Fire - not explosives - brought 7 WTC down on 9/11, says report

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Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: event8horizon
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: event8horizon
tlc- ill answer your questions a few at a time. gotta do the mr mom thing today.

the movie also had wtc 7 in it.
1. did u listen to that eyewittness account of hearing a loud explosion at the base of wtc7.
there are multiple videos/accounts of "explosions".
as for the whole "did they rig demoliton where the airliners hit.....this is an interesting article.
Did you even pay even the least bit of attention to what I told you? Doesn't seem as if you did. If there were explosions then it completely invalidates your theory about thermate because thermate doesn't explode. Nor does someone claiming that they thought they heard an explosion mean a damn thing.

Start explaining that discrepancy in your own words and stop cutting and pasting from wingnut websites that are headed by proven habitual liars and distorters of facts. Start explaining how demolitions could have been rigged in advance to begin the collapse on BOTH towers precisely where the airliners hit the building too. Stop evading and avoiding. If you can't do any of that, just plain stop because once again you are not providing answers, you are flinging conspiracies to and fro, none of which have any credibility and none of which are answers to my questions.

tlc-i havent forgot about ya!! i just got alot i have to do today!! im trying to get through your long rebuttal. its just going to take awhile.
thats all hypothetical and off topic for this thread b/c we are concentrating on wtc 7 that did not get hit by an airplane. but i admit, it was damaged. only we dont know how much because they did not analyze the steel. did the steel buckle or was it cut?? we will never know.
Shimmy, shimmy, coco bop.

It's not out of the realm of this thread topic for you to claim there were explosions heard and that thermate was used to bring down the buildings. So how is it off topic to point out that thermate doesn't explode, so claiming there were explosions invalidates your hypothesis about thermate?

I'm waiting for an explanation of how you rectify those two opposing issues. Stop trying to avoid answering.



Senior member
Nov 15, 2007
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: event8horizon
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: event8horizon
Strangely, Huntleigth USA, an airport passenger screening company owned by Israel?s International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), led by ?former Israeli military commanders and members of its intelligence and security agencies,? received congressional immunity for failed airport security at Boston and Newark airports where three of the four doomed planes originated on September 11.
Actually, ICTS is a Dutch company, not an Israeli company. Addionally Huntleigh USA only oversaw checkpoint security for United at Boston Logan airport. American Airlines security at Logan was provided by Globe Aviation Services (British). Security at Dulles and Newark was provided by Argenbright (Swedish). So, as you can see, it was not unusual in the least for foreign owned companies to provide security for US airports.

So, once again, the 9/11 conspiracy goobers can't get the actual facts of the matter straight. They embellish, and flat out lie to attempt to raise a spectre where none really exists. Besides that, stop trotting out articles from the kool-aid swilling nutjob websites. Tom Flocco has no credibility. He's a wing-nut and a proven liar.

how about this-

Menachem Atzmon resigned as president of Friedman's IDF following his
1996 conviction of Friedman's IDF following his conviction for
Israeli election campaign finance fraud.But his later U.S. activities
would prove to be much more disturbing.Atzmon and his business partner Ezra Harel are the majority owners(57%)of ICTS - International
Consultants on Targeted Security, run by 'former(Israeli)military
commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and
security agencies' according to its website.In 1999, Atzmon's
Netherlands based firm took over management of security at Logan
Airport in Boston Massachusetts through ICTS' subsidiary Huntleigh
USA.This convicted Likud criminal's firm was in charge of security at
Logan Airport - inspecting the validity of passports and visas,
searching cargo, screening passengers-when two airliners were hijacked
from there on September 11,2001, and demolished the World Trade Center
Towers in New York.........
So what? Israelis aren't allowed to own companies? Nor did you acknowledge the fact that the article you posted was wrong in many factual areas. You chose to ignore it instead and blindly move on.

