First Build--What do you think?


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2009
I've finally settled on a gaming/music storage rig. This is my first ever build, but I feel really confident in my choices:

Antec 900 Steel Mid-tower Case
Intel core i7 920
ASUS P6T x58 mobo (non deluxe)
EVGA GeForce GTX 260 core 216 896MB
Zalman ZM750-HP 750W (@ 45c) modular PSU
Corsair XMS3 3GB (3x1GB) DDR3 1333 RAM
WD VelociRaptor 300GB 10k RPM HDD (retail)
Samsung 22x DVD Burner w/ LightScribe (SATA)

Like I said, I'll be using it for gaming, music & photo storage, web surfing, etc. I'm located in WA, USA. I'm way over my original budget... I'm now at $1500 w/o monitor. (Thank you tax return!) I don't have a brand preference (yet ) but I have already purchased the case and HDD. I don't plan on doing any OC'ing for a while, but I'm interested in learning later down the road. I also plan on upgrading my mobo and ram within the next 1-1/2 years, as well as pick an aftermarket cpu cooler--I don't think it's absolutely necessary atm. I'll be running Vista Ultimate 64bit as the OS. I'm hoping to purchase all the parts by 2/7 and get it all put together by 2/12 (damn weekends).
Well... let me know what you think!


Oct 9, 1999
Antec 900 = :thumbsup:
Core i7 920 = fine
Asus MB = a bit too exotic... save $70 and get the Gigabyte EX58-UD3R
EVGA GTX 260 = fine if that's your bag
Zalman PS = do yourself a favor and save $100... get the PC P&C S75QB 750W
Corsair 3GB = treat yourself, get twice the memory and spend $46 more on the Mushkin 998585
VelociRaptor & Samsung DVD = :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Total saved by your close personal friend = $124 (and you have 2x the RAM) :laugh:



Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000
If you can (via friend or driving to one nearby, I didn't check), Check out the i7 920 for $229 @ Fry's or a Microcenter, and save yourself $50 ($70 - tax). I'm not sure why you would want to upgrade the mobo and ram much later on, unless you are planning a CPU upgrade as well; esp as the current set seem to do nicely on overclocking. I'd agree with the poster above, and go with the 6GB of Memory for the machine, you will be starving it with only 3GB, esp on Vista 64. Pick up the Corsair 620HX Modular PSU, and save yourself around $40 before rebate, and another $30 after.

Continuing on, and I hate to say this since you already spent the money; but today's world, I think the raptors are a bit on overkill, and this is coming from a guy who has 10k & 15k sas drives in his computer. I'd go with a 640GB WD Black/Blue Caviar drive; that alone will save you $150 and gain you double the hdd space, and give you close to the same performance as the raptor has.

If you are intrested in Mirror's Edge, you may want to check out the eVGA 260GTX 216 that's only $10 more.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
Since you're mostly gaming/normal use it sounds, you could save some money with a C2Q/775/DDR2 platform instead. i7 isn't a huge step gaming wise, and DDR3 is still pretty expensive for minimal gains. With DDR2, you could fit 8gb in your rig which is much much better than 3 gb of DDR3

Ditto on the PCP&C

I'll agree with Syran on the velociraptor though. There's not a huge performance difference between them and the Caviar Black series, which has alot more storage for a lot less money

I'd say save some money on the PSU and HD, and buy yourself a nice monitor and BD drive


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2009
Originally posted by: Blain
EVGA GTX 260 = fine if that's your bag
What do you mean? It outperforms the Radeon HD 4870...

Zalman PS = do yourself a favor and save $100... get the PC P&C S75QB 750W
That one isn't modular. I know it would save me alot of money, but the zalman has really good efficiency and is modular. As my first build, I don't want to have to wrestle with my cable management. I do like the single rail, though. I almost got the corsair 750tx for that reason, but a friend convinced me that the Zalman is worth it because of the efficiency, modular cabling, and the incredible amount of protections enabled. I would like to save the $60, but I'd rather not give myself headaches later.

Corsair 3GB = treat yourself, get twice the memory and spend $46 more on the Mushkin 998585
The GSKILL 6GB is the same price as the Mushkin. Which manufacturer has a better rating?

