First Build - Windows 8.1 refuses to install


Junior Member
Dec 16, 2014
Hey guys,

So I've recently built my first PC and I've been struggling with some issues for the past week and I thought I'd try here for some help.

Here are the specs:
CPU: Intel Core I5 4690K 3.5GHz LGA1150
RAM: Corsair Dominator Platinum 8GB (2x4GB) 1600MHz (CMD8GX3M2A1600C7)
SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 500GB
PSU: Corsair HX650

I run into erratic errors while trying to install legit Windows 8.1. Most of the time, it doesn't even boot into the setup, it gives me BSOD "IRQL Not Less or Equal" right after the spinning Windows dial at the bottom and restarts. The odd time that it does boot into setup, at any given moment it will prompt either "The instruction at 0x7a713300 referenced memory at 0x000cc78b. The memory could not be written" or "Windows installation encountered an unexpected error. Verify that the installation sources are accessible and restart the installation. Error Code: 0xC000005". By once chance, I actually got it to complete the initial installation off the boot, but upon required restarted Windows prompted something like "Windows encountered an error installing, please restart".

Funny thing is, I'm able to install Ubuntu. However, it's not stable at all with a lot of errors and apps freezing. Trying to download apps and some general working gives me "Segmentation" errors. I know nothing of Linux (or Windows for that matter), but apparently it's memory address issues?

So with both OS apparently pointing to memory issues, I tried to replaced the RAM with a single G-Skills module and still the exact same problems occur, so I'm wondering if it's the motherboard? Is there another explanation?

To perhaps give you more information, I have a tried all these troubleshoots to no avail:
1. I've tried to use another USB drive. I've also tried the USB 2.0 port with a USB 2.0 drive. I've created an ISO file on a Windows laptop, transferred it to my Mac and tried to make a bootable USB drive via Boot Camp. Nope. Burned to CD, tried install from USB DVD and SATA DVD drive. Still same thing.
2. I've re-downloaded the ISO and torrented a Windows 8.1 ISO incase my download was corrupt and tried that. Still same thing. The torrented ISO actually completed the initial installation, but after the required restart, Windows refused to install. prompting "Windows could not be installed".
3. I've replaced SATA cables and power cables to the SSD. I've changed the SATA port. Same thing. SATA mode is set to AHCI, Legacy+UEFI. No difference.
4. I've switched the DIMM slots of the memory. I've even taken each stick out and tried it with each individual stick in a different DIMM slot only reading 4GB, no dice. I've tried the memory at 1333MHz stock, used XMP and 1600MHz. Same thing. Ran memtest86, no errors found. Replaced RAM entirely as I said above.
5. Disabled Intel Rapid start and Smart Technology(?), along with every possible option, same thing.
6. Updated Motherboard BIOS/UEFI to latest version.
7. Formatted the SSD through Windows installer command line (on the odd times it didn't prompt errors). No dice.
8. Pulled the GPU and tried. Nada.
9. Secure boot is disabled.
10. Disconnected SSD SATA and power cables to see if Windows would enter setup. It didn't exact same problems even with SSD disconnected.

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to help!


Platinum Member
Aug 22, 2014
When it blue screens then I suspect your cd's are dirty and if it does the same from usb then your memory is either bad or dirty and your case needs to be cleaned out.

If you inside case is already clean then just resit the memory.

..................................................................................Try retail cd of windows.
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Junior Member
Dec 16, 2014
Lol, every single component is brand new man, including the case. Trust me it's clean.

I've tried to resit the memory multiple times. Like I said, I've even replaced the RAM modules which would effectively rule out a RAM issue, I'd assume.

Thanks anyway!


Senior member
Oct 23, 2014
Are you sure the SATA connections are secure? Otherwise, may be a defective motherboard or SSD. Do you have a spare hard drive that you know is good? Try installing Windows on that.
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Junior Member
Dec 16, 2014
Are you sure the SATA connections are secure? Otherwise, may be a defective motherboard or SSD. Do you have a spare hard drive that you know is good? Try installing Windows on that.

Yes man, I've checked them and even tried different SATA ports. I even disconnected the SSD entirely to see if Windows 8.1 Setup would stop the BSOD, but it still prompted the IRQL BSOD before getting into setup, even with the SSD disconnected. This has to rule out the SSD, no?

No other harddrive as this is my first build.


Thanks man, I did wear an anti-static bracelet while building. However, I'm RMAing the MOBO as we speak. I'm just praying that it's the problem...