This implication that because an Israeli owns this company that 9/11 was some Zionist conspiracy is anti-semitism at its finest, not to mention an idiotic assumption.

u said it was dutch not israeli. well this guy states bollyn got his info from this article.
But his later U.S. activities would prove to be much more disturbing.Atzmon and his business partner Ezra Harel are the majority owners(57%)of ICTS - International
Consultants on Targeted Security, run by 'former(Israeli)military
commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and
security agencies'
according to its website.In 1999, Atzmon's
Netherlands based firm took over management of security at Logan
Airport in Boston Massachusetts through ICTS' subsidiary Huntleigh
well didnt fkight 11 come out of logan??
American Airlines Flight 11 was a scheduled U.S. domestic passenger flight from Logan International Airport. did that first faa report state there was a gun on board and daniel lewin got shot. well, it looks like huntleigh was in charge of security there from what the article states. as for daniel lewin:Lewin was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Jerusalem, where he served for four years in the Israel Defence Forces. He was an officer in Sayeret Matkal, an elite and secretive intelligence unit.
He attended the Technion university in Haifa, Israel while simultaneously working at IBM's research laboratory in Haifa.

this guy was a BAD ASS and they got the best of him with a boxcutter or a gun as the first faa memo states!! who was in charge of security?? from sayeret matkal: Its main roles are counter-terrorism, deep reconnaissance and intelligence gathering, but the unit is first and foremost a field intelligence-gathering unit, used to obtain strategically important intelligence far behind enemy lines.

from tlc "This implication that because an Israeli owns this company that 9/11 was some Zionist conspiracy is anti-semitism at its finest, not to mention an idiotic assumption. "
come on tlc, is that italian ex prez's quote about cia,mossad, and zionist world antisemetic?? these guys are part of the 911 story. it not my fault they are in the locations they were in. u know, one mossad guy getting caught celebrating with the towers burning in the background. what are the chances of even catching a mossad agent considering there are only 1500-2000 of them from what ive read.
ps- mossad motto- by way of deception thou shalt do war.

Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: event8horizon
u said it was dutch not israeli. well this guy states bollyn got his info from this article.
But his later U.S. activities would prove to be much more disturbing.Atzmon and his business partner Ezra Harel are the majority owners(57%)of ICTS - International
Consultants on Targeted Security, run by 'former(Israeli)military
commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and
security agencies'
according to its website.In 1999, Atzmon's
Netherlands based firm took over management of security at Logan
Airport in Boston Massachusetts through ICTS' subsidiary Huntleigh
well didnt fkight 11 come out of logan??
American Airlines Flight 11 was a scheduled U.S. domestic passenger flight from Logan International Airport. did that first faa report state there was a gun on board and daniel lewin got shot. well, it looks like huntleigh was in charge of security there from what the article states. as for daniel lewin:Lewin was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Jerusalem, where he served for four years in the Israel Defence Forces. He was an officer in Sayeret Matkal, an elite and secretive intelligence unit.
He attended the Technion university in Haifa, Israel while simultaneously working at IBM's research laboratory in Haifa.

this guy was a BAD ASS and they got the best of him with a boxcutter or a gun as the first faa memo states!! who was in charge of security?? from sayeret matkal: Its main roles are counter-terrorism, deep reconnaissance and intelligence gathering, but the unit is first and foremost a field intelligence-gathering unit, used to obtain strategically important intelligence far behind enemy lines.

from tlc "This implication that because an Israeli owns this company that 9/11 was some Zionist conspiracy is anti-semitism at its finest, not to mention an idiotic assumption. "
come on tlc, is that italian ex prez's quote about cia,mossad, and zionist world antisemetic?? these guys are part of the 911 story. it not my fault they are in the locations they were in. u know, one mossad guy getting caught celebrating with the towers burning in the background. what are the chances of even catching a mossad agent considering there are only 1500-2000 of them from what ive read.
ps- mossad motto- by way of deception thou shalt do war.
What is your major malfunction that you can't provide answers to the questions put to you? You continually go off on some strange tangent or copy & paste some oddball website.

Above you post a biography of Atzmon is if it's somehow damning. It's not. It's proof of nothing except that Atzmon used to be in the Israeli military and eventually used his expertise to start up a security company. Then you go off on some rant about boxcutters and guns. wtf? You're so all-over the place with your discombobulated responses it's not even funny, not to mention your anti-semitic paranoid delusions.

That's not to mention that your still hiding from addressing my previous questions. I don't want links to websites run by paranoids or copy & paste jobs either. I want the explanations in your own words, if you can even manage to do that. Frankly, I don't think you can.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2007
tlc-u said that company was dutch. as for your attack "not to mention your anti-semitic paranoid delusions" statement, i was just showing how one can find israeli's under many rocks on 911. that article was just shedding light on the fact that the "International Consultants on Targeted Security, run by 'former(Israeli)military
commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and
security agencies".
anyway, ill have go back and look at those questions


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2006
I have some skepticism regarding 9/11 and have talked to others around here about their thoughts as well and have come up with the 3 main ones that people discuss and talk about.