I have my heart set on the velociraptor. It's been sitting in my corner for a while now (on sale at best buy) and I've grown attached to it. I don't need THAT much space. At least not right away. I plan on getting a second WD HDD later on down the road.

I will look into the gigabyte mobo too. the 4xDDR3 slots kinda put me off, but I'll read into it a little more.

Thanks for the input guys! Keep it coming if you can...


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000
Originally posted by: gamergrrrl
Originally posted by: Blain
EVGA GTX 260 = fine if that's your bag
What do you mean? It outperforms the Radeon HD 4870...

Zalman PS = do yourself a favor and save $100... get the PC P&C S75QB 750W
That one isn't modular. I know it would save me alot of money, but the zalman has really good efficiency and is modular. As my first build, I don't want to have to wrestle with my cable management. I do like the single rail, though. I almost got the corsair 750tx for that reason, but a friend convinced me that the Zalman is worth it because of the efficiency, modular cabling, and the incredible amount of protections enabled. I would like to save the $60, but I'd rather not give myself headaches later.
Look at the Corsair I linked earlier. 620W is more then enough, and it's modular.

Corsair 3GB = treat yourself, get twice the memory and spend $46 more on the Mushkin 998585
The GSKILL 6GB is the same price as the Mushkin. Which manufacturer has a better rating?

I have my heart set on the velociraptor. It's been sitting in my corner for a while now (on sale at best buy) and I've grown attached to it. I don't need THAT much space. At least not right away. I plan on getting a second WD HDD later on down the road.

I will look into the gigabyte mobo too. the 4xDDR3 slots kinda put me off, but I'll read into it a little more.

Thanks for the input guys! Keep it coming if you can...

I'd personally stick with 6 DDR3 slots, but i'd start with a 6GB kit. I'm partial to Corsair & Crucial memories, but I haven't really dug into the Core i7 builds yet, so I don't want to give advice on that one.

Nov 26, 2005
If you decide to stick with i7, get it at MicroCenter or Frys. I spent 247 on mine and I got to choose the batch AKA lot number I wanted.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
I still wouldn't go for the Zalman. On the efficiency front, both the PCP&C and the Corsair have the same efficiency certification as the Zalman. On the modular front, the Corsair is as well. On the protection front, I don't see anything the Zalman has that any quality manufacturer doesn't.


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2009
Originally posted by: BTRY B 529th FA BN
If you decide to stick with i7, get it at MicroCenter or Frys. I spent 247 on mine and I got to choose the batch AKA lot number I wanted.

...batch aka lot number? whaaa? Is that like the manufacture date?


Senior member
Jan 16, 2004
3GB sounds really random, I would either do 4GB or 6GB and they are right about the PSU, PC, Corsair or Thermaltake would be the way to go in terms of a power supply. The Giga-byte is a better motherboard and is much more affordable. Everything else seems great. I would perhaps go with a WB 640GB HDD though.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: yh125d
I still wouldn't go for the Zalman. On the efficiency front, both the PCP&C and the Corsair have the same efficiency certification as the Zalman. On the modular front, the Corsair is as well. On the protection front, I don't see anything the Zalman has that any quality manufacturer doesn't.

Efiiciency is no indicator of build quality!!

The Zalman will do ger just fine!!

It has recieved many good reviews!!
Nov 26, 2005
Originally posted by: gamergrrrl
Originally posted by: BTRY B 529th FA BN
If you decide to stick with i7, get it at MicroCenter or Frys. I spent 247 on mine and I got to choose the batch AKA lot number I wanted.

...batch aka lot number? whaaa? Is that like the manufacture date?

Yes, batch or lot number. International overclocking reports of this chip are showing them to overclock better with low volts in certain batch/lot numbers. Anandtech even did a small article about them. The Tale of Two Retail Processors. There is also a data base thread over in the Xtreme systems forums. Bah, it's somewhere, didn't bookmark it.

EDIT: e.g. 3841A 437 - batch/lot number


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2009
Well, I decided to go with these changes: Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 1GB GPU and Corsair 6GB DDR3 1333 RAM
If there is another 4870 1gb card that is cooler/quieter, I'd like to go with that... I think this ram will do me just fine, too.