Platinum Member
Aug 22, 2014
Yes man, I've checked them and even tried different SATA ports. I even disconnected the SSD entirely to see if Windows 8.1 Setup would stop the BSOD, but it still prompted the IRQL BSOD before getting into setup, even with the SSD disconnected. This has to rule out the SSD, no?

No other harddrive as this is my first build.

Thanks man, I did wear an anti-static bracelet while building. However, I'm RMAing the MOBO as we speak. I'm just praying that it's the problem...

There is the other odd chance. Is all this stuff retail or from fedex or ups?

Just wondering if the boxes were kicked or thrown.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
I hate it when things like this happen. At least you got it to boot. That is the first major hurdle. You have covered about everything I would try, so I will list a couple thing that weren't clear:

- Make sure you are using the Intel SATA ports (1-6) for the SSD. The Asmedia ports (7-8) are for drives that are not the boot drive.
- It looks like slot 4 may be the one to use for a single DIMM, as opposed to slot 1. In any event, I would try all 4 slots with a single stick.

The "IRQL Not Less or Equal" and the "memory could not be written" messages make me think of RAM issues. You have tried about everything with the RAM, so I am starting to think you have a bad board on your hands, if the two things I mentioned do not affect your issue.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
The "IRQL Not Less or Equal" and the "memory could not be written" messages make me think of RAM issues. You have tried about everything with the RAM, so I am starting to think you have a bad board on your hands, if the two things I mentioned do not affect your issue.

My first thought was bad RAM, too... but it looks like maybe a bad RAM slot.

OP, make sure you update when you get your RMA board back.


Senior member
Nov 27, 2004
Hey guys,

So I've recently built my first PC and I've been struggling with some issues for the past week and I thought I'd try here for some help.

Here are the specs:
CPU: Intel Core I5 4690K 3.5GHz LGA1150
RAM: Corsair Dominator Platinum 8GB (2x4GB) 1600MHz (CMD8GX3M2A1600C7)
SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 500GB
PSU: Corsair HX650

I run into erratic errors while trying to install legit Windows 8.1. Most of the time, it doesn't even boot into the setup, it gives me BSOD "IRQL Not Less or Equal" right after the spinning Windows dial at the bottom and restarts. The odd time that it does boot into setup, at any given moment it will prompt either "The instruction at 0x7a713300 referenced memory at 0x000cc78b. The memory could not be written" or "Windows installation encountered an unexpected error. Verify that the installation sources are accessible and restart the installation. Error Code: 0xC000005". By once chance, I actually got it to complete the initial installation off the boot, but upon required restarted Windows prompted something like "Windows encountered an error installing, please restart".

Funny thing is, I'm able to install Ubuntu. However, it's not stable at all with a lot of errors and apps freezing. Trying to download apps and some general working gives me "Segmentation" errors. I know nothing of Linux (or Windows for that matter), but apparently it's memory address issues?

So with both OS apparently pointing to memory issues, I tried to replaced the RAM with a single G-Skills module and still the exact same problems occur, so I'm wondering if it's the motherboard? Is there another explanation?

To perhaps give you more information, I have a tried all these troubleshoots to no avail:
1. I've tried to use another USB drive. I've also tried the USB 2.0 port with a USB 2.0 drive. I've created an ISO file on a Windows laptop, transferred it to my Mac and tried to make a bootable USB drive via Boot Camp. Nope. Burned to CD, tried install from USB DVD and SATA DVD drive. Still same thing.
2. I've re-downloaded the ISO and torrented a Windows 8.1 ISO incase my download was corrupt and tried that. Still same thing. The torrented ISO actually completed the initial installation, but after the required restart, Windows refused to install. prompting "Windows could not be installed".
3. I've replaced SATA cables and power cables to the SSD. I've changed the SATA port. Same thing. SATA mode is set to AHCI, Legacy+UEFI. No difference.
4. I've switched the DIMM slots of the memory. I've even taken each stick out and tried it with each individual stick in a different DIMM slot only reading 4GB, no dice. I've tried the memory at 1333MHz stock, used XMP and 1600MHz. Same thing. Ran memtest86, no errors found. Replaced RAM entirely as I said above.
5. Disabled Intel Rapid start and Smart Technology(?), along with every possible option, same thing.
6. Updated Motherboard BIOS/UEFI to latest version.
7. Formatted the SSD through Windows installer command line (on the odd times it didn't prompt errors). No dice.
8. Pulled the GPU and tried. Nada.
9. Secure boot is disabled.
10. Disconnected SSD SATA and power cables to see if Windows would enter setup. It didn't exact same problems even with SSD disconnected.

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to help!
Did you try to run memtest? THis would have been something to try first if you saw multiple errors during installation. before sending anything back put memtest on a cd and see if the memory is bad, try 1 stick at a time.


