Feds arrest NSA leaker

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Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
The Mexican government did more to influence the 2016 election than the Russians. Mexico was sending money and human resources to enable Mexican nationals to become eligible to vote against Trump. Where is the story about that?

The right of foreigners to vote in the United States has historically been a contentious issue. A foreigner, in this context, is an alien or a person who is not a citizen of the United States.

Since 1996, a federal law has prohibited non-citizens from voting in federal elections, punishing them by fines, imprisonment, inadmissibility, and deportation. Exempt from punishment is any non-citizen who "reasonably believed at the time of voting (...) that he or she was a citizen of the United States," had a parent who is or was a citizen, and began permanently living in the United States before turning 16 years old

So let me get this straight. You and other hillbilly Trump supporters believe that there are thousands of "Mexicans" (Mexican nationals), eg. NON US CITIZENS, who would have nothing better to do than vote in the US elections...even if it means a serious risk of deportation/imprisonment? YOU SERIOUSLY BELIEVE THAT? I have news for you: I don't think the average Mexican is THAT dumb.

And to answer your question "where is the story?"...well obviously it's on nutter sites, like Breitbart. Ironically, a little bit googling did indeed come up with a case of a Mexican National who illegally voted in TX, some lady who believed she was US citizen, respective lied about it.

What I "liked" about the Breitbart report is that they entirely left out that she voted REPUBLICAN. (Not surprising really seeing that she wasn't obviously the brightest...)
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008

The intelligence community determined in 2016 that there was ample evidence of Russian interference in the election, and that Russian president Vladimir Putin was directly involved. The intelligence community also concluded that Putin specifically chose to help candidate Trump at the cost of Hillary Clinton and to cast her in an unfavorable light.

Until the NSA's report, dated May 5, 2017, was leaked earlier on Monday, Russian influence during the 2016 election was gauged to be a largely covert operation. This latest document suggests that Putin's activities were far more overt.

According to the document, the attack was conducted by the GRU, a Russian military intelligence outfit. "That's no longer just covert activities like email hacking and dissemination of fake news," Finkelstein said. "This starts to look much more like a cyber attack." Though the definition of a cyber attack has not been universally agreed upon, "it could certainly look like a military attack on US interests," Finkelstein added.

Trump 'will be highly-scrutinized after this'
Experts say the next thing to look out for is Trump's reaction to the document. The president has in the past sharply criticized leaks of sensitive or classified information to the press, and he recently ordered the Department of Justice to crack down significantly on individuals who leak information.

Trump's response to the NSA's document will be critical, Finkelstein said. "If he does not decry this interference or attempted interference with the machinery of democratic processes in the US, that in and of itself will be highly suspect."

During the transition period and a number of times after assuming office, Trump lambasted the intelligence community for what he said was a politically-motivated conclusion that Russia meddled in the election to hurt Clinton and help him. He also erroneously said former director of national intelligence James Clapper said there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the election.
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May 11, 2002
What I "liked" about the Breitbart report is that they entirely left out that she voted REPUBLICAN. (Not surprising really seeing that she wasn't obviously the brightest...)

Well in that case.. LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! (spam x 11ty billion)
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Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
There once was a time where "the machinery of democratic processes in the US" was utmost priority for the government, and the prez of course. Wars have been fought to defend it. Anyone who opposed these democratic processes was considered enemy of the US and the free world. And today? THE PRESIDENT HIMSELF seems to have no interest in these democratic processes.


Nov 4, 2004
They can't admit to being chumped by Trump & the Russians. It challenges everything they believe in about their own powers of discernment.

Not that they were using them anyway. They were too busy chanting Crooked Hillary! Lock her up! Build the Wall! Deport the illegals! Drain the swamp! Shake up Washington! MAGA!
But they use the best words.


Feb 6, 2002
If you are going to take public action, that requires actual public proof. Not 'Flynn took $40k to go sit a Q&A where Putin was, ZOMG he's compromised by Russia nuke'em!!!', but real proof. And even if by some miracle someone actually turns up some real proof, what then? We're going to do....what to Russia? Influence their elections? Attack them (of course not Mil, but $....oh wait, we already did that)?
No, we are just going to lift the sanctions like Trump wanted and say "no harm no foul" Why should Russia pay any price?
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Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
I'm sure you're making some kind of joke here but I'm really not getting it. I just asked Nickie, even if we can conclusively and clearly show, without wild tantrum Dem/Media jumps, that Russia did in fact make serious attempts to meddle in our election, much less show the Trump camp actively and deliberately conspired with Russia to do so, WTF are we going to do about it in respect to action against Russia?

