F@H: Statistics for 31-Jul-2003 / Welcome, FlyMc


Mar 17, 2001
Folding@Home Daily Statistics and Milestones for Thursday, July 31st, 2003

Team Rank Weekly Statistics...

Our score increased by 7,631.64 units since the last stats period, to a total of 995,516.89 this evening. The current record score is 9,288.28 points, set on 22-Jun-2003.

Rank Overall.....# Members.....Name.....Total Score.....Weekly Score.....Daily Score
  • 23.....415.....General [M]ayhem.....982551.38.....87583.38.....16235.28
  • 27.....83.....The Knights Who Say Ni!.....734674.08.....62526.94.....11156.93
  • 24.....559.....Macrumors.com - Team Folding.....820863.35.....55895.12.....8528.57
  • 38.....158.....SilentPCReview Folding@Home.....522216.90.....43626.26.....8169.91
  • 22.....459.....Team AnandTech.....995516.89.....39757.44.....7631.64
  • 20.....265.....AOA Forums.....1156191.17.....39686.98.....7656.89
  • 21.....798.....Dutch Power Cows.....1005527.38.....37460.12.....6669.38

Daily Producers Statistics...

Today, 76 members were active, and 115 were active in the last week. We currently have 459 members (1 new).

Production Rank - Team Rank Overall.....Username.....Total Score.....Weekly Score.....Daily Score
  1. 5.....Poopflingers.....35753.60.....2566.70.....1455.90
  2. 3.....GolfGeek.....53820.60.....1788.90.....362.10
  3. 4.....mgpaulus.....39129.70.....1653.60.....351.00
  4. 10.....orion7144.....21117.90.....1798.70.....306.20
  5. 1.....IceCreamMan.....75642.10.....2158.10.....302.40
  6. 8.....digsunshine.....22178.70.....1644.80.....287.90
  7. 30.....Insidious.....7725.06.....916.41.....215.76
  8. 174.....Overvolt.....551.50.....477.21.....212.86
  9. 9.....r0tt3n1.....21584.90.....1214.00.....204.40
  10. 20.....ya jai.....10141.30.....784.76.....166.68
  11. 7.....RustyNale.....23342.50.....884.80.....163.60
  12. 2.....osage.....56107.10.....871.20.....138.40
  13. 43.....dwrobert.....6397.87.....530.12.....119.59
  14. 29.....Kubla Khan.....7877.19.....484.46.....116.88
  15. 26.....RAC420.....8313.55.....1016.26.....115.01
  16. 21.....Yatz.....10003.90.....612.81.....109.22
  17. 15.....jei3 (2).....14902.95.....484.89.....109.18
  18. 6.....ShotgunSi.....23514.00.....965.90.....107.90
  19. 16.....alnitak.....13192.20.....674.20.....106.60
  20. 22.....mikecel79.....9996.83.....730.25.....101.59
  21. 40.....Rebel Alliance.....6508.65.....406.40.....94.00
  22. 52.....JSSheridan.....5662.15.....90.60.....90.60
  23. 23.....JoshLiechty.....9596.56.....529.91.....83.98
  24. 38.....Slomover.....6670.05.....419.61.....82.68
  25. 54.....Hayabusarider.....5218.72.....255.26.....82.68
  26. 237.....[TA]KifArU.....208.07.....175.07.....76.78
  27. 56.....LastKnight.....4613.27.....365.99.....74.00
  28. 11.....SyZ.....18525.40.....292.60.....70.90
  29. 100.....hhauglin.....1652.82.....70.90.....70.90
  30. 17.....Lnx227.....12833.10.....502.50.....70.90
  31. 111.....thomal456.....1387.59.....149.70.....70.90
  32. 35.....NumbersGuy.....6929.24.....404.98.....66.70
  33. 275.....draco8099.....95.99.....72.39.....66.70
  34. 48.....Jeff7.....6016.65.....311.76.....63.59
  35. 49.....sk560.....5996.22.....378.16.....62.39
  36. 33.....Techieman.....7456.55.....329.20.....56.60
  37. 59.....deadrock.....4528.23.....179.29.....54.59
