FF XIV ONLINE - Anyone playing?


Mar 24, 2010
I tried playing this in the beta and it was too buggy/lonely for me to buy into the whole mmorpg grind fest. I've always been an fps player that liked all the older console jrpg's.

Anyways I picked it up last month and started grinding. I find the world to be incredibly lonely and sparse. there's only really one sectino Ul'Dah that even has anyone to talk to. I find setting up parties to be time consuming and hard to find anyone near your level to get exp with.

I like the graphics a lot and enjoy some aspects of the game. I find the story to be rather dull if not just insulting and never unwinding. I'm at level 35 and trying to find reason to keep pushing when it's pure grind. Anyone else in Besaid that wants to level around mid thirties?


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
You'll be hard pressed to find people playing FF14. The thing was an abortion at launch and the only thing good about the game is the graphics, but it's unoptimized, slow and buggy. Square is only keeping it alive for the PS3 launch and the supposed "2.0" patch which might make the game playable again.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2009
I skipped out on FFXIV but I did just repick up FFXI. Well worth the $10 though it is a bit grindy at times. It's an old game.
Oct 25, 2006
Everyone is waiting for the 2.0 patch and the server merges.

Though apparently the incremental patches for the past year have actually made the game playable.


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2003
The game died because it was buggy like mentioned above. Also when they put it to F2P it was staying a bit alive based on that. Once they did F2P -> monthly fee again the players sharply dropped off and they announced server merges for all servers except Selbina. They are basically shrinking it to 50% of the original launch servers at the moment. Maybe 2.0 will recover it. SE has disappointed me lately. After Yoshi was moved from FF14 to FF11 and Tanaka (guy who built 14 btw) wrecked FFXI I finally let my launch FF11 account lapse.


May 5, 2011
I skipped out on FFXIV but I did just repick up FFXI. Well worth the $10 though it is a bit grindy at times. It's an old game.

Are the XI servers still decently populated? I loved XI and have had multiple urges to jump back into it but I fear it will be near impossible to find parties and such.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
The game died because it was buggy like mentioned above. Also when they put it to F2P it was staying a bit alive based on that. Once they did F2P -> monthly fee again the players sharply dropped off and they announced server merges for all servers except Selbina. They are basically shrinking it to 50% of the original launch servers at the moment. Maybe 2.0 will recover it. SE has disappointed me lately. After Yoshi was moved from FF14 to FF11 and Tanaka (guy who built 14 btw) wrecked FFXI I finally let my launch FF11 account lapse.

Actually it was the other way around. Tanaka handled FF11 at launch and then moved on to FF14 while Yoshi handled the later expansion packs, tweaks and such. This is notably demonstrated in more player friendly quests and more tweaks to make the game not so grindy.

Tanaka created FF14 1.0 (aka POS) then they pretty much fired him (in a Japanese way: move him to a different project) and moved Yoshi P in to clear up the mess. Yoshi P responded by saying he'll delete everything Tanaka did for FF14 and make a real game. New story, new mechanics, etc etc. Basically FF14 at "launch" is a pre-alpha version of the game that shouldn't have been seen outside of square's engineering offices. Asking people to pay money for it is just the ultimate form of hubris that has been reflected in the drop of their stock prices and consumer confidence.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2009
Are the XI servers still decently populated? I loved XI and have had multiple urges to jump back into it but I fear it will be near impossible to find parties and such.

At NA peak times a /sea all gives me ~2500 people on my server. JP peak times are ~3500 or so on my server. It's not bad especially considering wow servers average ~5000-7000 unless your on a full server. There are only ~9 servers though they've had 2 rounds of server merges.


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2003
Actually it was the other way around. Tanaka handled FF11 at launch and then moved on to FF14 while Yoshi handled the later expansion packs, tweaks and such. This is notably demonstrated in more player friendly quests and more tweaks to make the game not so grindy.

Tanaka created FF14 1.0 (aka POS) then they pretty much fired him (in a Japanese way: move him to a different project) and moved Yoshi P in to clear up the mess. Yoshi P responded by saying he'll delete everything Tanaka did for FF14 and make a real game. New story, new mechanics, etc etc. Basically FF14 at "launch" is a pre-alpha version of the game that shouldn't have been seen outside of square's engineering offices. Asking people to pay money for it is just the ultimate form of hubris that has been reflected in the drop of their stock prices and consumer confidence.