We already know, Mil attack is out. Not happening.

So....what then? Sanctions? Stern words? Meddle in their "election"? Apart from the desire of the walking crooked Media who desperately wanted their Billary to win but was @SS F'd by Trump, and apart from the desire of the Dems to do OMG Russia! until even the party faithful can only muster a murmured 'Burn him', what is the goal here? I know there's a generic, What did Russia do?, but...so what? That should already be being worked on in private.

So... There's nothing to be done about it. Prepare our bums or prepare our mouths? Putin's liking the cut of Trump's gib... America's gib. Trump's sending him pics of just the best American bums and mouths.

If we do nothing, Putin will push his agenda. He is not a friend to America. Yes sanctions. Yes a President who doesn't admire him. Yes, standing with allies. Yes, step up making it hard to continue being a dangerously disruptive power in the world. And if it comes to it Yes to removing the powers-that-be in that country. How very strange your take on it. More strategic minds than yours or mine will address this issue but it should be dealt with. Or should we just say, "Oh Putie, ya silly goose. Ya got us. Promise not to do it again, ok guy? You've got an honest face and your intentions sure do seem pure' Then chuck him on the chin gently wearing a goofy smile?

You can call it a tantrum, you can call it hysteria. Doesn't much matter what you call it. Putin means to cause chaos, destruction and devastation. It's how he intends to win more power on the world stage. He was a dangerous man before he asked and was eagerly granted permission to shove his hand up The Donald's waste maker and throw his voice while Donald s lips flap.

Trumpublican all you want but be aware he's bought and paid for. The man does not have an original thought. You must know this by now. So who's in line to try their hand at ventriloquism?

Leaks are important at such times as these. Why are there so many if Trump is an upstanding guy? Fine, Dems have a hard on for the guy but if he evoked trust from the people around him or from the press he'd have the loyalty he'd like without asking (pathetically) for a pledge. He's a danger to the country and the world... Leaks.
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Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
I'm sure you're making some kind of joke here but I'm really not getting it. I just asked Nickie, even if we can conclusively and clearly show, without wild tantrum Dem/Media jumps, that Russia did in fact make serious attempts to meddle in our election, much less show the Trump camp actively and deliberately conspired with Russia to do so, WTF are we going to do about it in respect to action against Russia?

We already know, Mil attack is out. Not happening.

So....what then? Sanctions? Stern words? Meddle in their "election"? Apart from the desire of the walking crooked Media who desperately wanted their Billary to win but was @SS F'd by Trump, and apart from the desire of the Dems to do OMG Russia! until even the party faithful can only muster a murmured 'Burn him', what is the goal here? I know there's a generic, What did Russia do?, but...so what? That should already be being worked on in private.

Oh, also, I'm sorry you have no sense of humor. *note I leave no room for my not having been funny. Impossible!


Dec 9, 1999
No, we are just going to lift the sanctions like Trump wanted and say "no harm no foul" Why should Russia pay any price?

Beats me, clearly they're playing the game better than Bummer, Billary, and Trump. Since they're not going to give Crimea back, and we've already sanctioned them, maybe it'd be a good idea to stop getting embarrassed in Syria and fix that. Who cares what I think though, that's what I'm asking you guys. Magically the smoking gun video of Putin ordering GRU to hack our election with Trumps entire senior campaign team sitting there comes out. Aaaand political action!


Dec 9, 1999
So... There's nothing to be done about it. Prepare our bums or prepare our mouths? Putin's liking the cut of Trump's gib... America's gib. Trump's sending him pics of just the best American bums and mouths.

We can't go back in time, at best we can only learn what they did in a technical sense to try and mitigate it in the future and in an operational sense as a private lessons learned the Gov election committee can give to actual campaigns.

If we do nothing, Putin will push his agenda. He is not a friend to America.

Sure, agreed.

Yes sanctions.

We already sanctioned Putin. If Russia really did sabotage the US election (actually, not try and find out how voting machines worked or paid Flynn a not under the stable sum to be at an interview Putin was at), we can sanction them more, sure. Of course, if that's true it means Putin returned our Crimea sanction favors with a compromised election favor. Putin has: Crimea, a divided US thx to butthurt Media/Dems. We have: Butthurt Media/Dems. Sanctioning Putin doesn't seem to have paid off well for US if actually true.

Yes a President who doesn't admire him.

I'm not sure we have a POTUS who admires Putin. I say that because I don't know what Trump believes at any given time, and I doubt anyone but Trump does either. I doubt even Trump knows what he's thinking sometimes. If extending an olive branch of respect to Putin gets us a solved Syria allowing a Crush ISIS focus, I'm fine with that. We can always piss Putin off later.

