F.E.A.R. & Quake 4 Thread

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Golden Member
Oct 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Brian48
Admittedly, I haven't tried multiplayer with either game yet, but no doubt this is one area where Q4 will probably rule (based on history).

Well multiplayer F.E.A.R. is actually quite fun especially when you're the only who has the slowmo . . but yeah Q4 multi would likely be much more fast paced . . . (basically Q3 with better graphics)


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2004
Originally posted by: 1Dark1Sharigan1
Originally posted by: Brian48
Admittedly, I haven't tried multiplayer with either game yet, but no doubt this is one area where Q4 will probably rule (based on history).

Well multiplayer F.E.A.R. is actually quite fun especially when you're the only who has the slowmo . . but yeah Q4 multi would likely be much more fast paced . . . (basically Q3 with better graphics)

is it basically q3...same maps too.
F.e.a.r. is great but i dissagree on graphics, i dont think they are over the top , HL2 style i think both games are on the same level when it comes to graphics



Sep 2, 2005
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777

I am baffled over the backwards life of many European nations as well. But this really isn't the place to discuss that.

Actually it is since you started bicthing over words in games.
In a game where voilence is very dominating.
It's words.
They can't kill you.
I have even used the word "f.u.c.k." after an IRL sniper took a potshot at us during my UN-time.
I wasn't the only one.
So this games, after my experince, is true to behaviour you would display after a near miss...

Terra - Complaning over words in "kill-games" are so funny...


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: TerracideDK
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777

I am baffled over the backwards life of many European nations as well. But this really isn't the place to discuss that.

Actually it is since you started bicthing over words in games.
In a game where voilence is very dominating.
It's words.
They can't kill you.
I have even used the word "f.u.c.k." after an IRL sniper took a potshot at us during my UN-time.
I wasn't the only one.
So this games, after my experince, is true to behaviour you would display after a near miss...

Terra - Complaning over words in "kill-games" are so funny...

Three words: Learn to spell.

Edit ** More words: It looks like this users quote might very well be true...
Just because you enjoy first person shooters doesnt mean you have to enjoy foul language.
profanity is the literary crutch of the ignorant

Edit 2 ** I do not believe you were ever shot at, I do not believe a sniper ever took a shot at you, lest you be dead. I guess what I am saying is that I do not believe anything in your post. But don't worry, you don't have to impress me.

Whether or not you did though is no concern of mine. Basically, I have an issue with the swearing, along with many others. I respect your decision to enjoy it. Now respect mine, thanks.



Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2002
In my mind there's something wrong if you find a few words more offensive than excessive violence/gore (I personally don't mind either, at least when I know it's not real).

EDIT- I can see the point in having a profanity filter, but it'd be low on my list of priorities.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2005
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: TerracideDK
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777

I am baffled over the backwards life of many European nations as well. But this really isn't the place to discuss that.

Actually it is since you started bicthing over words in games.
In a game where voilence is very dominating.
It's words.
They can't kill you.
I have even used the word "f.u.c.k." after an IRL sniper took a potshot at us during my UN-time.
I wasn't the only one.
So this games, after my experince, is true to behaviour you would display after a near miss...

Terra - Complaning over words in "kill-games" are so funny...

Three words: Learn to spell.

Edit ** More words: It looks like this users quote might very well be true...
Just because you enjoy first person shooters doesnt mean you have to enjoy foul language.
profanity is the literary crutch of the ignorant

Edit 2 ** I do not believe you were ever shot at, I do not believe a sniper ever took a shot at you, lest you be dead. I guess what I am saying is that I do not believe anything in your post. But don't worry, you don't have to impress me.

Whether or not you did though is no concern of mine. Basically, I have an issue with the swearing, along with many others. I respect your decision to enjoy it. Now respect mine, thanks.

Regardless of whether his story or true or not, I would have to imagine that most people when placed in a situation like that would be swearing.


Sep 2, 2005
Originally posted by: Cheesetogo
Three words: Learn to spell.

Four words for you:
Not my native tounge.

Edit 2 ** I do not believe you were ever shot at, I do not believe a sniper ever took a shot at you, lest you be dead. I guess what I am saying is that I do not believe anything in your post. But don't worry, you don't have to impress me.

