Fast Food locations closing down rather than pay employees more

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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
No, that would be me. Get your lefties sorted out dude, you are confused.
That would be both of you. And generally speaking, you hear one leftist's class envy horseshit, you've heard them all. Its not like too many of you are original thinkers.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
The problem: Average workers'/peoples' wages aren't keeping up in this economy.

Solution: Decree a law that workers'/people make higher wages.

Really? That's almost comically stupid in the big picture of things.

I think such a solution is one bereft of knowledge and ideas and nothing but a lazy man's shortcut. And it's not going to work. There are two valid ways to make more money: (1) Enhance your skill set and/or (2) be more productive. But even if you do those we'll be treading water as a country because we allow many thousands of non or low skilled workers to cross the border. You can't allow the low and non skilled workers in at such large numbers and expect the stats to get better.

BTW: The Left seems to love Warren Buffet and even he admits he can't support a higher minimum wage because of uncertainty about its economic effect(s).

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Nov 4, 2004
You are doing it again. Google Marginal Utility. If I spend 100k on 2 workers, but never rent a building, then what good have I done for my company.

If what you said was true, then the 99.9% of employers are complete idiots, because they would be super ultra rich by now, because they would take all their money, and keep giving it to their employees.

Are you actually saying you should give unlimited investments to employees?

In your example, completely depends on your company. Do you even need a building to begin with? If you rent a building, but don't hire anyone, what good have you done for your company?

Employers who don't value their workers are idiots.

Give unlimited investments to employees? What are you even babbling about. I never said such a thing. I said employees are an investment.


Oct 9, 1999
Well, that I don't doubt. At some point though, who will the 'consumers' be (the machines won't buy the stuff). Of course, a rising middle class in China and India might fill in the gap of a sagging US consumer. I suppose it will have to go to some sort of governmental support for the masses.....or simply mass chaos. Time will tell.

Unless we isolate ourselves from emerging nations economically, the average lifestyle will reach a worldwide median. The US lifestyle has nowhere to go but down.


Mar 19, 2007
No, that would be me. Get your lefties sorted out dude, you are confused.

No, you are the confused one. You have actually declared war on yourself. You have a maid, over $1 Million in assets yet you call yourself common folk middle class.


Senior member
Oct 30, 2005
So, here is the CBO's estimate if you were to raise the minimum wage.

"Effects of the $10.10 Option on Employment and Income
Once fully implemented in the second half of 2016, the $10.10 option would reduce total employment by about 500,000 workers, or 0.3 percent, CBO projects (see the table below). As with any such estimates, however, the actual losses could be smaller or larger; in CBO’s assessment, there is about a two-thirds chance that the effect would be in the range between a very slight reduction in employment and a reduction in employment of 1.0 million workers."

This is a known effect. So well known that its often forgotten.

/sigh. You asked for proof that raising the minimum wage was a net gain, I've provided links confirming that, and raising the minimum wage has always been a net gain since the 1930's. If you're changing your argument to whether or not it causes a rise in unemployemnt, well economists disagree on that issue. IMO, there will be a slight rise in unemployment, but it is more then made up by the higher wages.

What is your argument? That increasing the minimum wage is insignificant or bad things happen when you increase the minimum wage? That increasing the minimum wage results in a net negative? That increasing the minimum wage results in higher unemployment? You keep on changing the arguments you're making, it's almost as if you've reached a conclusion that suits you, and are rationalizing that conclusion instead of looking at the data.
As for underemployment and job exportation. I'm too lazy to look up those right now, but it follows the logic. That is, labor being more expensive locally, it then becomes cost effective to get the labor externally. If not externally, then underemploy because it absolves you of the tax burden. You see fast food doing this a lot right now.

/sigh So you don't have any links or citations but it feels right? Despite real world studies showing that's not the case?

So an employee is providing a company a profit, the cost of the employee rises, you feel that companies will decide not make a profit and fire that employee because...? Fill in the blank for me.

Let's forget employment for a second and consider almost anything else. Burger Store makes burgers. The price of tomatoes goes up. Do you think Burger Store will stop making burgers? If the price of Lettuce goes up, do you think Burger Store will stop making burgers? If the price of meat goes up? The price of vegetables varies widely during the year and restaurants make do. What is so special about labor that if the price of labor goes up businesses will cut off their nose to spite their face and choose no profit over less profit? Especially since the cost of labor is known and steady, compared to the cost of vegetables which fluctuate monthly and are prone to random unknown price increases due to bad weather, bad crops, etc.

As for your second contention, I do feel like I was consistent on the effects to the economy. I think something interesting happened there. I listed off the side effects that would be caused by a raise in the minimum wage. Those things being bad, were never given scale. I never said it would have a "Big" effect, but it would have real effects. Those effects are bad, but the implications for the economy are not "Big" depending on how you define big.