WTC 7 - Fell at feel fall speeds, the inner column died before the rest of the building which a lot of people attribute to demolitions or some secondary explosions. News agencies reported on scene "Oh the building is collapses!" only to have a shot of the building not budging. Then a minute later it collapses.

Pentagon attack - Not sure what to make of this but apparently the accounting section with the records was hit. Then the discovery of the Pentagon missing like 20% of it's annual budget, didn't help conspiracy matters much. You also have that and the fact they confiscated all of the videos taken involving the crash from stores and places around. Yet they release 3 frames of something so blurry it could be anything. Why choose footage that a Webcam from the 1990's could outperform? Why not give us all of them? Why confiscate them in the first place? National security is no excuse, the two towers were being hit by airplanes over and over all day in the media.

Flight 93 - Just hunks of metal everywhere, little evidence of actual pieces. Investigators on the scene report things like it's like someone just dumped metal scraps everywhere or something to that effect. Also the fact that the metal pieces were scatted over a huge area? I could see that happening if it was shot down or something.

I think people cling to most of the coincidences that happened on 9/11 to the conspiracy theories. Examples: 3 Jets at Andrews AFB flew 180 miles away on 9/11, a simulated hijacking of planes taken place ON 9/11 to add to the confusion, another exercise on 9/11 morning to simulate crashing planes into government buildings, etc. Then you compound to the fact you have the war in Iraq being on false information and deliberate lies, I don't blame anyone at this point for not believing the government stories.

The point is, we'll never know. Even if you had proof or documents, the fact the MSM being so tightly controlled means, you wouldn't get anything on the air/

Anyways, someone sent me a list awhile ago of 250 coincidences regarding 9/11. The guys site is retarded, however I think they did a good job of sourcing each of their claims in the media with links. Flame me on I suppose.
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: event8horizon
tlc-u said that company was dutch. as for your attack "not to mention your anti-semitic paranoid delusions" statement, i was just showing how one can find israeli's under many rocks on 911. that article was just shedding light on the fact that the "International Consultants on Targeted Security, run by 'former(Israeli)military
commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and
security agencies".
anyway, ill have go back and look at those questions
Don't tell me that you're really THAT ignorant.

It IS a Dutch company. It's based in Holland, also known as The Netherlands. That makes it a Dutch company. Besides that, Atzmon didn't even manage Huntleigh USA.

Just because Atzmon is the owner of the parent corporation doesn't mean a thing. If it does to you then you apparently are completely clueless about corporate structures and how they function.

And if you find Israel under many 9/11 rocks it's because you have a propensity for drawing tenuous and dubious associations and instantly accepting them as some sort of meaningful evidence. Don't you even realize that there's at most 6 degrees of separation between you and Atzmon? Sheesh, that probably means you were involved in 9/11 too.



Golden Member
Jul 18, 2004
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: event8horizon
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: event8horizon
Strangely, Huntleigth USA, an airport passenger screening company owned by Israel?s International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), led by ?former Israeli military commanders and members of its intelligence and security agencies,? received congressional immunity for failed airport security at Boston and Newark airports where three of the four doomed planes originated on September 11.
Actually, ICTS is a Dutch company, not an Israeli company. Addionally Huntleigh USA only oversaw checkpoint security for United at Boston Logan airport. American Airlines security at Logan was provided by Globe Aviation Services (British). Security at Dulles and Newark was provided by Argenbright (Swedish). So, as you can see, it was not unusual in the least for foreign owned companies to provide security for US airports.

So, once again, the 9/11 conspiracy goobers can't get the actual facts of the matter straight. They embellish, and flat out lie to attempt to raise a spectre where none really exists. Besides that, stop trotting out articles from the kool-aid swilling nutjob websites. Tom Flocco has no credibility. He's a wing-nut and a proven liar.

how about this-

Menachem Atzmon resigned as president of Friedman's IDF following his
1996 conviction of Friedman's IDF following his conviction for
Israeli election campaign finance fraud.But his later U.S. activities
would prove to be much more disturbing.Atzmon and his business partner Ezra Harel are the majority owners(57%)of ICTS - International
Consultants on Targeted Security, run by 'former(Israeli)military
commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and
security agencies' according to its website.In 1999, Atzmon's
Netherlands based firm took over management of security at Logan
Airport in Boston Massachusetts through ICTS' subsidiary Huntleigh
USA.This convicted Likud criminal's firm was in charge of security at
Logan Airport - inspecting the validity of passports and visas,
searching cargo, screening passengers-when two airliners were hijacked
from there on September 11,2001, and demolished the World Trade Center
Towers in New York.........
So what? Israelis aren't allowed to own companies? Nor did you acknowledge the fact that the article you posted was wrong in many factual areas. You chose to ignore it instead and blindly move on.