I think I might stick with the Zalman. My paycheck was a lot bigger than I thought (thank you profit-sharing!) and I can afford to spend a little more on the PSU.

If money is no option, is there a really good reason to go with a different 650w+ modular PSU?

I might also add a WD 750GB HDD for $90 more. It's out of stock right now on newegg, but I might be able to find it elsewhere. The only thing I'm concerned with there is not having enough sata cables to my mobo. The ASUS P6T comes with at least one, but I need one for my optical drive as well...

Even though I have enough money for an aftermarket hsf for my psu, I think I'm going to stick with the stock one until some socket 1366 coolers come out that are a little smaller. I keep reading that the TRUE and Xigmatek coolers just barely fit in the antec 900 and interfere with the side panel fan. I don't mind having to take my mobo out... I know it will be a pain, but it'll also be a learning exp, lol. Plus, I'm not going to be overclocking for a while so I'm not too concerned with temperatures.



Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: yh125d
I still wouldn't go for the Zalman. On the efficiency front, both the PCP&C and the Corsair have the same efficiency certification as the Zalman. On the modular front, the Corsair is as well. On the protection front, I don't see anything the Zalman has that any quality manufacturer doesn't.

Efiiciency is no indicator of build quality!!

The Zalman will do ger just fine!!

It has recieved many good reviews!!

Efficiency comes with good build quality!!

The Corsair or PCP&C would do it just as well, for less money!!

Newegg reviews are useless!!

The Zalman is a good PSU, it's just up to the OP if she wants to spend the extra $100 for a 1/2 modular PSU


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
Originally posted by: gamergrrrl
Well, I decided to go with these changes: Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 1GB GPU and Corsair 6GB DDR3 1333 RAM
If there is another 4870 1gb card that is cooler/quieter, I'd like to go with that... I think this ram will do me just fine, too.

I think I might stick with the Zalman. My paycheck was a lot bigger than I thought (thank you profit-sharing!) and I can afford to spend a little more on the PSU.

If money is no option, is there a really good reason to go with a different 650w+ modular PSU?

I might also add a WD 750GB HDD for $90 more. It's out of stock right now on newegg, but I might be able to find it elsewhere. The only thing I'm concerned with there is not having enough sata cables to my mobo. The ASUS P6T comes with at least one, but I need one for my optical drive as well...

Even though I have enough money for an aftermarket hsf for my psu, I think I'm going to stick with the stock one until some socket 1366 coolers come out that are a little smaller. I keep reading that the TRUE and Xigmatek coolers just barely fit in the antec 900 and interfere with the side panel fan. I don't mind having to take my mobo out... I know it will be a pain, but it'll also be a learning exp, lol. Plus, I'm not going to be overclocking for a while so I'm not too concerned with temperatures.

If you're thinking about spending another $90 on hard drives, add a Samsung 1TB for $95 at newegg. very quiet, and as fast as a caviar black 1TB


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2009
Originally posted by: gamergrrrl
I've finally settled on a gaming/music storage rig. This is my first ever build, but I feel really confident in my choices:

Antec 900 Steel Mid-tower Case
Intel core i7 920
ASUS P6T x58 mobo (non deluxe)
EVGA GeForce GTX 260 core 216 896MB
Zalman ZM750-HP 750W (@ 45c) modular PSU
Corsair XMS3 3GB (3x1GB) DDR3 1333 RAM
WD VelociRaptor 300GB 10k RPM HDD (retail)
Samsung 22x DVD Burner w/ LightScribe (SATA)

Like I said, I'll be using it for gaming, music & photo storage, web surfing, etc. I'm located in WA, USA. I'm way over my original budget... I'm now at $1500 w/o monitor. (Thank you tax return!) I don't have a brand preference (yet ) but I have already purchased the case and HDD. I don't plan on doing any OC'ing for a while, but I'm interested in learning later down the road. I also plan on upgrading my mobo and ram within the next 1-1/2 years, as well as pick an aftermarket cpu cooler--I don't think it's absolutely necessary atm. I'll be running Vista Ultimate 64bit as the OS. I'm hoping to purchase all the parts by 2/7 and get it all put together by 2/12 (damn weekends).
Well... let me know what you think!