Yes, standing with allies.

Sure, we can stand with Allies. But Allies first need to stand for themselves. We're not an Ally if we're spending massive amounts of treasure to play World Cop so our Allies can blow money on not their Mil because we're doing it like World Suckers; and Yes, I know we already blow massive amounts of treasure on the Mil all on our own. The point being, EU needs to be able to take RU on by themselves. Not paper take them on, not super authoritative EU tone we're meeting our Mil obligation words take them on, but, actually in Reality be able to take them on. They need to be able to take them on to the degree that RU doesn't doubt that EU can in fact take them on without US, but that in fact the US is simply and Ally that will a.) arrive in the UE in x number of hours to deliver round x of additional hurt on them and b.) will be able to open fronts against them on our own in support of our EU Allies. But, that's not the reality. The Reality is, the EU is more than happy to let sucker Uncle Sugar play Captain America. I don't consider that good faith Allies, and those aren't people standing with US, they're standing behind US. Trump is right to not let them off the hook, and they're whining and pushing back because they know if they have to drop many Billions on their Mil, that's many Billions they have to either deficit spend, tax their already heavily taxed people/businesses, or cut those sweet social services. Those become hard Political decisions, and we all know, Politicians don't like making those, especially when no matter what they do, come election time, their decisions will be used against them.

Yes, step up making it hard to continue being a dangerously disruptive power in the world. And if it comes to it Yes to removing the powers-that-be in that country. How very strange your take on it. More strategic minds than yours or mine will address this issue but it should be dealt with.

So you're saying remove the sitting Gov of Russia? That's not going to go over well...you've seen that War Games movie from the 80's right?

Or should we just say, "Oh Putie, ya silly goose. Ya got us. Promise not to do it again, ok guy? You've got an honest face and your intentions sure do seem pure' Then chuck him on the chin gently wearing a goofy smile?

Beats me, that's what I'm asking. So far the most realistic thing I've heard is more sanctions. Good luck on any Syria cooperation. Maybe it's more important to us politically to make the stance that we're going to sanction Russia for what will need to be clear evidence of election tampering over the well being of Syria.

You can call it a tantrum, you can call it hysteria. Doesn't much matter what you call it.

Oh, there is no doubt the Media/Dems are milking OMG Russia for all it's worth LOL. That's foregone. When they rolled out the OMG Russia! in response to the WikiLeaks (100% accuracy record, despite your stance on what they leak and when) and just decided not to cover anything in there (their level of coverage was either so minimal, and/or so obfuscated, as to render it a 'not cover' rating in my book), and that excuse took without almost any peep, well, they had their narrative. We'll have total hysteria from the Media/Dems until Trump is out, it's literally the only thing they can do. Trumpghazi for the next 2 years.

Putin means to cause chaos, destruction and devastation. It's how he intends to win more power on the world stage. He was a dangerous man before he asked and was eagerly granted permission to shove his hand up The Donald's waste maker and throw his voice while Donald s lips flap.

Well, that's what we're constantly told at least by the same Media stumping for Billary...make of that what you will. Right now Putin isn't causing chaos though, the Media/Dems and Reps are causing chaos, along with Trump. The Elites have their hand up the Sheeples waste maker and the Sheeple are razzle dazzled by the Media's lips flapping. It'd be nice to correct that, but, Trumpghazi!

Trumpublican all you want but be aware he's bought and paid for. The man does not have an original thought. You must know this by now. So who's in line to try their hand at ventriloquism?

You say this like every other Politician who's elected POTUS isn't. Billary was going to better it this regard?! Hahhahahahaha!!! No. Billary was simple a far more politically polished, read: rehearsed, Trump - that's it. Same bought and paid for. Same no original thoughts. Same ventriloquist act, just with strings that were far more invisible and were made to operate nice and smoothly be world class political operators (those folks aren't out political operating for you and me). But Trump!

Leaks are important at such times as these. Why are there so many if Trump is an upstanding guy? Fine, Dems have a hard on for the guy but if he evoked trust from the people around him or from the press he'd have the loyalty he'd like without asking (pathetically) for a pledge. He's a danger to the country and the world... Leaks.

Because the Reps don't want him having any real control either. You've got a.) Dems using whatever power they have to marginalize him, b.) Reps stealthily using their power to marginalize him to the degree they need to maintain control, c.) entrenched Fed workers Resist!'ing, and of course, d.) heartbroken over Billary Media. No POTUS, especially one that has no real political power before this, can withstand that type of constant backstabbing (sorry: leaks). Shit, Bummer had the entire Dem party on his side, along with the Media, and he was mostly marginalized (and given the huge wave of Media hyped frenzy he was carried in with, that is truly something). The only good thing we can hope for is a left leaning SC justice has to step down and we get another conservative (not a bible thumping one) on the SC. I'm out the next day minimum, catch your reply later...


