Exploding IRS scandal.

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Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
What associations am I trying to disown? I'm disputing you're race bating allegations.

Aha! Here it is. You're the one with the racist preconceived ideas. As far as I'm concerned she's an idiot first. You see her as black first. You're the racist.
Hey, I'm not the one calling black people any type of ni@@er, unlike yourself. I have to say that I admire the size of your "grapes" keeping this line of mental gymnastics up because you look like a fucking fool.

He doesn't say how you can lose the "house" part of the name. I was hoping that you, since you're such an almost clairvoyant when it comes to people's racism, would explain in your own words what makes a black person a house ni@@er. How should a black person act to avoid being called this vile racist term?

Just stop, he is making you look like a clown. He is basically using the Glenn Beck raped a 14 yr old girl tactic and your going back and forth with him.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Just stop, he is making you look like a clown. He is basically using the Glenn Beck raped a 14 yr old girl tactic and your going back and forth with him.
I'm just trying to figure out what it's like to believe that blacks should act a certain way and anybody who doesn't is a house ni@@er. I am hoping Jhhnn could give some fucking answers for a change.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
I'm just trying to figure out what it's like to believe that blacks should act a certain way and anybody who doesn't is a house ni@@er. I am hoping Jhhnn could give some fucking answers for a change.

He won't, and trying to engage in civil discourse with jhhn is a waste of time. He went off the rails several years ago.


Nov 11, 1999
Just stop, he is making you look like a clown. He is basically using the Glenn Beck raped a 14 yr old girl tactic and your going back and forth with him.

Buckshot *is* a clown, one with extremely low awareness who attempts to redefine commonly accepted terms such as "racist" to convince himself that he isn't one, and that repetition ad nauseum of references to a race baiting video aren't racist at all.

That, or he knows what he's doing, knows full well that the video in question evokes the worst racial stereotypes in the minds of White audiences. It's Lee Atwater & Repub's Southern Strategy in a nutshell.

It's like the guy who wears football regalia, follows the sport in the news, plays fantasy football, subscribes to cable sports channels so he can immerse himself in watching it, never misses a game, but claims he isn't a football fan.

Supporting his bullshit makes you little better, if at all.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Jhhnn, how can a black person act so they don't get called a house ni@@er?

As far as the video is concerned I don't give a fuck how somebody else used it or how some racist fuck perceives it. People who think like her are one of the largest problems this country has. I don't care what color she is. I don't see her as a typical black person. I see her as sucking this country dry with her desire to get more shit from taxpayers. This desire is seen across all races.

Fuckers like you are the ones who put black people in little boxes where if they don't act a certain way then they are "house ni@@ers". I don't see race first like liberals do. I judge people by their actions and not on their skin tone.

What you're trying to establish that only white people can be criticized. If you dare criticize a black person that must mean you are racist, it couldn't be that you disagree with them it HAS to be race.


May 15, 2000
Just thought I'd update this thread with what appears to be the end game on this puzzling accusation:


Owens told me that attempts to determine the degree to which some 501(c)(4) groups “played fast and loose with the tax law will soon be lost to history.” Under the law, he explained, the I.R.S. must act on complaints within three years of the date an organization files what is known as an annual 990 report.

“The statute starts running when a return is filed,” he wrote in an email. “990 returns are due on the 15th day of the 5th month after the close of the organization’s fiscal year, with the possibility of two three-month extensions. As a result, an organization with a calendar year fiscal year can file its 2010 990 as late as Nov. 15, 2011. The statute of limitations on the return filed on the last day possible will normally run out on Nov. 15, 2014.”

It all makes sense now! You gotta protect your donors and in the big leagues where the big dogs play, they like their donations kept secret.

Karl rove, the political gift that keeps on giving!


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Just thought I'd update this thread with what appears to be the end game on this puzzling accusation:


It all makes sense now! You gotta protect your donors and in the big leagues where the big dogs play, they like their donations kept secret.

Karl rove, the political gift that keeps on giving!

So, hundreds of nonprofit groups filed their organizations papers with the IRS in hopes of being improperly hassled (see IG's report) so they could delay the IRS's ability to audit their tax returns that were never filed because the IRS withheld permission for them to be treated as a nonprofit?


The IRS can audit all they like. They'll lose. It matters not that liberals, who have been using the 501(c)(4) rules for a long time, have become suddenly alarmed that conservatives will too.

