Family of "swatting" victim want's officer charged


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
This officer showed up at this house under the impression it was a hostage situation and he shot the first unarmed person who answered the door. What if the person who answered the door was a hostage attempting to escape? The officer would've shot the hostage. Instead, because the officers were unwilling to do any assessment of the situation before going in guns blazing, they killed an innocent man.

Then, they stir up a media shitstorm about "call of duty" and "swatting" when the main issue should be why the hell didn't these cops actually check the ridiculous story that kid gave them on the phone. In the call it is completely obvious this "SwAutistic" guy was trying to get the cops to go to that house. You would have to be a total idiot to believe that was a real hostage situation. He stated he had his two family members locked in a closet with him but there were zero other voices on the entire tape. So they blame this mentally disabled moron for their own public execution of a totally innocent man.

Well, the family ain't buying your bullshit, cops....

ICHITA, Kan. – The attorney for the family of a Kansas man fatally shot at the door of his home after a hoax emergency call wants the police officer who killed him criminally charged for his death.

Police have said 28-year-old Andrew Finch was shot after a prankster called 911 last week with a fake story about a shooting and kidnapping at Finch's Wichita home.

In a letter Tuesday, Finch's mother, Lisa Finch, says officials are compounding the family's grief by not allowing her to see her son's body or returning it for burial.

The family's Chicago attorney, Andrew M. Stroth, says justice for them would include criminal charges against the SWAT team officer who shot Finch.

Prosecutors are seeking to have a California man accused of making the call sent to Kansas.


Senior member
Aug 10, 2011
The cops have been trying their best to deflect the blame on to the guy who called; the larger blame lies with the officer who fired his gun, and then the swat team who dragged the entire family out and into police-cars and jails for nothing. Even after the shooting, they never stopped to ask questions. They are far more liable than the caller.


Oct 6, 2009
The cops have been trying their best to deflect the blame on to the guy who called; the larger blame lies with the officer who fired his gun, and then the swat team who dragged the entire family out and into police-cars and jails for nothing. Even after the shooting, they never stopped to ask questions. They are far more liable than the caller.
They are both equally liable. Swatters should be subject to impalement. Trigger-happy cops should be subject to immediate dismissal followed by a life of shame, if not life in prison for egregious abuse of power.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
From what I've read the cop shot the guy as he was putting his hands in the air following orders from the police on the scene. The cop that shot him said he was "reaching", I guess going from your arm down to up in the air in a standard surrender position is now considered reaching. Truly disturbing.
Nov 8, 2012
They are both equally liable. Swatters should be subject to impalement. Trigger-happy cops should be subject to immediate dismissal followed by a life of shame, if not life in prison for egregious abuse of power.

Agreed. Swatting is equivalent to yelling fire in a crowded theater.

Also OP is too stupid and one-sided to mention important elements to the story. Based on OPs post, we presume the man walked outside in front of his house - the MOMENT he opened the door and walked out BAM a bullet in him. That was clearly not the case, and unless OP is too big of a partisian moron to read important elements like that then it should CLEARLY be mentioned in the OP.

Oh wait, he is a partisan moron with a clear agenda and a diversion of facts.

I'm not saying which side is right in this case, but for the love of fuck please mention all the facts instead of your one-sided bickering


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Whats partisan about wanting this officer brought to justice? I want's him to be charged is all

The swatter has been arrested and charged (as he should be) but for some reason the guy who pulls the trigger is never responsible unless he's brown.
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Golden Member
Aug 28, 2010
I'm not saying which side is right in this case, but for the love of fuck please mention all the facts instead of your one-sided bickering
The fact is that police-officers shouldn't be shooting at their own civilians at the first moment they are scared or feel uncomfortable. And that is exactly what happened here. And happens every week in your fabulous country. Maybe every day now.

To me, the US is like a frigging third-world country. Where police is afraid of its own citizens. And citizens are afraid of the police.


Apr 8, 2002
The fact is that police-officers shouldn't be shooting at their own civilians at the first moment they are scared or feel uncomfortable. And that is exactly what happened here. And happens every week in your fabulous country. Maybe every day now.

To me, the US is like a frigging third-world country. Where police is afraid of its own citizens. And citizens are afraid of the police.