This implication that because an Israeli owns this company that 9/11 was some Zionist conspiracy is anti-semitism at its finest, not to mention an idiotic assumption.

QFT. Why do the 9-11 truthers always go to the Israelis? Not the Saudis, not the Egyptians, nor any of the other countries that openly call for our destruction or openly subsidize groups whose avowed purpose is our destruction.

Talk to a truther long enough and eventually you find an anti-semite.



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: vhx
I have some skepticism regarding 9/11 and have talked to others around here about their thoughts as well and have come up with the 3 main ones that people discuss and talk about.

WTC 7 - Fell at feel fall speeds, the inner column died before the rest of the building which a lot of people attribute to demolitions or some secondary explosions. News agencies reported on scene "Oh the building is collapses!" only to have a shot of the building not budging. Then a minute later it collapses.

the building took over 18 second to collapse. that's no where near free fall. in fact, it's downright slow.

Flight 93 - Just hunks of metal everywhere, little evidence of actual pieces. Investigators on the scene report things like it's like someone just dumped metal scraps everywhere or something to that effect. Also the fact that the metal pieces were scatted over a huge area? I could see that happening if it was shot down or something.

an aluminum can hits the ground at 580 mph. what do you expect is going to happen? everything sits in one nice little pile easily identifiable as an airliner? the vast majority of debris was found buried in the crater or in the immediate vicinity. the cockpit voice recorder was 12 feet underground! the bits of debris found downwind were nylon, paper, insulation, etc. stuff that could easily be carried in the wind.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2007
we can talk egyptian with ali mohammed
saudi with that article describing that cia interogation where i think 3 princes and an airforce major (or a high rank, i cant remember which) that was pakistani was connected to 911......then all died after the guy talked!!!!
or pakistani wih general mehood ahmed (ex leader of isi) sending atta 100g.
on the states side, one finds israeli's and israeli "art students" right down the street from the alleged terrorists.
u can find that info in the other thread.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: event8horizon
we can talk egyptian with ali mohammed
saudi with that article describing that cia interogation where i think 3 princes and an airforce major (or a high rank, i cant remember which) that was pakistani was connected to 911......then all died after the guy talked!!!!
or pakistani wih general mehood ahmed (ex leader of isi) sending atta 100g.
on the states side, one finds israeli's and israeli "art students" right down the street from the alleged terrorists.
u can find that info in the other thread.

you might as well claim that round earth is an international zionist conspiracy, i mean, look at jewish bankers! of course they must be in on it!


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: vhx
I have some skepticism regarding 9/11 and have talked to others around here about their thoughts as well and have come up with the 3 main ones that people discuss and talk about.

WTC 7 - Fell at feel fall speeds, the inner column died before the rest of the building which a lot of people attribute to demolitions or some secondary explosions. News agencies reported on scene "Oh the building is collapses!" only to have a shot of the building not budging. Then a minute later it collapses.

the building took over 18 second to collapse. that's no where near free fall. in fact, it's downright slow.

Flight 93 - Just hunks of metal everywhere, little evidence of actual pieces. Investigators on the scene report things like it's like someone just dumped metal scraps everywhere or something to that effect. Also the fact that the metal pieces were scatted over a huge area? I could see that happening if it was shot down or something.

an aluminum can hits the ground at 580 mph. what do you expect is going to happen? everything sits in one nice little pile easily identifiable as an airliner? the vast majority of debris was found buried in the crater or in the immediate vicinity. the cockpit voice recorder was 12 feet underground! the bits of debris found downwind were nylon, paper, insulation, etc. stuff that could easily be carried in the wind.

Look at the Critter flight in Sourth Florida.

2 ft water, 4 ft of muck (at most) and nothing much larger than a dinner plate was found.
Going in at a high speed angle with limestone bedrock will shatter a plane into slivers.

It was the muck that kept most of it within the general area - otherwise the debris would have scattered for a couple of square miles.

The Flight 93 was in about the same situation, except there was no muck to assist in containing the impact, just a few inches of soil.