  38. 61.....PC Marine.....4344.50.....248.76.....54.59
  39. 44.....jtmiller.....6281.85.....250.48.....54.59
  40. 88.....Couger.....2181.07.....319.78.....54.59
  41. 229.....Poindexter1985.....254.17.....199.58.....53.29
  42. 141.....Wing Kin.....866.69.....106.58.....53.29
  43. 142.....TZ77.....862.16.....269.37.....53.29
  44. 91.....brianp34.....2017.91.....427.15.....53.29
  45. 155.....FearoftheNight.....676.77.....190.68.....52.70
  46. 101.....Jellomancer.....1638.80.....225.68.....47.39
  47. 51.....Alex Brickel.....5856.84.....369.90.....47.00
  48. 103.....Samsarmar.....1550.07.....119.40.....47.00
  49. 90.....jchu14.....2053.07.....184.00.....47.00
  50. 45.....Mingon.....6220.85.....294.51.....47.00
  51. 28.....exu23.....7934.52.....143.59.....39.40
  52. 47.....jaunzue.....6137.25.....483.68.....39.40
  53. 25.....HayZeus 2000.....9275.05.....266.19.....37.70
  54. 57.....Thump553.....4600.11.....441.19.....37.70
  55. 34.....pacem.....7290.59.....352.60.....36.00
  56. 31.....kravahn.....7679.01.....358.67.....33.00
  57. 167.....ghamilton2.....631.69.....100.29.....29.39
  58. 62.....Organized Chaos.....4314.12.....200.19.....29.39
  59. 13.....Syntax.....16701.40.....344.20.....29.30
  60. 42.....Bunker.....6398.45.....114.20.....23.60
  61. 46.....Tom Boden.....6166.42.....176.00.....23.60
  62. 67.....joinT.....3585.39.....128.30.....23.60
  63. 183.....Jynx980.....475.87.....39.40.....19.70
  64. 148.....Vexx.....756.38.....59.10.....19.70
  65. 143.....dantsai.....842.16.....52.70.....19.70
  66. 106.....1sikbITCH.....1456.52.....262.96.....19.70
  67. 66.....mazer rackham.....3776.54.....177.99.....19.70
  68. 60.....Damon Searle.....4471.20.....270.40.....19.70
  69. 14.....VikingDude151.....15806.70.....355.60.....19.70
  70. 79.....HappyCracker.....2636.34.....163.78.....18.00
  71. 97.....Slider76.....1886.86.....18.00.....18.00
  72. 64.....PeruvianHighlander.....4003.03.....222.00.....18.00
  73. 41.....gandrews35 (2).....6405.42.....160.58.....18.00
  74. 225.....Bri79.....273.30.....70.70.....18.00
  75. 130.....jkresh.....1038.93.....135.26.....17.77
  76. 58.....Andrew Medley.....4583.23.....133.99.....9.00

New Members...

(New members do not appear until they submit a WU with a team number of 198; if you haven't shown up yet, please be patient)

Welcome to the TeAm, FlyMc!

Milestone Makers...

osage - 56000
mgpaulus - 39000
Poopflingers - 35000
digsunshine - 22000
orion7144 - 21000
ya jai - 10000
Yatz - 10000
Jeff7 - 6000
PeruvianHighlander - 4000
brianp34 - 2000
Vexx - 750
Overvolt - 250
Poindexter1985 - 250

Milestones are counted at 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, and every 1000 thereafter.

Congrats to our milestone makers!

More Info...

If you want information on how to join our Folding@Home team, check out the Folding@Home Getting Started Links.

For a complete member stats list and some nice graphs, visit statsman.


Mar 17, 2001
Oh, and to answer OverVolt's question from yesterday, I stay all too busy to spend the amount of time I'd like on the computer, so I am not able to post the stats as consistently as I'd like. They may appear anywhere between 16:00 and 22:00 GMT-5. :Q


Aug 31, 2002
whoa poopflingers puttin some big #'s up there. Wonder what he's runnin.