Have you had any experince with serbian/croat/bosnian snipers?
They are not top trained snipers, they are farmers, clerks, teachers with a scoped weapon in their hands.
I served 2 tours of 6 months each for DANBAT under UNPROFOR in Krainia-serbia in a small town called Dubica at the river Sava.
Some pics for you:
Dansih Recon Delta-Coy at Sik-Sak crossing(I am bottom left)

Collage of me(Even with the blue baret)

Danish Army recon(I am bottom right)

Webcam of me today with note, a medal and a flack-jacket

One things is to be a wise-guy another is to call a falsely suspected bluff and get slammed...think it over...

Whether or not you did though is no concern of mine. Basically, I have an issue with the swearing, along with many others. I respect your decision to enjoy it. Now respect mine, thanks.

Dont play the game then, problem solved.
I guees freedom of speech isn't so free in the US after all...

Regardless of whether his story or true or not, I would have to imagine that most people when placed in a situation like that would be swearing.

They do.
But swearning never hurt anybody in former-Yugoslavia..soldier or civilians...guns did, rockets did, shells did, mines did, people did...but no one got injured or killed by the word f.u.c.k. AFAIK

Terra - And snipers where the least of what I experinced among the mines, mortars, shells and rockets...


Dec 30, 2000
Cheesetogo = pwned

Terracide, thanks for serving are country like a man and not some nerd behind a computer screen who would rather play arm chair commander.


Sep 11, 2003
Originally posted by: Rage187
Cheesetogo = pwned

Terracide, thanks for serving are country like a man and not some nerd behind a computer screen who would rather play arm chair commander.



Sep 2, 2005
Originally posted by: Rage187
Cheesetogo = pwned

Terracide, thanks for serving are country like a man and not some nerd behind a computer screen who would rather play arm chair commander.


Terra - We just tried to make the world a better place


Dec 30, 2000
Originally posted by: fliguy84

Rage187, make sure your quote is correct

yeah I might have attributed the pwning to someone else.

Cheesetogo might just be a misquoted bystander.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
TerracideDK... you got to use a G3.... mmmm

Ive got a lot of friends in the army and most of them in Iraq, i have a lot of respect for you for serving your country, good going!


Aug 9, 2002
My word. It's just a game. Cussing or not, it's just a game. If you think it's offensive or it sounds to intellectual for your pallet then please pick up a book and stop wasting your time on video games if you can't take them for what they are. No one wants to hear your ego bloat over some highly prejucdical opinioniated garbage that belongs no where else but captical hill and soccer mom tea party's.

Sell crazy some where else. This is a video forum.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
LOL Terra took Archangels quote and used Cheesetogo's name. Anyway, don't blame all of the US for seeming like it's citizens have a stick up their ass. We've recently (last 4 yrs) become overrun with overzealous Christians that want to substitute real science for "creationism" and they believe their mythical lord Jesus should rule our lives. Fortunately they only constitute a little over 50% of the popular vote but they are spread out all over the place.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2005
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
LOL Terra took Archangels quote and used Cheesetogo's name. Anyway, don't blame all of the US for seeming like it's citizens have a stick up their ass. We've recently (last 4 yrs) become overrun with overzealous Christians that want to substitute real science for "creationism" and they believe their mythical lord Jesus should rule our lives. Fortunately they only constitute a little over 50% of the popular vote but they are spread out all over the place.



Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
LOL Terra took Archangels quote and used Cheesetogo's name. Anyway, don't blame all of the US for seeming like it's citizens have a stick up their ass. We've recently (last 4 yrs) become overrun with overzealous Christians that want to substitute real science for "creationism" and they believe their mythical lord Jesus should rule our lives. Fortunately they only constitute a little over 50% of the popular vote but they are spread out all over the place.

That "real" science you are referring too is theory. Intelligent Design, which is what you are attacking is real science every bit as much as the darwin theory. The simple fact is this: Nothing can exist today if something didn't always exist. Can something come from nothing? No, it has to have a cause. If there was ever a time that there were absolutely nothingness, nothing could be here today. Therefore if something is here today, something always had to be. (ponder that) That "something" is what some people will call God, others will call it a higher power and even yet some will call it Aliens or something like that. Intelligent Design has its roots in science and logic. We were no doubt created, but the question is, by who or by what?

Secondly, a good simple question to end the attack on Intelligent Design (which over 400 major scientists have signed) is the fact that we do not know "everything". Since we do not know everything, we cannot rule out a creator like many people would like. It is very unscientific to say that God didn't create us and therefore we no longer need to study to see if it is true. Yet much of the scientific community will do such.

Lets look at the facts, not our own bias. Bring me the facts to prove that there is no God or intelligent creator. When you do, I will declare that there is on creator. But, being that I know you could never provide the evidence, I am comfortable with my believe that we were created by something.