Aug 26, 2001
Originally posted by: vhx
I have some skepticism regarding 9/11 and have talked to others around here about their thoughts as well and have come up with the 3 main ones that people discuss and talk about.

WTC 7 - Fell at feel fall speeds, the inner column died before the rest of the building which a lot of people attribute to demolitions or some secondary explosions. News agencies reported on scene "Oh the building is collapses!" only to have a shot of the building not budging. Then a minute later it collapses.

Pentagon attack - Not sure what to make of this but apparently the accounting section with the records was hit. Then the discovery of the Pentagon missing like 20% of it's annual budget, didn't help conspiracy matters much. You also have that and the fact they confiscated all of the videos taken involving the crash from stores and places around. Yet they release 3 frames of something so blurry it could be anything. Why choose footage that a Webcam from the 1990's could outperform? Why not give us all of them? Why confiscate them in the first place? National security is no excuse, the two towers were being hit by airplanes over and over all day in the media.

Flight 93 - Just hunks of metal everywhere, little evidence of actual pieces. Investigators on the scene report things like it's like someone just dumped metal scraps everywhere or something to that effect. Also the fact that the metal pieces were scatted over a huge area? I could see that happening if it was shot down or something.

I think people cling to most of the coincidences that happened on 9/11 to the conspiracy theories. Examples: 3 Jets at Andrews AFB flew 180 miles away on 9/11, a simulated hijacking of planes taken place ON 9/11 to add to the confusion, another exercise on 9/11 morning to simulate crashing planes into government buildings, etc. Then you compound to the fact you have the war in Iraq being on false information and deliberate lies, I don't blame anyone at this point for not believing the government stories.

The point is, we'll never know. Even if you had proof or documents, the fact the MSM being so tightly controlled means, you wouldn't get anything on the air/

Anyways, someone sent me a list awhile ago of 250 coincidences regarding 9/11. The guys site is retarded, however I think they did a good job of sourcing each of their claims in the media with links. Flame me on I suppose.

1. WTC 7 did not fall at "free fall speeds." If you dropped a ball off the roof of the WTC towers without wind resistance, it would take about 9.22 seconds to hit the ground. Therefore, the claims that the WTC fell in less than 9 seconds or less than 10 seconds are physically impossible.

Look at this photo -

Notice how large pieces of debris are clearly falling faster than the rest o fhte building. Therefore, the entire building could not have collapsed at "free fall speeds" because those pieces ARE in free fall.

I think a better established collapse time for the towers is around 14 seconds, much slower than free fall speeds.

2. 20% of the budget WASN'T MISSING. I detailed this in a previous post, but the DOD had been having accounting issues for years (1990s). There was 2.3 trillion dollars which hadn't been properly accounted for in a report released in February 2001. By 2003, all but $700 million dollars had been properly accounted for. If the DoD was having budgetary issues for decades, why did it make sense to attack the Pentagon in Sept 2001?

Your quibble about the camera is ridiculous. The plane was traveling at 400 mph. These aren't high-speed cameras, they're regular 32 - 35 fps security cameras. At 400 mph, the plane would only be visible for three or four frames.

4. Until after 9/11, the USAF only kept 15 jets on standby across the country. Standby means they're ready to roll at a moment's notice. Andrews AFB had no fighters or aircraft on standby on Sept 11, the nearest planes took off from Otis AFB, in MA. Because of rules in place prior to Sept 11, those planes could not fly at supersonic speeds, though the pilots testified that they did exceed supersonic speeds.

Otis AFB is about 192 miles away from the Twin Towers in a straight shot. It isn't unreasonable to think that these planes may have headed out to sea in order to avoid civilian air traffic and to avoid flying over densely populated areas... that would increase the flight distance by about 35 miles.

Testimony from the 9/11 commission:
Maj. Gen. Larry Arnold
Our standard, we have agreements with the FAA. And by the way, we are looking outward, this is an advantage to us. And so we have agreements for clearance. When we scramble an aircraft, there is a line that?s picked up and the FAA and everyone is on that line and the aircraft take off and they have a predetermined departure route. And, of course, it?s out over water because our mission, unlike law enforcement?s mission is to protect things coming towards the United States. And I might even add in all of our terrorist scenarios that we run, the aircraft, if we were to intercept an aircraft, it is usually always from outside the United States coming towards us. So, our peacetime procedures are (garbled) to de-conflict with civil aviation so as to not have, endanger civil aviation in any particular way.