Thanks for the stats !... Finnaly



Diamond Member
Oct 8, 2002
Originally posted by: OverVolt
whoa poopflingers puttin some big #'s up there. Wonder what he's runnin.

Thanks for the stats !... Finnaly


If you goto the F@H page and check out the team stas, then click on the user you can see how many machines they are using.

Oh and thanks J.



Aug 31, 2002
Yeh i know he's running like 45CPU's i think, jw in what his setup is..

If it a bunch of XP1800+'s, or if he's got a Rack running F@H ect. Does he post here on DC?


Senior member
Jan 27, 2003
Originally posted by: OverVolt
Yeh i know he's running like 45CPU's i think, jw in what his setup is..

If it a bunch of XP1800+'s, or if he's got a Rack running F@H ect. Does he post here on DC?

Poopflingers is a mini team. I beleive that they are using work pc's and that is why there production varies so much, for example they produce alot more on weekends than on weekdays normally. and Yes some of the members do post on here from time to time, but they only joined the team about 7 weeks ago and are very shy

Its good to see Golf Geek moving his pc's back to F@H, his seti average is droping quickly.

Thanks for the stats Jiliechty
Well done MM's :beer:, and some huge milstones at that!
and bye the way, i'm back from holiday


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2003
Shy?! :moon: <-- Well that's not the kind of moon I was looking for but it will have to do! My coworker and I have been busy with a new truckload of servers so there should be interesting numbers at least through this weekend. Other than a few desktops, the folding machines are all new which is why our stats dropped to the floor when the previous group of servers had to move on to do other real work for the company, like store user's MP3's, sit idle hoping for a web user to connect, or be used as an experimental testbed for the DBAs to destroy.

The new machines are Xeon hyperthreading servers so the CPU stats would need to be cut in half I imagine to get an accurate CPU count. Right now we've got about 14 new single, dual, and quad servers between 1.9GHz and 2.4GHz cranking away. Some will come and go in terms of folding during the next few weeks and then have to move on to other things...


Originally posted by: Slider76
Originally posted by: OverVolt
Yeh i know he's running like 45CPU's i think, jw in what his setup is..

If it a bunch of XP1800+'s, or if he's got a Rack running F@H ect. Does he post here on DC?

Poopflingers is a mini team. I beleive that they are using work pc's and that is why there production varies so much, for example they produce alot more on weekends than on weekdays normally. and Yes some of the members do post on here from time to time, but they only joined the team about 7 weeks ago and are very shy

Its good to see Golf Geek moving his pc's back to F@H, his seti average is droping quickly.

Thanks for the stats Jiliechty
Well done MM's :beer:, and some huge milstones at that!
and bye the way, i'm back from holiday


Mar 17, 2001
Originally posted by: stitchface
Shy?! :moon: <-- Well that's not the kind of moon I was looking for but it will have to do! My coworker and I have been busy with a new truckload of servers so there should be interesting numbers at least through this weekend. Other than a few desktops, the folding machines are all new which is why our stats dropped to the floor when the previous group of servers had to move on to do other real work for the company, like store user's MP3's, sit idle hoping for a web user to connect, or be used as an experimental testbed for the DBAs to destroy.

The new machines are Xeon hyperthreading servers so the CPU stats would need to be cut in half I imagine to get an accurate CPU count. Right now we've got about 14 new single, dual, and quad servers between 1.9GHz and 2.4GHz cranking away. Some will come and go in terms of folding during the next few weeks and then have to move on to other things...

There's no reason to be sad. Even if only for a week, each computer, no matter how powerful, helps. Dual and Quad Xeons help even more.

And btw, those sound like some very fine servers.

Edited for grammer (bleh!)


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2001
Welcome FlyMc!

congrats to our milestone makers WTG!!!

Thanks jliechty
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