Fastest P2 made?


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2001
What's the fastest P2 made? Will most P2 mobos take a P3?
What's the fastest P3 that these old mobos will take usually?


Apr 10, 2001
1.p2 450

2.that is with a 100mhz bus so yes it might take a p3

3. I don't know....I have an HP Vectra server that came wit ha p3 550 and I have a p3 700e on it

Check for bios updates on you mobo


Nov 11, 1999
That would be a P2-600, IIRC, maybe there was a P2-650.....

Many BX chipset 100mhz fsb P2 boards will support P3's and Celeron2's on slotkets or secc packages up to 1100mhz, it depends on bios support and the onboard voltage regulators.

Anybody seriously contemplating a P3 upgrade vs a Celeron upgrade should investigate the Powerleap packages. The 256K cache Tualatin based Celerons that they use are actually improved P3's- better performance and guaranteed compatibility at comparable price.

There are hacks that allow tualatins on some BX boards- more involved than most would realistically want to do, also leaving the internal processor voltage out of spec.....


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
fastest P2 was the P2 450 as Goosemaster said.

many P2 mobos will take coppermine celerons and 100mhz FSB coppermine P3's(this is a bios issue) tulatin celerons and P3's are a throw up since BX maxes out @100mhz FSB so P3 would be out of spec right off the bat. celerons have a chance to work with an adapter. both would need heavy mods due to the mobos not having the correct voltage regualtor.

fastest chip... probably the P3 850, after that you could try tracking down an ohh so rare P3 1000(100mhz fsb)


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
you could get one of those powerleap things which allows pretty much any BX mobo to run a tualatin up to 1.4 GHz.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2001
This is for my friend who has a P2 333Mhz right now and he wants his dvd to work better (without a dvd hardware card) and to do an upgrade at a good price. I didn't have a P2 or a P3 cause I've been using AMD for a long while but I remember a bit about the chips. The fastest that I knew of was the P2 450 so I wasn't sure that there was anything faster.

I was actually looking at a powerleap adapter on pricewatch today and it said that it would go to 1.4Ghz. I am just curious to see if his mobo will actually support the Powerleap cause it's a pretty old board. He is supposed to get back to me on the model and chipset sometime today.

Finding older chips is getting pretty hard and the price just doesn't make it worth the upgrade. If he can't do the Tualatin celeron with the powerleap, I'm probably going to suggest that he gets a new mobo and cpu. Possibly a Tualatin or a cheap Athlon XP with mobo. He want it $cheap$, but I'm not sure how cheap yet.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
that might be an LX board. i dont' think it would work.


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
If its a P2-333, its most likely a 440LX based motherboard which maxes out officially at 66Mhz FSB (some going to 83Mhz). If its an OEM, its definitely an LX, if its self-built, it could be a 440BX (100Mhz FSB). Powerleap has a 66Mhz FSB based upgrade for older 440LX boards where you can place a 667Mhz Celeron in it.

If your friend has a 440LX board, I'd recommend just getting a combo deal from Fry's (they had the ECS K75SA + 1800+ for $110 or if you're into Intel an i815eb + celeron 1.2 for $80). If its a 440BX and you know hardware, you can buy a Celeron 1.2a, mod the pins on it, and put it in.

The only thing you have to worry about is that you probably need new Ram. Getting a Celeron 1.2a means you need ram that runs at PC100. For the K75SA, you need PC133 or DDR2100.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2001
I have my suspicions that you are right about it being an LX board cause it was a prebuilt clone from someplace where he ordered it through the mail and it works with a 66mhz fsb but who knows, it might have a better chipset on it, but you're right about the ram too. It's older than my old ram and I don't remember PC100 being the norm at that time. I'll check with him tonite cause he's at work and post my results. Thanx for the advice.


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
I've got an OEM PII-350 box (PIONEX brand) with a Biostar M6TBA 440BX board in it. Anybody know what the fastest chip it can take without modding anything is? The FSB is already operating at 100MHz (actually managed to get itself up to 103, but I have no clue how that happened since it has no FSB adjustments in the BIOS or on the board that I'm aware of) so it shouldn't need a Powerleap adapter.

