F@H: Friday, October 21


Senior member
Jul 11, 2004
Welcome to TeAm AnandTech F@H

TeAm News

Ranking: 25th place.

Production = 49,338 ppd (as of 12AM Eastern 10/21/2005) - up 1,000 ppd from last week.

Top 10 Producers by average ppd
1 Gravity: 6,100
2 Mark_F_Williams: 2,294
3 BCinSC: 2,043
4 GimpyDaHoundDog: 1,290
5 Rebel_Alliance: 1,216
6 GLeeM: 1,090
7 Poopflingers: 1,082
8 Kensai: 1,075
9 Thump553: 943
10 Pokey_TA: 935

Active Users: 194 - up 15 from last week! :thumbsup:

Two new users: please welcome Looney and ohmide to the TeAm!


Three overtake targets
"General [M]ayhem" - 22nd place - 43,189 ppd - overtake: 1/07
"ABXZone.com" - 16th place - 34,280 ppd - overtake: 10/07
"The Knights Who Say Ni!" - 24th place - 48,185 ppd - overtake: 5/09

Two current threats
"Portugal@Folding" - 37th place - 66,739 ppd - overtake: 4/07
"Team Hack-A-Day" - 207th place - 59,250 ppd - overtake: 8/12

New Milestones

Kensai..............................................60,000 :thumbsup:
Congratulations everyone! :beer::beer:


No current Challenges.

Useful getting started info can be found here: MDE's Start-up Guide

More detailed TeAm stats can be found on the EOC F@H stats page

New users will not appear until they have submitted a work unit under team #198

Milestones are as follows: 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, from 10,000 to 100,000 will be every 10k, and every 50K after 100,000.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
welcome Looney and ohmide

congrats to the MM's :thumbsup:

thanks kb3edk


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Welcome to the TeAm Looney and ohmide .

Thanks kb3edk . :thumbsup:

Congratulations to the MM's.

Something is bad wrong..................I have had 2 to 3 weeks of uneventfull production.........................no broken components, everyone is just crunching away..........:Q.............I'm happy for the production but it sure is unusual not to be working on a problem....................

You IT guys sure have my respect.


Senior member
Dec 5, 2004
Welcome to the TeAm Looney and ohmide :thumbsup:

Congrats to the MM's, especially Gravity with over 2,050,000 points :shocked:

Thanks for the stats Adam


Dec 14, 2004
Hey all, I've been MIA for while due to. . . changes, but I thought I'd poke my head in and say HI and welcome to the team fellers. This is by far the greatest buch of people that I personally have never met. Keep up the Great work team.



Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2003
Welcome new members!! Thanks for all you old-timeres (Kensai too) for staying with this project over the long haul. I believe we are folding for a very good cause and for a project that will produce significant results, perhaps even for us as we age.




Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Originally posted by: Gravity
Welcome new members!! Thanks for all you old-timeres (Kensai too) for staying with this project over the long haul. I believe we are folding for a very good cause and for a project that will produce significant results, perhaps even for us as we age.



I did Predictor for a while until they took it down and just never started back when they came back on-line. Now I see Rosetta has come on-line. It is hard to know sometimes whether to do them all or pick just one. But whichever, it seems that protein folding may hold some very beneficial answers.


Senior member
Feb 7, 2004
congrats to the MM's and welcome to the newcomers

Noticed my last work units were for projects 1160 and 1161 but when I go to the folding site there is no link to them. Is there another place I can go to see what research projects these units are for


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Welcome to the TeAm, Looney, ohmide, SvobodaIT, maheshh & Nacelle If you have any questions or need any help, just ask.

Congratulations to the Milestone Makers!

They are listed here: http://vspx27.stanford.edu/psummary.html

Rebel_Alliance, welcome to the 400K Club :thumbsup:

Andrew_Medley, welcome to the 150K Club

Vexx, welcome to the 75K Club

Spyrano & jpunzel, welcome to the 50K Club

Mackdady, long59driver & DigitalFreak, welcome to the 10K Club

Thanks Adam

These 99 sent in results in the last 24 hours:

... Name ............. Rank .... Points
1 Gravity------------- 1----- 5,004
2 RustyNale---------- 8----- 2,213
3 Mark_F_Williams-- 3----- 1,902
4 Poopflingers------ 2----- 1,800
5 Thump553-------- 18----- 1,369
6 Pokey_TA------- 16----- 1,363
7 BCinSC----------- 17----- 1,298
8 GLeeM------------ 13----- 1,264
9 mike9o----------- 23----- 1,212
10 ripship----------- 108---- 1,117
11 Sparky19692---- 50----- 1,091
12 MechEng--------- 47----- 1,050
13 osage------------- 5----- 1,008
14 dawks-rawks----- 81----- 964
15 Uppsala9496------ 36----- 934
16 tr00p--------------- 211---- 891
17 Rebel_Alliance----- 14----- 883
18 TheTerl-------------- 126---- 794
19 GimpyDaHoundDog- 12----- 739
20 IceCreamMan------ 6----- 734
21 cwa----------------- 32----- 692
22 TGS---------------- 242----- 664
23 Czar--------------- 55----- 641
24 OmrTech---------- 83----- 641
25 PurdueRy-------- 522----- 641
26 bastula------------ 28----- 621
27 digsunshine------ 7----- 613
28 MAGratton-------- 51----- 603
29 Martin_Trevino-- 10----- 600
30 Xitar--------------- 87----- 600
31 khuang------------ 287----- 600
32 Bob_Bobson------- 64----- 560
33 Hurricane Andrew- 305---- 536
34 Sniderhouse------- 67----- 487
35 orion7144---------- 11----- 450
36 Overkiller---------- 73----- 450
37 Vikesrock8411---- 119----- 450
38 JoshLiechty-------- 29----- 424
39 KingSalami-------- 59----- 383
40 GSmith------------ 42----- 368
41 Vexx-------------- 70----- 364
42 maheshh--------- 694----- 357
43 timswim78------- 125----- 348
44 Insidious--------- 27----- 324
45 MrBig------------- 92----- 297
46 DainBramaged-- 37----- 272
47 Bobby----------- 179---- 249
48 bruce.cowan----- 26----- 241
49 Gokie------------ 43----- 241
50 SloMoe----------- 93----- 241
51 deadrock-------- 115----- 241
52 ArthurWhs------ 174----- 241
53 balzams---------- 212----- 241
54 BiggerHammer-- 546----- 241
55 long59driver----- 268----- 223
56 Syntax----------- 58----- 218
57 mgpaulus-------- 15----- 207
58 kresgefc--------- 433---- 199
59 sparkyclarky---- 25----- 182
60 Kubla_Khan----- 48----- 182
61 ToeRag---------- 148----- 182
62 sheik124--------- 229----- 182
63 Catalyst18------- 385----- 182
64 Looney------------ 592----- 182
65 TZ77--------------- 91----- 181
66 Garfield3d--------- 169---- 181
67 MEDISIN----------- 62----- 166
68 JSSheridan--------- 79----- 153
69 superHARD--------- 175----- 153
70 TAS_PRAETORIAN- 192----- 153
71 Desslok------------- 444----- 153
72 NMDJuggler------- 316----- 149
73 Nacelle----------- 814----- 149
74 HappyCracker--- 66----- 142
75 dawks------------ 272----- 136
76 Moltres----------- 65----- 130
77 Athlex------------ 151----- 121
78 Brian-------------- 154----- 119
79 Cush-------------- 140----- 102
80 kravahn----------- 41------ 98
81 CuriousMike------ 103----- 93
82 Denny_Lam------- 198----- 93
83 Kensai-------------- 85----- 85
84 Spyrano------------ 96----- 82
85 JustAnAverageguy- 187---- 82
86 brianp34------------ 33----- 56
87 randompt----------- 38----- 56
88 maluman----------- 80----- 56
89 nexus9-------------- 200----- 56
90 cjacobs2------------ 354----- 56
91 jcapogna----------- 588----- 56
92 Cebesius------------ 84----- 51
93 James_M.------------ 232----- 51
94 ccraig1526----------- 247----- 51
95 Confusednewbie1 552-- 395--- 44
96 Llamas--------------- 104----- 41
97 natethegreat-------- 107----- 41
98 Mindstorm---------- 239----- 41
99 Electrode----------- 19----- 40


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Pokey thinks he'll batten down the hatches so BCinSC doesn't blow his doors completely off when he flys by. :thumbsup:

Thump is not creeping along either.