Read up on it, you need to know what you are going to be refuting.

Intelligent Design Network

If you want to discuss more, take this to PM's.

Getting back to the issue at hand, Terra, glad you were able to serve in the Army of your nation and the UN. I do have respect for such a thing now that you have provided evidence of being such. Problem is anyone can claim anything, so unless someone proves something, I pretty much do not believe it. I am sure you can understand... I mean, what if I claimed to be a Navy Seal? Pretty silly, could be true, but could not be. I actually knew a seal, retired and he scared the crap outa me.. Nice guy though.



Sep 2, 2005
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
LOL Terra took Archangels quote and used Cheesetogo's name. Anyway, don't blame all of the US for seeming like it's citizens have a stick up their ass. We've recently (last 4 yrs) become overrun with overzealous Christians that want to substitute real science for "creationism" and they believe their mythical lord Jesus should rule our lives. Fortunately they only constitute a little over 50% of the popular vote but they are spread out all over the place.

That "real" science you are referring too is theory. Intelligent Design, which is what you are attacking is real science every bit as much as the darwin theory. The simple fact is this: Nothing can exist today if something didn't always exist. Can something come from nothing? No, it has to have a cause. If there was ever a time that there were absolutely nothingness, nothing could be here today. Therefore if something is here today, something always had to be. (ponder that) That "something" is what some people will call God, others will call it a higher power and even yet some will call it Aliens or something like that. Intelligent Design has its roots in science and logic. We were no doubt created, but the question is, by who or by what?

Secondly, a good simple question to end the attack on Intelligent Design (which over 400 major scientists have signed) is the fact that we do not know "everything". Since we do not know everything, we cannot rule out a creator like many people would like. It is very unscientific to say that God didn't create us and therefore we no longer need to study to see if it is true. Yet much of the scientific community will do such.

Lets look at the facts, not our own bias. Bring me the facts to prove that there is no God or intelligent creator. When you do, I will declare that there is on creator. But, being that I know you could never provide the evidence, I am comfortable with my believe that we were created by something.

Read up on it, you need to know what you are going to be refuting.

Intelligent Design Network

If you want to discuss more, take this to PM's.

Getting back to the issue at hand, Terra, glad you were able to serve in the Army of your nation and the UN. I do have respect for such a thing now that you have provided evidence of being such. Problem is anyone can claim anything, so unless someone proves something, I pretty much do not believe it. I am sure you can understand... I mean, what if I claimed to be a Navy Seal? Pretty silly, could be true, but could not be. I actually knew a seal, retired and he scared the crap outa me.. Nice guy though.

1. ID is NOT scinece!
Show me ONE sciencetific peer-viewed ID article!
I dare you!
ID is nothing more than creationisme where "god" is replaced by an "intelligent being", nothing more!
And to argue that the universe came from "nothing" show how little you now about science, physics and atronomy.
Talk.Origins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy

ID is layers trying to be biologists, bioloigist trying to be physicsists and priests trying to be atronomers.
You don't ask your dentst to fix your car, you don't ask your postman to do your powerwiring in the house...

Read up before you make ann ass of yourself.


2. I wouldn't trust a word you say.
If you claimed to ve a SEAL or claimed something else.
Your religion has clouded your brain, and thus made you untrusthworthy in my eyes.

3. You tried to call my "bluff", but it backfired, don't expect any sympathy from me.

In general can I say that the "ID-movement" tried the same thing last week in DK, but got slammed.
In Europe we don't preach religion in scinece, and don't mix pseudo-science(ID) with real science.
Our politicians rejected the idea, and so do more than 80% of the danes in polls.
Knowlegede/facts in shcools, religion is where it should be, in the church.

Don't mix science with religious babble, that has NO sciencetific foundation in reality!

Terra - Religion is the sanctuary for those that can't face reality...


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: TerracideDK
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
LOL Terra took Archangels quote and used Cheesetogo's name. Anyway, don't blame all of the US for seeming like it's citizens have a stick up their ass. We've recently (last 4 yrs) become overrun with overzealous Christians that want to substitute real science for "creationism" and they believe their mythical lord Jesus should rule our lives. Fortunately they only constitute a little over 50% of the popular vote but they are spread out all over the place.

That "real" science you are referring too is theory. Intelligent Design, which is what you are attacking is real science every bit as much as the darwin theory. The simple fact is this: Nothing can exist today if something didn't always exist. Can something come from nothing? No, it has to have a cause. If there was ever a time that there were absolutely nothingness, nothing could be here today. Therefore if something is here today, something always had to be. (ponder that) That "something" is what some people will call God, others will call it a higher power and even yet some will call it Aliens or something like that. Intelligent Design has its roots in science and logic. We were no doubt created, but the question is, by who or by what?