Tanaka started the game but his team took over. Eventually he was asked to build 14, and this couldn't have happened at a better time. FFXI 2009 is what FFXI today is. It was Yoshi + Abyssea expansions that brought the game back to life. When they moved Yoshi back off, Tanaka went on the record that Yoshi had made mistakes and it was his goal to do "damage control." This has resulted in the nerf bat hitting, and new systems of drops that basically suck. Read: Voidwalker. Random chance of getting a really rare armor that if you didnt need it, you could not even donate it to the loot pool. This started the jokes about White Mage mules running around with "full sets" of warrior gear etc because it wasn't tradeable.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Tanaka started the game but his team took over. Eventually he was asked to build 14, and this couldn't have happened at a better time. FFXI 2009 is what FFXI today is. It was Yoshi + Abyssea expansions that brought the game back to life. When they moved Yoshi back off, Tanaka went on the record that Yoshi had made mistakes and it was his goal to do "damage control." This has resulted in the nerf bat hitting, and new systems of drops that basically suck. Read: Voidwalker. Random chance of getting a really rare armor that if you didnt need it, you could not even donate it to the loot pool. This started the jokes about White Mage mules running around with "full sets" of warrior gear etc because it wasn't tradeable.

Didn't realize there was more Tanaka after yoshi P in FF11. Seems like the two are at odds and intent on undoing each others work in all possible forms, shame because the FF mmorpg series is being run into the ground because of them. Tanaka and his team should not be touching any MMORPG, period. His views are sickeningly antiquated.


May 5, 2011
At NA peak times a /sea all gives me ~2500 people on my server. JP peak times are ~3500 or so on my server. It's not bad especially considering wow servers average ~5000-7000 unless your on a full server. There are only ~9 servers though they've had 2 rounds of server merges.

Thanks for the response, I think I may dive back into it.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
I've been playing it and its definitely improved but its not for people who want a "WoW" like theme park experience. If anything it adheres to people looking to play a game similar in some respects but different in others, to FF11.

Furthermore Square Enix is still patching up the game and basically remaking a large portion of the game/game engine before it releases to the PS3. This release should be around the end of the year or the beginning of the next year where they will roll out a entirely knew different game engine and finalize all the major game play, graphics engine and UI changes with version 2.0.

This artist's mockup is basically what they are shooting for in terms of visuals and functionality of the UI.

Lots of information on SE's plans with the game and the road map to version 2.0 in this letter to fans and the pdf links below.

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Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009


Apr 8, 2011
Hrmm it seems a lot have changed since I first played it. I was in the beta and wasn't too disappointed thanks to me being a dedicated fan of FFXI. But as time went on in the beta more and more problems occurred. I'm thankfully that they restructured the whole team as the original game should have never been released in the first place. It was a unpolished game that was trying way too hard to be innovated. I was impress that I could handle everything so well on a POS laptop though. XD Maybe I'll jump back to the game if it ever really improves. For now I feel the monthly fee is not worth the hassle of the games current state.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
I still have FFXIV installed and I think I'll definitely re-up my sub when the rest of the revamps are in place to see how it goes. I gave it a try towards the end of last year when the F2P period was ending and it definitely felt better than before but not having anyone to play with and getting sucked into other games kept me away from it. I'd love to see it with the graphics cranked up considering I moved from a 5770 to a 7950.

Personally I hate what Abyssea did to FFXI. Well I don't hate it but I think letting just about anyone in Abyssea at level 30 is pretty stupid and really needlessly wrecked a lot of the mechanics that made FFXI so elegant and well designed; it's also unfortunate that the game probably doesn't have a lot of life in it except for grind updates, but given it's age I think that's pretty understandable. People want to login and play it still but it's not really worth major developmental costs so they put in things like the Magian trials which are essentially chain kill quests to give people something (albeit something mindless) to do.

Personally I have high hopes for XIV, and I think SE is taking a very forward-thinking approach to doing the right thing.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
Some of the outfits alone (male) make me want to avoid this game at all costs.


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
Serious question: Why does everyone ask this and really.... why does it matter?

I personally like being able to navigate around the environment whether it's climb a hill or mountain, etc.

It's not a deal breaker by any means (I played FF XI for a long time and is probably my favorite MMO) but it does add a little bit to the immersion aspect in my opinion.

It's like asking why do people care what gear looks like as long as the stats are there. Because people like to dress up and pretend their the character in the MMO. Hence, I like to be able to jump...no not hop around like a bunny but I see a fence on a road...maybe I want to jump over said fence instead of walk around it.

