Flaming hot if you can find one - GW500 email server (celeron linux box) - $99 clearance @ CompUSA B&M

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Dec 22, 1999
Originally posted by: simplistic
Hey I lost my old login info, I was soul786 on this board but anyways... I'm posting this here cause I got in on this deal in Northern California and I figured I'd fill in a couple of you guys who seem to think California has none left. I called yesterday at the San Jose store and they had 6 of these left in stock. I asked them to put one on hold which I picked up today. I don't know if they still have 5 left or not, but I assume so.Thanks in advance for any of your help and good luck to the ppl in the bay area trying to get those last few machines.

I didn't trust the CompUSA employees to be of any help so I i drove to the ones in Pleasanton and in south San Jose, but none have them on the floor, or in the system. I didn't bother going to the one in Santa Clara cuz sounds like someone from here bought all of it. Can you PM me and let me know which store you went to? Thanks.

P.S., check your profile, no one can PM you at this time.

Oh, jodhas and Kraeji, can you guys work it out thru PM? your messages are getting pretty long to scroll thru

FWIW, Fry's and outpost.com has the GW700 for $200. So anyone planning to buy it for that much for the GW500 at e B a y for $200, I wouldn't recomend it.


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001
Originally posted by: kenkhanh

I didn't trust the CompUSA employees to be of any help so I i drove to the ones in Pleasanton and in south San Jose, but none have them on the floor, or in the system. I didn't bother going to the one in Santa Clara cuz sounds like someone from here bought all of it. Can you PM me and let me know which store you went to? Thanks.

P.S., check your profile, no one can PM you at this time.

Oh, <STRONG>jodhas and Kraeji</STRONG>, can you guys work it out thru PM? your messages are getting pretty long to scroll thru

FWIW, Fry's and outpost.com has the GW700 for $200. So anyone planning to buy it for that much for the GW500 at e B a y for $200, I wouldn't recomend it.

you mean $299? .. and gw700 and gw500 have different software. [l=diff=http://www.gallantry.com/products/comparison.shtml[/l]

gw700 is almost just a hardware... no email server software.. etc


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2001
lol=lots of laughs!

Oooooh economics of the real world.. you want to be paid 1.5x of your normal wage ($70) for packing some boxes and doing some driving.. seems like minimum wage work to me. I bet you are the type of guy that tells your computer illiterate friends that you are getitng them a good deal..then rips em a new one for profit...

First you are calling me a kid.. and now a dog.. Grow up

What am I apologizing for? For calling you greedy? Why are you so angry? Did I mess up your potential sales? That's what ebay is for..

Just take it to ebay and move on... You arent getting an apology for me calling you greedy so I guess you'll just have to live with that for the rest of your life.. can you handle that mr mature real world economics?

This has got to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen on this forum. So what if he's selling for more than what he paid. Good for him, he took time out of his day and got one of these. It's not like he's overcharging for the damn thing.


Dec 22, 1999
Originally posted by: larciel
Originally posted by: kenkhanh
...FWIW, Fry's and outpost.com has the GW700 for $200. So anyone planning to buy it for that much for the GW500 at e B a y for $200, I wouldn't recomend it.
you mean $299? .. and gw700 and gw500 have different software. [l=diff=http://www.gallantry.com/products/comparison.shtml[/l] gw700 is almost just a hardware... no email server software.. etc

oh, my bad...thought i saw $200. yeah, the GW700 doesn't have that many options, and i'm not sure if the hardware specs are different or not. i assumped that ppl would replace the software in it with others like esmith, clarkconnect or even XP if they want more features.

thanks for pointing it out.


Senior member
Jun 17, 2001
DO WE HAVE TO QUOTE SO HEAVILY? Please, stop wasting my time by re posting something thats already been said, i can remember what someone posted 1 min before you, so no need to re itterate


Senior member
Jan 24, 2000
Hmmm Jodhas and Kraeji,

I guess I would put in my 2cents.

When alot of people are able to buy this thing at a good price, it means that all of us will get to enjoy a certain amount of "anandtech" customer service. Especially, if we got among us some awesome DIY programmers and technicians. It will just make our life so much more interesting. Therefore, when a hot deals comes up, it would be extremely nice if everyone can get one at a good price and not a bloated one. But if the situation is already said and done then there is no POINT to carry on crying over spilled milk.

It is generally a good idea to do your fellow anandtechers a good favor. But if your circumstances calls for you to not be able to offer something at a good FAVORED price then dont attempt to sell your items here(dont even mention it). It will only be a sore eye to many who cant get it.
And when you are in a good mood/mode to offer people a huge FAVOR, people will be happy to get it and maybe also return a favor too.