Thanks for the numbers GLeeM.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
These 118 sent in results in the last 24 hours:

... Name ............. Rank .... Points
1 Gravity------------- 1----- 4,353
2 BCinSC------------- 17----- 2,721
3 Mark_F_Williams---- 3----- 2,366
4 GimpyDaHoundDog- 12---- 1,299
5 Thump553----------- 18----- 1,103
6 jkresh--------------- 103----- 817
7 HayZeus_2000----- 46----- 779
8 wisc----------------- 56----- 742
9 orion7144---------- 11----- 734
10 AdamDuritz99----- 86----- 709
11 Uppsala9496------ 36----- 684
12 Night201---------- 493----- 651
13 JoshLiechty------ 29----- 640
14 Kensai------------ 85----- 635
15 digsunshine------ 7----- 630
16 markp----------- 61----- 620
17 mike9o---------- 23----- 613
18 Homerick-------- 68----- 600
19 jpunzel----------- 94----- 600
20 tjmoney---------- 106----- 600
21 SrGuapo---------- 175----- 600
22 psm450----------- 269----- 600
23 bastula------------ 28----- 598
24 IceCreamMan----- 6----- 542
25 pandishar--------- 125----- 490
26 mgpaulus--------- 15----- 482
27 Scott66----------- 312----- 459
28 GLeeM----------- 13----- 450
29 bruce.cowan----- 26----- 450
30 mytime34-------- 40----- 430
31 Rebel_Alliance--- 14----- 418
32 SloMoe------------ 93----- 413
33 ericthomasoliver- 272----- 405
34 TGS--------------- 237----- 403
35 CuriousMike----- 104----- 398
36 metalsdude------ 162----- 357
37 mikecel79--------- 9----- 297
38 Andrew_Medley-- 39----- 297
39 chemzen--------- 168----- 297
40 Buck_Naked----- 276----- 295
41 TZ77------------- 91----- 284
42 randomfool------ 377----- 284
43 Pokey_TA------- 16----- 281
44 Vexx------------- 70----- 281
45 maheshh--------- 625----- 273
46 CCityinstaller---- 121----- 242
47 RAC420----------- 24----- 241
48 brianp34---------- 33----- 241
49 mitchell hollberg-- 49----- 241
50 Lnx227------------ 63----- 241
51 Llamas------------ 105----- 241
52 Cush-------------- 140----- 241
53 ChristianTrader-- 170----- 241
54 BlinkTMNT182--- 198----- 241
55 nagger---------- 206----- 241
56 balzams--------- 212----- 241
57 brainwrinkle---- 219----- 241
58 mdoliver------- 225----- 241
59 cjacobs2------- 347----- 241
60 oldch0rd------- 353----- 241
61 rise4310-------- 99----- 225
62 mmaresko----- 118---- 218
63 Zuke------------ 4----- 213
64 GSmith--------- 42----- 213
65 MrBig----------- 92----- 209
66 Mojoed--------- 291----- 209
67 Desslok-------- 434----- 209
68 dawks-rawks--- 81----- 207
69 tr00p------------ 211----- 206
70 Xitar------------- 87----- 194
71 DainBramaged-- 37----- 193
72 maluman-------- 80----- 193
73 Czar------------- 55----- 182
74 nexus9---------- 200----- 182
75 Surge_On------ 676----- 182
76 HLouie---------- 797----- 182
77 superHARD----- 176----- 157
78 Overkiller------- 73----- 153
79 ToeRag---------- 148----- 153
80 BiggerHammer-- 530----- 153
81 Looney---------- 573----- 153
82 MEDISIN-------- 62----- 151
83 timswim78----- 124----- 149
84 ArthurWhs------ 174----- 142
85 patrickb37------ 180----- 142
86 Mindstorm------ 238----- 142
87 Paladin3--------- 142----- 138
88 Valglo------------ 319----- 138
89 legoleg----------- 129----- 134
90 Athlex------------ 151----- 121
91 Electrode--------- 19----- 119
92 Sniderhouse----- 67----- 119
93 kravahn---------- 41----- 116
94 Kubla_Khan------ 48----- 116
95 ZeroPoint--------- 138----- 116
96 randompt---------- 38----- 112
97 Catalyst18--------- 383---- 112
98 ripship-------------- 108----- 95
99 Brian--------------- 153----- 95
100 sparkyclarky------- 25----- 93
101 JSSheridan--------- 79----- 93
102 Denny_Lam-------- 199----- 93
103 Hurricane Andrew-- 301----- 93
104 osage--------------- 5------ 92
105 Spyrano------------- 96----- 85
106 ccraig1526---------- 246---- 82
107 RustyNale----------- 8----- 80
108 Martin_Trevino----- 10----- 76
109 TAS_PRAETORIAN- 191---- 56
110 Sparky19692------ 50----- 51
111 Cebesius---------- 84----- 51
112 KingSalami-------- 59----- 44
113 HappyCracker---- 66----- 44
114 TheTerl------------ 127----- 44
115 Nacelle------------ 789----- 44
116 OmrTech---------- 83----- 41
117 long59driver----- 268----- 41
118 Garfield3d-------- 169----- 22


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2001
Wow I really need to start paying more attention!



Thx for the warm welcome GLeeM!

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