Here's another question... why does it matter to people who question why people want to be able to jump in a mmo?
Oct 25, 2006
I personally like being able to navigate around the environment whether it's climb a hill or mountain, etc.

It's not a deal breaker by any means (I played FF XI for a long time and is probably my favorite MMO) but it does add a little bit to the immersion aspect in my opinion.

It's like asking why do people care what gear looks like as long as the stats are there. Because people like to dress up and pretend their the character in the MMO. Hence, I like to be able to jump...no not hop around like a bunny but I see a fence on a road...maybe I want to jump over said fence instead of walk around it.

Here's another question... why does it matter to people who question why people want to be able to jump in a mmo?

You realize that a MMO without a jump command would be designed around not needed to jump to get around an environment right?


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
You realize that a MMO without a jump command would be designed around not needed to jump to get around an environment right?

And you would realize from my post your replying from that I said I played FF XI and that was my favorite MMO which did not allow you to jump. So yes I do realize that. I like my toon to be able to jump. It's just a personal preference. My original post was simply asking if they allowed jumping because I remember reading a while back that they might be implementing that which another poster said they were in a future patch. FF XIV was a trainwreck at launch and it never peaked my interest enough to look into the game whatsoever since.

It's obviously important enough to change the game mechanics to allow this feature so I can't be alone here. I guess what I'm curious would be those who are opposed to being able to jump in a MMO and why.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
People like being able to jump because it gives them something to do when they're just staring at their screen trying to figure out what they want to do.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010
I tried playing this in the beta and it was too buggy/lonely for me to buy into the whole mmorpg grind fest. I've always been an fps player that liked all the older console jrpg's.

Anyways I picked it up last month and started grinding. I find the world to be incredibly lonely and sparse. there's only really one sectino Ul'Dah that even has anyone to talk to. I find setting up parties to be time consuming and hard to find anyone near your level to get exp with.

I like the graphics a lot and enjoy some aspects of the game. I find the story to be rather dull if not just insulting and never unwinding. I'm at level 35 and trying to find reason to keep pushing when it's pure grind. Anyone else in Besaid that wants to level around mid thirties?

FFXI (11) is a brilliant shinning star, in the world of PVE MMO's.
FFXIV (14) is a console port piece of crap, with horrible everything.

Like you I played the beta, and knew early on that this game was gonna flop.
You could read the beta forums, and it was full to the brim with people complaining about all types of issues. And SE just ignored everyone and went ahead and launched a product as is.

And whats worse is that in ffxi (11) the system(s) for stuff they had in place work flawlessly.
The keyboard controlls, the UI interface, the combat system ect.

Then they go and change everything (in 14),.... which is fine, they want to differenciate their products... I get it. I just dont understand why you change something thats tested and true, and loved by everyone, into something everyone complains about in beta forums and just leaves it as is.

Are you still unable to jump in FF XIV? Found that to be a little silly.
What is the point of jumping, if your in a game world designed properly, so you dont need "jump" to avoid obsticals ect.
There is no point, and its not a feature you ll miss any. This is heavly focused PVE game, a strategie game.
This isnt a pvp twitchy finger, quick circle strifeing + jumping like a idot to win in pvp game.

You realize that a MMO without a jump command would be designed around not needed to jump to get around an environment right?
Beautifully worded.
On the same note, that is what makes Flying so unique in Aion. The game is designed around players haveing angel wings and all being able to fly. When other games put in flying mounts, or wings, in a game not designed for it, it takes away from the game (people just skip parts, use it for transport), instead of adding something to it.

People like being able to jump because it gives them something to do when they're just staring at their screen trying to figure out what they want to do.
yes... erh.... animations for no reason. FFXI has that too, just instead of jumping, your makeing cute kissie animations or some such instead.

This artist's mockup is basically what they are shooting for in terms of visuals and functionality of the UI.
The UI. looked good when FF14 first came out, the problem wasnt really with it.
It was that it was sluggishly slow, unresponsive, and the interface system for menus was horrid.
Simulary the combat system being partly turn based.... was a huuuuuuge f**k up.

FF14 is a polished turd.
It looks beautifull on the outside, get into it, and play with it long enough, and you realise its really just a turd.
Game really does need to thrown into trash bin, and only the story+animations kept, and then reworked from the ground up.
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Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2010
I think being able to jump helps with immersion, even if it has no real impact on game place. Operating only in two dimensions makes it easier to design levels, but I think it's lazy.
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