FLAMING WHITE HOT: SBC DSL Express for 19.95 a month Pro for 29.95

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Senior member
Jan 17, 2000
I got my rate reduced to $27/mo when SBC was offering this to new subscribers last year. I've had DSL from them since it was first available. I called this time to the c/s # on my bill to get the $20 rate on a new 1 yr contract. No deal. CSR said it was for new subscribers only. So, is this CSR roulette, or do I have to threaten to cancel to get them to deal? I can't cancel my contract early w/o penalty, anyway.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2004
was wondering the same kaborka.. i'm about 4 mo. from the end of my contract at $27. if i keep calling can i eventually get the switch to $20? guess only one way to find out.

whippersnapper: definitely get it in writing! i'm just going by what the CSR said when i told them i was moving. She asked for my new address, she said if it wasn't available that i wouldn't be held to my contract. it was available for me so they moved it over. Who knows if it hadn't have been. get it in writing at least on a web page.



Senior member
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by: mordantmonkey
was wondering the same kaborka.. i'm about 4 mo. from the end of my contract at $27. if i keep calling can i eventually get the switch to $20? guess only one way to find out.
I saw the ad for the $20 rate on TV last night. The ad definitely said the deal is for new subscribers. I made a note of the URL in the ad: link. In CA, it's definitely for new subs entered online only, or for "All Distance" customers.



Dec 1, 2004
To be a new subscriber you must cancel service which you can after contracted ended or before a month of ending. This is the only way to get this deal otherwise you're not entitled because their just trying to lure in new customers.
But you can say that after end of contract in 2-3 months you will be leaving for comcast,roadrunner etc for their 19.95 promotion if they will not honor your request.
The only flaw with ending service and signing up again is that you'll be without service for at least 2 weeks
I don't think their too happy about you paying less so the all distance requirement is just another way to keep you paying 26.99/36.99 instead
If that doesn't work, tell them that you have got a few friend and even relative to sign up for their dsl service so they owe you this promotion deal as well


May 19, 2002
Originally posted by: WhipperSnapper
Originally posted by: mordantmonkeyand if you move they only hold you to your contract if it's available in your new area. At least that's what they told me when i moved.

Really? They didn't charge you the $200 early termination fee?

That's what the telemarketer told me two years ago when I set up my phone line. I wasn't sure if I would stay or relocate to another state, so it was an issue. After calling SBC's billing people and talking to a couple different people, I finally found someone who could give a definitive answer--if you relocate to another location where the SBC services if physically unavailable, you still have to pay the $200 early termination fee. Of course, since it looks as though their left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, it's possible that this person was wrong, but that's my impression.

I'd really like to get the actual policy in writing. If I could get the service without having to worry about the possibility that I might move to a non-SBC area within a year, I'd jump on it like a bum on a balognia sandwich.

you wont get charged termination fee if you move to a place that also has sbc dsl, and of course move the service to the new place


Senior member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: wchou
To be a new subscriber you must cancel service which you can after contracted ended or before a month of ending. This is the only way to get this deal otherwise you're not entitled because their just trying to lure in new customers.
But you can say that after end of contract in 2-3 months you will be leaving for comcast,roadrunner etc for their 19.95 promotion if they will not honor your request.
The only flaw with ending service and signing up again is that you'll be without service for at least 2 weeks
I don't think their too happy about you paying less so the all distance requirement is just another way to keep you paying 26.99/36.99 instead
If that doesn't work, tell them that you have got a few friend and even relative to sign up for their dsl service so they owe you this promotion deal as well

I called today and got the "You need to get the all distance package to get a discount". After talking with the guy for 30 sec I finally just told him to transfer me to the customer retention department. (Someone posted earlier to do this) All I had to say is I wanted the lower rate ($29.95 for pro) and it was a done deal. I just upgraded to the Pro package in December. I have been getting about 2500 kbps downloads and 412 kbps uploads. Just remember when your contract expires because they WILL revert you to the standard price.


Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Spg
Originally posted by: wchou
To be a new subscriber you must cancel service which you can after contracted ended or before a month of ending. This is the only way to get this deal otherwise you're not entitled because their just trying to lure in new customers.
But you can say that after end of contract in 2-3 months you will be leaving for comcast,roadrunner etc for their 19.95 promotion if they will not honor your request.
The only flaw with ending service and signing up again is that you'll be without service for at least 2 weeks
I don't think their too happy about you paying less so the all distance requirement is just another way to keep you paying 26.99/36.99 instead
If that doesn't work, tell them that you have got a few friend and even relative to sign up for their dsl service so they owe you this promotion deal as well

I called today and got the "You need to get the all distance package to get a discount". After talking with the guy for 30 sec I finally just told him to transfer me to the customer retention department. (Someone posted earlier to do this) All I had to say is I wanted the lower rate ($29.95 for pro) and it was a done deal. I just upgraded to the Pro package in December. I have been getting about 2500 kbps downloads and 412 kbps uploads. Just remember when your contract expires because they WILL revert you to the standard price.
I have heard about this too but I wasn't sure it was true. So I guess the tier1 csr is more stubborn then I thought
The retention csr must be tier2 doing what tier1 isn't trained to do
broadband is sure very addicting, even dropping from 3.0/512 to 1.5/384 will somewhat depress me. It's that crazy, you just want more speed all the time
I heard a rumor that sbc will be upgrading speed again in the summer which mean that we will see higher cap soon.
I hope they do increase it to 5.0/768 for pro and 2.5/512 for standard
Did you know that a few years ago their pricing were like 34.95/44.95
then 29.95/39.95, then 26.95/36.95 and now 19.95/29.95
Speed use to be 1.5/160, 1.5/288 -> 1.5/256,1.5/384, 6.0/608 -> 1.5/384,3.0/512
One day we will have 6.0/768, 8.0/1.0 and that will be final upgrade
Very aggressive marketing and pricing, just keeps getting better and we pay less as a result.
I'm not too thrilled about the grandfathered or dumped expert 6016/608 that have cease to exist by now. most must have lost it already when moving or re-rating to expert pro to save some money
Those who had it complained about why their expert 6mbps were so erratic and the tech did not like that so they get rid of it in less then 1 month of this promotion deals of feb 2004. They expected 6mbps 24hrs a day which is something they take for granted that this speed is guaranteed. That's why is said 1.5mpbs-6mbps/384kbps-608kbps



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I have the expert pro and i got a credit since i never got even close to what i was paying for. I was getting .8-.9 mb/s as oposed to the 1.5-6 mb/s. I would call the tech support and thay always said that they could ping the modem for the full 6 mbits. Today when I was trying to renew and deciding if I wanted to downgrade to the express or sign up for the pro. I called teck support and as always they told me that the line was fine and that the modem coould be pinged at the full 6 mbits. I exp[lained the tech what speeds i get and how only my upload speed went up but my download speed sucked He put me on hold and when he came back he told me that the tier 2 people forgot to take the cap out of my line:disgust::|:Q I tested the speeds again and I went to 3.9 MB/s from .8 What a difference it made. also this tech I spoke to made some extra tests and told me that the line had some excess noice so they will send a tech to check the line free of charge since he thinks that I should be over 5.5 mb/s. Called back to sbs and spoke to a csr and they credited me all the time that i had the expert plus package and charged me like if it was the express. This is my last month on the Express plus so i am going to wait untill they rerun the line from the outise telco and see if I was close to the 6 mb Downloaded Xp 64rc2 to test the new speeds and went from 115 to 505 kb/s Me happy now


Dec 1, 2004
I wish the upload speed would be 1.0 at least for most user, cap me downstream at 1.5-3.0mbps I care not
Your expert dynamic 6.0 is not suppose to expired, if they say it ends feb or march they ar lieing and basically just shoving you to the side so you will be downgraded to crap expert pro as they have done to me. This maybe a trial but anyone who had it shouldn't be cast aside as if they were guinea pigs for SBC's monopoly to put every other competition out of business then drop the speed back down like a ton of bricks.
It is a good package costing 44.99 plus 5.17 USF that no other provider offer this much speed for only this much.
It was the most exciting thing when I had it, from 1.5/288 to 6.0/608 was like 4 times faster for the same price I was paying but the USF was added on at the same time and was disappointed as well.
RoadRunner 8.0/512 69.99
Comcast 6.6/768 67.99
Other provider followed along SBC's secret of success
This is like Intel vs AMD vs Cyrix
At 29.95 for 3.0/512 I think it is a far better deal then Cable provider who charge more for better download speed that is pretty much useless without high upstream
At the end of your nonexistent contract for your expert, you will be billed 139.95 OUCH
Have good time talking them out of it and to continue 44.99 indefinitely, if they feel like your worth more then them.
I just wish they still offered that deal for 44.99, for the speed hungry people like us including the standard, and pro