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
We can't go back in time, at best we can only learn what they did in a technical sense to try and mitigate it in the future and in an operational sense as a private lessons learned the Gov election committee can give to actual campaigns.

Sure, agreed.

We already sanctioned Putin. If Russia really did sabotage the US election (actually, not try and find out how voting machines worked or paid Flynn a not under the stable sum to be at an interview Putin was at), we can sanction them more, sure. Of course, if that's true it means Putin returned our Crimea sanction favors with a compromised election favor. Putin has: Crimea, a divided US thx to butthurt Media/Dems. We have: Butthurt Media/Dems. Sanctioning Putin doesn't seem to have paid off well for US if actually true.

I'm not sure we have a POTUS who admires Putin. I say that because I don't know what Trump believes at any given time, and I doubt anyone but Trump does either. I doubt even Trump knows what he's thinking sometimes. If extending an olive branch of respect to Putin gets us a solved Syria allowing a Crush ISIS focus, I'm fine with that. We can always piss Putin off later.

Sure, we can stand with Allies. But Allies first need to stand for themselves. We're not an Ally if we're spending massive amounts of treasure to play World Cop so our Allies can blow money on not their Mil because we're doing it like World Suckers; and Yes, I know we already blow massive amounts of treasure on the Mil all on our own. The point being, EU needs to be able to take RU on by themselves. Not paper take them on, not super authoritative EU tone we're meeting our Mil obligation words take them on, but, actually in Reality be able to take them on. They need to be able to take them on to the degree that RU doesn't doubt that EU can in fact take them on without US, but that in fact the US is simply and Ally that will a.) arrive in the UE in x number of hours to deliver round x of additional hurt on them and b.) will be able to open fronts against them on our own in support of our EU Allies. But, that's not the reality. The Reality is, the EU is more than happy to let sucker Uncle Sugar play Captain America. I don't consider that good faith Allies, and those aren't people standing with US, they're standing behind US. Trump is right to not let them off the hook, and they're whining and pushing back because they know if they have to drop many Billions on their Mil, that's many Billions they have to either deficit spend, tax their already heavily taxed people/businesses, or cut those sweet social services. Those become hard Political decisions, and we all know, Politicians don't like making those, especially when no matter what they do, come election time, their decisions will be used against them.

So you're saying remove the sitting Gov of Russia? That's not going to go over well...you've seen that War Games movie from the 80's right?

Beats me, that's what I'm asking. So far the most realistic thing I've heard is more sanctions. Good luck on any Syria cooperation. Maybe it's more important to us politically to make the stance that we're going to sanction Russia for what will need to be clear evidence of election tampering over the well being of Syria.

Oh, there is no doubt the Media/Dems are milking OMG Russia for all it's worth LOL. That's foregone. When they rolled out the OMG Russia! in response to the WikiLeaks (100% accuracy record, despite your stance on what they leak and when) and just decided not to cover anything in there (their level of coverage was either so minimal, and/or so obfuscated, as to render it a 'not cover' rating in my book), and that excuse took without almost any peep, well, they had their narrative. We'll have total hysteria from the Media/Dems until Trump is out, it's literally the only thing they can do. Trumpghazi for the next 2 years.

Well, that's what we're constantly told at least by the same Media stumping for Billary...make of that what you will. Right now Putin isn't causing chaos though, the Media/Dems and Reps are causing chaos, along with Trump. The Elites have their hand up the Sheeples waste maker and the Sheeple are razzle dazzled by the Media's lips flapping. It'd be nice to correct that, but, Trumpghazi!

You say this like every other Politician who's elected POTUS isn't. Billary was going to better it this regard?! Hahhahahahaha!!! No. Billary was simple a far more politically polished, read: rehearsed, Trump - that's it. Same bought and paid for. Same no original thoughts. Same ventriloquist act, just with strings that were far more invisible and were made to operate nice and smoothly be world class political operators (those folks aren't out political operating for you and me). But Trump!

Because the Reps don't want him having any real control either. You've got a.) Dems using whatever power they have to marginalize him, b.) Reps stealthily using their power to marginalize him to the degree they need to maintain control, c.) entrenched Fed workers Resist!'ing, and of course, d.) heartbroken over Billary Media. No POTUS, especially one that has no real political power before this, can withstand that type of constant backstabbing (sorry: leaks). Shit, Bummer had the entire Dem party on his side, along with the Media, and he was mostly marginalized (and given the huge wave of Media hyped frenzy he was carried in with, that is truly something). The only good thing we can hope for is a left leaning SC justice has to step down and we get another conservative (not a bible thumping one) on the SC. I'm out the next day minimum, catch your reply later...

