Explanation for Recently Locked Threads

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Dec 26, 1999

<< but creating new nef topics burns me up like nothing else >>

Ok, so since it pisses you off we should deem it necessary for the mods to immediately lock threads they think aren't important?

<< Decent topics get displaced by your drivel! >>

Holy $hit you like jumping to conclusions... *MY* drivel? Try to make a valid point... So let's say this is an issue - on nef thread places your precious thread down by 1 space. Is it too hard for you to find there or something?

Don't get me wrong - by no means should we have to make way for useless threads...but is this really something you have to complain about?


Senior member
Jan 11, 2001
Well said Vahalla!

This is a buissness Anandtech is not not profit Org they get paid for this they get paid for us.

And all im saying is you should treat your position with some amount of respect. If you dont want to explain every single lock then dont. Dont whine about not having time.

I put the last note in becuase I assume you wouldn't take the job if you dont't believe in the quality of this forum and feel at least partly responsible for it. But the way you've responded to some of our posts doesn't sound like that. If you feel like your being attacked im sorry but most of the people on this thread are asking honest questions and your evading them.

Dont whine about not having time
We do not whine about it,we are stating facts.
You are the one who is whining like a stuck pig.
All your posts come off in a very derogatory way which is
not appreciated by us at all.
No one is getting paid except the owner,we are volunteers who devote
alot of our time to keep Anandtech clean,healthy and respectable.

Anandtech Moderator



Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Personally, I think the mods do an awesome job at removing the &quot;nef&quot; threads. Use your judgement and if you think it shouldn't be posted then don't do it because it will probably be locked.

For example: I've posted a fart joke and it wasn't locked, but talking about the act itself will result in a lock, don't post &quot;mean&quot; threads that are a direct and intentional insult to another member, don't slam the mods, etc.


Sep 5, 2000
Hmm, I think after all those mod bashing threads the mods do deserve some respect. I haven't always been nice to them and for the most part they do a good job. I don't know that I could do better than them, and OT would be hard to mod. Continue the good work.


Senior member
Jan 11, 2001
I must being an awfull load stuffed pig if your so quick to respond to me and so dedicated to prove me wrong.

Time is a relative time. Im sure your pressed and you do a pretty fair job but dont pretend your pressed beyond improvement and no one can do a better job.

As for the nature of my posts; Yes i do directly respond to what others say occasionly I directly contradict (OK often I directly contradict). But what should I do, they posted the imformation and theirfore diserve to be responded to Im simply aknowledging their arguements.

And accuasionly I throw in an sarcastic slight, Im sorry if these have affended anybody. Its sarcasam Im joking.

We never said that there is no room for improvement
on our part,after all,we are human just like some of our members

Anandtech Moderator


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2000
Valhalla1 true true, I'd hate to see the car threads go away, but don't you see a connection between our car threads and the CS threads? While they flame on about how certain maps are better than others, we do the same with cars. Basically, we shouldn't bother to complain about the CS threads, I don't play the game, but there's more relevance between CS and computers than cars with computers. Thank god plenty of elite members (mr. ace reporter) and the boss are into cars.

Anyway, this is an example of why there has to more &quot;Official Threads.&quot; Members could take it upon themselves to have only one thread on each subject, which might work with the CS threads (not really sure about the logistics of those threads), but imagine having only one thread for all the different car threads? That would be one hell of a confusing thread. Anyway, what I just said, proves how hard it is to regulate around here...

Good luck mods...


Oct 9, 1999
Good work Mods..it's about time we crack down on these damn nefs. Now I wish you'd just crack down on the All Your Base crap.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999

<< Valhalla1 true true, I'd hate to see the car threads go away, but don't you see a connection between our car threads and the CS threads? While they flame on about how certain maps are better than others, we do the same with cars. Basically, we shouldn't bother to complain about the CS threads, I don't play the game, but there's more relevance between CS and computers than cars with computers. Thank god plenty of elite members (mr. ace reporter) and the boss are into cars.


not to beat a dead horse, but..

true to an extent. however this is the Off topic forum we are discussing here. Discussion of CS maps, questions on how to get started playing, etc. should be taken to the appropriate forum, the Software/Games forum.. Car discussions are off-topic from any other forum, so they belong in off-topic.