If You think there's no real effect to raising the minimum wage then what's the contention? Let them raise the minimum wage as much as they want, it accomplishes nothing.

Of course, most economists think raising the minimum wage improves the economy, so pardon me if I trust them over you.

The next point you made was probably the best one. The link you gave took all of Apple's profits, and divided them by the total number of works. In no way did it adjust for value driven in by the workers. It also showed that apple on average pays its "store workers" around $12 an hour. Not the CEO's pay or any exec, just the store workers. A minimum wage hike would do nothing, and you added the revenue driven in by people who drive in way more value and then said the store workers should get some of that.

You were arguing that there wasn't enough money to give minimum wage earners more money. I showed you there was plenty of money to give everyone a raise. I then explained why a company wouldn't do that on its own(profits), even if it wanted to (putting itself at a disadvantage) but the money is there for a wage increase. Many times in business there are unexpected increases in costs. Companies make do and still continue to make a profit. Where does this idea come from that a small expected increase in cost will devastate companies that face bigger and more random costs changes daily?

1You sound like you think its possible to have a company that employs workers and is not driven by profits. 2You seem to think that a company should cap its profits and that would be good for the world. 3Ask economists and you will find that your view is vastly in the minority.

And what does this have to do with price of rice in China? This is a bit of a non sequitur but I'll go ahead and humor you.

1. I do agree that it's possible to have a company that employs workers and is not driven purely by profits. Look at Chick-fil-a, who eschews Sunday profits in order to give their employees a day of rest. Look at Apple eschewing profits and investments from people who don't believe in global warming

2. Disagree, A company should try and make as much money as it can, ethically. Whether concentrating solely on wealth is the best thing for the world, that's a different discussion entirely.

3. I've provided links that show the vast majority of real-world economists agree with me, though I'll concede that my opinions are the minority among people who have never read an actual economics book or taken an economics class.


May 15, 2000
/sigh. You asked for proof that raising the minimum wage was a net gain, I've provided links confirming that, and raising the minimum wage has always been a net gain since the 1930's. If you're changing your argument to whether or not it causes a rise in unemployemnt, well economists disagree on that issue. IMO, there will be a slight rise in unemployment, but it is more then made up by the higher wages.

What is your argument? That increasing the minimum wage is insignificant or bad things happen when you increase the minimum wage? That increasing the minimum wage results in a net negative? That increasing the minimum wage results in higher unemployment? You keep on changing the arguments you're making, it's almost as if you've reached a conclusion that suits you, and are rationalizing that conclusion instead of looking at the data.

/sigh So you don't have any links or citations but it feels right? Despite real world studies showing that's not the case?

So an employee is providing a company a profit, the cost of the employee rises, you feel that companies will decide not make a profit and fire that employee because...? Fill in the blank for me.

Let's forget employment for a second and consider almost anything else. Burger Store makes burgers. The price of tomatoes goes up. Do you think Burger Store will stop making burgers? If the price of Lettuce goes up, do you think Burger Store will stop making burgers? If the price of meat goes up? The price of vegetables varies widely during the year and restaurants make do. What is so special about labor that if the price of labor goes up businesses will cut off their nose to spite their face and choose no profit over less profit? Especially since the cost of labor is known and steady, compared to the cost of vegetables which fluctuate monthly and are prone to random unknown price increases due to bad weather, bad crops, etc.

If You think there's no real effect to raising the minimum wage then what's the contention? Let them raise the minimum wage as much as they want, it accomplishes nothing.

Of course, most economists think raising the minimum wage improves the economy, so pardon me if I trust them over you.

You were arguing that there wasn't enough money to give minimum wage earners more money. I showed you there was plenty of money to give everyone a raise. I then explained why a company wouldn't do that on its own(profits), even if it wanted to (putting itself at a disadvantage) but the money is there for a wage increase. Many times in business there are unexpected increases in costs. Companies make do and still continue to make a profit. Where does this idea come from that a small expected increase in cost will devastate companies that face bigger and more random costs changes daily?

And what does this have to do with price of rice in China? This is a bit of a non sequitur but I'll go ahead and humor you.

1. I do agree that it's possible to have a company that employs workers and is not driven purely by profits. Look at Chick-fil-a, who eschews Sunday profits in order to give their employees a day of rest. Look at Apple eschewing profits and investments from people who don't believe in global warming

2. Disagree, A company should try and make as much money as it can, ethically. Whether concentrating solely on wealth is the best thing for the world, that's a different discussion entirely.

3. I've provided links that show the vast majority of real-world economists agree with me, though I'll concede that my opinions are the minority among people who have never read an actual economics book or taken an economics class.

Damn!! Smack down delivered! Well done sir!


Mar 19, 2007
Of course, most economists think raising the minimum wage improves the economy, so pardon me if I trust them over you.