We have allowed our domestic policing rules of engagement not seen in warzones. It is unbelievable.


Oct 18, 2005
Whats partisan about wanting this officer brought to justice? I want's him to be charged is all

The swatter has been arrested and charged (as he should be) but for some reason the guy who pulls the trigger is never responsible unless he's brown.

Its funny to listen to a Russian wannabe troll try to talk about justice.


Jun 5, 2000
This officer showed up at this house under the impression it was a hostage situation and he shot the first unarmed person who answered the door. What if the person who answered the door was a hostage attempting to escape? The officer would've shot the hostage. Instead, because the officers were unwilling to do any assessment of the situation before going in guns blazing, they killed an innocent man.

Then, they stir up a media shitstorm about "call of duty" and "swatting" when the main issue should be why the hell didn't these cops actually check the ridiculous story that kid gave them on the phone. In the call it is completely obvious this "SwAutistic" guy was trying to get the cops to go to that house. You would have to be a total idiot to believe that was a real hostage situation. He stated he had his two family members locked in a closet with him but there were zero other voices on the entire tape. So they blame this mentally disabled moron for their own public execution of a totally innocent man.

Well, the family ain't buying your bullshit, cops....

wow, so how many years have you worked in law enforcement or CSI or IA?
Nov 8, 2012
The fact is that police-officers shouldn't be shooting at their own civilians at the first moment they are scared or feel uncomfortable. And that is exactly what happened here. And happens every week in your fabulous country. Maybe every day now.

To me, the US is like a frigging third-world country. Where police is afraid of its own citizens. And citizens are afraid of the police.

I absolutely agree in full... especially considering their position - they were....

1) Decently far away from the front door, obviously speaking from afar
2) From sources I read, they were behind barricades (which makes sense, at the very least behind their vehicles?)
3) have lights shined at the person. Kinda hard to aim a gun at a target when there is a bright shiny light in your eyes
4) They already have their own guns drawn I presume, which means it's kinda hard as fuck for the man to magically pull a gun and fire it even remotely accurately enough to shoot an officer behind a barricade with a light shining on him.

I'm simply stating, quit your partisan bullshit and mention the fact that the man raised and lowered his hands multiple times. I'm not saying that this piece of evidence negates and completely exonerates the officer - I'm simply asking you to drop your partisan bullshit that you OBVIOUSLY have because you are failing to mention OBVIOUS facts to the case. Your warped perception of reality might not find that to be relevant information - but to a court, and anyone with half a brain that is CERTAINLY relevant. The way the OP was typed someone with no information would come in and presume the man cracked the door, started walking outside, waved, and was shot dead. That wasn't the case.

This has been a public service announcement for sane and rational people. Please continue to bash the officer, as he rightfully should be.


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2010
Its funny to listen to a Russian wannabe troll try to talk about justice.
Sure, you should call everyone who disagrees with you a russian troll or russian spy. Goddamn commies !

That worked so well during the McCarthy era. The whole world has the greatest respect for what happened in those year. Please re-live them. MAGA, just like during the Korean and Vietnam wars. You guys are winners !
Reactions: DeadlyTitan


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
The way the OP was typed someone with no information would come in and presume the man cracked the door, started walking outside, waved, and was shot dead.

This is exactly what happened you idiot. He opened the door, they shined lights in his face and he reflexively raised his arms and was shot dead.

You are just here to make excuses for police brutality. Nice try, but the rest of the people here saw the video. We aren't buying your partisan BS.
Reactions: DeadlyTitan


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Sure, you should call everyone who disagrees with you a russian troll or russian spy. Goddamn commies !

That worked so well during the McCarthy era. The whole world has the greatest respect for what happened in those year. Please re-live them. MAGA, just like during the Korean and Vietnam wars. You guys are winners !

He's probably a Russian troll himself. LOL
Nov 8, 2012
This is exactly what happened you idiot. He opened the door, they shined lights in his face and he reflexively raised his arms and was shot dead.

You are just here to make excuses for police brutality. Nice try, but the rest of the people here saw the video. We aren't buying your partisan BS.

Wichita police say a man who was fatally shot by an officer Thursday evening was unarmed but had put his hands by his waistband multiple times during commands to raise them.

