Experts Debate Labeling Fat Children Obese

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Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Lonyo
Originally posted by: DaShen
with the people in America nowadays. When did we become so lazy and ultra-sensitive? If you look at any established nation or power, this type of culture shift always has lead to the downfall of that nation of power. Spartans, Macedonians, Romans, French...

Spartans? Macedonians? Eh?

Different groups and different ages. (Macedonians after Alexander is not the same era as Sparta culture)

I am listed a few groups that grew because of there great leadership and culture. Surprisingly a lot of these great nations had some form of democracy BTW.

But most of these civilations either were wiped out or had a schism into another form of government after the culture became overindulgent and lazy.

Take the Spartans for instance. Known for there military, stoic culture. They rose in power extremely quickly. But after the plunder of war started to affect there rigorous lifestyle, they became lazy and within a few generations were totally ineffectual as a nation.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Maybe if we call them what they are (fatties) they will put down the doughnut, get off the couch and get some exercise...


Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2006
Hard for the kids to get motivated to lose weight when their fatass parents are feeding them fried chicken and fried cheese every night.

The parents should be ashamed for feeding the kid. Whatever happened to saying no to your kids?


Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2001
Originally posted by: alien42
Originally posted by: Phil
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: Phil
Originally posted by: alien42
unless a child is medically proven to have a genetic obesity proplem i think that the parents of fat kids should be treated just like any other child abuser. they are killing their kids and helping to destroy our medical and insurance system.

Uh. Yes, it's called "eating lard".
Genetic obesity... :roll:

There is such a thing as Genetic obesity....


yes and fat people disgust me as much as they do you but there is a very small percentage of people who are genetically obese and can not do much about it.

If you don't eat the pie, you don't get fat. People may well be genetically disposed to sitting on the couch eating pizza and mayonnaise, but they don't get fat through genetics.
Proof (scientific) or shens.

Incidentally, I'm a bit overweight. I do hope I disgust you through my lack of self-control and love of the pie.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Phil
Originally posted by: alien42
Originally posted by: Phil
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: Phil
Originally posted by: alien42
unless a child is medically proven to have a genetic obesity proplem i think that the parents of fat kids should be treated just like any other child abuser. they are killing their kids and helping to destroy our medical and insurance system.

Uh. Yes, it's called "eating lard".
Genetic obesity... :roll:

There is such a thing as Genetic obesity....


yes and fat people disgust me as much as they do you but there is a very small percentage of people who are genetically obese and can not do much about it.

If you don't eat the pie, you don't get fat. People may well be genetically disposed to sitting on the couch eating pizza and mayonnaise, but they don't get fat through genetics.
Proof (scientific) or shens.

Incidentally, I'm a bit overweight. I do hope I disgust you through my lack of self-control and love of the pie.

Well, that's only partly true. Some people do have problems with their metabolism where they don't get energy from the food they eat. The food gets broken down and goes directly into storage, leaving them tired and fat.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Phil

If you don't eat the pie, you don't get fat. People may well be genetically disposed to sitting on the couch eating pizza and mayonnaise, but they don't get fat through genetics.
Proof (scientific) or shens.

Incidentally, I'm a bit overweight. I do hope I disgust you through my lack of self-control and love of the pie.

Yeah, it's so full of shens that the CDC is continuing study on the matter of genetics and obesity.

And this is the FIRST LINK on a simple google search (obesity +genetics). There are literally thousand more valid, reputable links on the subject.

How about the second links?

Obesity is a typical common multifactorial disease in which environmental and genetic factors interact. In rare cases of severe obesity with childhood onset, a single gene has a major effect in determining the occurrence of obesity, with the environment having only a permissive role in the severity of the phenotype.

The connection between obesity and genetics is a given among the scientific community. Self control alone cannot explain the wide differences in body fat among people living the exact same lifestyles and eating the exact same foods.

Next time why not read up on the subject a bit, or at least do a simple Google search before making yourself look like such a blithering idiot.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
Experts Debate Labeling Children Obese
The CDC also calls overweight kids "at risk of overweight."

At risk?! NO. You're goddamned fat and I guarentee you that you will not want to remain that way your entire life. Nothing good comes from being fat throughout your childhood and into young adult except a life full of regrets and missed opportunities because you were ashamed of the way you looked, felt or too tired to keep up.

Argh. Don't label kids anything, just tell the parents to drive home and the kids can run back.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2005
Originally posted by: DaShen
with the people in America nowadays. When did we become so lazy and ultra-sensitive? If you look at any established nation or power, this type of culture shift always has lead to the downfall of that nation of power. Spartans, Macedonians, Romans, French...

You had me until the french =P

Seriously, this is absurd. Maybe if we make them cry, they'll get off their bums and burn some weight...



Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: ruffilb
Originally posted by: DaShen
with the people in America nowadays. When did we become so lazy and ultra-sensitive? If you look at any established nation or power, this type of culture shift always has lead to the downfall of that nation of power. Spartans, Macedonians, Romans, French...

You had me until the french =P

Seriously, this is absurd. Maybe if we make them cry, they'll get off their bums and burn some weight...

Meh, the French have had so many government changes, it is ridiculous. I might be venting because I don't like there elitist attitude in their culture, but I am referring to the changes between 1780-1830s. Napoleanic Era. People would get complacent and lazy, then a regime change, then a spark growth, then a decline.... REPEAT. They have a very laissez-faire attitude about their government, until the government is blamed for something, then the government needs to do everything for them. Sounds familiar to our Nation nowadays.

Look at their 30 hour workdays nowadays, and there total job security even if you are terrible at it. It gets ridiculous after a while.


Senior member
Jun 16, 2006
its funny how everyone always brings up the whole genetic issue when it comes to obesity. people need to quit blaming genetics for their BS. I know some people are genetically obese, but 90% or more of obese people just need to learn to control themselves. Look at all the other countries! I do find it extremely disgusting and unnatural how people can stuff themselves to the point where they are weak, lazy, unhealthy, depressed, and etc. Nobody wants to be obese, but theres a reason why it happens. Some people have no self control. The people who WANT to lose weight generally tend to lose weight. the people who just DREAM of losing weight are the ones who barely do anything about it aside from stuffing themselves. People talk a lot of sh!t on smokers, but lots of people smoke because they are physically addicted. I think obese people really shouldnt cry about getting called obese. There's a fine line between being called obese, and being obese. Either way, it sucks for that person.


Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: Amused
Experts Debate Labeling Children Obese
The CDC also calls overweight kids "at risk of overweight."

At risk?! NO. You're goddamned fat and I guarentee you that you will not want to remain that way your entire life. Nothing good comes from being fat throughout your childhood and into young adult except a life full of regrets and missed opportunities because you were ashamed of the way you looked, felt or too tired to keep up.

Argh. Don't label kids anything, just tell the parents to drive home and the kids can run back. when's the best time to tell em that having a 41" waist is unbecoming?? Before mc'd's or after?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Mikey
its funny how everyone always brings up the whole genetic issue when it comes to obesity. people need to quit blaming genetics for their BS. I know some people are genetically obese, but 90% or more of obese people just need to learn to control themselves. Look at all the other countries! I do find it extremely disgusting and unnatural how people can stuff themselves to the point where they are weak, lazy, unhealthy, depressed, and etc. Nobody wants to be obese, but theres a reason why it happens. Some people have no self control. The people who WANT to lose weight generally tend to lose weight. the people who just DREAM of losing weight are the ones who barely do anything about it aside from stuffing themselves. People talk a lot of sh!t on smokers, but lots of people smoke because they are physically addicted. I think obese people really shouldnt cry about getting called obese. There's a fine line between being called obese, and being obese. Either way, it sucks for that person.

Nearly ALL Western countries are facing a rise in obesity. This includes most of Europe.

The fact of the matter is this: Some people are gentically predisposed to gain more weight than others. And a tiny minority of those have a genetic disease that makes them morbidly obese (these are the super obese you see in the news).

Genetics play a HUGE part in how much fat your body stores. Nothing else explains the HUGE variation in body fat between people living the exact same lifestyles and eating the exact same foods.

The more we focus merely on "self control" when it comes to weight the more we lose the battle. There is very little self control when it comes to genetics. Put a person pre-disposed to obesity in a sedentary environment with easily available, high quality/calorie foods and you have a disaster waiting to happen. The very fact that the vast majority of these people cannot control their weight shows us that self control alone will not be the answer in today's society. Our environment changed dramatically while our bodies and genetics did not.

Oh, and BTW, the people you laugh at and blame for their obesity today, where the ones more likely to survive famines and droughts just a few thousand years ago. Evolution wise, THEY have the superior genes. The naturally skinny folks out there do not.


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Amused
Nearly ALL Western countries are facing a rise in obesity. This includes most of Europe.

The fact of the matter is this: Some people are gentically predisposed to gain more weight than others. And a tiny minority of those have a genetic disease that makes them morbidly obese (these are the super obese you see in the news).

Genetics play a HUGE part in how much fat your body stores. Nothing else explains the HUGE variation in body fat between people living the exact same lifestyles and eating the exact same foods.

The more we focus merely on "self control" when it comes to weight the more we lose the battle. There is very little self control when it comes to genetics. Put a person pre-disposed to obesity in a sedentary environment with easily available, high quality/calorie foods and you have a disaster waiting to happen. The very fact that the vast majority of these people cannot control their weight shows us that self control alone will not be the answer in today's society. Our environment changed dramatically while our bodies and genetics did not.