also, its not often a thread is started just to say &quot;hey, everyone, go drive your car RIGHT NOW&quot;. yet every hour someone posts a neffage thread saying &quot;hey, everyone, go play cs RIGHT NOW!&quot;. The car arguements are confined to a hanfull of (very lengthy) threads.

the problem with CS threads is that they are super-numerous, and only 2 or 3 replies. worthless! combine all the CS talk into a single thread, like the car buffs do



Platinum Member
Aug 24, 2000
As a part-time Mod on another forum myself, I understand perfectly what the Mods are trying to say and do here. I don't have a problem figuring out what a Nef post is - it's not &quot;Poll: How often do you shower?&quot; but threads titled: &quot;Navel Lint&quot; followed by a post that says, &quot;mmmm...good&quot; followed by a series of &quot;NEF!&quot; and &quot;ALL YOUR NAVEL LINT ARE BELONG TO US!&quot;

I'm not saying I don't find them funny sometimes, but does the forum need ten posts like that on the first page alone? If there hadn't been such rampant neffing lately, I doubt this would ever have become an issue. On a limited basis, it's funny and pretty easily avoided if you know who to look for - but when twice as many people start doing it, it's just not so funny anymore. I rarely look past the first couple of pages when I log on in the morning, because I don't have time to do much more. Not that I'm missing anything earth-shattering, but you know a lot of really good debates have been pushed back to page 3 or more overnight by all the neffing sometimes.

Yes, members and their ad revenue are part of what built the forum, but don't you think the owner (or his representatives) has the right to decide when it's time to put some restrictions on whatever he wants? If Anand didn't think the Mods were doing a decent job, paid or not, he'd get rid of them and hire someone else.

This is a business, and business people frequently make unpopular decisions in the name of efficiency and profit - and don't kid yourself - while it's fun, this is a for-profit business, and I don't think Anand needs Off Topic in order to be successful.

So take it easy on the Mods - you may not always think that they're right, but they're the ones with the responsibility of running the place, like it or not.

That giant sucking sound you heard was me removing my lips from the Mod's collective butt.

*Edited for atrocious, post 6 p.m. grammatical errors.



Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2000
Ah, how right, which just reminded me, I hope the mods will also be more strict as to which forums certain threads are posted in. I understand that most people visit General Hardware Forum than the OS, Cases and cooling or the Software Forum, so posting a thread there will garner more responses more quickly. Mod's if you are reading there are plenty of incidents where many of those threads there should belong in the other forums. See if you can do anything to regulate that more. That way, posts will be more balanced between all the forums. I alone have posted in General Hardware rather than the others because of the response time, even when some questions obviously should have been posted elsewhere.


Oct 9, 1999

<< but threads titled: &quot;Navel Lint&quot; followed by a post that says, &quot;mmmm...good&quot; followed by a series of &quot;NEF!&quot; and &quot;ALL YOUR NAVEL LINT ARE BELONG TO US!&quot; >>

Bwuahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Damn, I haven't laughed this hard in ages. GOOD ONE!

Russ, NCNE


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I've read the initial post in this thread by the mods, and I've skimmed over the rest. I simply don't have enough time tonight to read all of this , but in a response to the the point of this thread, I think this is a decision LONG overdue. The reason I'm here at these forums is for two reasons: It's large, popular and moderated, and most importantly, it's about computer hardware. I like it, and that's why I visit here everyday.

I think it's good that the OT forum isn't going to be accepting as much crap anymore. Good job Mods, and thanks for devoting your time here - these forums would be complete hell without you guys.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
I think it would be nice if the mods have individual identities instead of all falling under the generic &quot;Anandtech Moderator&quot; name. I think that makes for a little more accountability, and also a better relationship with the posters. Basically, do it like DVDtalk does it. Their forums are well moderated, but it doesn't have the big brother is watching you feel that this board does. There, the mods are part of the community.

Also, it would be nice if the mods here didn't have such a hard edge to em, I mean they can give warnings and say what is acceptable and what isn't without threatening to ban a person every time. That just creates anger on the part of the poster when they feel like they are being threatened, and then thats when bad stuff happens.


Jan 14, 2001
I think the mods are doing a great job. The comments they use to lock threads are quite humorous at times

>>End of the end. This is the end of the end of stupid messages that do nothing but take up >>space and increase your post count. If it continues, it will also be the end of the end of
>>(USERNAME Removed so to not embarass the user).

