Not sure where this is going. In the first place, Hillary voters:
A. Won't believe it.
B. If made to believe it, will insist it's a Republican smear rather than Hillary.
C. If made to accept it's Hillary, won't care.

I see no way this could possibly matter to anyone.

It's simpler than that. Only conspiracy theory aficionados can possibly grant it credibility whether they blame Hillary or Repubs.

The rest is you own conspiracy theory about Hillary supporters.


Feb 24, 2009
Ugh, another attempt to drum up "controversy" surrounding Hillary Clinton. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I've witnessed this charade play out over my entire adult life and a significant part of my childhood. Since 1993, the Republicans have thrown accusation after baseless accusation against her just to see what sticks. They've cried wolf far too many times for me to count. From "Hillarycare" jabs, to whitewater, to the Lewinsky scandal, to scare tactics of "First Husband" Bill in a dress, to Bhengazi, to the email scandal....you just can't take any of it seriously anymore. This is just icing on the cake.

This. Same tactics, different Clinton involved election. It's a sub industry within the wealthy wing nut donors (probably the same donors).

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Firstly I don't have a team, and my butt doesn't hurt at all. Thanks for asking!

And your "private theory" is just mere speculation and paranoia.

While I'm tempted to focus on your use of the phrase "mere speculation and paranoia" and given the genesis of this thread in the first place your mention of this is, well, comical. The Repubs have had a long standing practice of using dirty tricks up to and including breaking into the Democratic headquarters, you know, Watergate, in an effort to embarrass Dems and part of that game involved stealing Democratic stationary and then fabricating false stories using that stationary.

One of the guys that worked with Donald Segretti was a young Karl Rove.

It's not speculation and paranoia if they've done this before! The only thing that's new here is the use of the internet and the tags identifying the path those documents took -- or didn't take!

But, since I'm not part of either team and don't know with 100% certainty what actually happened I'll guesstimate the odds that the whole story is a Republican dirty trick at about 99.44%.

Hey, I'm feeling charitable!



Jun 12, 2005
While I'm tempted to focus on your use of the phrase "mere speculation and paranoia" and given the genesis of this thread in the first place your mention of this is, well, comical. The Repubs have had a long standing practice of using dirty tricks up to and including breaking into the Democratic headquarters, you know, Watergate, in an effort to embarrass Dems and part of that game involved stealing Democratic stationary and then fabricating false stories using that stationary.

One of the guys that worked with Donald Segretti was a young Karl Rove.

It's not speculation and paranoia if they've done this before! The only thing that's new here is the use of the internet and the tags identifying the path those documents took -- or didn't take!

But, since I'm not part of either team and don't know with 100% certainty what actually happened I'll guesstimate the odds that the whole story is a Republican dirty trick at about 99.44%.

Hey, I'm feeling charitable!


No this crap that happened a long time ago has nothing to do with this discussion at all. It only exist in your delusional paranoid mind. Nothing in that evidence indicates republicans at all. Nothing.

But thank you for living up to this post by werepossum:

Not sure where this is going. In the first place, Hillary voters:
A. Won't believe it.
B. If made to believe it, will insist it's a Republican smear rather than Hillary.
C. If made to accept it's Hillary, won't care.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
While I'm tempted to focus on your use of the phrase "mere speculation and paranoia" and given the genesis of this thread in the first place your mention of this is, well, comical. The Repubs have had a long standing practice of using dirty tricks up to and including breaking into the Democratic headquarters, you know, Watergate, in an effort to embarrass Dems and part of that game involved stealing Democratic stationary and then fabricating false stories using that stationary.

One of the guys that worked with Donald Segretti was a young Karl Rove.

It's not speculation and paranoia if they've done this before! The only thing that's new here is the use of the internet and the tags identifying the path those documents took -- or didn't take!

But, since I'm not part of either team and don't know with 100% certainty what actually happened I'll guesstimate the odds that the whole story is a Republican dirty trick at about 99.44%.

Hey, I'm feeling charitable!

You misspelled a word there Sparky. It's actually spelled D E L U S I O N A L.

Gotta give you credit though. It takes some real brass to claim you aren't a part of either team whilst simultaneously "guestimating" that the odds of Republicans perpetrating this are 99.44%. Even Hillary doesn't have that kind of brass. Even people that Hillary pays to lie don't have that kind of brass. Perhaps you're angling for the job of Presidential spokesman?


Apr 8, 2013
I disagree. Any discussion that involves a personal attack is useless. It's not going anywhere. Name calling is just one symptom of the issue.
My point stands, few come here for information, they seek justification, or to make accusations. This place is at it's very best, a shouting society. I'm ok with that as it's what I expect.

I have to go with Bowfinger's formulation of "Polite misinformation is far less useful than impolite, but informed, honest discussion." First off, "polite misinformation" can be quite a bit more dangerous than impolite misinformation.

Most importantly, I recall arguing in that thread over the vote on banning name calling that the insults were a symptom of the underlying problem of intellectual dishonesty. I objected to addressing the symptom without addressing the root cause.

When someone is intellectually dishonest - for example, mischaracterizing the opposing argument or making unsourced factual claims and not providing a source when asked - then insults are inevitable. Either the intellectually dishonest party, when confronted with arguments he can't refute, will resort to name calling to distract from the weakness of his argument; or he will persist so long being intellectually dishonest that eventually his opponent will make insults to shame him because rational arguments have proven ineffective.

There are possibly workable forum rules which could improve the quantity of argumentation to some degree. Perhaps they would work, perhaps not. But if not, then I can't abide banning the insults because quite honestly at times an insult is a legitimate response. Which is not to say that all insults are called for. Probably a majority are not. But the insults are a second order problem. The first order is can anything useful ever come of these kinds of exchanges if all people are doing is selling propaganda to help the home team win. It is plainly obvious that polite bullshit is utterly useless at best, misleading at worst.
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