If planes indeed took off at 8:52:00 and traveled a distance of 189 miles and arrived at the WTC at 9:11, then their average speed would have been 596 mph, already higher than normal cruising speed. When we take into account that FAA regulations prohibited them from flying in a straight line (for fear they would crash into another plane), and add more distance, we quickly come to see that the planes were traveling above their normal cruising speed. If we assume the planes didn't fly in a straight line and didn't achieve their cruising speed instantaneously, it becomes clear that they were hauling ass --

- at 225 miles of distance traveled, they would have had to been flying at ~710 mph,
- with only 16 minutes (3 minutes subtracted for getting planes off ground, facing right direction and accelerating) and 189 miles (straight line) they would have had to exceed 707 mph.
- with 16 minutes and 225 miles to cover, they would have to averaged 842 mph.


Aug 26, 2001
Originally posted by: event8horizon
we can talk egyptian with ali mohammed
saudi with that article describing that cia interogation where i think 3 princes and an airforce major (or a high rank, i cant remember which) that was pakistani was connected to 911......then all died after the guy talked!!!!
or pakistani wih general mehood ahmed (ex leader of isi) sending atta 100g.
on the states side, one finds israeli's and israeli "art students" right down the street from the alleged terrorists.
u can find that info in the other thread.

You never answered my questions. After your extensive analysis, who is responsible for 9/11? What did they have to gain? What was their plan? How did they execute their plan?


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2006
Originally posted by: BeauJangles
1. WTC 7 did not fall at "free fall speeds." If you dropped a ball off the roof of the WTC towers without wind resistance, it would take about 9.22 seconds to hit the ground. Therefore, the claims that the WTC fell in less than 9 seconds or less than 10 seconds are physically impossible.

Look at this photo -

Notice how large pieces of debris are clearly falling faster than the rest o fhte building. Therefore, the entire building could not have collapsed at "free fall speeds" because those pieces ARE in free fall.

I think a better established collapse time for the towers is around 14 seconds, much slower than free fall speeds. That clip is only 9 seconds long, only 6 seconds of it shows it collapsing (Of course there's probably 4 seconds more of it falling to the ground). I didn't see any of the flying debris shown in your picture, however.

2. 20% of the budget WASN'T MISSING. I detailed this in a previous post, but the DOD had been having accounting issues for years (1990s). There was 2.3 trillion dollars which hadn't been properly accounted for in a report released in February 2001. By 2003, all but $700 million dollars had been properly accounted for. If the DoD was having budgetary issues for decades, why did it make sense to attack the Pentagon in Sept 2001?
Was referring to at the time.

Your quibble about the camera is ridiculous. The plane was traveling at 400 mph. These aren't high-speed cameras, they're regular 32 - 35 fps security cameras. At 400 mph, the plane would only be visible for three or four frames.

What kind of response is this? Your useless rant to this IS ridiculous. Not all the camera's were the same distance as the one who took the released 3-4 frames. By your logic, there shouldn't of been any security cam footage of the WTC's being hit. :roll: Cams further away could no doubt see a plane flying through the air and positioning itself towards the Pentagon, coming down, and hitting the Pentagon. Unless of course you are saying the pilot was an expert flying practically on the road to avoid any detection.

Also, it still doesn't explain why the confiscated it. Since apparently nothing was on it, being so fast the footage would be 'useless' (accord to you), they would have no reason to confiscate useless evidence.

4. Until after 9/11, the USAF only kept 15 jets on standby across the country. Standby means they're ready to roll at a moment's notice. Andrews AFB had no fighters or aircraft on standby on Sept 11, the nearest planes took off from Otis AFB, in MA. Because of rules in place prior to Sept 11, those planes could not fly at supersonic speeds, though the pilots testified that they did exceed supersonic speeds.

Otis AFB is about 192 miles away from the Twin Towers in a straight shot. It isn't unreasonable to think that these planes may have headed out to sea in order to avoid civilian air traffic and to avoid flying over densely populated areas... that would increase the flight distance by about 35 miles.

I never said it was unreasonable, in fact I am aware of this. However, I'm sure most people would expect some sort of aviation emergency plan (or something) to where they could get places faster without having to go around long enough to become useless. Even if they went out to sea, they'd still have to contend with international civilian airlines. (Atleast until one tower got hit and they stopped air travel) Also this example you are referring to isn't really that big. I wrote it off as just taking too long (long ago), rather than anything 'sinister', as I am sure most people have.