Oh, and BTW, the people you laugh at and blame for their obesity today, where the ones more likely to survive famines and droughts just a few thousand years ago. Evolution wise, THEY have the superior genes. The naturally skinny folks out there do not.

I gain weight pretty easily (muscle/fat doesn't matter), when I got injured and couldn't do anything for a year I went from 195 to 230 lbs in that time, but all I do is watch what I eat and work out. The next year, I decided to walk everywhere (I walked to the grocery store most of the time <4 miles away> ). I would walk to school (2 miles), walk around school (don't know but a lot), walk home (2 miles), walk to church (4 miles), play basketball. All of that and I ate much less. I lost it all in 6 months. I am back to 195. I now cycle all the time.

There are almost no excuses for becoming majorly obese.


Mar 31, 2003
I didn't realize that Cartman had so much authoritie!!!!!

there is a southpark joke in here somewhere...


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2001
Oh, and BTW, the people you laugh at and blame for their obesity today, where the ones more likely to survive famines and droughts just a few thousand years ago. Evolution wise, THEY have the superior genes. The naturally skinny folks out there do not.

we also float better during floods

fatties ftw!


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: DaShen
Originally posted by: Amused
Nearly ALL Western countries are facing a rise in obesity. This includes most of Europe.

The fact of the matter is this: Some people are gentically predisposed to gain more weight than others. And a tiny minority of those have a genetic disease that makes them morbidly obese (these are the super obese you see in the news).

Genetics play a HUGE part in how much fat your body stores. Nothing else explains the HUGE variation in body fat between people living the exact same lifestyles and eating the exact same foods.

The more we focus merely on "self control" when it comes to weight the more we lose the battle. There is very little self control when it comes to genetics. Put a person pre-disposed to obesity in a sedentary environment with easily available, high quality/calorie foods and you have a disaster waiting to happen. The very fact that the vast majority of these people cannot control their weight shows us that self control alone will not be the answer in today's society. Our environment changed dramatically while our bodies and genetics did not.

Oh, and BTW, the people you laugh at and blame for their obesity today, where the ones more likely to survive famines and droughts just a few thousand years ago. Evolution wise, THEY have the superior genes. The naturally skinny folks out there do not.

I gain weight pretty easily (muscle/fat doesn't matter), when I got injured and couldn't do anything for a year I went from 195 to 230 lbs in that time, but all I do is watch what I eat and work out. The next year, I decided to walk everywhere (I walked to the grocery store most of the time <4 miles away> ). I would walk to school (2 miles), walk around school (don't know but a lot), walk home (2 miles), walk to church (4 miles), play basketball. All of that and I ate much less. I lost it all in 6 months. I am back to 195. I now cycle all the time.

There are almost no excuses for becoming majorly obese.

I'll bet you you could never reach 400 lbs.

Yes, we all can gain or lose 30, 40 or even 50 lbs easily just by changing lifestyles. Hell, I'm a body builder who can very quickly put on 20+ lbs of fat if I stop working out.

That's different than gaining 100, 200 or 300 lbs. You merely had a lifestyle weight gain. You got chubby. You did not get obese.

Look, folks... the web is FULL of valid, reputable websites that shows a definate connection between weight, weight gain, obesity and genetics. The entire scientific community is in agreement here.

And yet the denial among the laymen continues...


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: DaShen
with the people in America nowadays. When did we become so lazy and ultra-sensitive? If you look at any established nation or power, this type of culture shift always has lead to the downfall of that nation of power. Spartans, Macedonians, Romans, French...

when political correctness became acceptable


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Amused
I'll bet you you could never reach 400 lbs.

Yes, we all can gain or lose 30, 40 or even 50 lbs easily just by changing lifestyles. Hell, I'm a body builder who can very quickly put on 20+ lbs of fat if I stop working out.

That's different than gaining 100, 200 or 300 lbs. You merely had a lifestyle weight gain. You got chubby. You did not get obese.

Look, folks... the web is FULL of valid, reputable websites that shows a definate connection between weight, weight gain, obesity and genetics. The entire scientific community is in agreement here.

And yet the denial among the laymen continues...

All I have to say is put a person who is predispositioned to being obese in a place with less immediate supply of food (i.e. - they would have to work for their food and not be lazy), and I am betting they would be just as skinny as the next regular joe. So what if someone is genetically predispositioned for something, smokers quit, alcoholics quit, drug addicts quit... (they all have slight genetic dispositions for addiction), why can't obese people? Because they are lazy and don't really want to so they make up excuses. A person who is fat is fat because of less physical exhertion. An obese person who got obese because of laziness (at least 90% IMO), will wakl a mile and then make an excuse to eat a rack of ribs becuase they walked a mile. They think, "But I exercised..." :roll: If they truly wanted to lose weight, they would.

