Fallout New Vegas: Impressions Inside!


Jan 12, 2004
I played through the X360 version of Fallout New Vegas on Hardcore mode, completing it in roughly 40 hours. Going into the game I set a goal to participate in a fair amount of side quests while mainly focusing on the main storyline so I could finish up by Monday. Although I did complete the game, I'm afraid I didn’t even get to do half of the side quests--this game feels big! Though it’s not apparent at first, it sinks in about 10 hours into the game how much stuff there is to do in the Vegas wasteland. Anyway I'm writing up a very detailed review but here is what it all boils down to for the curious (remember, this is a brief overview).
Let’s just get this out of the way--Fallout New Vegas is a really good game. I think it actually surpasses the original Fallout 3 (proper, not including the DLC) in terms of its writing and plot, but falls behind technically because of bugs and hitches (more on this later).

I know this may sounds odd to hear but for an open world game the layering of main quests and side quests is well placed. Its structure allows for a nice flow of gameplay and story, and seeing (participating) in it unravel is really enjoyable in all aspects of a game. The sidekicks are more interesting than Fallout 3s as they demonstrate more personality and side quests for you to participate in (at least mine did.)

Playing Hardcore mode I had braced myself for a very strict challenge in provision and health management, but I was shocked to find that I really only hit a consistent wall with inventory management--particularly because of the ammo (which I would promptly ditch since I had so much). Hardcore mode isn’t as crazy as I thought it would be, but it was a fun. I think it's a nice feature that made the overall experience more exciting and interesting. At one point in the game I had no water resources on me; I was completely dehydrated to the point where it had a negative physical effect on me and I was scrambling. I was rushing through dilapidated rooms of an old apartment looking for ANYTHING to drink, and running into one room I eventually found a sink. Despite the inevitable radiation affects I just gulped down a few bucks worth. Relieved I stepped back, flipped on my Pipboy flashlight to loot the room and was disgusted to find what I had done--drank out a goddamn toilet. It was awesome that Hardcore mode drove me to that ridiculous of a point.

A quick rundown--what else is cool?

Skill checks that effect dialog trees--or better yet, ones that have no effect--are now clearly marked with a red box. You can save your game at any point--even when enemies are nearby. Work Benches allow you to create cool stuff, like bombs and stimpacks, from all the junk in your backpack. The Reloading Bench allows you to create more powerful ammo that's great to switch to for tougher foes (but will wear down your weapon more quickly). Perks can be unlocked via in-game achievements, so for instance killing 75 bugs unlocks the Bug Stomper perk increasing damage. You can have one sidekick in your party along with Rex (the dog, who kind of weak). All Vegas table games are really well done (some of the best I've seen in a video game) and very fun to participate in.

The game, overall, has a warmer feel to it due to the blue skies, the soft electric glow of signs (electricity!), the amber UI and in some cases less destruction to the terrain. Weapons now have a DPS rating so it's much easier to see what your real damage output is.

The technical issues I experienced were pretty crazy. The game crashed several times on me forcing a restart (as in, rebooting the X360). One time the gambling interface completely disappeared on me and I was no longer able to play blackjack until I reloaded a previous save game. One time I picked some berries and the ground texture suddenly transformed into a gigantic blurry mess. Several times enemies got stuck in environmental pieces like walls or a rocks. Load times can, at times, reach ridiculous levels even when installed on the 360s HDD. The worst offender of it all was the degradation of the frame rate over time. Twice I had to clear the cache on my console, reboot it and then everything was fine for a while, but there were certain moments in the game where the hitching was bad despite this. If just feels like it could be a little more optimized technically.

Also I want to add a note that the cursing in the game got to a point where I was sort of winced. It’s not that I’m offended by foul language when it has its place, but there were times in New Vegas where it felt forced and unnecessary. Fallout 3, I felt, was able to get their point across without any cursing whatsoever. So fair warning to those sensitive about this stuff. I'm usually not bothered by this sort of thing and for whatever reason it was a bother in a few places.

Overall the game is great! It doesn’t feel like it could have been Fallout 3 DLC, but has its own place as a proper sequel. It's got new weapons, tons of interesting characters to chat with, a (seeming) million places to visit and an interesting plot. There are some truly epic moments in the game that everyone open-world gamer should experience. The factions add an exciting effect to your place in the world, and at the very least add another interesting dimension to it all. Listen, if you loved Fallout 3 then you will love Fallout New Vegas--possible more so if you can get through the glitches.