Look at Grand Nagus Rossman. He knows whats he is doing and thats why people respect him.

Peace to all,


Senior member
Aug 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Kraeji
Originally posted by: jodhas lol 2hr driving + time for packaging(to purchase boxes, adequate cusion, going to post office for shipping) so it's more than "2hrs". Yes I am an project engineer for a Semiconductor Cleanroom Company and when we contract them my wage is noted as $70hr on the rate sheet. And since I did this on a Saturday, my wage would be considered an overtime. According to the union standards, that's minimum of 1.5x your normal wage. You are probably some kid that doesn't know the economics of the "real world" and thus I referred to you as a "kid". If you're a kid you're ok. But if you are an adult you have some issues. I would never sell it for "at cost" no fool would put in saturday hours only to sell it "at cost" you would end up losing money. I posted my product and I posted the price I'm willing to sell it for. If you don't like it, move on. Don't start crap like this next time. And if you are incapable of apologizing, I will move on, just as I would not demand my neighbor's dog to apologize for peeing on my yard. The dog doesn't know he made a mistake. (in case you need explanation on that)

lol=lots of laughs!

Oooooh economics of the real world.. you want to be paid 1.5x of your normal wage ($70) for packing some boxes and doing some driving.. seems like minimum wage work to me. I bet you are the type of guy that tells your computer illiterate friends that you are getitng them a good deal..then rips em a new one for profit...

First you are calling me a kid.. and now a dog.. Grow up

What am I apologizing for? For calling you greedy? Why are you so angry? Did I mess up your potential sales? That's what ebay is for..

Just take it to ebay and move on... You arent getting an apology for me calling you greedy so I guess you'll just have to live with that for the rest of your life.. can you handle that mr mature real world economics?

I am not angry, I was all smiles when i was writing those posts and I am all smiles now.
Bottom line, if it wasn't me it would've been those employees.
The one that I have on hold, it's for a friend, at cost.
I've never called you a Kid. (Real World Economics) Many Managers and Executives pick their noses during their work hours and receive their pay, that's how it is. If you can't except that, well you can go live in N. Korea. (the last communist country)

And I've never called you a Dog, read over. It's an example, learn from it.

And Tot, you are not me and you are not Kraeji so I guess you need to butt out.
YOu don't know me.

Many time, I offered and actually sent free things to anandtechers. (Case Aluminum cover sheets, paints, etc...)

So I do *favors* for people for receiving benefits from this wonderful forum.

So everyone, Shhhhh!!!!



Platinum Member
Oct 21, 1999
Originally posted by: jodhas I am not angry, I was all smiles when i was writing those posts and I am all smiles now. Bottom line, if it wasn't me it would've been those employees.
Not if you posted about it here
I've never called you a Kid. (Real World Economics) Many Managers and Executives pick their noses during their work hours and receive their pay, that's how it is. If you can't except that, well you can go live in N. Korea. (the last communist country)
You did say "kid" and Did Cuba have some sort of regime change.. and what about China.. well i guess they are going more freemarket now.
And I've never called you a Dog, read over. It's an example, learn from it. And Tot, you are not me and you are not Kraeji so I guess you need to butt out.
This is forums.anandtech.com so tot can say whatever he wants.. and it was obvious what you meant
So everyone, Shhhhh!!!!
You first!! Are we having fun yet?



Jan 2, 2001
I am not angry, I was all smiles when i was writing those posts and I am all smiles now.
Bottom line, if it wasn't me it would've been those employees.
The one that I have on hold, it's for a friend, at cost.
I've never called you a Kid. (Real World Economics) Many Managers and Executives pick their noses during their work hours and receive their pay, that's how it is. If you can't except that, well you can go live in N. Korea. (the last communist country)

And I've never called you a Dog, read over. It's an example, learn from it.

And Tot, you are not me and you are not Kraeji so I guess you need to butt out.
YOu don't know me.

Many time, I offered and actually sent free things to anandtechers. (Case Aluminum cover sheets, paints, etc...)

So I do *favors* for people for receiving benefits from this wonderful forum.

So everyone, Shhhhh!!!!

And Tot

Ok... this warrants a reply from me because seeing how "professional" and "mature" you really are, why do you keep on replying to a "kid" who seems to be bothering you to no end?

FIRST of all, you are posting in a PUBLIC forum. Are you that ignorant or were you just born that way? So why are YOU telling Tot, and everyone else, to Shhhhh??? Seems like you wish you were living in a communist society where free speech doesn't go hand in hand with inalienable rights. So why don't you do us ALL a favor and Shhhhhhh? Or at least take it to PMs like it was stated earlier. What, are you not mature enough to admit defeat? Ooooh wait that would just hurt your image of being such a perfectionist.

