Five Reasons Why The US Cannot Afford To Attack Iran

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Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aisengard
We will eventually attack all the countries that have oil. Conspiracy theorist! you say. Tinfoil-hat liberal! you say. But it's true. This has been planned since the 1970's. It's only the beginning of the great oil war.

You're a bloody moron. Are we going to attack Canada, Mexico and Venezuala, our 3 largest suppliers of oil besides ourselves, too?

Russia is doomed.!


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
While the article is well-written, it seems to ignore the allies which the US has - Israel & the EU. Maybe I am wrong, I dont know.


Jun 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: K1052
The Navy has been installing the Raytheon SeaRAM on ships to counter the threat from high speed missiles (SS-N-22 included).

If the Iranians got the bright idea of attacking a full carrier group based on the experience of one Iraqi pilot against a single frigate (that was having problems with their Phalanx at the time) almost 20 years ago, I highly doubt they would like the results.

The U.S is not stupid enough to enter the Persian Gulf.

Look at a map of the Persian Gulf.

So many ways Iran could attack a fleet in the Persian Gulf.

& is that missile you talking about a sunborn? I have never seen a picture of Iran having them. I just read an article that they purchased it from Ukraine, but why do they never show it off? They show off everything else.

US isn't stupid enough to enter the Persian Gulf? Bro, we're already in the Persian Gulf. There's always atleast one Carrier Battle Group in the Gulf at any time and the United States already has the largest Naval presence in the Gulf. Iran isn't stupid enough to try anything with our naval forces, especially when the security of our (and our allies') oil supplies are at stake.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: WyteWatt
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: K1052
The Navy has been installing the Raytheon SeaRAM on ships to counter the threat from high speed missiles (SS-N-22 included).

If the Iranians got the bright idea of attacking a full carrier group based on the experience of one Iraqi pilot against a single frigate (that was having problems with their Phalanx at the time) almost 20 years ago, I highly doubt they would like the results.

The U.S is not stupid enough to enter the Persian Gulf.

Look at a map of the Persian Gulf.

So many ways Iran could attack a fleet in the Persian Gulf.

& is that missile you talking about a sunborn? I have never seen a picture of Iran having them. I just read an article that they purchased it from Ukraine, but why do they never show it off? They show off everything else.

US isn't stupid enough to enter the Persian Gulf? Bro, we're already in the Persian Gulf. There's always atleast one Carrier Battle Group in the Gulf at any time and the United States already has the largest Naval presence in the Gulf. Iran isn't stupid enough to try anything with our naval forces, especially when the security of our (and our allies') oil supplies are at stake.

You're right.

The passage that Iran controls. It's a narrow waterway where Iran has the abiility to launch their mini subs (these are a joke, but they are undetected in this section of the persian gulf), plant bombs, etc. I read that since the water is not too deep and the temperature of the water makes ships very hard to detect

Great Map
(The colors show how deep the water is in certain areas. Look at the white areas.The map also has the route that ships take. Notice they come very close to the white areas.)

40% of the world oil flows thru there on a daily basis. In order for the U.S to secure that section of the Persian Gulf they need to a) invade several islands b) invade the main land (Iran) c) Get rid of mines.

Iran has thousands of mines ready to deploy which will be a Persian Gulf nightmare. Iran's navy consist of around a thousand+ ships. They are not like the ships the U.S navy has. They are almost all patrol boats with torpedo/missile launchers attached to them.

People talk about Israel attacking Iran...

Why not the UAE? They have advanced jets just like Israel. The Islands Iran controls.. they kind of stole from UAE.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Aimster

wow just wow

I didnt read the article

wow because that site has 71,000 members!

That's the site that FOX Network news reporter was pushing on TV a few weeks back.

Nice. :roll:

Are you serious?

Why would Fox Network push for that crap?
It was some newscaster at a FOX station in South Carolina, I believe.

Ah. Here's the article:

Fox News host tied to white supremacist group, anti-King site

FOX affilliate scrubs white supremacist story from website


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Aimster

The passage that Iran controls. It's a narrow waterway where Iran has the abiility to launch their mini subs (these are a joke, but they are undetected in this section of the persian gulf), plant bombs, etc. I read that since the water is not too deep and the temperature of the water makes ships very hard to detect

I'm pretty confident that fish would have an easier time hiding in a barrel than Iranian subs would have
hiding in the Gulf from US Military detection methods. It's much more intricate and sophisticated than you even presume.


