Fearmongering ignorant news broadcasters

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Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007
Originally posted by: Perknose
Intent? I've seen the SS move decisively on FAR flimsier pretexts.

The guy is carrying a sign saying, "It's Time to Water the Tree of Liberty!" We all know, or should know, EXACTLY what he's referring to, SHEDDING BLOOD.

The famous quote by Thomas Jefferson:

?The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.?

Many loons on the right, several right here on this very forum, think Obama is a tyrant and call him a Nazi!

In 1984, I was 10 feet from where Ronald Reagan was speaking in Media, Pa. A Swarthmore College student dressed a tree with a sign saying, "Stop me before I kill again" -- OBVIOUSLY referring to Reagan's then recent and idiotic statement that trees kill more people with their CO2 pollution than cars was taken down and arrested by the SS for making a death threat on the President.

So, yeah, a guy with a gun and a sign calling for blood is something of an issue. :roll:

20 years ago I couldn't get within a half-mile of Dan Quayle with a sign that said, "Stop Acid Rain on Mt Mitchell" because the sign was mounted on a broom stick.

The reason? The Secret Service said I could remove the broom stick, sharpen it on the pavement and throw it 100 yards striking the Veep.



Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
New video from Hardball:


Gotta love Matthews losing it: Why did you bring a God Damn gun to...blah blah blah.

Matthews tried so hard to paint that guy as a loon, and failed miserably. :thumbsup: for the guy on doing a good job.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Genx87
And it is hard to imagine why CNN and MSNBC's ratings are in the sewer.

It's actually pretty easy, most normal, well adjusted people don't watch cable news of any kind. Especially not one with a "liberal slant". Can you imagine a channel that caters to the DMC's of the world doing well in the ratings? I mean come on.

The fact that one particular cable news channel easily has the highest numbers of viewers then becomes pathetic, not something to write home about.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Genx87
And it is hard to imagine why CNN and MSNBC's ratings are in the sewer.

It's actually pretty easy, most normal, well adjusted people don't watch cable news of any kind. Especially not one with a "liberal slant". Can you imagine a channel that caters to the DMC's of the world doing well in the ratings? I mean come on.

The fact that one particular cable news channel easily has the highest numbers of viewers then becomes pathetic, not something to write home about.

Funny because Fox News is beating NETWORK news shows such as CBS evening news.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Video of broadcast

I wouldn't mind so much, but I just know this is going to spread and I'm gonna have to listen to endless hours of commentary by people with IQs roughly equivalent to a kumquat. I've met Senators, Congressmen, and even a Vice President with my weapon on me. Never an issue before. Granted, never a President, as the two rallies I attended were on school property.

Perhaps its another argument for concealed carry...at least then we wouldn't have to listen to it like it was news worthy.

There is no f'in way you were openly carrying a weapon and met with a Senator or a Vice President. Maybe a Congressman, but no way security is letting you near either of those folks. Especially not in any type of meeting like this. Your full of bleep. No reason for this guy to carry a gun to a rally, give me a break. This is not about liberty or freedom, its about common fVcking sense. You got mothers and children there. Things get out of hand ain't no telling who gets needlessly shot. It was a stupid stupid thing to do. That guy is a moron.


Jun 9, 2007
Originally posted by: bamacre
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
New video from Hardball:


Gotta love Matthews losing it: Why did you bring a God Damn gun to...blah blah blah.

Matthews tried so hard to paint that guy as a loon, and failed miserably. :thumbsup: for the guy on doing a good job.

LOL, wow Matthews is a prick.

Why can't this guy just do a normal interview?



Feb 6, 2002
That guy is an asshole. While he had the right to carry his gun there are some places where is irresponsible to do so. Everyone know this President is under more of a threat then others.

Texas allows people to carry but the Texas Rangers don't allow guns in the ballpark.

If this guy went to Crawford for a meeting with GWB for a meeting I'm sure the Secret Service would confiscate his gun.

I supposed the Rangers and the SS are against your 2nd amendment rights!


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: HomerJS
That guy is an asshole. While he had the right to carry his gun there are some places where is irresponsible to do so. Everyone know this President is under more of a threat then others.

Texas allows people to carry but the Texas Rangers don't allow guns in the ballpark.

If this guy went to Crawford for a meeting with GWB for a meeting I'm sure the Secret Service would confiscate his gun.

I supposed the Rangers and the SS are against your 2nd amendment rights!

Stadiums is private property, owners can dictate what they want.

This man was on PRIVATE PROPERTY with permission.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Genx87
And it is hard to imagine why CNN and MSNBC's ratings are in the sewer.

It's actually pretty easy, most normal, well adjusted people don't watch cable news of any kind. Especially not one with a "liberal slant". Can you imagine a channel that caters to the DMC's of the world doing well in the ratings? I mean come on.