>>End of the end

Just my 2 cents.
Feb 24, 2001
SO..........when you say shot do mean like really shot, or do you mean like brutally beaten like with, perhaps a big stick? I could so get into that, but guns are just so passe'. Just kidding!!!!!!!!!1 Wouldn't want yer job...I's gotta be tough! Best reguards MODS.

PS If you wanna think about that &quot; beating me with a nickstick thing, pm me PLEASE.:|:Q


Golden Member
Apr 30, 2000

<< You are the one who is whining like a stuck pig.
All your posts come off in a very derogatory way which is
not appreciated by us at all.

Hmm, I didn't see him whine at all. It seems your the one being overly defensive about this topic and resorting to name calling. Shame.

Derogatory or not, he's equally bringing up a valid issue constructively. Xodarap is talking about an issue indirectly at you, and I can see that its not a personal attack. Neither did I feel he has broke any forum rules on this board.

The conduct of the moderator is each and everyone's concern here at Anandtech Forums. You guys stage the example for the board, and despite you having more buttons to push, we generally as viewers(as a group) should have say towards or against a moderator.

Sorry Dexion, but as someone posted earlier, this is a benevolent dictatorship (oligarchy might be more accurate, though), and not a democracy. You do have an option if you do not feel the mods are doing a good job: leave. It is a simple as that. I am not advocating that you do so, as you seem interested in holding a discussion on the matter; to suffice, though, there will not be any say by the general populace in who is/isn't a moderator.

AnandTech Moderator



Apr 18, 2000

<< I have temporarily unlocked this thread >>

In after the lock?

Don't start.

AnandTech Moderator


Elite Member
Apr 11, 2000
Not that I'm missing anything earth-shattering, but you know a lot of really good debates have been pushed back to page 3 or more overnight by all the neffing sometimes.

that's why this place has dropped down the list of places to visit

I'd like to see it change for the better.

It seems like some of the &quot;old-timers&quot; have tried to resurrect this place with some interesting topics, but they are washed asunder too quickly by trash.

It's a shame, IMO


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
SirFshAlot, I agree wholeheartedly. The quickest fix could be to reset someone's post count to zero when they step out of line repeatedly. The whole &quot;member status&quot; thing causes much of the nonsensical posting anyway.

I use another board that just instituted new software, and everyone had to re-register. What was the first thing a couple of them did? Post the same message continuously until they got out of &quot;Junior Member&quot; status. Only one of them had the fortitude to keep it up until reaching &quot;Senior Member&quot;. Luckily, on that particular board they don't have any other levels, so that will probably end it.

Those who are fixated on their member status will stay in line. It would be a reasonable punishment between a warning and a ban.


Senior member
Feb 1, 2001
<< Not that I'm missing anything earth-shattering, but you know a lot of really good debates have been pushed back to page 3 or more overnight by all the neffing sometimes. >>

I have to agree there.. I have seen that myself, and it is a shame. Its worse when someone does ask a question and is looking for a geuine reply and all they get is a thread of neffing crap.

The mods here have been doing a so-so job since I have been a member. I think now that they have put their foot down a little, it will improve tremendously.

I will admit, I am guilty of the useless neffing posts occasionally just as much as anyone else here is. But there has to be a line drawn somewhere, and I appluad the mods for taking a stand on this.. it needs it..

However... the CS and car threads can be locked..

So Mods: The money you were going to pay me for my positive comments we discussed, will that be cash or check? And how soon can I expect it?



No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
I think the mods are doing a good job at mostly everything. The only thing I have a semi-complaint about is in how some of the people who play a moderator respond to private messages or eMails.

If it's one in particular (not sure which one cuz it was only signed &quot;Anandtech Moderator&quot, I get a nasty reply that may or may not answer my question. If it's most of the other ones, I get a polite, complete answer to my question.

Other than that, I got no complaints here


Dec 26, 1999

<< The whole &quot;member status&quot; thing causes much of the nonsensical posting anyway. >>

VERY true! I've seen way too many people posting &quot;I'm a senior member - woohoo!!&quot;. I mean, if you must boast about your status, wait until it's something worth bragging about! Everyone reaches Senior/Golden status, but I think it's ok to feel that Platinum/Diamond is an accomplishment. Anything less isn't anything to display...
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