Hey there gamergrrrl, i'm in renton first time posting too, lol.

anyways, that's not a bad system you are building and i'm building one as well. currently waiting on one newegg shipment with some of the components and after this post i'll place a buy with the egg for an lg blu-ray/hd hdvd reader and mutli-disk writer/reader.

my system is going to be:

antec twelve hundred
tagan abs bz800
i7 920 3841A453
vanilla p6t
seagate hd 250gb @ 7200 x2 in raid
evga gtx285 stock here (because the card can be oc'd like your planned gtx 260. if you buy evga there's what is called a step up program...which means upgrade within 90 days)
mem 2gx3 cosair dominator 1600
x-fi fatal1y sound card
sony dvd dru8652
lg blu-ray/hd dvd Model GGC-H20L

anyways the total cost for this building anys/h cost and taxes included are $1781.

thing is you can step up on the ram. the ram and processor will stomp for a long time and you can change mobo's and everything else when you want too. the great thang about your choice on the p6t is the mb offers features that are on mb's costing 3 hundo plus and even one up's them, for example the p6t deluxe can't do the tri-sli like the vanilla board.

hopefully i'll have my new build running one week from today when i plan to install everything.

take pics of your build.



Junior Member
Feb 8, 2009
Originally posted by: gamergrrrl
Originally posted by: BTRY B 529th FA BN
If you decide to stick with i7, get it at MicroCenter or Frys. I spent 247 on mine and I got to choose the batch AKA lot number I wanted.

...batch aka lot number? whaaa? Is that like the manufacture date?

lol, great question. ...this has been posted on the you go.....

Example: L149A463-0726

1st letter or digit = plant code (Malay)

0 = San Jose, Costa Rica

1 = Cavite, Philippines

3 = .............., Costa Rica

6 = Chandler, Arizona

7 = .........., Philippines

8 = Leixlip, Ireland

9 = Penang, Malaysia

L = ............, Malaysia

Q = ..........., Malaysia

R = Manila, Philippines

Y= Leixlip, Ireland

2nd digit = Year of production (2001)

3rd & 4th digits = week (49th week )

5th - 8th digits= lot number

10th - 13th digits = serialization code

hope this helps


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2009
Originally posted by: Syran
If you can (via friend or driving to one nearby, I didn't check), Check out the i7 920 for $229 @ Fry's or a Microcenter, and save yourself $50 ($70 - tax). I'm not sure why you would want to upgrade the mobo and ram much later on, unless you are planning a CPU upgrade as well; esp as the current set seem to do nicely on overclocking. I'd agree with the poster above, and go with the 6GB of Memory for the machine, you will be starving it with only 3GB, esp on Vista 64. Pick up the Corsair 620HX Modular PSU, and save yourself around $40 before rebate, and another $30 after.

Continuing on, and I hate to say this since you already spent the money; but today's world, I think the raptors are a bit on overkill, and this is coming from a guy who has 10k & 15k sas drives in his computer. I'd go with a 640GB WD Black/Blue Caviar drive; that alone will save you $150 and gain you double the hdd space, and give you close to the same performance as the raptor has.

If you are intrested in Mirror's Edge, you may want to check out the eVGA 260GTX 216 that's only $10 more.

Dell Home has Seagate 1.5 TB SATA Barracuda 7200.11 Internal Hard Drive for $166 - $60 (with code 90K7$QNXLZM4BZ) = $106 with free shipping.

Seagate 1.5 TB SATA Barracuda 7200.11 Internal Hard Drive $106

these were $69 and free ship....

valentine's sweet heart deals, knock of another 10 spot.

now here's a really good deal.... if gamergrrrl really wants to change?!?

EVGA X58 3xSLI + 6GB DDR3-1600 + 2 games for $341 + S&H ($30 MIR)



Regularly $292.02
$30.00 mail-in rebate! Valid from Feb 06, 2009 to Feb 15, 2009

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the RAM is 6x1GB instead of 3x2GB....

psu deal, this might be the best deal for a Corsair 1000HX.

Add to cart and use 20% off code: 20PSUFEB

$183 w/ free shipping + a $20 MIR.

the deals are out there, just takes a moment or two to check
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