Secondly, a good simple question to end the attack on Intelligent Design (which over 400 major scientists have signed) is the fact that we do not know "everything". Since we do not know everything, we cannot rule out a creator like many people would like. It is very unscientific to say that God didn't create us and therefore we no longer need to study to see if it is true. Yet much of the scientific community will do such.

Lets look at the facts, not our own bias. Bring me the facts to prove that there is no God or intelligent creator. When you do, I will declare that there is on creator. But, being that I know you could never provide the evidence, I am comfortable with my believe that we were created by something.

Read up on it, you need to know what you are going to be refuting.

Intelligent Design Network

If you want to discuss more, take this to PM's.

Getting back to the issue at hand, Terra, glad you were able to serve in the Army of your nation and the UN. I do have respect for such a thing now that you have provided evidence of being such. Problem is anyone can claim anything, so unless someone proves something, I pretty much do not believe it. I am sure you can understand... I mean, what if I claimed to be a Navy Seal? Pretty silly, could be true, but could not be. I actually knew a seal, retired and he scared the crap outa me.. Nice guy though.

1. ID is NOT scinece!
Show me ONE sciencetific peer-viewed ID article!
I dare you!
ID is nothing more than creationisme where "god" is replaced by an "intelligent being", nothing more!
And to argue that the universe came from "nothing" show how little you now about science, physics and atronomy.
Talk.Origins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy

ID is layers trying to be biologists, bioloigist trying to be physicsists and priests trying to be atronomers.
You don't ask your dentst to fix your car, you don't ask your postman to do your powerwiring in the house...

Read up before you make ann ass of yourself.


2. I wouldn't trust a word you say.
If you claimed to ve a SEAL or claimed something else.
Your religion has clouded your brain, and thus made you untrusthworthy in my eyes.

3. You tried to call my "bluff", but it backfired, don't expect any sympathy from me.

In general can I say that the "ID-movement" tried the same thing last week in DK, but got slammed.
In Europe we don't preach religion in scinece, and don't mix pseudo-science(ID) with real science.
Our politicians rejected the idea, and so do more than 80% of the danes in polls.
Knowlegede/facts in shcools, religion is where it should be, in the church.

Don't mix science with religious babble, that has NO sciencetific foundation in reality!

Terra - Religion is the sanctuary for those that can't face reality...

Typical attack met with the typical hostility.

This really should go to a PM. I'll just say a few things.

1. I read over the site you linked too and I didn't see how it explained that the universe popped into existance without having a cause. Therefore, I do not see how anything has been refuted. The statement holds true that something cannot come from nothing. If there is an effect, then there has to be a cause. It is illogical to state that something can come into existance without a cause. Therefore, I think my statement stands along with many others. You do not have to agree with it, that isn't something I would expect you to do, given your general hostility towards this. But explain to me how something can have an effect without a cause? Before you answer this, keep in mind that just because we are not sure of what the "cause" is, does not mean we can claim it does not have a cause. That is like saying "because I am ignorant of the cause, I am going to claim it has no cause". Simple fact of current science is that an effect has a cause. Until you can refute this, you are blowing smoke.

2. What religion am I? You havn't even asked and accused me. How do you even know that I am in any religion? What if I simply believe there is a higher power? So, I am stupid if I believe something that is more powerful than the human race? Think how retarded that sounds. Again, you accused me of being religous simply because I believe differently than you.

3. I do not expect any sympathy from you, why would I need it? I was simply giving an explanation that I am a skeptic. You seemed to think I was getting on my knees and saying sorry or something, never.

Your last response is quite typical and common and I would be more than happy to discuss with with you in PM's since this isn't the place. I doubt you will take this to PM's and will probably clog this up even more. If so, I won't be responding due to the forum rules.

That is all I have to say on the issue in this thread.



Sep 2, 2005
Originally posted by: Drayvn
TerracideDK... you got to use a G3.... mmmm

Ive got a lot of friends in the army and most of them in Iraq, i have a lot of respect for you for serving your country, good going!

Back when I was in the service weused Heckler&Koch G3, and a LMG(1000-1200 rounds per min), wich basically was nothing more than a German MG42 from WWII.

But both where 7.62mm and packed a punch.
A M-16 round won't go through a brick or a car, but a G3 round will

Terra - Impact is everything
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