May 19, 2011
Multiple passes of memtestx86+ recommended, run it all night if possible. I also think memory (or memory related, such as the slot) is a likely possibility given the symptoms. +1 silicon's suggestion of one module at a time.

Check that the board isn't overclocking anything.

If you have a spare PC, I'd quick-format the SSD on that then run a full disk check on it (chkdsk whatever: /f /v /r). If you don't have a spare PC and you can get to a command prompt, trying the same from there ought to suffice.
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Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
Did you try to run memtest? THis would have been something to try first if you saw multiple errors during installation. before sending anything back put memtest on a cd and see if the memory is bad, try 1 stick at a time.

He did, see number 4. He also used different memory, different timings, and one stick at a time. It is all in the post you quoted.


Junior Member
Dec 16, 2014
Hey guys,

Thanks so much for taking the time to try help, much appreciated!

There is the other odd chance. Is all this stuff retail or from fedex or ups?

Just wondering if the boxes were kicked or thrown.

All bought online. I am located in Toronto, Canada. Most packages we're received through Purolator, with a couple of odd ones through UPS and Canada Post. I guess I do run that risk buying exclusively online.

I hate it when things like this happen. At least you got it to boot. That is the first major hurdle. You have covered about everything I would try, so I will list a couple thing that weren't clear:

- Make sure you are using the Intel SATA ports (1-6) for the SSD. The Asmedia ports (7-8) are for drives that are not the boot drive.
- It looks like slot 4 may be the one to use for a single DIMM, as opposed to slot 1. In any event, I would try all 4 slots with a single stick.

The "IRQL Not Less or Equal" and the "memory could not be written" messages make me think of RAM issues. You have tried about everything with the RAM, so I am starting to think you have a bad board on your hands, if the two things I mentioned do not affect your issue.

I know man, I left PC years ago because of problems like this, and the moment I want to get back in the game, this happens!

I have tried all of the 1-6 SATA 6Gb/s ports. Still prompts errors. Even when all SATA peripherals are completely disconnected!

I've tried all 3 RAM modules that I have in my possession in each individual slot. Regardless, those errors from my respective post happen at some point or another with any possible combination and configuration.

My first thought was bad RAM, too... but it looks like maybe a bad RAM slot.

OP, make sure you update when you get your RMA board back.

Will definitely update once I get the new MOBO! Hopefully this information can help someone in the future.

To those suggesting memtest86. I've already tried it once on the Corsair, and wouldn't all my memory troubleshoots effectively rule out the RAM? I replaced the 2x4GB Corsair with a single 4GB G Skills and still the same problems occur in whatever slot / configuration. What is the likelihood that I possess 3 defective RAM modules?
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May 19, 2011
To those suggesting memtest86. I've already tried it once on the Corsair, and wouldn't all my memory troubleshoots effectively rule out the RAM? I replaced the 2x4GB Corsair with a single 4GB G Skills and still the same problems occur in whatever slot / configuration. What is the likelihood that I possess 3 defective RAM modules?

It does seem unlikely, it's just that the symptoms are a dead-on match for bad RAM, and between RAM, the board and the CPU, the RAM is still the most likely possibility (I've diagnosed tonnes of faulty RAM modules over the years, only a couple of DOA boards though quite a few more that failed with enough time, and no DOA CPUs). I would be interested in what an overnight memtest concludes with one of the modules.

The other thing I'd be curious about would be whether it manages to run a Linux Live CD, say Ubuntu or whichever your preference might be. One advantage with Linux is that if it crashes and burns, it might give a more specific error message than Windows setup.

Your problem however does remind me of a faulty older board I came across a few years ago, the symptoms were also a dead-on match for faulty RAM but it basically would flip out with any memory module I tried. In such a scenario I would normally do a lot of memtesting before coming to that conclusion.


Feb 22, 2000
When ever a windows install crashes it almost always a hardware problem. You did it correct with the memory, that's exactly the process you want to follow. However, it seems you didn't strip the system down to the bare. When I'm having a problem like this I always pull the mobo and put it on the bench with nothing attached other than power, CPU and RAM.

I didn't see you mention that you pulled the video card and switched to integrated video. You need to eliminate that for sure. As others said, the error you encountered is typically a memory problem....BUT NOT can be any piece of hardware INCLUDING the CPU. Yes, I've had exactly 2 bad Intel CPU's in 20 some years, but it definitely happens.

