FBI Suspects Israel Has Mole in Pentagon

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Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: arsbanned
Here's the bit about the last Israeli spy (they caught):
If the senior official is charged, it would be the biggest Israeli spy case since U.S. Navy intelligence analyst Jonathan Pollard was arrested in November 1985. Pollard is serving a life sentence despite frequent requests from Israel to release him.

I'm surprised the U.S hasn't buckled on that yet....

Is this the guy who forked over the 200 names of CIA agents working in the Soviet Union to Israel ? Of which Israel then later leaked these names to the Russians who in turn rounded all these agents up and executed them all ?


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Doboji
First off: Lets wait and see what the deal is here... from what tiny bit I've read thus far... it could very well be an idiot working on his own. However the concept that Israel would seek to know the US position on Iraq and Iran is not at all inconceivable. This activity is both completely unacceptable, and completely expected. The spy should spend his days rotting in prison with Jonathan Pollard. However hating Israel, and thinking they control our country because of this would be anti-semetism, unless you applied the same principals to every country ever caught with their hand in our intelligence cookie jar... Britain included.


The only course of action I can see that we should embark upon to shore up our nation's defenses is to end all dual-citizenships ASAP. Chalabi and now this event are both perfect examples of how such a system can and will be abused to the determent of our national security.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Doboji
First off: Lets wait and see what the deal is here... from what tiny bit I've read thus far... it could very well be an idiot working on his own. However the concept that Israel would seek to know the US position on Iraq and Iran is not at all inconceivable. This activity is both completely unacceptable, and completely expected. The spy should spend his days rotting in prison with Jonathan Pollard. However hating Israel, and thinking they control our country because of this would be anti-semetism, unless you applied the same principals to every country ever caught with their hand in our intelligence cookie jar... Britain included.


The only course of action I can see that we should embark upon to shore up our nation's defenses is to end all dual-citizenships. Chalabi and now these event are perfect examples of how such a system can and will be abused to the determent of our nation's security.

While I understand what you're saying... we don't even know if this current spy is even an Israeli citzen. Case in point... Jonathan Pollard was NOT an Israeli citzen.

And Jonathan Pollard apparantly did not hand over any list of names... he stole American intelligence about Iraqi, and Syrian WMDs. For which I think his life sentence is absolutely appropriate... he's lucky he didnt get executed on the spot. Which would have been perfectly acceptable.



Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Doboji
First off: Lets wait and see what the deal is here... from what tiny bit I've read thus far... it could very well be an idiot working on his own. However the concept that Israel would seek to know the US position on Iraq and Iran is not at all inconceivable. This activity is both completely unacceptable, and completely expected. The spy should spend his days rotting in prison with Jonathan Pollard. However hating Israel, and thinking they control our country because of this would be anti-semetism, unless you applied the same principals to every country ever caught with their hand in our intelligence cookie jar... Britain included.


The only course of action I can see that we should embark upon to shore up our nation's defenses is to end all dual-citizenships. Chalabi and now these event are perfect examples of how such a system can and will be abused to the determent of our nation's security.

While I understand what you're saying... we don't even know if this current spy is even an Israeli citzen. Case in point... Jonathan Pollard was NOT an Israeli citzen.

And Jonathan Pollard apparantly did not hand over any list of names... he stole American intelligence about Iraqi, and Syrian WMDs. For which I think his life sentence is absolutely appropriate... he's lucky he didnt get executed on the spot. Which would have been perfectly acceptable.


Sorry I got him confused with another spy by the name of Aldrich Ames.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: rextilleon
Listen people--I reacted to a post by a guy who questioned to American Jews loyalty to this country---this is classic anti-semitism---Let him respond---. By the way, if indeed there is an Israeli mole in the state department he should be arrested and put on trial. By the way, Mega Works, weren't you the one who made that inflammatory statement?????

Pay attention to your own inflammatory statements before you go and make accusations.

As for this issue and people saying its okay. There are spys, true...but i think the seriousness is a spy that wasn't collecting information but influencing our decision making policies. For spies in genreal, everyone knows they exist...but if you get caught you are screwed. Its like drinking: you are not supposed to drink if you are underage, but many people knows it happens...but if you do BAM you are screwed and you can rationalize all you want.

Personally I say toss all spies into jail for life sentences withouth any chance of freedom. You decide to play a game with stakes this high: better be prepared to accept the consequences of losing...


Golden Member
Apr 15, 2000
Israel should be nuked into oblivion. That would solve all kinds of problems. That's the platform I'm going to run on in 2020.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
If this is true, and the individual in question is really as high up as the report seems to indicate..he should either rot in prison or be executed. I would support execution.

And we need to seriously evaluate how our policies were affected by this if it is true.


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
As an Israeli, I can tell you that most people I spoke with personally and/or on forums are upset as no one wants to risk the friendly relations with the one and only nation that favours us in this world...

I truly think that if indeed this is true, then it hurts Israel in a great way.

Just bare in mind that these kind of actions between allies are common. but I think that Israel should never in ANY way do anything that might harm its relationship with US even if it is vital for its INTEL.



Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: tnitsuj
If this is true, and the individual in question is really as high up as the report seems to indicate..he should either rot in prison or be executed. I would support execution.

And we need to seriously evaluate how our policies were affected by this if it is true.

What we need to do is not allow foreigners who refuse to give up their dual-citizenships into our government. Especially into positions which effect our foreign and military policies. At the very least we need to get rid of dual-citizenships ASAP. You are either a American citizen or you are not one period. This type of loop hole undermines our sovereignty and allows for foreign nations to easily insert spies into our government and this should not be tolerated.


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: railer
Israel should be nuked into oblivion. That would solve all kinds of problems. That's the platform I'm going to run on in 2020.

Way to go, Hitler! :roll:


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: arsbanned
Bastards. Iran is a better friend to the U.S. than Israel. At least we KNOW where they are coming from.
Israel is working behind our backs all the time.
This isn't the first time. I think we still have one of their spies in in a U.S. prison, don't we?

are you serious or are you just suffering from verbal diarrhoea?


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Drift3r
I think he was being sarcastic when he meant "Friend".

that was clever of you to figure out....

A real friend wouldn't spy and backstab you like this, especially if you have done all you can for them and basically funded and supported them like we have in the past and currently. Israel would of never been created or survived it's earlier wars were it not for us.

and then you suddenly go into dumb mode...?

A real friend wouldn't do that ? do what?? do you see any evidence of that claim being true???

jeezus... don't people think any more??


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 22, 1999
Ummm...the US does not recognize dual citizenship. While other countries might, how can we dictate to other countries their internal policies about citizenship?

Originally posted by: Drift3r
At the very least we need to get rid of dual-citizenships ASAP.


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: railer
Israel should be nuked into oblivion. That would solve all kinds of problems. That's the platform I'm going to run on in 2020.

i knew it was you... the Moron party, right ??


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: Frenchie
Youre naive if you think that Israel is the only country to have a mole in our government or to think that our government doesnt have moles in other countries governements....

Yeah, but do those moles influence whether or not we go to war? We need to cut israel loose. They're a liability to american sovereignty.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
The news reports are backing off now... looks like the guy was not in a position to influence any decisions... furthermore all we know is that he passed intel. There is no indication that he, as an agent for Israel influenced our policy on Iraq.



Dec 12, 2003
No, that's incorrect. An "officlal" is saying he was not in a position to influence and decisions. Another "official"says he WAS. Furthermore, I think you're being a bit premature in saying this thing is over. We don't know what they did. Let's hope it's not as bad as the last time they got caught spying on us.


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2003
Originally posted by: rextilleon
GR GR--are you slow---I quoted from your buddy-------"I think that Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith are more loyal to Israel then the US"---------------Dah-----LOL<BR><BR>By the way, about two years ago a mole was discovered in the State Departement who worked for the British Secret Service---grgr---did that upset you as much? I rest my case!

You don't even have a case :roll:. You invented a Strawman to attack so you could accuse MegaWorks (and liberals) of anti-Semitism. So I called you on it.

You quoted MegaWorks line "I think that Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith are more loyal to Israel then the US" and then you claimed that line somehow "is so typical of classic anti-semitism---The Jews have no loyalty to the country they live in----how sad" i.e. something MegaWorks never said.



Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Frenchie
Mine do as well, but I prefer to not be a hypocrite.

so in an effort to not be a hypocrite you also prob. want us to not fight terrorism because we've sponsored it in the past? instead of being a hypocrite you're sounding like a moron.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: arsbanned
No, that's incorrect. An "officlal" is saying he was not in a position to influence and decisions. Another "official"says he WAS. Furthermore, I think you're being a bit premature in saying this thing is over. We don't know what they did. Let's hope it's not as bad as the last time they got caught spying on us.

How bad was it last time exactly?... do you even know? As I've said before spying on the United States is absolutely unacceptable, and should be a minimum life sentence. However let's not overstep the bounds of our knowledge... there's no reason to now assume Israel has some kind of power over our foreign policy. Which is exactly what the Communist Broadcasting Service does...



Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: GrGr
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>rextilleon</b></i>
GR GR--are you slow---I quoted from your buddy-------"I think that Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith are more loyal to Israel then the US"---------------Dah-----LOL<BR><BR>By the way, about two years ago a mole was discovered in the State Departement who worked for the British Secret Service---grgr---did that upset you as much? I rest my case!<hr></blockquote>

You don't even have a case <img src="i/expressions/anim_roller.gif" border="0">. You invented a Strawman to attack so you could accuse MegaWorks (and liberals) of anti-Semitism. So I called you on it.

You quoted MegaWorks line "I think that Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith are <u>more</u> loyal to Israel then the US" and then you claimed that line somehow <b>"is so typical of classic anti-semitism---The Jews have <u>no</u> loyalty to the country they live in----how sad</b>" i.e. something MegaWorks never said.

Thank you GrGr for making it clear.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Jerusalem: No intelligence assets on American soil

The FBI is investigating whether a mid-level Pentagon official in the Office of the Secretary of Defense passed classified material regarding internal policy deliberations on Iran to two staffers at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), who in turn provided the information to Israel.