Second, if you are of any higher intellect, you DID in fact imply that Kraeji is a "kid" AND a "dog". Sure you didn't call him one in his face, but one whose had any experience with the english language knows that inferrences mean more than words do. Oh wait, maybe you haven't taken your GREs yet.... Ooops, my bad.

So why don't you "butt out" and stfu? I'm getting annoyed at your incessant "I'm better than you, you lowlife kid" shpiels. It's just ironically comical how you keep on replying in a public forum where you flaunt your social status (or lack thereof) yet is still unable to cope with being emotionally inferior to a so called "kid".

So basically, I guess all I'm trying to say is, grow up and act your age.


Senior member
Jun 17, 2001
i am begging you, just say something and dont quote what your replying to. since this fued has been going on for 15 pages i think you can just say " your a poo poo head" with out quoting the ghettysburg address beforehand.

whew anyway join the yahoo group, and please post your new info there!


Senior member
Feb 24, 2002
Originally posted by: iwearnosox
I know you are but what am I?

Double dumbass on you!

(If you know what movie that's from you get a cookie!)


Jan 2, 2001
Oh yeah, just to get this thread back on its feet,

Whoever Bought A GW500, Join This Yahoo! Group:


Modifications and addons are the focus of this group for the GallantWEB GW500 Easy Email Server!

Imagine having the LCD scroll mp3 artist/track info while it streams mp3s to your home entertainment system. Killer. SO JOIN TODAY!


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2000
Originally posted by: mra
Originally posted by: iwearnosox
I know you are but what am I?

Double dumbass on you!

(If you know what movie that's from you get a cookie!)
*Scotty talking into Macintosh Plus Mouse* "Hello Computer!"




Senior member
Aug 27, 2001
Originally posted by: FLaMEagle
Oh yeah, just to get this thread back on its feet,

Whoever Bought A GW500, Join This Yahoo! Group:


Modifications and addons are the focus of this group for the GallantWEB GW500 Easy Email Server!

Imagine having the LCD scroll mp3 artist/track info while it streams mp3s to your home entertainment system. Killer. SO JOIN TODAY!



Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2000
anyone know how to check for the stock at compusa?

289486 as a sku number gets me nothing. Just hoping that my stores might have some in stock


Jan 2, 2001
I'd be extremely surprised if any CompUSAs still have it but... the SKU # you have is a valid one. You MUST talk to a live person, not just type it into the automated thing. Press 0 to talk to a live person.


Senior member
May 8, 2001
Originally posted by: mcveigh
anyone know how to check for the stock at compusa?

289486 as a sku number gets me nothing. Just hoping that my stores might have some in stock

You have to call your local store and give them that SKU number - not available online, and most clerks won't know what the heck you're talking about if you don't give them the SKU (I had several tell me "oh, we don't carry anything like THAT" when I gave them the name and told them it was an appliance server)



Platinum Member
Oct 21, 1999
anyone want to sellme their stand? I got an open box model that didnt come with anything..

also does anyone know the default root pass? or is it in the manufacturer's website?


Senior member
Jan 24, 2000

You got yourself some big problem. Without the serial, cd, manual, you wouldnt be able to configure your workstation to configure the server.

But I can tell you the default settings that you probably can try.

1) configure your XP/win2000/win98/me workstation to this TCP/IP setting. (IP: subnet mask: gateway
DNS server search order(for win98)
And then enter ok. Reboot with win98/me

2) Then open your web browser and enter this into the address:

3) then if you are lucky it will ask you the log in name. User/PSW super/super

4) And you are in. But you are not over yet. You will need a serial number if its the first time this server was setup.

In anycase, you should prolly ask the Compusa manager to give you further discount as essentially you are without any software becasue of the lack of a serial. Hope that helps.



Senior member
Oct 18, 2000
Now, I'm reasonably new to Linux, ( I like to say I know enough about linux to break it, but not to fix it) but based on my understanding of the GPL, shouldn't Gallantry have to provide us with, at the very least, the source code to red-hat (I know you can download it from redhat.com, that's not the point) along with possibly some of their enhancements (like the LCD driver? I don't really know how the GPL encompasses things) And is the web-server on it apache, or something they wrote themselves. Same with the firewall (or is it just squid or something), etc. I have one comming, but a friend in another state is buying it for me and shipping it to me (none where I live) so I won't be able to play with it till like friday or next monday.
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