I know this isn't exactly what you are wanting to hear, but if you are really trying to learn about Windows networking, you should setup a small network yourself and play with configurations on multiple platforms...Win95,95a,95b...Win98,Win98SE...WinNT(read up on service pack information)...and Win2000. All are basically the same, but different versions work a little different depending on the revisions of course and some work better with others. My point is, reading only helps you to get an idea. You need to learn by rolling up your sleeves. If you know how to install and configure NICs to work on your system, that's a major part of networking in itselt. Furthermore, reading up on the protocols and knowing exactly which ones do what and what you need. (Ex.NetBIOS shouldn't be run unless you need it cause it can be a potential security hazard across a network...it has a TCP/IP file sharing option on it). Microsoft networking is easy, but you just need to play with it to get the hang of it.