501(c)(4) goes back to the 1913 tax code. I.e., it's been around since the beginning of income taxation when the Constitution was amended.

In fact, in 1955 the IRS OK'd policy advocacy:

The “notion that the section 501(c)(4) social welfare organization category is an appropriate classification for politically active charitable organizations seems to have originated with the IRS in the 1950′s,” wrote Ms. Chisolm [Case Western Reserve University law professor].

She cited a 1955 IRS revenue ruling that was spurred by questions over the tax-exempt status of an unnamed group whose stated missions involved encouraging government to “practice wise economy in public spending.”

The IRS stated that one of its “principal means of accomplishing these purposes is the printing and dissemination of literature devoted to advocating the principles which it supports. Occasionally, the literature may advocate or oppose pending legislation.”

Four years later, the federal government codified that policy, assigning the label of “action organization” to any legislatively active organization and issuing regulations stating that an action organization can qualify as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4), wrote Ms. Chisolm.

The IRS then loosened the rules on political campaign activity in 1981 with another ruling, which stated:

[An] organization may carry on lawful political activities and remain exempt under section 501(c)(4) as long as it is primarily engaged in activities that promote social welfare.


Because there are no legal tools the IRS adopted improper procedures to hassle and delay those it targeted.

At this point it will probably take legislation to change the non-disclosure of donors to a 501(c)(4) org. The IRS could try with revised Treas Regulations but that will surely be fought in court and is doubtful to succeed.



May 15, 2000
Yeah you are probably right, Karl rove and the Koch brothers are probably too stupid to take advantage of a failed, politically motivated "scandal"!

Kepp fucking that chicken fern!


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just thought I'd update this thread with what appears to be the end game on this puzzling accusation:


It all makes sense now! You gotta protect your donors and in the big leagues where the big dogs play, they like their donations kept secret.

Karl rove, the political gift that keeps on giving!
Wow. I'm really not sure if Thomas B. Edsall really is that stupid or if he's just incredibly dishonest and feels everyone else really is that stupid. He begins by acknowledging that the IRS improperly politically targeted conservative groups and then tries to blame those same conservative groups for it. Just . . . wow.

EDIT: Perhaps we can all chip in and hire the world's smallest fiddle to accompany the IRS' lament for having to deal with the consequences of their own illegal actions.
Last edited:


May 15, 2000
Wow. I'm really not sure if Thomas B. Edsall really is that stupid or if he's just incredibly dishonest and feels everyone else really is that stupid. He begins by acknowledging that the IRS improperly politically targeted conservative groups and then tries to blame those same conservative groups for it. Just . . . wow.

Lol wut!?


Nov 9, 2000
Man, that IRS scandal really exploded, huh.

Eric Holders Justice department and the obama donor heading the investigation are not finding any wrong doing at the IRS.... even though laws were broken. Who would've thunk it?

But there are members of congress still trying to break through the resistance put up by the obama administration. People don't care. They are getting their freebies from the government and don't want anything to affect that.
Apr 27, 2012
He won't, and trying to engage in civil discourse with jhhn is a waste of time. He went off the rails several years ago.

Agree. He is nothing but a bigoted extremist. He isn't interested in debate but just lobbing false accusations and personal attacks.


Nov 4, 1999
Heh. They're going to need another chicken I think. This first one is in appalling disrepair the poor thing.

The jackals will never stop slavering over the bones, a plain attempt of political gain, in mockery of those who took on their duty and service in face of the dangers inherent in it.

The jackals dishonor them.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
So, hundreds of nonprofit groups filed their organizations papers with the IRS in hopes of being improperly hassled (see IG's report) so they could delay the IRS's ability to audit their tax returns that were never filed because the IRS withheld permission for them to be treated as a nonprofit?


The IRS can audit all they like. They'll lose. It matters not that liberals, who have been using the 501(c)(4) rules for a long time, have become suddenly alarmed that conservatives will too.

501(c)(4) goes back to the 1913 tax code. I.e., it's been around since the beginning of income taxation when the Constitution was amended.

In fact, in 1955 the IRS OK'd policy advocacy:


Because there are no legal tools the IRS adopted improper procedures to hassle and delay those it targeted.

At this point it will probably take legislation to change the non-disclosure of donors to a 501(c)(4) org. The IRS could try with revised Treas Regulations but that will surely be fought in court and is doubtful to succeed.

This is what makes Fern happy.