Water? Check. Food rations? Check. Medical supplies? Check.

It's ON this weekend!

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Jun 9, 2007
I have to wait until next Tuesday .

I can't wait though - this game will carry me through the end of the year

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
I am interested in New Vegas, but I will most likely wait until a game of the year edition that comes with all the DLC. I enjoyed 3, but got tired of the long quest lines in it at times, and since it is single player only you really aren't loosing anything by waiting until next year when the price comes down and there is a lull in games.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
How did you get it 5 days early?

He's a reviewer - he's had quite a few games months before they've come out.

Warcrow, don't forget to post your thoughts. I don't intend to rush through this one, and expect to play it during downtime, but there's too many games coming out within a month of one another!


Sep 20, 2007
It's out on 360 already? Amazon still says October 19th. Got a friend that works at Gamestop or something? BTW, I review games on my website, send me early copies.

I'll be getting it soon. Maybe not right when it comes out. I'm getting the PC version though. More Fallout is always a good thing.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
I'll be getting the PC version for better graphics and possibly mods. Amazon hasn't had any pre-order deals on the PC version (besides useless in-game items) so I'll be waiting for a sale.

Besides, it's Obsidian so a patch or two might be needed to make it playable


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I'll be waiting till the holidays unless it's just unbelievably awesome.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
I just started playing Fallout 3 and look forward to the game, but don't think I can get into without a break. Hopefully this game adds a little more variety in enemies and weapons.


Nov 11, 2004
Fallout 3 can be painful at times...

Fallout 3 had TONS wrong with it but the only thing that kept me coming back was how open the game was. Everything else about the game was meh. From the screens I've seen of this game it doesn't look like they changed much at all which is good if you loved the game or bad if you didn't but as we know, many extremely popular franchises hardly get changed at all as they need to give people what they love.


Sep 20, 2007
People seem to either love Fallout 3 or hate it. I loved it. Mind you it can be a bit tedious at times. I found it hard to get I to at first. I wasn't sure what to do and I was always running out of ammo. After beating the game, I usually just go through it on god mode now, just to screw around.


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2000
I have well over 200 hours into Fallout 3, I can't wait til next week when I can jump into New Vegas. Very tempted to take the day off, but Steam is so wonky with their release times, I could end up taking the day off for nothing, lol.


Jan 12, 2004
Update: The embargo timing for all reviews and impression pieces surrounding Fallout: New Vegas is set to lift day of its release on Tuesday, October 19th at 12:01am ET.

In F:NV news I played the game for over 3 hours last night and I really wish I could talk to you guys about it. :-/


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
Update: The embargo timing for all reviews and impression pieces surrounding Fallout: New Vegas is set to lift day of its release on Tuesday, October 19th at 12:01am ET.

In F:NV news I played the game for over 3 hours last night and I really wish I could talk to you guys about it. :-/

Can you at least say if you enjoyed FO3 and if you are (so far) enjoying NV as much as it?


Senior member
Jan 13, 2009
I'm crazy excited for this game! I loved Fallout 3, and even more than the main quest I just loved wandering around collecting things and gaining XP.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
I'm really excited to play on hardcore mode. I love the sound of it.

Does anyone know yet if there is a way to max your character like in FO3? It didn't happen until DLC, but you could get 10's in every stat and max, or near max, in all of the skills.

Are there skill books that give you 1 point to skills like FO3? (I loved hunting those down)

Man I am looking forward to Tuesday...


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
I'm going to get the PC version. I got fallout 3 on ps3 but didn't get any of the expansions...


Nov 17, 2004
Fallout 3 is awesome, as soon as I play through my new character, I will be looking into scoring New Vegas. can't wait.


Jan 12, 2004
I played through the X360 version of Fallout New Vegas on Hardcore mode, completing it in roughly 40 hours. Going into the game I set a goal to participate in a fair amount of side quests while mainly focusing on the main storyline so I could finish up by Monday. Although I did complete the game, I'm afraid I didn’t even get to do half of the side quests--this game feels big! Though it’s not apparent at first, it sinks in about 10 hours into the game how much stuff there is to do in the Vegas wasteland. Anyway I'm writing up a very detailed review but here is what it all boils down to for the curious (remember, this is a brief overview).
Let’s just get this out of the way--Fallout New Vegas is a really good game. I think it actually surpasses the original Fallout 3 (proper, not including the DLC) in terms of its writing and plot, but falls behind technically because of bugs and hitches (more on this later).