[EDIT: I just checked prices at newegg, and I would be most interested in knowing the fastest Celeron chip I could put in here instead of a PIII, as I can't see spending $100+ on a chip for this old system]


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
Originally posted by: CrazySaint
I've got an OEM PII-350 box (PIONEX brand) with a Biostar M6TBA 440BX board in it. Anybody know what the fastest chip it can take without modding anything is? The FSB is already operating at 100MHz (actually managed to get itself up to 103, but I have no clue how that happened since it has no FSB adjustments in the BIOS or on the board that I'm aware of) so it shouldn't need a Powerleap adapter.

[EDIT: I just checked prices at newegg, and I would be most interested in knowing the fastest Celeron chip I could put in here instead of a PIII, as I can't see spending $100+ on a chip for this old system]

Since its a 440BX, you should be able to flash it to the newest bios and put in a 128KB Celeron (256KB celerons are off limits). They go up to 1100Mhz, but those are rare, more common are the 900/950/1000 128KB Celerons. I wouldnt try modding to get a Tualatin celeron in because from the looks of it (p2-350), you have an early revision 440BX which doesnt support low voltages. You could try a Powerleap slot1 adapter for the tualatin for the abosolute best performance, but thats a decent amount of $$.


Jun 19, 2001
i thought the fastest p2 was a p2 450... becuz i remember my friend had a tough choice between a p2 450 or a p3 450... there was like a $50 price difference. he splurged and dropped $300 on the p3 450 :Q


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
Originally posted by: dexvx
Originally posted by: CrazySaint
I've got an OEM PII-350 box (PIONEX brand) with a Biostar M6TBA 440BX board in it. Anybody know what the fastest chip it can take without modding anything is? The FSB is already operating at 100MHz (actually managed to get itself up to 103, but I have no clue how that happened since it has no FSB adjustments in the BIOS or on the board that I'm aware of) so it shouldn't need a Powerleap adapter.

[EDIT: I just checked prices at newegg, and I would be most interested in knowing the fastest Celeron chip I could put in here instead of a PIII, as I can't see spending $100+ on a chip for this old system]

Since its a 440BX, you should be able to flash it to the newest bios and put in a 128KB Celeron (256KB celerons are off limits). They go up to 1100Mhz, but those are rare, more common are the 900/950/1000 128KB Celerons. I wouldnt try modding to get a Tualatin celeron in because from the looks of it (p2-350), you have an early revision 440BX which doesnt support low voltages. You could try a Powerleap slot1 adapter for the tualatin for the abosolute best performance, but thats a decent amount of $$.

Thanks for the info. If I upgrade the CPU I'd probably not want to spend more then $50 (any more than that and you pretty much may as well buy a new XP 1600+/mobo and case) so adapters are out. Sor for a bit over $50 I could upgrade this thing to a 1GHz system...not bad. Oh, one other question, I'm sure this old board would hardly be the optimal chipset for a 1GHz Cellery, but would I still get respectable performance out of the chip or would the board be a big bottleneck? Also I pretty much ignored the entire PIII era (I've only really gotten into keeping up with all the hardware changes again in the last 10 months or so), so I'm in the dark as to all the different core revisions and things for PIIIs, so how does a PIII Cellery compare with a similar-core PIII in terms of features and performance?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: dexvx
If its a P2-333, its most likely a 440LX based motherboard which maxes out officially at 66Mhz FSB (some going to 83Mhz). If its an OEM, its definitely an LX, if its self-built, it could be a 440BX (100Mhz FSB). Powerleap has a 66Mhz FSB based upgrade for older 440LX boards where you can place a 667Mhz Celeron in it.