Channel 2 TV quoted an official in the Prime Minister's Office Saturday night as saying that the government was not aware of the incident, and denied that Israel has any intelligence agents working in the US. "We are not aware of any Israeli spies in the United States. Israel is not employing any intelligence assets on American soil," the official was quoted as saying.

CBS Evening News led its broadcast Friday night saying the FBI has a "full-fledged espionage investigation underway" and that the FBI believes it has "solid evidence" that a "suspected mole" in the Pentagon "supplied Israel with classified materials that include secret White House policy deliberations on Iran."

Israel immediately denied the espionage allegation. "We deny these allegations. The United States is Israel's most cherished friend and ally. We have a strong, ongoing, working relationship at all levels and in no way would Israel do anything to impair this relationship," said David Siegel, spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington.

Earlier, the embassy described the allegations as "false and outrageous."

AIPAC, the leading pro-Israel lobby, also denied any wrongdoing. "Any allegation of criminal conduct by AIPAC or our employees is false and baseless. Neither AIPAC nor any of its employees has violated any laws or rules, nor has AIPAC or its employees ever received information they believed was secret or classified," the group said in a statement.

"AIPAC is cooperating fully with the governmental authorities. It has provided documents and information to the government and has made staff available for interviews."

Israel's defense establishment said it conducted a thorough examination over the weekend with all security and intelligence bodies to verify the veracity of reports that a Pentagon employee passed on secrets to Israel.

"The examination revealed what we expected," said a senior defense official. "There are no sanctioned espionage operations going on against the United States. There is no truth to these reports."

The official, who spoke to The Jerusalem Post on condition of anonymity, said that the entire story was dubious from the outset. He noted that Israel and the United States are very close strategic allies and there is enormous sharing of intelligence between the two countries.
"We have very good, excellent working relations with the Americans, and we are very discreet about it. There is no need to operate (spies) in the Pentagon or anywhere else in the United States." The senior official said. "Also, it wouldn't be in our interest to take actions that would jeopardize these relations that we've built up over the years," he added.

The official added that they were speaking in the name of the Defense establishment, and that any official statement from the government needed to come from the prime minister's office or the foreign ministry.

The investigation has been ongoing for a year, according to several news reports. And the Pentagon, in a statement issued late Friday, said it has been cooperating with the Department of Justice on this matter "for an extended period of time."

"It is the D.O.D (Department of Defense's) understanding that the investigation within the D.O.D is limited in its scope," it said.

The statement went on to play down the official's significance as news organizations speculated that Israel somehow unduly influenced US policy toward Iran, or even Iraq, through the alleged mole.

The official, identified by sources as Larry Franklin, "did not really work on Iraq," even though he works in the Pentagon's Near East and South Asia (NESA) Bureau, according to an American source. Franklin, a colonel in the US Air Force Reserve, served in the past as an attache at the US embassy in Israel, one source told The Jerusalem Post.

That NESA bureau is overseen by William Luti, the deputy undersecretary of defense for Near East and South Asia Affairs. And Luti reports to Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith.

"The investigation involves a single individual at D.O.D. at the desk officer level, who was not in a position to have significant influence over U.S. policy. Nor could a foreign power be in a position to influence U.S. policy through this individual. To the best of D.O.D's knowledge, the investigation does not target any other D.O.D. officials," the Pentagon said.

The American source said Friday of the allegations about Franklin: "He was irresponsible probably in mishandling classified information. That doesn't mean he was spying for Israel."

Some news reports described what was given to AIPAC as "a sensitive report about American policy toward Iran." CBS described it as a presidential directive on Iran that was in the draft phase.

CBS said the FBI investigation involved wiretaps, undercover surveillance and photography, that "document the passing of classified information form the mole to the men at AIPAC, and on to the Israelis."

No one has yet be detained, though news reports said an arrest could be made as early as next week. The Washington Post reported, however, that "it is not yet clear whether the case will rise to the level of espionage or end up involving lesser charges such as improper disclosure or mishandling of classified information."

Those kinds of investigations into the mishandling of classified information are routine in Washington. The most recent, high-profile incident has been the investigation into whether Sandy Berger, President Clinton's former national security adviser, took classified documents on that administration's terrorism policy rather than turning them over to the commission investigation the September 11th attacks.

But the CBS report unleashed more damning comparisons. News stories recalled the case of Jonathan Pollard, the former US naval intelligence officer who was convicted of giving top-secret documents to Israel over an extended period of time in the 1980s. Pollard is serving a life sentence.

The Pollard affair led to questioning of whether some American Jews have a dual loyalty to Israel and has had a lasting impact on American Jews seeking jobs in sensitive positions in US government.

Unlike Pollard, however, Franklin is not Jewish.



Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&amp;cid=1093674510956">Jerusalem views 'spy' story as...US political fare

"This is part of the effort to find fault with Bush, and cast him as someone who is surrounded and controlled by Jewish Zionists," one official said.

"This is an American political story, an elections story, a pre-convention story to try to slander and criticize [US President George W.] Bush. It has nothing to do with us," one source in Jerusalem said.

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