Blah, Will read tomorrow. Must sleep now.

One thing, the man has made it abundantly clear that Dictators and Tyrants impress him and that he covets their scope of power.


Dec 9, 1999
Blah, Will read tomorrow. Must sleep now.

One thing, the man has made it abundantly clear that Dictators and Tyrants impress him and that he covets their scope of power.

Likewise (except later). With the ride Trump has had and his background, I don't really blame him. Instead of a massive party backed transition team with a solid year of who is going to go where if we win yadayadayda, it's Team Trump trying to work out WTF to do with the Reps who don't want him there hardly anymore than the Dems do. I'd long to be a Dictator too if I was Trump. He could start on that by dictating to himself to stop F'ing tweeting and just replace it with sleep if he needs to. This is going to keep up and we're going to get POTUS Pence. All these F'rs that have been hysteria whining about notReallyARep Trump are going to love POTUS Pence...


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Funny, and I was the guy who, since November, time and time again kept saying that there was no evidence Russia hacked voting machines and anyone who believed that needed to get a life. I apologize for being wrong if indeed there were attempts made (successful or not.) I thought voting hacks were fake news, but sounds like the NSA has verified the document.

Don't worry this isn't evidence of anyone hacking voting machines. This report details hacking those companies to get information to facilitate a spear phishing attack directed at government officials who do business with that company.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
DNC e-mails were released by Russia, but no Republicans e-mails or documents were, even though many were also hacked.

fake news is the opposite of facts and we know that Russia used social media to spread fake news to the voters most likely to vote Trump.

Russia attacked our electorate and influenced the outcome of the election, it's just that simple.

Why would Republican E-mails have even mattered?

You had Mr "grab them by the pussy, small hands, blowhart , ego maniac whose entire life from bilking contractors to his shady deals where all there for the taking like an open book,yet he beat both the republicans in the primaries and Hillary in the general election.

Someone like him would have been laughed out of the first primary and never mind the general election 30 years ago.

Instead of looking for some outside bogeyman start asking what has gone wrong in this country that someone like Trump became president.
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Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Is it time yet to turn our attention toward Russia instead of our own government and realize they are aggressively and overtly attempting to influence our Democratic process in an illegal manner.


May 15, 2000
Why would Republican E-mails have even mattered?

You had Mr "grab them by the pussy, small hands, blowhart , ego maniac whose entire life from bilking contractors to his shady deals where all there for the taking like an open book,yet he beat both the republicans in the primaries and Hillary in the general election.

Someone like him would have been laughed out of the first primary and never mind the general election 30 years ago.

Instead of looking for some outside bogeyman start asking what has gone wrong in this country that someone like Trump became president.

Trump only won electoral votes by a total of 70k general election votes, that's well within the realm of influence from a country like Russia and a last minute surprise by the FBI. Boogeyman implies that the influence wasn't real, it was, it's been measured and has been verified.

Your overall point is valid and I imagine that it can be explained rather easily. The internet. More specifically social media. Couple that with known Russian propaganda efforts starting, at least, since 2014.

Coincidentally, you could also use the same reasoning for the amount of ISIS inspired attacks.






To ignore Russian propaganda (or ISIS) would be woefully ignorant.
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Feb 24, 2009
i don't think i've heard anyone claim they did manipulate the vote tally.

they did however manipulate the voters and there is ample evidence of collusion with the Trump team.

most importantly, they will do it again in the future with more knowledge of our systems.

today's leak is important and something all Americans should be aware of. unfortunately for Trumpbots, as evidenced in this very thread, the facts no longer matter.
The Republican party is complicit in their silence.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Complicit in keeping Hillary from the White House, yes. Sorry that upsets you so

Hillary lost in case you haven't noticed. What had been revealed is that Russians attempted to go after our election. It wasn't as if they thought they were tapping into an ATM machine. It also means that the Republicans can no longer say that there's no evidence that Russians were involved. The appropriate response is to treat Russia as we did Cuba, isolating it to our best ability. So will the Republicans support the leftovers of the Communists in the form of Putin as they used to or now is he just a great guy and do nothing. What about Trump? Will he defend America or pretend it's fake news?

Oh, again- Hillary lost and has nothing to do with it. Do you support America or Putin? Pick one, because there is no third valid option.
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