Look at the show "The Biggest Loser", every single one of the competitors are extremely obese, they are forced to work out and eat right for an incentive of $250,000, and they all lose weight. Even without an incentive, anybody can do it. Sure they have trainers, but there was no specific exercise that made them skinny. They just had the willpower to do it. Guess what. Most of them made a lifestyle change and are skinnier than I am, and keep it off now. Don't give me that "genetic predisposition" nonsense.


Mar 31, 2003
Look, folks... the web is FULL of valid, reputable websites that shows a definate connection between weight, weight gain, obesity and genetics. The entire scientific community is in agreement here.

And yet the denial among the laymen continues...

just using a bit of common sense and realizing the context of the article and its subjects, this was directed at children and their parents who do have control over the diets and exercise activity and can do something about this 'problem', not the group of people who have genetic issues.

Surely you would agree there is an obesity issue in this country and that calling obese kids who do not have genetic issue another more kinder gentler name would not be a good idea, right???



Dec 1, 2000
Hey, I do know some guys who are obese, but they give no excuses for their obesity, and are either: one comfortable with who they are and how they look :thumbsup: , two working out and eating right to lose a little weight. They are great people to hang out with and enjoy themselves when eating or doing almost anything.

It doens't mean you are a bad person or overall lazy if you are obese (unless you are so obese you really don't do anything other than eat), but don't give me stupid excuses because that just screams laziness and always looking for an excuse.

We all make up excuses when it comes to things that show our inhibitions. Mine is, that I make up excuses for not going back to Med School. Even though I want to, it could take me up to 10-14 years to do so I make up all these excuses for not doing it (this one being one of my main excuses). But when it comes down to it, I am just lazy, and don't want to put the effort to get what I want. That is the truth. I mean, I know plenty of people in almost the same situation as me that are already in Med School.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: DaShen
Originally posted by: Amused
I'll bet you you could never reach 400 lbs.

Yes, we all can gain or lose 30, 40 or even 50 lbs easily just by changing lifestyles. Hell, I'm a body builder who can very quickly put on 20+ lbs of fat if I stop working out.

That's different than gaining 100, 200 or 300 lbs. You merely had a lifestyle weight gain. You got chubby. You did not get obese.

Look, folks... the web is FULL of valid, reputable websites that shows a definate connection between weight, weight gain, obesity and genetics. The entire scientific community is in agreement here.

And yet the denial among the laymen continues...

All I have to say is put a person who is predispositioned to being obese in a place with less immediate supply of food (i.e. - they would have to work for their food and not be lazy), and I am betting they would be just as skinny as the next regular joe. So what if someone is genetically predispositioned for something, smokers quit, alcoholics quit, drug addicts quit... (they all have slight genetic dispositions for addiction), why can't obese people? Because they are lazy and don't really want to so they make up excuses. A person who is fat is fat because of less physical exhertion. An obese person who got obese because of laziness (at least 90% IMO), will wakl a mile and then make an excuse to eat a rack of ribs becuase they walked a mile. They think, "But I exercised..." :roll: If they truly wanted to lose weight, they would.

Look at the show "The Biggest Loser", every single one of the competitors are extremely obese, they are forced to work out and eat right for an incentive of $250,000, and they all lose weight. Even without an incentive, anybody can do it. Sure they have trainers, but there was no specific exercise that made them skinny. They just had the willpower to do it. Guess what. Most of them made a lifestyle change and are skinnier than I am, and keep it off now. Don't give me that "genetic predisposition" nonsense.

Most of them will fail long term. Just look back at them in 5-10 years. Most will be fatter than they were when they started the show.

And if you think genetic predisposition to obesity is nonsense, then you obviously know more than the entire scientific community. Congrats.

The point is, it is extremely difficult to fight one's own genetics. In this case, the bodies overwhelming desire to continue storing fat. This makes life miserable for those who have succeeded in losing the weight, as the urges from their body to gain it back become simply overwhelming. This has nothing to do with addiction or drugs. This is more akin to or urges related to breathing and sex.

The key to stemming the tide of obesity sweeping westernized nations is either a complete environmental/lifestyle change (unlikely) or a way to stop the genetically ingrained urges to gain fat stores for a famine that will never occur.

Simply blaming people for their own genes and asking them to be miserable around others who don't have to deny themselves anything is absurd, and doomed to fail. Especially when it comes to children.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2005
I'm sure that genes affect a minority of those who are obese, but the fact of the matter is, the vast majority of obese people are that way because they made irresponsible choices in their diet, and their lack of exercise. That's the reality of the situation.
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