Lords Of The Realm 2.
Here is SQ from GoG: http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/space_quest_4_5_6
I actually bought it from GoGamer, but they no longer carry it. Maybe I will pick up the KQ series from Steam, and play it. I have really only played KQ1, I think.
weren't there some puzzles that required you to look in the manual for info? or am I thinking about those infocom games?
I still do.
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
Two of the finest adult-themed adventured games I've ever played.
Conquests of the Longbow. My friend and I spend a good chunk of the summer playing that when we were 12 or so.
By far the best Sierra game ever.Tribesssssssssss