“Officers gave him several verbal commands to put his hands up and walk towards them. The male complied for a very short time and then put his hands back down to his waist. The officers continued to give him verbal commands to put his hands up, and he lowered them again.

“The male then turned towards the officers on the east side of the residence, lowered his hands to the waistband again, then suddenly pulled them back up towards those officers at the east.

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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016

"Wichita Police say..."

Who cares what they say? We saw the video. We saw the police murder him.

Also how the hell do you "reach for your waistband" when you are standing up? When I stand up, my arms sit by my "waistband" (or waist) naturally, without reaching for anything. The only way to not reach for my waist band is to voluntarily move my arms around. What was he supposed to do? Hold his hands to the sides? Wave them around? Dance?


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2010
I'm simply stating, quit your partisan bullshit and mention the fact that the man raised and lowered his hands multiple times.
That really doesn't matter.
Lowering your hands is not a reason to execute someone on the spot.

When you mentioned all those circumstances, like distance, lights shining in what direction, cops having cover, etc, you make it sound like it's a game. Follow the rules, you win. Break the rules, you lose. Make a mistake, you lose. That's bogus. All those circumstances don't matter. When the police show up to your doorstep uninvited, you shouldn't be shot when you move your pinky in the wrong direction. Life is not a game. Life is not a competition. You should be at your best all the time. You shouldn't be required to be concentrated and listening to bullshit at all time. Life should be relaxed.

Well, not in the greatest country in the world apparently. You need to bring your a-game every second of the day, or else you might get punished. By death. And the majority of muricans seems to be ok with that. What a hellhole.


Apr 8, 2013
They are both equally liable. Swatters should be subject to impalement. Trigger-happy cops should be subject to immediate dismissal followed by a life of shame, if not life in prison for egregious abuse of power.

I don't think there is equal guilt here. The swatter did what he did out of pure malevolent intent. He sent police into this man's house believing that the man had a gun and had already killed someone. If this was a bad shoot on the part of the police, it was a crime of negligence.
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Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
In what way are the police directing the media? I'm sure they are doing what they can to keep attention away from any of their mistakes, but I'm having a hard time believing they have much ability to direct the media on what to report.

Also, your post is inaccurate about the events. The officer didn't shoot the guy simply walking out of the door. This is not to say that the cops didn't act criminally (maybe, maybe not) or to the best of their capability (certainly not) or consistent with their training (I don't know enough about their training to have an opinion).


Oct 6, 2009
I don't think there is equal guilt here. The swatter did what he did out of pure malevolent intent. He sent police into this man's house believing that the man had a gun and had already killed someone. If this was a bad shoot on the part of the police, it was a crime of negligence.
No question that the swatter loses the intent battle, but IMO cops should be held to a higher standard and it was likely just a matter of time before the same cop did the same thing in a similar situation.


Apr 8, 2013
No question that the swatter loses the intent battle, but IMO cops should be held to a higher standard and it was likely just a matter of time before the same cop did the same thing in a similar situation.

Perhaps, but don't you think it's at all mitigating here that the cops went into this believing that the man was definitely armed? Bear in mind that the swatter didn't pretend to be a neighbor overhearing something which sounded alarming. He pretended to be the man himself, confessing that he was armed and had already killed someone. He literally could not possibly have created a more volatile and dangerous situation.


Apr 8, 2013
Have you watched the video? It looks to have happened over a few seconds and I did not see his hands go up and down multiple times

I saw this video here, though it isn't clear if the video started when the incident started or some time after. Also, I can't see much of anything. It's blurry and the man is too far away.

If the cops are lying about him moving his hands to his waist, then the shooter is guilty and should go to prison. I'm just not sure the video proves anything one way or the other.


Oct 18, 2013
Perhaps, but don't you think it's at all mitigating here that the cops went into this believing that the man was definitely armed? Bear in mind that the swatter didn't pretend to be a neighbor overhearing something which sounded alarming. He pretended to be the man himself, confessing that he was armed and had already killed someone. He literally could not possibly have created a more volatile and dangerous situation.

And what detail would make them believe that this was not one of the hostages and was in fact the shooter? If the officer truly believed the call, then he may be dealing with a victim that may not be in the best state of mind and will find it hard to follow orders. Shooting someone in that situation a few seconds after coming out seems to be a very bad call.
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