F@H stats for 9/7/04 -- Welcome -- earthslash and Mark_F._Williams


Senior member
Oct 8, 2003
Note: I will be on vacation from September 11 - September 19.

Team AnandTech Folding @ Home stats for 09/07

Team AnandTech gained 36,452 points this period for a total of 7,328,997 points.

We are currently in 27th place.

Upcoming Conquests

Rank.. Team Name......24hr avg.. total pts.. Difference.. Daily Gain.. Overtake date.

26.. Dutch Power Cows.. 25,355.. 7,336,030.. 7,033.. 10,652.. 09.08.04, 1pm / 1 Day
20.. XTREME.. 16,234.. 9,517,773.. 2,188,776.. 19,773.. 12.27.04, 2pm / 111 Days
24.. Sudhian Media.. 25,024.. 8,690,619.. 1,361,622.. 10,983.. 01.09.05, 9pm / 124 Days
22.. Futuremark.com.. 29,024.. 8,869,627.. 1,540,630.. 6,983.. 04.16.05, 1pm / 221 Days
23.. The Knights Who Say Ni!.. 32,220.. 8,713,044.. 1,384,047.. 3,787.. 09.08.05, 9am / 365 Days
21.. SpeedGuide.net.. 32,254.. 9,085,795.. 1,756,798.. 3,753.. 12.20.05, 12am / 468 Days
15.. General [M]ayhem.. 35,147.. 11,519,219.. 4,190,222.. 860.. 01.10.18, 6am / 4872 Days

Upcoming Threats

Rank.. Team Name.....24hr avg.. total pts.. Difference.. Daily Gain.. Overtake date.

68.. AMD Developer Center.. 48,403.. 1,855,401.. 5,473,596.. 12,396.. 11.23.05, 11am / 442 Days
30.. newz.dk.. 39,473.. 5,598,376.. 1,730,621.. 3,466.. 01.20.06, 5am / 499 Days

The team has 829 members -- 2 new

102 members were active today.