At this point I think you did the right thing in RMAing the mobo. When you get it back, set that system up on a bench before you connect everything inside a case....keep it absolutely bare bones, i.e. CPU, RAM (1 module), SSD and optical drive. I would also use new cables for everything. Then see if Windows will install before you put it all in the case.



Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
He pulled the video card in #8, and he isn't using an optical drive. What you are trying to get at is steps to take if the system won't POST at all. The ability of the OP's system to POST is indicative of a hardware configuration that is being accepted by the board. Hardware insiide the board can be more difficult to diagnose.
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Senior member
Oct 23, 2014
Don't give up OP, it may seem frustrating now but on the other hand, this experience taught you a lot about troubleshooting PC hardware and it seemed you did everything right. So in the future things will be easier. Hopefully a new motherboard will cure the problem. Only other components that I think may cause the problem would be a bad CPU (unlikely since I would expect a bad CPU not to boot at all) or possibly a bad power supply (unstable voltage can do weird things to a computer).


Junior Member
Dec 16, 2014
Ughhhhh, guys. Just connected everything to the new motherboard and I am STILL receiving errors... :'(

Barebones, MOBO, CPU, PSU, SSD. Tried with all 3 sticks of RAM in different slots as usual... getting same errors as before, except the IRQL one, which I haven't seen yet, but I'm sure I will soon! But wait, it gets better! I have encountered a new error now! "Windows could not format a partition on disk 0. The error occurred while preparing the partition selected for installation Error code: 0x800706BE"

This is ridiculous, I don't even want to build a PC anymore. What do I do now? RMA the CPU and PSU, then every single component? I've bought so much shit I didn't want / need to try rectify this. I'm also going to have to pay a 15% restocking fee on that previous motherboard guaranteed, because it was fine, and I run this risk for every component because I have no fucking clue what it is... Sigh. I apologize, I'm probably irrationally emotional right now, but I'm sure you can empathize looking at $1,700 worth of equipment in front of you that can't do shit.

You guys have been great though, so thank you. Open to final suggestions before I take this "PC" outside with a baseball bat.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
In order of prability, I see:
really picky memory requrements

as being the next things I would be looking at. Do you have a hard drive you can throw in there are try with?


Senior member
Oct 23, 2014
Man, that sucks. It is times like this that having a cache of known good spare parts really comes in handy. Do you know anyone nearby that you could borrow parts for testing?

I'm assuming you aren't overclocking or setting the voltages to something other than stock? DRAM voltage is set at 1.5V?

Any chance your residence has old and possibly unreliable wiring? Maybe try another outlet? Are you using a power strip or uninterruptible power supply? Have you gone into the BIOS and looked at the monitoring area to check the input voltages that the motherboard is getting?


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
In order of prability, I see:
really picky memory requrements

as being the next things I would be looking at. Do you have a hard drive you can throw in there are try with?

I'm quoting myself here to expound on the CPU-fault possibility. A CPU is generally the least likely component of a computer to be at fault, but the memory controller is sounding more and more likely to be the cause of your issue.

If an alternate storage solution does not show relief for your issue, there may be some steps you can take to identify a CPU-related cause. The BIOS has some settings (such as EIST, Turbo Boost, Cache Line Prefetch, Hardware Prefecter,Active Processor Cores, Hyper-Threading) that, when disabled, would lower the stress and usage of certain parts of the processor, and may point out an issue on that front.

Wishing you the best of luck on solving this annoying issue!


Senior member
Nov 27, 2004
Ughhhhh, guys. Just connected everything to the new motherboard and I am STILL receiving errors... :'(

Barebones, MOBO, CPU, PSU, SSD. Tried with all 3 sticks of RAM in different slots as usual... getting same errors as before, except the IRQL one, which I haven't seen yet, but I'm sure I will soon! But wait, it gets better! I have encountered a new error now! "Windows could not format a partition on disk 0. The error occurred while preparing the partition selected for installation Error code: 0x800706BE"

This is ridiculous, I don't even want to build a PC anymore. What do I do now? RMA the CPU and PSU, then every single component? I've bought so much shit I didn't want / need to try rectify this. I'm also going to have to pay a 15% restocking fee on that previous motherboard guaranteed, because it was fine, and I run this risk for every component because I have no fucking clue what it is... Sigh. I apologize, I'm probably irrationally emotional right now, but I'm sure you can empathize looking at $1,700 worth of equipment in front of you that can't do shit.

You guys have been great though, so thank you. Open to final suggestions before I take this "PC" outside with a baseball bat.
Something to try would be to load and run linux "live" version. You can do this with either ubuntu or linux mint. I have tried the live version before and it looks and acts like a normal linux system. At least you can confirm the the hardware is at fault vs the OS.
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