Platinum Member
Jul 24, 2002
Never really understood the threat of nuclear weapons. What possibly could Iran or any other country have to gain by launching one?


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Aimster

wow just wow

I didnt read the article

wow because that site has 71,000 members!

That's the site that FOX Network news reporter was pushing on TV a few weeks back.

Nice. :roll:

Are you serious?

Why would Fox Network push for that crap?
It was some newscaster at a FOX station in South Carolina, I believe.

Ah. Here's the article:

Fox News host tied to white supremacist group, anti-King site

FOX affilliate scrubs white supremacist story from website

Thats pretty god damn sad. I don't know how anyone can support them now.


Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: IdaGno
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Even Bush isn't stupid enough to attack Iran..... that is unprovoked.

I'm guessing you weren't around yet in '79. It's called payback.
I was around in '79. I remember the Shah of Iran had secret torture chambers and his secret police, the STAVAK, were as bad as the Nazi SS. And I remember that the US engineered a coup against a democratically elected government in Iran to restore the Shah to power. I remember that the CIA helped the STAVAK to brutally torture and kill Iranians.
The Shah was only slighter better than Saddam.
While the Iranian hostage taking was wrong on all counts it PALES in comparison with the blood on US hands in keeping the Shah in power.



Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit

Even Bush isn't stupid enough to attack Iran..... that is unprovoked.

Never underestimate the power of arrogance and ignorance.
It's never slowed him down in the past, why should it temper the future ?



Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
the United States will hit Iran if Israel tells us too. It would be stupid, but we'd do it anyway.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Mardeth
Never really understood the threat of nuclear weapons. What possibly could Iran or any other country have to gain by launching one?
Who's saying Iran wants to launch one? This admin is catapaulting the propaganda that Iran would give/sell nuclear weapons to terrorist organizations.

In reality, it appears Iran is just trying to build some safeguards against an invasion by possessing nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

And just look at the propaganda being catapaulted. It's almost verbatim what it was for Iraq:

Blair: Not ruling out 'anything' for Iran

And, what's this?

Intelligence sources reveal stymied attempt to
tie Iran, Iraq in nuclear arms plot, bypassing
U.S. intelligence agencies.... Developing...

Curveball, Pt. Deux?


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2005
It's true, we will not invade a country that has nuclear weapons, but will invade any that is not a very significant military threat.

For example: We will not invade North Korea, but we will invade Iraq.

Getting nuclear weapons is a perfect solution to prevent a destructive invasion from a predictable enemy. A tiny part of me can't blame anyone from wanting nuclear weapons. Gets you instant military respect, see.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2000
I see you rpoint however I offer this, look back into history, we have never let anything stop us before. We have gone into war almost everytime not being fully prepared. If they meaning the Government wants to invade they will give the order and leave the rest up to the military leadership ti figure out.
Lets not forget the hundreds of "Oversight Groups" that will be put together afterwords to figure out where we went wrong.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Who's saying Iran wants to launch one? This admin is catapaulting the propaganda that Iran would give/sell nuclear weapons to terrorist organizations.

In reality, it appears Iran is just trying to build some safeguards against an invasion by possessing nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

Are you REALLY that naive?

Iran's intentions couldn't be clearer.


Feb 6, 2002
We could just drop a few bombs on selected nuke sites and put them in disarray. We dont have to attack them outright. All it takes is a few 5,000lbs bunker busters and their nuke program is on the skids.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: conjur
Who is a nuclear threat to the United States?

one current theory has suitcase nukes being transported from Iran to Lebanon, then crossing the med and the Atlantic to the good 'ole US... so one of the answers to that question is "Iran." next...


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: conjur
Who's saying Iran wants to launch one? This admin is catapaulting the propaganda that Iran would give/sell nuclear weapons to terrorist organizations.

In reality, it appears Iran is just trying to build some safeguards against an invasion by possessing nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

Are you REALLY that naive?

Iran's intentions couldn't be clearer.

I'm glad you pride yourself in repeating Bush rhetoric.

Originally posted by: piasabird
We could just drop a few bombs on selected nuke sites and put them in disarray. We dont have to attack them outright. All it takes is a few 5,000lbs bunker busters and their nuke program is on the skids.