Daily Rank. Team Rank. Member Name. Total Score. Day Total

1...... 5...... Gravity...... 253475...... 4899
2...... 2...... Zuke...... 371447...... 2465
3...... 52...... sparkyclarky...... 28466...... 2168
4...... 27...... Mark_F_Williams...... 57581...... 1144
5...... 6...... mikecel79...... 247910...... 1129
6...... 4...... IceCreamMan...... 268793...... 1030
7...... 1...... Poopflingers...... 442247...... 1002
8...... 9...... mrn8...... 184706...... 955
9...... 7...... orion7144...... 210328...... 907
10...... 3...... osage...... 344928...... 866
11...... 12...... RustyNale...... 142413...... 806
12...... 169...... mytime34...... 6377...... 774
13...... 8...... digsunshine...... 197277...... 722
14...... 10...... GolfGeek...... 175368...... 625
15...... 41...... scottv67...... 41522...... 609
16...... 45...... Pokey_TA...... 34214...... 576
17...... 26...... Overvolt...... 59585...... 576
18...... 14...... RAC420...... 102746...... 534
19...... 48...... bruce.cowan...... 29880...... 512
20...... 19...... GimpyDaHoundDog...... 71752...... 508
21...... 61...... MichaelDDD...... 23007...... 481
22...... 21...... Kubla_Khan...... 66321...... 445
23...... 25...... Insidious...... 61232...... 440
24...... 30...... Rebel_Alliance...... 53140...... 383
25...... 54...... _2umXZ...... 26471...... 349
26...... 66...... SharkyTM...... 22184...... 343
27...... 23...... cwa...... 65148...... 339
28...... 15...... r0tt3n1...... 102088...... 323
29...... 139...... Bob_Bobson...... 8818...... 298
30...... 44...... JoshLiechty...... 38857...... 295
31...... 22...... GSmith...... 66284...... 292
32...... 181...... maluman...... 5974...... 290
33...... 90...... Cebesius...... 14331...... 285
34...... 371...... DainBramaged...... 803...... 282
35...... 101...... brage...... 12632...... 279
36...... 176...... ghostedone...... 6112...... 266
37...... 508...... earthslash...... 260...... 260
38...... 69...... Jeff7...... 21409...... 259
39...... 36...... Mingon...... 44240...... 258
40...... 128...... px...... 9576...... 242
41...... 17...... brianp34...... 73034...... 242
42...... 206...... ghamilton2...... 4651...... 242
43...... 33...... HayZeus_2000...... 49731...... 242
44...... 32...... exu23...... 51088...... 242
45...... 42...... jtmiller...... 39721...... 239
46...... 84...... deadrock...... 16869...... 239
47...... 62...... mmaresko...... 22958...... 239
48...... 221...... somekid617...... 3598...... 237
49...... 49...... JSSheridan...... 29812...... 235
50...... 130...... amd_borg...... 9466...... 215
51...... 89...... Czar...... 14552...... 210
52...... 16...... Thump553...... 74301...... 206
53...... 257...... wisc...... 2531...... 198
54...... 37...... GLeeM...... 42659...... 194
55...... 238...... DT4K...... 3054...... 169
56...... 55...... smithens53...... 26365...... 164
57...... 92...... hittman4life...... 14106...... 160
58...... 65...... HappyCracker...... 22326...... 156
59...... 70...... KingSalami...... 20687...... 152
60...... 529...... pcjabber...... 213...... 146
61...... 213...... fh...... 4229...... 135
62...... 11...... mgpaulus...... 152689...... 127
63...... 188...... TheGreatTriscuit...... 5504...... 126
64...... 46...... Gabort...... 33015...... 110
65...... 31...... Syntax...... 51432...... 110
66...... 545...... Leconc...... 187...... 110
67...... 79...... legoleg...... 18246...... 108
68...... 137...... Llamas...... 8870...... 95
69...... 20...... ya_jai...... 67118...... 91
70...... 119...... supershua...... 11233...... 91
71...... 81...... darb...... 17366...... 91
72...... 38...... Gokie...... 42538...... 88
73...... 112...... papercat...... 11751...... 88
74...... 186...... Yoritomo...... 5777...... 87
75...... 47...... randompt...... 31263...... 86
76...... 426...... Kaylya...... 497...... 86
77...... 243...... benedict...... 2951...... 80
78...... 192...... yelo33...... 5232...... 76
79...... 39...... ShotgunSi...... 42205...... 76
80...... 103...... Stan_Moss...... 12419...... 74
81...... 230...... pandishar...... 3280...... 73
82...... 86...... mitchell_hollberg...... 16140...... 71
83...... 91...... Galvatron...... 14310...... 65
84...... 158...... [TA]Victorinox...... 7154...... 64
85...... 68...... lobadobadingdong...... 21575...... 63
86...... 340...... zerocool1...... 1120...... 63
87...... 649...... Mark_F._Williams...... 59...... 59
88...... 35...... jei3...... 47559...... 59
89...... 64...... gandrews35...... 22510...... 59
90...... 251...... WashoeAT...... 2743...... 59
91...... 60...... Yourself...... 23266...... 59
92...... 51...... sk560...... 28901...... 59
93...... 73...... jkresh...... 20370...... 56
94...... 98...... Beakins...... 13360...... 55
95...... 43...... kravahn...... 39040...... 54
96...... 123...... snoopydk...... 10341...... 44
97...... 24...... Lnx227...... 64110...... 44
98...... 180...... Totoro...... 6053...... 44
99...... 207...... ggnl...... 4588...... 42
100...... 80...... chaotic42...... 18229...... 34
101...... 124...... 3chordcharlie...... 10286...... 27
102...... 185...... kaworuiskool...... 5835...... 23

New Members... Welcome -- earthslash and Mark_F._Williams

(New members do not appear until they submit a WU with a team number of 198; if you haven't shown up yet, please be