-John {and for the record}


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Lol wut!?
From your link:
The story began in 2010, but did not become public until May 10, 2013, when Lois Lerner, then the director of the little-known Cincinnati-based Exempt Organization Division of the I.R.S., which reviews applications for tax-exempt status for nonprofits, publicly acknowledged and apologized for the practice of targeting Tea Party groups for special scrutiny.

Lerner’s admission came four days before J. Russell George, the Treasury department’s inspector general for tax administration, released a critical report confirming that conservative groups had indeed been targeted. Its title presents its conclusion: “Inappropriate Criteria Were Used to Identify Tax-Exempt Applications for Review.”

George and his investigators found that in August 2010, the I.R.S. Exempt Organization Division had distributed to its staff a “Be On the Look Out (BOLO)” warning about groups with the words “Tea Party” in their name. These Tea Party-linked groups were to be subject to detailed examination regarding their eligibility for tax-exempt status. The BOLO directive was later expanded to include organizations that contained the word “patriot” in their names.

The first is that the losers will be the bit players. These include Lois Lerner, who resigned; the I.R.S. staffers in Cincinnati, many of whom have been forced to hire private counsel; and the generally innocuous, low-level Tea Party groups, like the Rochester Tea Party Patriots and the Acadiana Patriots in Louisiana, which have suffered questioning and delays in getting their applications for tax-exempt status approved.

The second is that the big players will in all probability skate. Karl Rove and Charles and David Koch are unlikely to see their tax-exempt political organizations reined in or to see any restraints placed on the tremendous financial clout of their 501(c) independent expenditure groups, clout made possible by their adroit use of the “social welfare” designation and by an aggressive, unyielding approach to campaign-finance law and I.R.S. regulations.
Let's see: The IRS was caught doing wrong; they admitted it and apologized. yet to this "author" the "losers" will be Lois Lerner (Obama's point-of-corruption) and the I.R.S. staffers in Cincinnati. In other words, the losers are those people who got caught using the most feared federal department for political gain. And the big players "will in all probability skate", meaning of course they are presumed guilty, it's just a shame that in defending itself against its own admitted corruption, the IRS hasn't managed to find time to figure out precisely of what they are guilty.

I do realize that Karl Rove and the Koch brothers are your proggie dog whistles, but surely if you are going to post a link you can mark your place, bark yourself out, and then return to finish reading it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
"Kepp fucking that chicken"

It's still a story and still in the news and if you think that people have more trust in the IRS since it broke you're a fucking idiot.


You guys are pathetic. You're so far buried in the ultra-right news bubble that you are baffled by the fact that all these scandals and whatever aren't bigger news. I'm sure you convince yourselves that the reason this is so is because of some conspiracy.


May 15, 2000
From your link:

Let's see: The IRS was caught doing wrong; they admitted it and apologized. yet to this "author" the "losers" will be Lois Lerner (Obama's point-of-corruption) and the I.R.S. staffers in Cincinnati. In other words, the losers are those people who got caught using the most feared federal department for political gain. And the big players "will in all probability skate", meaning of course they are presumed guilty, it's just a shame that in defending itself against its own admitted corruption, the IRS hasn't managed to find time to figure out precisely of what they are guilty.

I do realize that Karl Rove and the Koch brothers are your proggie dog whistles, but surely if you are going to post a link you can mark your place, bark yourself out, and then return to finish reading it.

God! You are fucking stupid! Had you continued to read the paragraph, of which you fucking quoted, you would understand the point he was making.

Way to latch on to one out of context scentence to totally dismiss the articles premis while defending Karl rove and co, ignoring the reality of what they have been doing the last several years. Social welfare? Lol! You bought that shit hookline and sinker like the brain dead lemming you are


May 24, 2004
God! You are fucking stupid! Had you continued to read the paragraph, of which you fucking quoted, you would understand the point he was making.

Way to latch on to one out of context scentence to totally dismiss the articles premis while defending Karl rove and co, ignoring the reality of what they have been doing the last several years. Social welfare? Lol! You bought that shit hookline and sinker like the brain dead lemming you are

It's like you get this thrilling excitement commenting on these topics?

You posted an article that was basically your typical liberal who puts his fingers in his ears while screaming "Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers!" as if the world can easily be explained only ever by those two words.

Even Harry Reid did the same thing the other day on the floor of the senate. Some people are negatively affected by Obamacare?... "Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers! Koch Brothers!"

I don't even know who the Koch Brothers are, but knowing they piss you off so much, it's intriguing to say the least
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