I know this may sounds odd to hear but for an open world game the layering of main quests and side quests is well placed. Its structure allows for a nice flow of gameplay and story, and seeing (participating) in it unravel is really enjoyable in all aspects of a game. The sidekicks are more interesting than Fallout 3s as they demonstrate more personality and side quests for you to participate in (at least mine did.)

Playing Hardcore mode I had braced myself for a very strict challenge in provision and health management, but I was shocked to find that I really only hit a consistent wall with inventory management--particularly because of the ammo (which I would promptly ditch since I had so much). Hardcore mode isn’t as crazy as I thought it would be, but it was a fun. I think it's a nice feature that made the overall experience more exciting and interesting. At one point in the game I had no water resources on me; I was completely dehydrated to the point where it had a negative physical effect on me and I was scrambling. I was rushing through dilapidated rooms of an old apartment looking for ANYTHING to drink, and running into one room I eventually found a sink. Despite the inevitable radiation affects I just gulped down a few bucks worth. Relieved I stepped back, flipped on my Pipboy flashlight to loot the room and was disguised to find what I had done--drank out a goddamn toilet. It was awesome that Hardcore mode drove me to that ridiculous of a point.

A quick rundown--what else is cool?

Skill checks that effect dialog trees--or better yet, ones that have no effect--are now clearly marked with a red box. You can save your game at any point--even when enemies are nearby. Work Benches allow you to create cool stuff, like bombs and stimpacks, from all the junk in your backpack. The Reloading Bench allows you to create more powerful ammo that's great to switch to for tougher foes (but will wear down your weapon more quickly). Perks can be unlocked via in-game achievements, so for instance killing 75 bugs unlocks the Bug Stomper perk increasing damage. You can have one sidekick in your party along with Rex (the dog, who kind of weak). All Vegas table games are really well done (some of the best I've seen in a video game) and very fun to participate in.

The game, overall, has a warmer feel to it due to the blue skies, the soft electric glow of signs (electricity!), the amber UI and in some cases less destruction to the terrain. Weapons now have a DPS rating so it's much easier to see what your real damage output is.

The technical issues I experienced were pretty crazy. The game crashed several times on me forcing a restart (as in, rebooting the X360). One time the gambling interface completely disappeared on me and I was no longer able to play blackjack until I reloaded a previous save game. One time I picked some berries and the ground texture suddenly transformed into a gigantic blurry mess. Several times enemies got stuck in environmental pieces like walls or a rocks. Load times can, at times, reach ridiculous levels even when installed on the 360s HDD. The worst offender of it all was the degradation of the frame rate over time. Twice I had to clear the cache on my console, reboot it and then everything was fine for a while, but there were certain moments in the game where the hitching was bad despite this. If just feels like it could be a little more optimized technically.

Also I want to add a note that the cursing in the game got to a point where I was sort of winced. It’s not that I’m offended by foul language when it has its place, but there were times in New Vegas where it felt forced and unnecessary. Fallout 3, I felt, was able to get their point across without any cursing whatsoever. So fair warning to those sensitive about this stuff. I'm usually not bothered by this sort of thing and for whatever reason it was a bother in a few places.

Overall the game is great! It doesn’t feel like it could have been Fallout 3 DLC, but has its own place as a proper sequel. It's got new weapons, tons of interesting characters to chat with, a (seeming) million places to visit and an interesting plot. There are some truly epic moments in the game that everyone open-world gamer should experience. The factions add an exciting effect to your place in the world, and at the very least add another interesting dimension to it all. Listen, if you loved Fallout 3 then you will love Fallout New Vegas--possible more so if you can get through the glitches.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2001
Nice to hear the sequel's enjoyable. If I didn't have an unopened copy of Fallout 3: GOTY (I did a playthrough of vanilla FO3 but haven't tried any of the DLC yet), I'd be picking this up today for sure.


Jun 9, 2007
Thanks for the review Warcrow!

It seems like a lot of people are complaining about the bugs and crashing on all systems. I may wait a month or two for the patch(es) before I buy this one.
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