The fact that one particular cable news channel easily has the highest numbers of viewers then becomes pathetic, not something to write home about.

I'll call you the great spinmaster. Nice little story you have built in your head.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Drako
Originally posted by: bamacre
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
New video from Hardball:


Gotta love Matthews losing it: Why did you bring a God Damn gun to...blah blah blah.

Matthews tried so hard to paint that guy as a loon, and failed miserably. :thumbsup: for the guy on doing a good job.

LOL, wow Matthews is a prick.

Why can't this guy just do a normal interview?

Because he has a tingle down his leg for Obama and doesnt want to lose that loving feeling.


Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: spidey07
Originally posted by: HomerJS
That guy is an asshole. While he had the right to carry his gun there are some places where is irresponsible to do so. Everyone know this President is under more of a threat then others.

Texas allows people to carry but the Texas Rangers don't allow guns in the ballpark.

If this guy went to Crawford for a meeting with GWB for a meeting I'm sure the Secret Service would confiscate his gun.

I supposed the Rangers and the SS are against your 2nd amendment rights!

Stadiums is private property, owners can dictate what they want.

This man was on PRIVATE PROPERTY with permission.

The staduim is owned by Arlington Sports Facilities Development Authority. Its a component unit of the city of Arlington TX, public.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Genx87
This is hilarious. Chris Matthews loses is damned mind over this in his attempt to frame this guy as some birther lunatic.

Couple that with this lady.


And it is hard to imagine why CNN and MSNBC's ratings are in the sewer.

He IS a fucking birther lunatic.

"A right-wing activist named "William Kostric," who's left a lot of footprints around the Web, is listed as a "team member" of the Arizona chapter of We the People, the far-right group best known for joining a lawsuit challenging Obama's right to be president based on his not being a U.S. citizen. Kostric told MSNBC he recently moved from Arizona to New Hampshire. (Kostric did not reply to Salon's e-mail request for an interview.)

And on his MySpace page (h/t Lavender Newswire), Kostric also lists as one of his heroes Robert Schultz, the anti-tax activist and We the People founder who spent a ton of his own money on ads promoting the Birther movement. At a press conference in December, Schultz told reporters: "This nation is headed towards a vortex of a Constitutional crisis. While on the one hand, the Obama citizenship issue is so simple a schoolchild could grasp it, if left festering and unanswered, it possesses the potential to send our nation into a time of great peril."

Kostric's MySpace profile also lists among his heroes Randy Weaver, the white supremacist and right-wing activist who survived the Ruby Ridge confrontation with federal agents, along with Ayn Rand's John Galt, Thomas Jefferson, libertarian/GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul and William Wallace, the Scottish resistance leader portrayed in Mel Gibson's "Braveheart."


This guy is a whackjob who was hoping to again derail the real debate about healthcare by injecting a little 2nd amendment bullshit into the mix.

It's fair to criticize Matthews and MSNBC for being stupid and giving this guy any time, it's also fair to criticize the sheep in this thread who've fallen into this guy's bullshit sphere.


Oct 11, 2005
Lol. Pretty obvious from his appearance he's a loon. Now it seems to be confirmed.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
Originally posted by: spidey07
Originally posted by: joshsquall
I love how people freak out when they see someone open carrying. If you're open carrying, you more than likely aren't trying to do something illegal.

I don't freak out. I make them my new friend.

You show me yours and I will show you mine.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
I got a chance to view the Chris Matthews interview this evening and found it very interesting.

Matthews' interview style was meant to intimidate and to force errors. I think he was inwardly shocked and dismayed to find that Kostric is a well informed and educated gentleman whom he could not intimidate nor ridicule. The inteview completely backfired on Matthews.

The interview was an attempt by Matthews to lump Kostric and anyone exercising 2d Amendment rights with "birthers" and other "fringe" groups. He failed at this miserably.

I know how hard it is to get in front of cameras and speak with any kind of coherence. Kostric did a fantastic job under the highest pressure to not only defend and explain the concepts from which the 2d Amendment is derived, but also got some of his own shots in at the individuality of state law and the statistics which prove that armed communities have significantly less crime than those which remove the right to self protection.

He was particularly effective in making the point that his carrying a weapon was defensive not offensive. Which is how it should be.

I have seen open carry in a few places and believe me everyone there is very polite. Open carry or a community acceptance that concealed carry is common does a LOT for keeping crime very low and discourse civil.

The worst place to find yourself is where the ordinary citizen cannot secure a defensive weapon but the criminals are all well armed. I had to laugh at several of Korvics references to Massachusetts, he was right on target.