Senior member
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by: wchou
Did you know that a few years ago their pricing were like 34.95/44.95
then 29.95/39.95, then 26.95/36.95 and now 19.95/29.95
Speed use to be 1.5/160, 1.5/288 -> 1.5/256,1.5/384, 6.0/608 -> 1.5/384,3.0/512
One day we will have 6.0/768, 8.0/1.0 and that will be final upgrade
I got DSL in LA when it first came out in Feb 1999. $50/mo for 384k down, and you had to *buy* the modem for $200. The good part is I got T1 speeds from day 1, and I still have a static IP.

I don't expect the bw advance to end. Once everything is fttp, phone service will be all VoIP, and we can expect video on demand from all networks. With broad use of PVR's, the ad-based broadcast model just can't persist.



Dec 1, 2004
I hope this deal last until the next upgrade according to rumors but I think SBC only upgrade every 2 years not 1 like we thought
It take them a year just to upgrade everyone to the new speed, that is just so slow
ADSL2+ is 25mbps/2mbps have been out of quite sometime but because of distance restriction few will qualify like the 6000/608 so they are not going to even bother
ROLL back to 2003, the upgrade from 1.5/160 to 1.5/256 and 1.5/288 to 1.5/384 was so cheesy and I was like .. oh wow, this puny raise in upload is going to help me surf much faster!
Yea right!:roll:
I can see why DSL is so consistence with speed since the cap are so low still today vs cable's 4.3/384, 5.0/384, 6.6/768, 8.0/512
Cable does not have high overhead encapsulation you get with DSL which is like only 85 percent of your cap. 3.0 becomes 2.5, 512 = 435, 1.5 = 1.25, 384 = 325
Cable is like 97 percent efficiency
SBC is very cheap and stingy still due to their monopoly over the western or middle regions of the United States
Verizon offers 3360/864 Faster download, nearly twice the upload for the same price 29.95 then after protion ends 34.95 not 59.95
Verizon subscriber are upgraded within an hour not like SBC taking a whole week so that is another plus


Golden Member
Jan 4, 2005
I just got my upgrade to SBC DSL Pro.

Unfortunately I can't get Verizon yet.

DSL is better for online gaming. Lower ping than cable.


Junior Member
Dec 18, 2004
i got my dsl rate reduced.
1. choose the "disconnected service" so you don't have to wait
2. ask CSR to lower your rate. if they can't, ask to be transferred to the "customer retention department"

thanks to all that helped


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2003
I just got bumped up to Pro - get about 320k/sec downloads from decent servers... I'm pretty darned happy for less than $30 a month.

I used to pay $20/month just for dialup


Senior member
Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Ecliptic
called twice. the first time i got the run around saying I need to get long distance to get that price. The second time I was on hold for 33 minutes and gave up.

will try again tomorrow. i hate SBC customer service... always have to go through this bull sh!t every time I call them.

Same here... I'll try again later.


Jul 28, 2002
Originally posted by: ohrock
Thanks OP.

I just call to 1-877-722-3755, and choose cancelations (or "disconecting") I was inmidiatly taken care off and off the phone in 5 min. My monthly charge is now 19.95!

Worked for me too. Following the same method, I mentioned that I was currently paying the month-to-month rate and was wondering if I could take advantage of the current promotions.

The CSR was very helpful and checked the account status. After mentioning that the All-Distance package is required, the CSR checked to see if the rate could be entered w/o the package.

The customer retention branch are definitely the people you want to speak with first. Only took six minutes of my time. Well worth saving $30/month!
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