If your friend has a 440LX board, I'd recommend just getting a combo deal from Fry's (they had the ECS K75SA + 1800+ for $110 or if you're into Intel an i815eb + celeron 1.2 for $80). If its a 440BX and you know hardware, you can buy a Celeron 1.2a, mod the pins on it, and put it in.

The only thing you have to worry about is that you probably need new Ram. Getting a Celeron 1.2a means you need ram that runs at PC100. For the K75SA, you need PC133 or DDR2100.

My friend did this to one of his comps, and while it definitely helps it's not quite as much as you'd think and you quickly realize your pc still sucks. However he is able to run Neverwinter Nights on it at a playable rate w/ lowest settings and a Radeon 7000.


Senior member
Jun 1, 2001
I've seen P2's go up to 500 MHz, but the 450 MHz parts are far more common.

If the processor is 333 MHz, its on a 66 MHz FSB and probably a LX board - you might be able to stick a 766 MHz Celeron in there without much work.

If the processor is 350 MHz, then you probably have a BX - then you could probably push it to 1 GHz.


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
Originally posted by: e-phex

fastest chip... probably the P3 850, after that you could try tracking down an ohh so rare P3 1000(100mhz fsb)

How rare are these? How much do you think its worth? My friend has one...


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
Also, I'm not sure what kind of P3 this is, its one of those socket P3s. Not the Cartridge Slot type, but rather the ones you insert like todays CPUS (Looks like a green athlon). No markings on the core, but rather on the sides, shows some specs on it.

Which kind is this? I was thinking Coppermine?


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
I just remembered my PII-350 is a cartridge type CPU, does this affect my ability to upgrade?


Oct 14, 1999
Officially it was the P2-450, but some unlocked engineering samples made 550MHz on air cooling. Celerons were far better for overclocking, particular the 366MHz ones. Most of them did 550MHz on air cooling with +.2 volts. The cores rarely could reach 600MHz on air cooling, but some did it with water cooling.

The fastest P!!! that older motherboards like were the Slot-1 P!!!E-1GHz. Alot of BX chipsets will take Pre-Taulatin Celerons (128k L2 cache) up to 1.2GHz. The Celeron566 and Celeron600 were awesome for switching to the 100fsb and running at 850-900MHz.

You may be limited to a Celeron 533MHz if its an LX motherboard. Some of the newer LX chipsets supported voltages down low enough to support up to the Celeron 766MHz, but this is a very small proportion of that chipset.

wolf papa

Senior member
Dec 12, 1999
but some of the early P3's (500, 550, 600?) had a Katmai core (rather than Coppermine) with 512k L2 cache and standard 2.0 volts - why they command such a premium price, and why a lot of BX motherboards can claim to support P3 processors. There are other BX boards that really do support Coppermine processors ( I have an Abit BE6-II, running a 566 Celeron @ 850)

the best and most cost-effective upgrade I've found for OEM motherboards (without adjustable voltages or other tweaks) with a BX chipset, is a socket 370 Celeron 366, on a slocket set at 100FSB, which yields 550. Slockets are pretty cheap (@ $10), add another 15-20 for the Celeron and HSF. My own experience (10-15 Celeron 366's) is about 75-80% will hit the 100 FSB at standard voltage.


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
OK, so in order to upgrade my Slot1 PII-350 I have to buy a slotket, correct? So where can I buy slotkets? I checked newegg and googlegear with no luck. And would say, a Celleron 950MHz (128k cache) be crippled on this setup or would it run somewhat close to what it should?


Oct 14, 1999
They make the 128k L2 cached Celerons all the way up to 1.1GHz, so I'd stick that route. You can get adpaters off most online retail websites for under $10, although they were down to $1 locally!


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
Originally posted by: MadRat
They make the 128k L2 cached Celerons all the way up to 1.1GHz, so I'd stick that route. You can get adpaters off most online retail websites for under $10, although they were down to $1 locally!

Cool. I'll check my local stores, but I don't know if they carry them. Can you link to any reputable online stores that carry slotkets? None of ones I've checked seem to have them, I even tried pricewatch.
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