As to whether he should have made an open carry appearance, well, I believe he had the right to be there, he was legally carrying and posed no threat. So, sure, welcome to the event!


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: PJABBER
The interview was an attempt by Matthews to lump Kostric and anyone exercising 2d Amendment rights with "birthers" and other "fringe" groups. He failed at this miserably.

This guy is a birther, it's been confirmed.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: marincounty
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: marincounty
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: marincounty
Whose rights are more important here, the right of 300 million Americans to have a president , or one gun rights advocate's right to show off and get on tv?

I would easily err on the side of the safety of the president and infringe this guy's rights-temporarily while the president is in town. Not a huge imposition on the guy to be moved away if he is armed.

OMG my rights! Do you make such a fuss when they don't let you take your gun on the plane with you?

The guy is a complete douchebag to bring a gun to where the president is speaking.
I assume there are plenty of law-enforcement types in attendance when the president is there, no need for your own weapon.

The right of the individual citizen are the most important. As soon as any individual right is the least infringed, all rights (collective and individual) are permanently gone.

Yes, I make this fuss about carrying on the plane.

FUCK YOU and your fascist dicatorship. You want me moved you'd better be willing to personally try and move me, and accept the consequences of your actions.

No, I believe the country's right to have a president be safe trumps your rights to carry your gun everywhere. Apparently that's why they have a Secret Service.
Now its a fascist dictatorship if you can't bring your weapon anywhere you want at any time. Get over yourself. You are not more important than the president, whether you agree with him or not.

If you are such an ass to bring your gun to an event with the president, I won't try and move you myself, because you are likely unstable. I would merely inform a law enforcement officer and let them deal with you. FUCK YOU and YOUR REACTIONARY ASS.

Go right the hell ahead, because law and right are on MY SIDE on this matter, not yours. You're an ignorant fuckwad who'd surrender the foundation of the country on basis of rhetoric and paranoia.

You do not add ANY safety to anything through weapon prohibition, while you hinder individual safety and foundational liberty as well. If you want my god damned gun come try to take it yourself; otherwise fuck the hell off.

No, I don't intend to try and disarm an armed and obviously unstable person myself. That's why we have police. It definitely enhances the presidents safety to not have an armed audience where he is speaking. Do you remember Presidents Kennedy and Reagan? Or Senator Robert Kennedy? This is not ignorance and paranoia, this is real.

Your concern over the second ammendment is touching, but where were you the last few years when the first amendment was being torched?

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?
Quarantining dissent
How the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech

When President Bush travels around the United States, the Secret Service visits the location ahead of time and orders local police to set up "free speech zones" or "protest zones," where people opposed to Bush policies (and sometimes sign-carrying supporters) are quarantined. These zones routinely succeed in keeping protesters out of presidential sight and outside the view of media covering the event.

When Bush went to the Pittsburgh area on Labor Day 2002, 65-year-old retired steel worker Bill Neel was there to greet him with a sign proclaiming, "The Bush family must surely love the poor, they made so many of us."

The local police, at the Secret Service's behest, set up a "designated free-speech zone" on a baseball field surrounded by a chain-link fence a third of a mile from the location of Bush's speech.

The police cleared the path of the motorcade of all critical signs, but folks with pro-Bush signs were permitted to line the president's path. Neel refused to go to the designated area and was arrested for disorderly conduct; the police also confiscated his sign.

Neel later commented, "As far as I'm concerned, the whole country is a free-speech zone. If the Bush administration has its way, anyone who criticizes them will be out of sight and out of mind."

At Neel's trial, police Detective John Ianachione testified that the Secret Service told local police to confine "people that were there making a statement pretty much against the president and his views" in a so-called free- speech area.

I was calling for the arrest, trial, and eventual execution of Bush, Cheney, and the rest of his criminals. Where were you?

May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: SecPro
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: SecPro
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: SecPro
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: Hayabusa Rider
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: spittledip
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Seriously? Where is this guys common sense?

I think he must have been wanting some attention or a showdown with the SS so he could complain about a violation of his rights.

Pretty much my take on it.

He was calling attention to himself to promote his line of thinking. Attention is what he was after and Matthews certainly gave it to him. The SS would be leery, but they would have checked with local authorities on the legality of his carry, and any criminal background on this idiot. Yeah, he's an idiot, but that's not illegal. If it were, half the nation would be behind bars.

I agree with everything except bolded. The SS wouldn't give a shit about local authorities. They'd err on the side of POTUS safety every time. Sort out details later ...

Secret Service Authority

You got it. The SS could give two shits about state laws. The care about one thing. Protecting the person they've been assigned. The law I've linked to gives them broad authority to designate almost anything a restricted area in conjuction with a protectee. They have carte blanche when it comes to protecting the President.