From your "economist"

"More than 16 million low-wage workers, now making as little as $7.25 an hour, would directly benefit from the increase, the report said. Another eight million workers making slightly more than the minimum would probably also get raises, because of the upward “ripple effect” of an increase. That would add $31 billion to the paychecks of families ranging from poverty level to the middle class, significantly increasing their spending power and raising the nation’s economic output and overall income."

Unless that $31 Billion appears out of thin air it comes from either the business owners pockets leaving them with less spending power or it comes from consumers in the form of higher prices/inflation canceling out any additional overall income of the nation.

I can understand arguing the morality of a higher minimum wage, but telling me it is somehow better for the economy for me to have $20 less and you to have $20 more? No.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
It seems like every time minimum wage gets raised, they still end up living the same life style. They keep raising it cause they say it directly "benefits" them...yet where are they at now that it's $7.25 per hour? Struggling as always. Jack it up more and the economy "adjusts" and once again they are still right there in that lifestyle...often a mismanaged one regardless.
Just like when gas prices skyrocketed to gradually reach over $4 per gallon, which we're almost there again. Does it ever stop people from driving with lead feet or smoking their diesels like a madman from stop light to stop light?...nope

There always seems to be a new "normal" regardless of the cost of living and yet people still buy homes, still waste income on frivolous items, go to movies and complain just like the good ol days.
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May 15, 2000
It seems like every time minimum wage gets raised, they still end up living the same life style. They keep raising it cause they say it directly "benefits" them...yet where are they at now that it's $7.25 per hour? Struggling as always. Jack it up more and the economy "adjusts" and once again they are still right there in that lifestyle...often a mismanaged one regardless.
Just like when gas prices skyrocketed to gradually reach over $4 per gallon, which we're almost there again. Does it ever stop people from driving with lead feet or smoking their diesels like a madman from stop light to stop light?...nope

There always seems to be a new "normal" regardless of the cost of living and yet people still buy homes, still waste income on frivolous items, go to movies and complain just like the good ol days.

Yeah no shit! It's called inflation. Inflation keeps rising even though wages are not rising as well. Hmm...I wonder why the two aren't intertwined? It's probably because Americans have been less productive, right? /s


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
This will make the Rich Republicans in here have a brain hemorrhage.

I hope every Fast Food place in Seattle closes.


Seattle council passes $15 minimum wage

The Seattle City Council unanimously passed an ordinance Monday that gradually increases the minimum wage in the city to $15, which would make it the highest in the nation.

Councilmember Tom Rasmussen said "Seattle wants to stop the race to the bottom in wages" and address the "widening gap between the rich and the poor."


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
From your "economist"

"More than 16 million low-wage workers, now making as little as $7.25 an hour, would directly benefit from the increase, the report said. Another eight million workers making slightly more than the minimum would probably also get raises, because of the upward “ripple effect” of an increase. That would add $31 billion to the paychecks of families ranging from poverty level to the middle class, significantly increasing their spending power and raising the nation’s economic output and overall income."

Unless that $31 Billion appears out of thin air it comes from either the business owners pockets leaving them with less spending power or it comes from consumers in the form of higher prices/inflation canceling out any additional overall income of the nation.

I can understand arguing the morality of a higher minimum wage, but telling me it is somehow better for the economy for me to have $20 less and you to have $20 more? No.
Question is if it's better for the country to have that twenty dollars in investment or in consumption. Our problem is that most of our consumer goods are manufactured off-shore, so a big chunk of that $20 in consumption leaves our economy (trade imbalance). We've also engineered a system in which investment is usually better off in some other nation, so arguably a big chunk of the $20 in owner's pockets also goes off-shore. Although there are some investments - e.g. new or updated homes, education - where probably most stays in our economy at least in the short run.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
In other words, Government is taking your money, and people like werepossum are talking about your money.

Are you screwed? Yes, you're screwed.



Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
In other words, Government is taking your money, and people like werepossum are talking about your money.

Are you screwed? Yes, you're screwed.

Technically this is government taking control of your money and forcing it to flow where it would not normally flow. While I'm against that in broad principle, I also would not wish to live in an America where government had zero control over one's money. Imagine having no safety equipment because it's cheaper to replace you than protect you, or earning $2/hour flipping burgers because there is a glut of unemployed.

I suspect this would be less a libertarian utopia than a world in flames. If government extends no protections toward employees, then employees are highly unlikely to honor its protections for employers.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
If Government didn't extend protection to individuals, that would be like before our nation went bankrupt.

When we were prosperous.



Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
Can you imagine the day, as an American, that all your dollars, go to Government first?



Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
^ just curious, do you need a new post for every random thought?

(Not being too critical though, its at least not a new thread for each random thought like some)


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
Hi Zaap.

Cam you imagine the day, when a government official asks you, "papers please."

Do you understand why that is wrong?



Apr 8, 2002
Knowing people who own fast food restaurants. When stuff like this happens they try to pass the cost onto the consumer. If the consumer wont take the cost they will reduce hiring and try to stretch what they have to the max.
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