That won't work.. did you read the OP? The second the US attacks Iran, the second China starts dropping USD reserves, Iran cuts off all oil exports to the US, the US dollar drops to critical value. Our economy would be in complete shambles if we launch so much as a pea on Iranian soil.


Dec 21, 2005
well, i think you all should get ready for the show then...

why? because unless Iran does some SERIOUS backpedaling and arsekissing, then Israel will be bombing them without a second thought.

Question: What will China and Russia do if/when Israel strategically bombs Iran's nuclear facilities? After all, bombing only the nuclear research sites will not directly effect the oil shipments to China...

soo, what then?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: piasabird
We could just drop a few bombs on selected nuke sites and put them in disarray. We dont have to attack them outright. All it takes is a few 5,000lbs bunker busters and their nuke program is on the skids.

there is a problem with that. we have identified a few sites, like natanz and arak, which they kept secret for YEARS, but we don't know if that's all of the sites. it's a pretty big country, they could have other sites as well, and if they have watched what happened in Iraq then they certainly have contingency plans. besides, they already have the know-how, it would be easy for them to rebuild & reconstitute. the only reasonable change is one that comes from a change in Iran's leadership. We should do everything in our power to support overthrowing the crazy's who currently run the country. Bombing their nuclear facilities will just make matters worse. I imagine for most Iranians, their nuclear program is a source of national pride. You step on their pride, and you make enemies out of all of them.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: rickn
Originally posted by: piasabird
We could just drop a few bombs on selected nuke sites and put them in disarray. We dont have to attack them outright. All it takes is a few 5,000lbs bunker busters and their nuke program is on the skids.

there is a problem with that. we have identified a few sites, like natanz and arak, which they kept secret for YEARS, but we don't know if that's all of the sites. it's a pretty big country, they could have other sites as well, and if they have watched what happened in Iraq then they certainly have contingency plans. besides, they already have the know-how, it would be easy for them to rebuild & reconstitute. the only reasonable change is one that comes from a change in Iran's leadership. We should do everything in our power to support overthrowing the crazy's who currently run the country. Bombing their nuclear facilities will just make matters worse. I imagine for most Iranians, their nuclear program is a source of national pride. You step on their pride, and you make enemies out of all of them.
that's a very valid point, but how the hell do you convince people to overthrow their government in any reasonable amount of time? That was one of the problems in Iraq. The government squashed every attempt at an uprising, and the general populace was basically impotent in their desires to overthrow that regime. The same goes for Iran and NK... Both of those countries are VERY difficult to infiltrate in order to spread dissent and organize a revolution. Why? Because ethnicity is such a factor within their own cultures that outsiders are recognized as such the moment they appear.

Traditional tactics would involve infiltrating and organizing their populace into resistance groups, but that's not an option in Iran or NK...

The younger men and women in Iran despise their government... but they haven't seemed too willing to do much about it, have they?

So what now? Letting those crazies have nukes just isnt an option...


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: palehorse74
well, i think you all should get ready for the show then...

why? because unless Iran does some SERIOUS backpedaling and arsekissing, then Israel will be bombing them without a second thought.

Question: What will China and Russia do if/when Israel strategically bombs Iran's nuclear facilities? After all, bombing only the nuclear research sites will not directly effect the oil shipments to China...

soo, what then?

What happens when Iran lobs a few Shahab-3 at Israel in kind?


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: palehorse74
well, i think you all should get ready for the show then...

why? because unless Iran does some SERIOUS backpedaling and arsekissing, then Israel will be bombing them without a second thought.

Question: What will China and Russia do if/when Israel strategically bombs Iran's nuclear facilities? After all, bombing only the nuclear research sites will not directly effect the oil shipments to China...

soo, what then?

What happens when Iran lobs a few Shahab-3 at Israel in kind?

well that all depends on what is on the tip of each of those missiles. If it's a WMD of any kind, then you can expect Israel to turn Iran into a burning sheet af glass very quickly thereafter... and THEN China may get pissed...DOH!

So ALL of this depends on Iran. It is up to Iran as to whether or not they get nuked off the map. All of the blame will be theirs and theirs alone if/when that happens; and Israel will be 100% justified in ALL of their REactions.

Israel knows how to take care of business and I can assure you that they will not wait for permission to do so; and perhaps rightfully so. (Just as the US was justified in taking action against Iraq without "permission" 3 years ago!)
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