Aug 26, 2001
Originally posted by: vhx That clip is only 9 seconds long, only 6 seconds of it shows it collapsing (Of course there's probably 4 seconds more of it falling to the ground). I didn't see any of the flying debris shown in your picture, however.

Wrong building WTC was only 47 stories. A six second collapse wouldn't unreasonable for a building that is less than half the height and certainly isn't faster than free-fall speeds.

Was referring to at the time.

my point was simply that the budgetary issues were well-documented and the rumor that the 2.3 trillion dollars was announced on Sept 10th is untrue. Numerous news agencies reported about it starting in 2000.

What kind of response is this? Your useless rant to this IS ridiculous. Not all the camera's were the same distance as the one who took the released 3-4 frames. By your logic, there shouldn't of been any security cam footage of the WTC's being hit. :roll: Cams further away could no doubt see a plane flying through the air and positioning itself towards the Pentagon, coming down, and hitting the Pentagon. Unless of course you are saying the pilot was an expert flying practically on the road to avoid any detection.

Also, it still doesn't explain why the confiscated it. Since apparently nothing was on it, being so fast the footage would be 'useless' (accord to you), they would have no reason to confiscate useless evidence.

Who would have filmed the Pentagon? Unlike the WTC, there aren't hundreds of thousands of people walking around. There are very videos of the first plane hitting the WTC simply because it shocked people. There aer more videos of plane #2 because people were looking at the damage plane 1 did.

What cameras are you talking about? There are a limited number of security cameras around the Pentagon and, as far as I know, there is one that captured the plane hitting the building.

Though, I'm thinking we're talking about two different things ... so I'll let you clarify that.

I never said it was unreasonable, in fact I am aware of this. However, I'm sure most people would expect some sort of aviation emergency plan (or something) to where they could get places faster without having to go around long enough to become useless. Even if they went out to sea, they'd still have to contend with international civilian airlines. (Atleast until one tower got hit and they stopped air travel) Also this example you are referring to isn't really that big. I wrote it off as just taking too long (long ago), rather than anything 'sinister', as I am sure most people have.

The country did have plans in place, but all of them dealt with threats coming into the United States, not a threat originating inside the country. If you read the FAA protocol for any emergencies, they had pre-made areas that were 'safe' for emergency military traffic and most of these led out over seas.

I didn't know whether you were implying there was something sinister, but many people falsely hold the belief that someone could have brought the planes down in minutes, which is so far from the truth.

Anyway, apologies for any confusion on my part.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2007
Originally posted by: BeauJangles
Originally posted by: event8horizon
we can talk egyptian with ali mohammed
saudi with that article describing that cia interogation where i think 3 princes and an airforce major (or a high rank, i cant remember which) that was pakistani was connected to 911......then all died after the guy talked!!!!
or pakistani wih general mehood ahmed (ex leader of isi) sending atta 100g.
on the states side, one finds israeli's and israeli "art students" right down the street from the alleged terrorists.
u can find that info in the other thread.

You never answered my questions. After your extensive analysis, who is responsible for 9/11? What did they have to gain? What was their plan? How did they execute their plan?
this is really for the other thread-
cossiga said it best when he said "[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe ... now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part ... in Iraq [and] Afghanistan."
and with mossad celebrating with the twin towers in the background.
and with people coming out and giving us this:
In addition to overhearing in Hebrew, the statements, ?The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September?, and ?Don?t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything?, the source also reports that he overheard one of the three men in the Gomel Chesed Cemetery say, ?The Arabs are so stupid. They don?t even imagine that we are using them.? This comment should not be overlooked.

as for gaining, as greenspan said about the oil in iraq then restated the whole oil routes ,(thats not a direct quote) bases in iraq (which probably arent going to happen) pipeline through afghanistan which enron was trying to work out with the taliban.
didnt a rockefellar talk to russo about an attack (911) and bases and a pipeline. according to russo, they were going to overthrough or take out chavez in venezuela. damn chavez nationalizing oil and their central bank. found that vid-
lets not forget iran. bush has already mentioned iran and ww3!!!
as for execution, look into the ptech software and the war games that day. what the cia was doing in those wargames is classified i remember reading about. also look into who daquired the software and the financers. u might find some interesing folks with stange ties.