Milestone Makers

Poopflingers 442000
Zuke 371000
IceCreamMan 268000
Gravity 253000
mikecel79 247000
orion7144 210000
digsunshine 197000
mrn8 184000
GolfGeek 175000
RustyNale 142000
r0tt3n1 102000
brianp34 73000
Kubla_Khan 66000
GSmith 66000
cwa 65000
Insidious 61000
Mark_F_Williams 57000
Rebel_Alliance 53000
exu23 51000
Mingon 44000
scottv67 41000
kravahn 39000
Pokey_TA 34000
Gabort 33000
sparkyclarky 28000
MichaelDDD 23000
SharkyTM 22000
hittman4life 14000
mytime34 6000
ghostedone 6000
DT4K 3000
earthslash 250 (and 100)
pcjabber 100
Leconc 100

Congrats to the Milestone Makers:beer:

Milestones are counted at 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, and every 1000 thereafter

Complete stats can be found here.... Statsman

More cool stats are here... Extreme Overclocking Stats

If you want information on how to join our Folding@Home team, check out the <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=39&amp;threadid=1287466">F@H: Folding@Home Getting Started

We can really use YOUR help.



Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Rats, my friend put the "." in there, rats, I just lost come points ~!!!!! argh.... Anyway I will tell him. I's only an XP1700 anyway....
Thanks for the stats Hyperfocal ! and congrats to the mm's.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Welcome to the TeAm, earthslash If you have any questions or need any help, just ask!

Congratulations to the Milestone Makers

Thanks for the stats, Hyperfocal


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2003
If i'm only running the graphical version of F@H what should be in my task manager. I tried installing a console version but i didn't like it, now i'm not so sure I got rid of it. Anyone know how to get rid of it?


Senior member
May 10, 2004
Thanks for the welcome guys . I had been running the program a couple days now and glad to see that I'm recognised by the team. Once I get my other system running, I will run that one 24/7 along with my current one that i've been running a good amount.


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Welcome to the new members of the TeAm.

Thanks Hyperfocal.

Congrats to the MM's.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2001
New Members... Welcome -- earthslash and Mark_F._Williams, or is it Mark_F_Williams??? hehe, Some of us have come across a misspelled name from time to time when setting up a new client. As long as the points go to the TeAm... Mark, ask your friend, or if you can get hold of the rogue machine, to stop the CLI client, and restart with the -config flag so they\you can change the name, or right click the graphical one and change the settings.......
@ JeffCos, the CLI client should not have made any registry entries. Hopefully, you put the CLI in its own folder, just delete that folder and it will be gone.
Thanx HF
Congrats to the MM's!!


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2001
Welcome to TeAm F@H earthslash and Mark_F._Williams!

Thanks Hyperfocal!


Jul 17, 2003
Originally posted by: lobadobadingdong
A-1 steak sauce. Yea, it's that important

Thanks for the stats Hyperfocal.

Congrats to the MMs and welcome to earthslash!


Platinum Member
Jan 15, 2002
Originally posted by: MDE
Originally posted by: lobadobadingdong
A-1 steak sauce. Yea, it's that important

Thanks for the stats Hyperfocal.

Congrats to the MMs and welcome to earthslash!


Looks like we having steak tonight....



Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
The cattle are lowing
the stats keeper wakes
He sees the TeAm rising
so more Units he makes

I love to fold protiens
and tip a few cows
and now I'll quit typing
it's time for some bows

/me sings his silly little tune and bumps the FSB up one more notch :beer:



Golden Member
Mar 10, 2003
I find it amusing tha they have close to 27,000 more WU's than TA, but we're in front now.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Originally posted by: JeffCos
I find it amusing tha they have close to 27,000 more WU's than TA, but we're in front now.
The 27,000 WUs show that DPC has been at this longer than us. The WUs were worth less points in the beginning.

Our friendly rivalry has helped boost production in many projects!

Edit: Nice lyric Insidious


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2004
I just joined, anyone know how long it takes to do one wu? i have a p4 2.0ghz with 768mb ram
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