(d) None of the laws of the United States or of the several States and the District of Columbia shall be superseded by this section.

This law does not superscede state laws because they don't exist. No state has a law on the books that addresses the protection of the President or other SS protectees.

Read it again. It doesn't say 'laws regarding this topic', nor 'laws relevant to this chapter'...it says 'None of the laws'. As far as I can see, that means if the SS use that law and violate a jaywalking ordinance in the process they could be liable. I daresay constitutional (state and federal) rights would be even more zealously guarded.

Well, you're a known fuckin retard, liar and a court certified loon so what you say or think doesn't amount to shit. This is just another topic where you come off looking like the stupid asshole that you are.

Hayabusa - the guy was allowed to stay because the SS decided it was OK. No other reason. If they had decided he was really a threat they would've acted differently. they are concious of their image, they are sensitive about being heavy handed and they are very good at sorting out the real threats from the bluster but at the end of the day if they feel there is a threat they will neutralize it. Period. The guys on these protection details are not typical law enforcement where they are concerned about making sure they do everything right so the case sticks in court. They are concerned about threats to the protectee and that is all.

And that is outright libel, since it's a verifiable lie. I think it might be time to drop a lawsuit on you and Anandtech for not banning you for it. Shall we see how that goes?

*note to mods: no, I'm not going to sue you guys over this...just making a point about the difference between having opinions, and printing lies*
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: classy
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Video of broadcast

I wouldn't mind so much, but I just know this is going to spread and I'm gonna have to listen to endless hours of commentary by people with IQs roughly equivalent to a kumquat. I've met Senators, Congressmen, and even a Vice President with my weapon on me. Never an issue before. Granted, never a President, as the two rallies I attended were on school property.

Perhaps its another argument for concealed carry...at least then we wouldn't have to listen to it like it was news worthy.

There is no f'in way you were openly carrying a weapon and met with a Senator or a Vice President. Maybe a Congressman, but no way security is letting you near either of those folks. Especially not in any type of meeting like this. Your full of bleep. No reason for this guy to carry a gun to a rally, give me a break. This is not about liberty or freedom, its about common fVcking sense. You got mothers and children there. Things get out of hand ain't no telling who gets needlessly shot. It was a stupid stupid thing to do. That guy is a moron.

I didn't say openly carrying. I carry concealed, but they knew it since we were meeting over concealed carry rights at a location that allowed such carry (purposefully).

There are women and children EVERYWHERE people carry. Matters not at all. In fact, some of the women are the ones carrying.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: ayabe
Originally posted by: PJABBER
The interview was an attempt by Matthews to lump Kostric and anyone exercising 2d Amendment rights with "birthers" and other "fringe" groups. He failed at this miserably.

This guy is a birther, it's been confirmed.

In the interview he said that he reviewed available material, like 99% of the people that post here have, but that he could not render an opinion as he was not a lawyer. He also stated that he thought Obama was the legitimate President.

What more do you want, access to his library card?

The claim is that he associates with various civil liberties groups that are funded in some cases by some people that might also donate to birther groups. (Is there anything organized like that, or are we just talking about outraged citizens in general???)

Kind of a tenuous link.

I now feel sorry for this guy as he is about to get his life torn apart by political operatives seeking anything and everything that can destroy his credibility and his reputation.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
The guy should have been pointed out to the SS and they should have escorted him out of the area after questioning him. What kind of fucking Moron brings a loaded gun to a even where the POTUS is going to attend. Well that guy obviously and I guess a few Morons in this thread.

BTW I am not a gun grabber, I would want the right to own a gun if I felt the need for it but I sure as hell would never bring one to an event like that.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
I'm pro-gun, but this guy didn't do gun rights, the health care debate or himself any favors by being a jerk. What a useless bit of buffoonery for him to have done it. Yes, he had the right to do it and was within the law. So what? It was still an idiot thing to do.


Jul 17, 2007
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands

Well, you're a known fuckin retard, liar and a court certified loon so what you say or think doesn't amount to shit. This is just another topic where you come off looking like the stupid asshole that you are.

And that is outright libel, since it's a verifiable lie. I think it might be time to drop a lawsuit on you and Anandtech for not banning you for it. Shall we see how that goes?

Tee it up bitch. Can you even afford a lawyer? Or the filing fee? Or bus fare to the courthouse?

Originally posted by: monovillage
I'm pro-gun, but this guy didn't do gun rights, the health care debate or himself any favors by being a jerk. What a useless bit of buffoonery for him to have done it. Yes, he had the right to do it and was within the law. So what? It was still an idiot thing to do.

You get it. So does RD and a few others. And I'll repeat it for the slow witted. If the SS wanted him gone, he would've been gone and there wouldn't be a thing he could do about it. Before, during or after.
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