Aug 26, 2001
Originally posted by: event8horizon
Originally posted by: BeauJangles
Originally posted by: event8horizon
we can talk egyptian with ali mohammed
saudi with that article describing that cia interogation where i think 3 princes and an airforce major (or a high rank, i cant remember which) that was pakistani was connected to 911......then all died after the guy talked!!!!
or pakistani wih general mehood ahmed (ex leader of isi) sending atta 100g.
on the states side, one finds israeli's and israeli "art students" right down the street from the alleged terrorists.
u can find that info in the other thread.

You never answered my questions. After your extensive analysis, who is responsible for 9/11? What did they have to gain? What was their plan? How did they execute their plan?
this is really for the other thread-
cossiga said it best when he said "[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe ... now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part ... in Iraq [and] Afghanistan."
and with mossad celebrating with the twin towers in the background.
and with people coming out and giving us this:
In addition to overhearing in Hebrew, the statements, ?The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September?, and ?Don?t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything?, the source also reports that he overheard one of the three men in the Gomel Chesed Cemetery say, ?The Arabs are so stupid. They don?t even imagine that we are using them.? This comment should not be overlooked.

as for gaining, as greenspan said about the oil in iraq then restated the whole oil routes ,(thats not a direct quote) bases in iraq (which probably arent going to happen) pipeline through afghanistan which enron was trying to work out with the taliban.
didnt a rockefellar talk to russo about an attack (911) and bases and a pipeline. according to russo, they were going to overthrough or take out chavez in venezuela. damn chavez nationalizing oil and their central bank. found that vid-
lets not forget iran. bush has already mentioned iran and ww3!!!
as for execution, look into the ptech software and the war games that day. what the cia was doing in those wargames is classified i remember reading about. also look into who daquired the software and the financers. u might find some interesing folks with stange ties.

You named a lot of people, but haven't yet told me exactly what anybody who supposed orchestrated this huge conspiracy actually DID. What brought down the WTC and who did it? This question shouldn't be that complicated.
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: BeauJangles
You named a lot of people, but haven't yet told me exactly what anybody who supposed orchestrated this huge conspiracy actually DID. What brought down the WTC and who did it? This question shouldn't be that complicated.
I'll reiterate, because I've been nagging him for some time now to spell out his beliefs. event8horizon will avoid making any stance because he knows he will have to provide answers to a barrage of questions related to that stance if he does. Therefore he completely evades any possibility of being put on the defensive by bobbing and weaving around the subject. This is a standard ploy by the CT crowd. I've seen it a hundred times from them and event8horizon is no different. It's as if it's a standard playbook tactic for them that they employ. That's why the guy is a complete waste of time. He's scared shitless of making his beliefs known, which indicates that he has no real conviction or security in his knowledge of 9/11. He only knows what little he knows and clings to that as a security blanket.

Basically, you'll never get a straight answer out of him.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
better video of WTC7

you can see it starts collapsing at the 6 second mark and isn't really done until near the end of the video. video says 13 seconds.

free fall has an acceleration of 9.8 m/sec^2. formula for distance traveled under acceleration from 0 is d= 1/2at^2. in 13 seconds it would have gone 828.1 meters. the building was only 226 meters tall. even the towers were 'only' 417 meters tall. burj al dubai, the new tallest building in the world, is pretty close, wikipedia is saying at least 818 meters right now, but that's for the spire. roof is 'at least' 636 meters.


Diamond Member
Sep 7, 2006
The United Stated tax law is comprehensible.
9/11 was not an inside job.
Politicians don't lie.
Women are not oppressed.
Religion always delivers truth.
Banks that profited from war should be excused.
The United States is a democracy.
History is always accurate.
Jet fuel melts steel.
JFK was a saint.
The pyramids were not built by slavery.
I think you will try to understand.
Conspiracies do not exist.
Faith is more reliable than observation.
Human beings are intelligent.
Banks that profited from slavery should be excused.
Elections are never rigged.
Corporations care more about humanity than profits.
Diebold is trustworthy.
George Bush(s) cares about you.
The Great Wall was not built by slavery.

Good luck



Diamond Member
Sep 7, 2006
Originally posted by: dualsmp
I think NIST needs to have a chat with Larry Silverstein the owner of the WTC complex. Silverstein states they "pulled" WTC 7 and watched it collapse. "Pulled" being a term for blowing up a building in demolition lingo. Video here:

pfft. that doesn't mean anything! WTC had minor side damage that caused a totally symmetrical collapse. That's completely normal!
Silverstein had nothing to profit from the 9/11 attacks!

Rich people should always be trusted to take care of our money.In fact, the more money you have, the more trust you get! Smart!
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